Ubuntu :: Kile Not Installed Properly - Plugins Should Not Have A 'lib' ?

Feb 11, 2011

I used the "sudo apt-get" command to install kile editor today. When the installation is finished I opened kile from the terminal and checked that it is working fine. But once I open kile, the following message appears:


I am worried if everything got installed properly. Also, Application>Office> is not listing kile. Therefore, I suspect that there has been some problem

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Ubuntu :: No GStreamer Plugins Installed After Bad Shutdown

Jan 3, 2010

I was having trouble getting my 8.10 box to restart... it appeared hung on a line talking about alsa (I don't recall what it said). I started back up and the volume icon indicated it was muted. I unmuted and, lo and behold, I have no sound. So, I tried to follow the alsa upgrade instructions at [URL].

When I tried to run the second script:
sudo sh ./alsa_2.sh

I got this:
cp: target `/lib/modules/2.6.2*/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko' is not a directory
cp: cannot stat `/usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver*/modules/*': No such file or directory
cp: omitting directory `/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/sound/'
cp: omitting directory `/lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/kernel/sound/'
cp: omitting directory `/lib/modules/2.6.27-15-generic/kernel/sound/'

And now my volume indicates it's muted again, and if I try to adjust it I get this error:
The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. You can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu.

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Fedora :: Plugins Already Installed But No DVD Playback

Aug 4, 2011

It seems that no matter what I do, my box simply refuses to play DVD movies! I've already installed:

libdvdread libdvdcss libdvdnav gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-bad

As per the "Fedora FAQ", with the libdvdcss coming from Livna. Yet, even still, Totem will come back with "Could Not Read DVD". VLC acts the same.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Java But Can't Install Plugins

Apr 16, 2010

I had just downloaded and installed Ubuntu. I had to manually install the Software Center. So I did that and installed a bunch of things including OpenJDK and its browser plugins. OpenJDK caused trouble in a game I play, so I installed Sun instead. However, that's the old version. I followed the above instructions, removed the old verisons and attempted to install the plugins. But unless I use the Software Center, it doesn't work. I'm cutting and pasting exactly and nothing shows up in my aboutlugin screen.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Libasound2-plugins And Libsamplerate0 Installed - But Files Missing?

Apr 18, 2010

I am trying to make the sound quality better on my Ubuntu.

I have read some tips in this topic: [url]. This made to go to this topic: [url]

It says there this: (If you are lazy to click )

Re: NEED better audio quality


I can tell you flat out that foobar with the secret rabbit plugin, even without any internal or external equalizer completely tears up linux sound.

No, it doesn't.

In Linux you can easily choose Secret Rabbit in SRC_SINC_BEST_QUALITY mode as your system-wide sample rate converter by adding a single line to either /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc (requires libasound2-plugins and libsamplerate0 to be installed):


Now show me how to do that in Windows.

I have both of those packages installed, but for some reason the file asound.conf and .asoundrc are not there so I cannot add the line.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Erro: Conflicts Qith The Installed Package 'libsound2-plugins'

Dec 8, 2010

i want to install Skype, there is a dependency problem with libsound2. When i tried to install it, this eroor had appeared to me:


Erro: Conflicts qith the installed package 'libsound2-plugins'

when i tried to install that package (libsound2-plugins), this error appeared (the same dependency problem as with skype ==> so, i am in cycle

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General :: Installed Java Applet For Firefox - Install Missing Plugins ?

May 17, 2011

I installed java applet for Firefox. It seems that I get the same message all the time "Install missing plugins". The path libjavaplugin_oji.so is located at:

Is there something wrong with the path ?

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Not Able To Install Nagios-plugins While Net-snmp-perl.i386 Is Already Installed

Mar 19, 2009

I am having issues installing nagios-plugins using yum. Been using Suse don't have much experience with CentOS (CentOS release 5.2 (Final), ) Linux hoster 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 #1 SMP Tue Dec 16 12:03:43 EST 2008 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux It says

"Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SNMP) is needed by package nagios-plugins"
Whereas net-snmp-perl.i386 is already installed.
yum deplist nagios-plugins
Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile


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OpenSUSE :: Copy The Contents From /usr/lib64/browser-plugins To The Plugins Folder?

Jul 9, 2010

Download firefox 4 from Index of /pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk Unpack with ark to your home directry folder firefoxIn the folder firefox creat a new folder pluginscopy the contents from /usr/lib64/browser-plugins to the plugins folderStart firefox and there you go

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Ubuntu :: Zune 80 Driver Not Installed Properly?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and have Virtualbox (not OSE)with Windows 7 64bit installed. I am unable to get my Zune 80 to sync with the Zune software as an error comes up when I plug in my Zune saying that the device driver was not properly installed. I have tried reinstalling the Zune software and that didn't help either

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Ubuntu :: Know If Apache Web Server Is Properly Installed?

Jul 30, 2011

I am using vmware player, operating system is ubuntu. I have just installed the apache httpd-2.2.19. I am using the manual method. ./configure, make, make install. No error message.

When i run ubuntu, it gets into the terminal. From here, how do I know if my apache web server is properly installed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed 9.10 On Macbook Pro But Won't Boot Properly

Jan 4, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 desktop x86 on my macbook pro, I selected erase and use entire harddisk, after install, I restarted, but there is only a flashing question mark on a gray background screen, if I press option when power on, I can select a disk called "windows", then it boots into ubuntu, I wonder what is the problem?

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Fedora :: Nvidia Drivers Not Installed Properly?

Feb 1, 2010

I seem to have an issue with my nvidia drivers again.I get them working, then the next lot of updates to fedora seems to revert any progress I've made.Currently I can't run any 3d accelerated applications, no wine, no games etc, I have followed the documentation, installed the driver, added the blackist to noveau into boot.conf, and restarted

[james@nevada ~]$ uname -r


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Software :: Can't Properly Use GPG \ 9.10 Installed On Virtual Box And Gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9?

Dec 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my virtual box and gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9, anyways I am trying gpg encryption. And for some reasons I can't make it work. I tried example from=asics/gpg.html and also followed steps in net/linux-tuto...-tutorial.html but when I tried the encryption syntax using

gpg -e -r <name> <file>
there's a prompt like this:


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Software :: Have Installed MySQL Server Properly?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm rather new to linux and I am trying to set up two linux servers to do MySQL replication. I believe to do this you need to have a file called my.cnf in /etc/ but this file isn't there I have tried un-installing and installing MySQL many times but this file still doesn't appear.

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Debian Installation :: Grub Not Installed Properly - Cannot Boot From Anywhere

Mar 1, 2015

I have an hp pavilion 15-b106ed with UEFI. I disabled secure boot and installed debian jessie form the CD1 iso (RC1 installer) burned to an USB key. Installation went smoothly, but after rebooting I get grub's terminal-like screen saying:

"GNU GRUB version 2.02 beta2-9ubuntu1. Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported... etc"

The problem is that as soon as I turn on the computer that grub screen shows up and I can't boot from USB anymore nor
access the BIOS settings, no matter how fast I press F9, F10 and such. I guess I have to tell him to boot from the USB using the grub terminal...

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Debian Multimedia :: Installed And Want To Install Compiz (properly)?

Mar 31, 2011

I installed debian and want to install compiz (properly).Read this thread Compiz and followed the instruction to install the packages. It mentions xorg.conf which does not exist where it tells me to look.I can type "compiz --replace" and it does do something but all the window borders disappear. I tried compiz setting manager - still same problem.And no visual effects (presumably due to missing xorg.conf)

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 - Flash Plugin Not Installed Into FF 4 Beta Properly

Mar 11, 2011

After installing 11.4/LXDE which comes with FF 4 Beta, The openSUSE Flash Plugin package was automatically installed, but doesn't seem to be installed into FF properly. When FF > Addons is opened, no Flash plugin is listed. If you then attempt to install install Flash from Adobe, Adobe doesn't seem to recognize FF 4 as a supported browser.

On top of that, if you visit the nVidia site to explore OEM display drivers, their site is Flash driven and won't permit driver searching, must less browsing and possible downloading. This was important to me to try to obtain the OEM nVidia Configuration Manager which vastly enhances display management, particularly on the somewhat lean LXDE desktop.

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Ubuntu :: How To Typeset In Kile

May 5, 2010

So I just installed Ubuntu and am using Linux for the first time. I use Latex to write my papers and I have installed Kile. Nothing seems to be wrong with it, I just can't figure out how to typeset it. By typeset, I mean clicking a button or using a keyboard shortcut to view the PDF file.

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Fedora :: Gnome-power-manager Configuration Defaults Not Installed Properly?

Nov 19, 2009

My monitor kept powering down after 20 minutes so I installed Gnome-power-manager by yum so that I could change the settings. After the installation and every time I try to use it I get a message saying:


Install problem!

The configuration defaults for Gnome Power Manager have not installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator

I'm now unable to effect a change in the power settings and the display keeps turning off.

1) Is someone able to post their config file from a working F12 install? I believe it's /etc/dbus-1/system.d/gnome-power-manager.conf but not certain as I don't have one ;-)

2) ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-power-manager/%gconf.xml is empty - is it empty for someone with a working install?

3) how I can change the power settings without the gui - I'm googling on this point and will post the answer as and when I find it.

[ecvej@desktop ~]$ uname -r
Edit: In case it is relevant, this is the contents of my /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.system/%gconf-tree.xml


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Ubuntu :: Kile With Log And Messages Pane?

Sep 20, 2010

In Kile I got the log and messages pane it is just gone in the latex main page. What do I have to do to get it back?

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Ubuntu :: Install Kile On New 10.10 Using The Usual Command?

Apr 25, 2011

I've tried to install kile on my new Ubuntu 10.10 using the usual command: apt-get install kile But got and error while installing texlive-base. So, i remove the previous instalation and tryed to install textlive-base. Now, i'm receving this error message:

Setting up tex-common (2.08ubuntu0.1) ...
Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done.
texlive-base is not ready, delaying updmap-sys call
texlive-base is not ready, skipping fmtutil-sys --all call
Setting up texlive-base (2009-10)


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Ubuntu :: Kile Opening Another Okular For Same Document

Jul 14, 2011

I am using Kile, to edit LaTeX documents and every time I click on build button Kile opens Okular which shows my .pdf. Problem begins, when I do this multiple times, as Kile opens another Okular for same document everytime I click build button. I end up having 1 pdf opened multiple times and it is getting on my nerves. Is there any way I can make Kile open only 1 Okular window and updates it when I click on build button?

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Ubuntu :: Kile Under Vncserver Loss Image Quality?

Jan 18, 2011

It is about vncserver. While I use Vncviewer connect to Desktop :0. The Kile picture is the same as that I am on the local machine. But, when I connect to the desktop created by vncserver,say Desktop :1. The Kile picture is pretty bad. I attached two pictures. One is for Desktop :0 and another is Desktop :1. I wonder how to make configurations to vncserver in order to make Kile look better.

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Ubuntu :: Kile's Symbols Toolbox Doesnt Work?

Mar 16, 2011

I have ubuntu (gnome) but I prefer to use Kile as tex editor. Since maverick, the side symbols tool box stopped working.I click, double-click ou press return but the symbol code (e.g. cup ) is not inserted in the text.Does any one have the same problem? How can I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Spell Checker And Thesaurus For Kile - PDF Preview?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm using kile in ubuntu and am wondering if there is a spell checker and even a thesaurus for kile? And is there a way to get a live pdf preview next to where you enter text into kile?

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Ubuntu :: Kile Can't Find A Beamer Theme (warsaw)?

May 15, 2011

I'm using Kile with Ubuntu. When I try to use the beamer theme warsaw, I get this error messageFile `beamerthemewarsaw.sty' not found. usetheme{warsaw}

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Ubuntu :: Play MP3 And WAV File Plugins - Required Software To Play File Not Installed

May 6, 2010

I'm trying out 10.04 LTS 64-bit from the live CD and when I try to play a MP3 or WAV file it gets the usual Search for suitable plugin? "The required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable plugins to play media files. Do you want to search for a plugin that supports the selected file? The search will also include software which is not officially supported." Error message so I click Search and it comes up with the error No packages with the requested plugins found.

Is this because it is in Live Mode and installing 10.04 to my hard drive will fix it or does Ubuntu no longer support audio files other then ogg and other open source audio / video file formats due to copyright problems?

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OpenSUSE :: Bracket Highlighting In Kile?

May 12, 2011

I have OpenSuse 11.4 with KDE 4.6.2 in my laptop. The version of Kile I am using is 2.0.86. I would like to change the bracket highlight color from Black to Yellow (In previous version of Kile it was yellow). I have found no option to change the bracket highlight color in settings -> configure kile. The documentation says that it is possible but does not mention how. Can anyone help me in this regard ?

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OpenSUSE :: Suitable Editor For .bib Files To Use With Kile Under Gnome

Aug 6, 2011

I've been using KBibTeX to manage bibliography (.bib) files under Gnome in openSUSE 11.2 and 11.3 (running outside Kile). What is the simplest way to carry on under openSUSE 11.4? YaST does not find KBibTeX, and the site HTML Code: [URL] does not mention openSUSE.

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