OpenSUSE :: Whenever Open It, Nothing Happens \ Installed 11.4 On The Laptop?

Mar 30, 2011

I've installed 11.4 on the laptop. So far there hasn't been a huge leap of difference between the 11.3 and 11.4. But now I can't use Skype. It's installed and all of that. But whenever I open it, nothing happens.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 On Laptop With Windows Vista Installed?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to install openSuse 11.2 on my laptop which has Windows Vista installed. I don't want to delete my Windows Vista that is installed. provide instructions on how to do this?

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SUSE :: Add OpenSUSE To Laptop Which Already Has Vista Ultimate Installed?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm currently trying to add OpenSUSE to my Laptop which already has Vista Ultimate installed, hoping I will end up with a dual boot system. Currently, my HD is divided into four partition: Vista Ultimate with Bitlocker enabled needs two partitions - one for the unencrypted boot files, and one for the rest of the system. Then I have an unencrypted partition for data that I don't want encrypted, and finally the partition in which I plan to install Linux.

I have already installed OpenSUSE to that fourth partition, and it worked just fine. But now, I'd like to reinstall with LVM, so that I can use encryption as well. Upon installation, however, I get the following error: Code: Error Failure occurred during following action: Creating volume group system fromv System error code was: -4004 I'm wondering if this is because I'm running out of (primary?) partitions? Seems like LVM, just like Vista Ultimate, needs two partitions, one for the boot files and one for the rest of the system. I've read something about a PC drive only being able to hold four partitions, so I'm wondering if I need to get rid of that extra unencrypted partition I have in order to get OpenSUSE with LVM installed. Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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OpenSUSE :: Swiftfox - Installed But Won't Open

Mar 23, 2010

I installed Swiftfox, but it won't open. It has an icon, and it bounces then disappears. what else is needed to make it run?

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Ubuntu :: Get Hamachi Installed On 10.04 Laptop?

Mar 15, 2011

so i have been trying to get hamachi installed on my ubuntu 10.04 laptop but i am not sure how to go about it.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Onto Laptop And Can't Get The WIRELESS To Work?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm not computer savvy at all - a friend just installed Ubuntu onto my laptop and I can't get the WIRELESS to work. I'm not sure what info you need so let me know...

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Hardware :: Installed Slackware 13 - Laptop Switches Off

Aug 29, 2009

This morning I installed Slackware 13 i386 and started configuring it. I've got a problem as my laptop has turned off unexpectedly twice since I started using Slack 13. I don't know if it's related to Slackware 13 but it has never happened before on this laptop with Slackware 12.2 or any other system. The first guess would be overheating. I checked the laptop's BIOS but could not find anything related to cooling down.

The laptop seems quite hot but it's nothing unusual for it. I also noticed that acpi is not installed by default. Would it make much difference? The laptop is pretty new (6 months) and the cooling module seems to be clean. The only thing that differs from my previous installations is that for the first time I installed ATI's fglrx and enabled desktop effects. Could it be a buggy video driver?

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Fedora :: Joystick Recommendation For A Laptop Installed With FC8 (kernel 2.6.25)?

Aug 17, 2009

Looking for a joystick recommendation for a laptop installed with FC8 (kernel 2.6.25-?)

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Ubuntu :: VI & Keyboard Config On A Newly Installed Laptop?

Jan 7, 2010

I've just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop, and when I'm on vim, I can use arrow key normally in command mode, but in editing mode, if I use them, it print a letter, capital case + new line and doesn't move the cursor.

In putty I would try to play with the different type of keyboard settings (ESC[~, Linux, Xterm R6, VT400 etc...), but here, I don't know what to do.

At the installation time, I choose French/French keyboard.

Extra Question :


It's said to have GRUB2 by default, but at boot time it says Grub 1.97 beta...

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Ubuntu :: Why Isn't Laptop-mode Installed By Default In Lucid?

May 30, 2010

I get 3-4 clicks every minute, until I realized the problem and installed "laptop-mode-tools". After that things are back to normal.Why isn't laptop-mode installed by default in Lucid? This is a simple work-around which should be imposed by default, so users' hard discs won't be damaged.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get The Necessary Driver Installed (after Downloading It With Another Laptop)

Mar 22, 2011

I have just installed 10.04 on a dell inspiron laptop, but the wireless adapter will not work. I uses a broadcom BCM4312. When I click on the wireless icon, it says "firmware missing". Normally, I would connect to look for proprietary drivers, but my problem is that I live in an apartment complex with only wifi.

So my question is, A) does this sound like a driver problem, and B) if so, how can I get the necessary driver installed (after downloading it with another laptop) when I use lshw, it does show the wireless device, by says that it is disabled. I tried following the directions here [URL]... (changing "ieee80211_crypt_tkip" with "lib80211_crypt_tkip" due to the rename in 2.6.29. I think that is correct), but that did not work either.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 13 Does Not Recognize Laptop Display With Nvidia Installed

Jun 9, 2010

boots fine if an external monitor is plugged in, otherwise the laptop screen just flashes white till it dies and reboots. lsmod says nouveau is loaded, however it lets me rmmod it as though its not in use. rmmod on the nvidia mod says it is in use. nvidia settings can change the resolution of the external monitor

used yum to install and built from scratch, both have the same result. reason i want to get rid of nouveau is because it detects my laptop resolution as larger than it is and even if i lower the resolution it still stretches it further than the boundries of the screen. without the nvidia driver my laptop display is recognised correctly aside from size issues.

Enabling the nvidia driver / etc / rc.d / init.d / functions line 526 1484 Segmentation fault "$@"

^^ that appears during boot.

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General :: Installing Ubuntu In Pre Vista Installed Laptop?

Mar 13, 2010

got a laptop of hp with amd neo m40 pro and 2gb ram.. with vista installed.the worst OS.... i want to install linux with dual boot since am not expert in linux.these are the specs:

hard disk is 250 gb
c-155gb , d which is for recovery is 10.6gb, e-46.8gb
and an unallocated disk of 20gb

tried to install fedora which couldnt recognize the hard disk partition got ubuntu and tried.. but i dont know where it got installed now my 20 gb unallocated disk is showing as two partitions one of which is 1 gb and the rest is 18gb. how to uninstall ubuntu now. i want to repartition it and install it in proper way is 20gb enough.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Crashes When Open The Lid?

May 16, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 I have a Asus Altec Lansing N61JQ-X2 laptop

Sometimes, not all the time, when I close the lid of the laptop and come back later on and open the lid the log in screen wont come up for me to enter my password. I press keys everywhere but nothing will bring up the log in screen, the only thing I can do then is to press the on button till the computer shut down and then restart again.

I had this problem with Ubuntu 10.10 as well but it seems i have this problem more often with 11.04

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Fedora Networking :: Get Wireless Access On A Laptop With Freshly Installed F14 32-bit?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm trying to get wireless access on a laptop with freshly installed Fedora 14 32-bit, but I'm having some issues. I ran the diagnostics advised in this thread: [URL]..Here are the results:

[root@localhost]# lsmod | grep iwl
iwl3945 97265 0
iwlcore 160590 1 iwl3945
mac80211 188648 2 iwl3945,iwlcore
cfg80211 110951 3 iwl3945,iwlcore,mac80211


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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Karmic On Laptop That Has HP's On Chip OS Installed?

Mar 19, 2010

Has anyone tried to install Karmic on a laptop that has HP's new Linux on a chip OS installed? I think it's a scaled down Splashtop desktop and at least a portion of the OS is hardware based. I sure wonder what would happen if/when I try to install grub and Ubuntu.

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Networking :: Telnet 25 From All Other Machines Apart From Newly Installed 9.10 Laptop

Jan 8, 2010

I can telnet 25 from all other machines, apart from my newly installed ubuntu 9.10 laptop. I just installed exim4 and mailx and set in /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf: dc_eximconfig_configtype='internet' But I can't send mail cause telnet 25 doesn't work. I can ping just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Installed R, Don't Know How To Open?

Jul 24, 2010

I downloaded the Stats program R through the Terminal, but don't know how to open it.

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General :: Having A Acer 8930g Laptop With Mint 7 Installed - Can't Get Sound To Work

Jan 4, 2010

i have a acer 8930g laptop with mint 7 installed can't get sound to work. found my way round the nvidia graphics to get the screen to work but lost when it came to get the pc speakers and sound card to worki have set the preferences to auto detect but at a loss as to the logical steps i need to take.

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Fedora Installation :: Make A Virtual Machine Using Exiting Installed Windows 7 On Laptop HD?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a Lenovo T500 laptop with 4 GB RAM. I have installed Windows 7 64bits OEM on my laptop HD. I also installed Fedora 14 on my USB External Hard Drive which it has it own boot sector. I don't want to have a dual boot. So if I plug in my external HD to my laptop and turns the machine on, it automatically my Fedora comes up, other wise my windows 7. (I set up start-up boot drive , first to USB External HD and then internal HD)

I installed KVM (Virtual Machine Manger) on my Fedora 14 and I am trying to install windows 7 64bits OEM on my Fedora 14 as Virtual Machine. After setting everything and start installing windows form CD, I got BLUE SCREEN right after "WINDOWS FILES LOADING..." finished. it shows me a blue screen and then it will stop


1- How can I fix that problem?
2- Is ther way to make a Virtual Machine on my Fedora using my exiting installed windows 7 on my laptop HD?

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SUSE :: Open 11.3 KDE And Compaq Laptop - Mouse And Trackpad Will Freeze Up

Jan 1, 2011

I have installed openSUSE on a Compaq laptop that is approx. 10 years old. The mouse and trackpad will freeze up and a reboot is needed to fix the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Namebench 1.1 Installed But Won't Open

Apr 4, 2010

i have installed namebench 1.1 using terminal. its saved to my directories yet i still cant open it.

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Ubuntu :: Starcraft 2 Installed / Patched / Now Will Not Open?

Sep 30, 2010

I just installed starcraft 2 using playonlinux and wine. I was able to launch it once it finished the updates. I proceeded to amp up the graphics to ultra on everything. I did that then it crashed. i now can not seem to open it. Not through wine or on the desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Gdesklets - When Try To Open It Never Starts

Nov 11, 2010

Im running ubuntu 10.10 and i installed gdesklets and when i try to open never starts im kinda new at all this so im not to sure what is going on.i have a hp pavilion dv7 laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Tintin++ But Can Only Open In Terminal

Mar 7, 2011

I installed tintin++ mud client, it installed successfully, but I can only open in the terminal, how do I find where it installed to, and make a desktop icon for it?

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Ubuntu :: Docky Won't Open Says Dbus Is Not Installed?

Apr 25, 2011

root__________:/home/---# docky
[Info 15:10:25.304] Docky version: 2.2.0 bzr docky r1807 ppa
[Info 15:10:25.315] Kernel version:


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Ubuntu :: Installed Open SSH And Launch It From The Terminal?

Aug 8, 2011

I installed Open SSH and don't know how to launch it from the terminal.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Laptop Can't Connect Internet When Open Again After Standby Mode

Nov 4, 2010

I have problem with laptop installed Ubuntu OS. Laptop can't connect Internet when open again after standby Mod. It can't receive issued IP from Router.

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Fedora :: Getting Arial Font Installed For Open Office?

Dec 11, 2009

I've been spending the hours beating my face against the wall and going near insane trying to get arial fonts installed on fedora, so that they can be used in open office.

How might these be installed ?

yum -y install msttcore*
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
No package msttcore* available.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Office 2007 In Wine But Cannot Open It

Mar 16, 2011

I installed office 2007 in wine but i can not open it,Is installed i can see it in wine

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