Red Hat / Fedora :: 13 Does Not Recognize Laptop Display With Nvidia Installed

Jun 9, 2010

boots fine if an external monitor is plugged in, otherwise the laptop screen just flashes white till it dies and reboots. lsmod says nouveau is loaded, however it lets me rmmod it as though its not in use. rmmod on the nvidia mod says it is in use. nvidia settings can change the resolution of the external monitor

used yum to install and built from scratch, both have the same result. reason i want to get rid of nouveau is because it detects my laptop resolution as larger than it is and even if i lower the resolution it still stretches it further than the boundries of the screen. without the nvidia driver my laptop display is recognised correctly aside from size issues.

Enabling the nvidia driver / etc / rc.d / init.d / functions line 526 1484 Segmentation fault "$@"

^^ that appears during boot.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gnome Display Recognize Same Refresh Rate As NVidia Server?

Jan 4, 2010

Is it possible to have gnome's display settings recognise higher refresh rates than 56hz, as my nvidia is set to 85hz, but gnome display still thinks its 56hz, and I believe this is causing many programs I'm using to refresh at 56hz. Compiz works beautifully after overriding the refresh rate inside it, as it too thought I was using 56hz instead of 85 but many games aswell as CairoDock as jerky, which makes me think it is a refresh issue.

How can I make gnome know I'm using 85hz?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA Multiple Monitors With 16:10 Laptop Display And 16:9 HD TV

Dec 3, 2010

I'm using a NVIDIA 9600M GT on my laptop running Ubuntu 10.10. The laptop has a 16:10 display, I also connected my 16:9 LCD TV via HDMI. I would like to use them as clones. The problem is, as my TV has a different aspect ratio than my laptop display, the image does not fully fit on the TV. For example, when using a resolution of 1280x800 (16:10), one tenth of the width of that image is missing on my TV, as it has an aspect ratio of 16:9.

In Windows, the NVIDIA software stretches the image so that it appears a little distorted on my TV, but at least I see everything. Is it possible to do that in Ubuntu?

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Fedora :: Installed Kmod-nvidia Akmod-nvidia - Visual Lag

Nov 28, 2010

I Have just formatted to Fedora 14 64bit and installed kmod-nvidia akmod-nvidia and am experiencing visual lag. The lag did not occur before I installed the drivers, neither did it occur on Fedora 13 with drivers installed.

I have a priitty high spec pc with the nvidia 260 gtx.

just remove xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs-260.19.12-3.fc14.i686

so now:

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Didn't Recognize NVidia MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev A2)?

Oct 25, 2009

The Network manager didn't recognize my eth0 device as a maned device.In shell I can use my eth0 but not by Gnome Network Manager.My device is nVidia Corporation MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev a2) and I'm running a Fedora 11. On previous version like, Fedora 10 an 9 this board was managed normally by network manager.Anyone already set up this board on Network Manager ?My Notebook is a HP dv2736us and I'm using a Fedora 11 64bits.

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Fedora :: Laptop Display Is Put On The Left And All Other

Jan 8, 2010

I want to change the default behavior of my display hotkey combo (Fn+F7). I can do this in KDE, but in Gnome, the gnome-settings-daemon cycles through the options. Problem is, the option I want is not there. I want the laptop display on the right and the external display on the left. I know how to use xrandr to change this or to use System > Preferences > Display, but I want to use my hotkey combo. I see two ways to do this. Find the configuration file that selects the options that are cycled and manually edit it, or disable this hotkey combo for the gnome-settings-daemon and use my own script in /etc/acpi/actions, etc/acpi/events for the hotkey combo. Currently the gnome-settings-daemon intercepts the hotkey combo, so I can't use my own script. Anyone know anything about this, or do I need to file a bug report?


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Fedora :: F13 - Open Nvidia Driver - Compiz Display ?

Jun 5, 2010

I have just upgraded to Fedora 13, and am trying to use the experimental Nvidia driver to enable Compiz desktop effects. The driver appears to be working correctly, but when I enable desktop effects, my text/icons/option menus are inverted (mirrored on both x and y axis's). Can anyone help me solve this issue? am i going to have to go to the proprietary Nvidia graphics driver?

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Fedora :: Make The 10 Display Span A Laptop And VGA Screen?

Jan 6, 2009

Based on much internet searching, I've found that I was/am not the only one struggling to get Fedora 10 to span the display across a laptop screen and an external monitor. So what I have here are instructions to do so:

1) Fedora 10 does not (by default) use an xorg.conf file to configure the display. So type the following command into the command line: yum install system-config-display

2) Go to the menu bar and navigate to System>Administration>Display. I left all the display settings as they were and hit OK (repeat this step twice to make an xorg.conf backup). This will generate the xorg.conf and back up files in the directory: /etc/X11/

3) Now we need to see what size virtual screen you need. Type the following command into the command line (without the quotes): "xrandr --output VGA --auto --right-of LVDS" It will tell you that you are asking for a certain size screen. Write those numbers down. I have a 1600x1200 external monitor so my number is 2624x1200 (1600+1024 x 1200).

4) Change directories to /etc/X11 and type (without the quotes): "sudo gedit xorg.conf" Scroll down to where the device section is. Mine looks like this:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "intel"

Some videocards need to turn 3d acceleration off in order for dual screens to work. It is important that you turn off desktop effects if you turn off 3d acceleration!!! So under the driver line add the line (with quotes): Option "NoAccel" "true" Mine looks like this:


Scroll down to where the screen section is, and then find the display subsection. It should look something like this:


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Fedora :: Install NVidia Drivers For Laptop?

Sep 8, 2010

I am a real Linux noob lol XD. So sorry if this questions seems a bit easy for some. So here it goes: I want to install NVidia drivers for my laptop and need a compiler to actually install them. I do not have any installed and would like to know how to install gcc, as in the error when i run NVidia driver it says that I need it.

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Fedora :: Rpmfusion Nvidia Driver Results In Unusable Display?

Feb 14, 2010

I would prefer to be able to use the rpmfusion nvidia driver instead of the closed driver but when I try it, KDE4 runs fine for a while but then the whole display starts blinking and the cpu % goes to 99% for XMy PC is Fedora 12 x86_64, the video card is a XFX 8800GT[URL]1) installed the kmod-nvidia-190.53-1.fc12.1.x86_64 and dependencies2) blocked nouveau with rdblacklist=nouveau in grub.conf, 3) Ran: setsebool -P allow_execstack on4) fixed the xorg.conf (I had to move my old xorg.conf out of the way and merged my DontZap option back in)
5) rebootedI did not yum remove the nouveau driver,.... didn't seem necessary.My desktop will run for a while but inevitably starts flashing uncontrollably. I can't even ssh to it to run init 3 to kill X (I can ssh to it but for some reason I can't su to root to kill X).

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Fedora :: No Display After Attempting Nvidia Driver Install And Doing Telinit 3

Sep 24, 2010

I have no display after attempting nvidia driver install and doing telinit 3

On hitting F2 I get these errors -


Is there anyway to boot in safe mode. I boot Fedora with GRUB2 and there isnt any failsafe entry for it. I have blacklisted nv driver already.

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Fedora Hardware :: Display Freezes With Gnome 3 Nd NVIDIA Multiheads

Jun 7, 2011

I had a computer running a NVIDA Quadro NVS 450 with 4 screens on Fedora 14 and it worked fine. I make a new install with Fedora 15 and I am now not able any more running more as one screen with Fedora 15. I am running now on run level 3 and when I configure the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf for one screen, Gnome starts correctly. When I change to two screens, and runs "startx", Gnome 3 starts and displays only the background picture without any manager. The file /var/log/Xorg.0.log shows no errors.

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Fedora :: Nvidia Drivers Not Installed Properly?

Feb 1, 2010

I seem to have an issue with my nvidia drivers again.I get them working, then the next lot of updates to fedora seems to revert any progress I've made.Currently I can't run any 3d accelerated applications, no wine, no games etc, I have followed the documentation, installed the driver, added the blackist to noveau into boot.conf, and restarted

[james@nevada ~]$ uname -r


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Fedora :: Installed Wrong Nvidia Driver

Feb 23, 2011

I mucked my system up while trying to install proprietary nvidia drivers -- I was careless and installed the wrong ones (should have used legacy drivers). Now my system hangs on "starting udev" during boot.I have tried many combinations of boot options in an effort to blacklist the problematic driver. Attached is a picture of my boot screen after specifying the options "single init 3 modprobedebug", and removing the options "rgbh quiet". For some reason I am having a lot of trouble blacklisting the correct module, or maybe I caused a kernel problem, which in that case is beyond me.Also, boot option syntax question: can I specify something like "rdblacklist=*nvidia*" using wildcards?

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General :: Version Of Fedora That Supports Nvidia Riva Tnt Display Adapter?

Aug 12, 2010

I am running fedora Fedora - works fine, but it puts my display adapter in old fashoned simple vga mode.

Mysql 5.1.47
Apache 2.2.15

1.25 ghz AMD athlon
NVIDIA RIVA TNT display adapter
ECS K7S5a board / chipset
512 mb main mem
128 kb primary cache
256 2ndary cache
66 mhz bus clock

I use the bios to dual boot between two disks, (1) this op sys and (2)win98se - where I have a driver that fully supports the nvidia.

The disadvantage to my current situation is that there are some programs - eg Evolution - that assume I can see more than you see with this setup - eg the buttons at the bottom of the screen do not appear and i have to do a trial and error tabbing to get what i want. I just downloaded openoffice and i see that it wants 1000x2000 or so. Thus I wont even try to install it unless i can resolve the adapter thing.

I'm very happy with this fedora - use it for software development. But as I become more fond of it, I would like to use it instead of windows - which I can't unless i can see the whole screen

At one point - in response to a suggestion that I download security updates - I did so and got It was incompatible with my config - put up a screen that looked like a tv test pattern and went into a loop. So I went back to

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Get Nvidia Drivers Installed In 10?

Feb 19, 2009

This is my first post, as I've finally become fed up with trying to get the nvidia drivers installed on Fedora 10. I've read through all the posts here about how people have had problems. I know about the rpmfusion repository, and have followed leigh123's instructions to the letter at this link:[URL]The exact stepsI have taken before following his sage advice follows this way: install off the CD image I burned of Fedora 10, run from the menus "System-->Administration-->Update System" to get the system up to date, reboot to make sure everything is working fine.

Then I follow the above instructions (only because they have gotten me the closest to getting the drivers working). After the reboot from following those instructions, the system starts up, and I have a desktop. But when I restart again, either because I'm shutting down for the night, or just to check again that everything is fine,I get nothing but a flashing cursor in the upper left of my screen. I'm able to CTRL+ALT+F2 and get to a login that way, but can't get into the GUI. I've searched the forums (both here and on The Web generally), and can't find a fix for this that works for me. I have gone back and erased the partition and reinstalled, so I'm at the basic install with all the updates for my system, and needing help with getting the drivers installed and working.

Just to give a run down of what I have on my system:Two NVidia 8500 GT cards connected with the SLI bridgeAMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+Runningl (I'm typing this up as I reinstall updates as I listed above).Before anyone starts giving suggestions, please make sure to give the full instructions, as I'm new to Fedora/Linux. And if there is anything else you wish to know about my configuration

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Fedora Hardware :: F15 Installed On Old P4 Box - Where Is Akmod-nvidia-96xx

Jun 11, 2011

Got F15 installed on on old P4 box. Its got a Geforce4 MX4000 card. Rpmfusion has info on the driver (akmod-nvidia-96xx) but I can't find it on the repos.

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Fedora :: F15 Does Not Work Well In Machine After Nvidia Drivers Are Installed?

Jun 17, 2011

Today I finally could install Fedora 15 i686 in my now aging (2005) desktop computer (although I will always think of it as my "new machine", as long as I don't assemble a new one for me):

AMD Sempron 3100+ (1.8GHz)
1GB DDR400
NVIDIA GeForce FX5200 (128MB)

After I installed F15 my initialpression was that it worked really good on that hardware: everything went fine with GNOME 3 for example,except for some lags in graphics rendering, which I thought would be solved after the graphics card's full power were unleashed with the proprietary NVIDIA driver.For starters I am not sure which Nvidia driver is right for my card (Nvidia 173.X or the regularvidia).I managed to get "working" the 173.X driver but the desktop is even less responsive to begin with, and there appears to be a lot of activity on the hard disk side.So, my question is, which could be causing the performance loss?

A. The "small" RAM.
B. The vintage graphics card.
C. Some problem in the hard drive.
D. A known bug.

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Fedora :: Joystick Recommendation For A Laptop Installed With FC8 (kernel 2.6.25)?

Aug 17, 2009

Looking for a joystick recommendation for a laptop installed with FC8 (kernel 2.6.25-?)

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OpenSUSE :: Running A Nvidia Gtx260 And Have Installed Nvidia Drivers For Series 6 And Up?

Jun 9, 2010

opensuse 11.2 ,my monitor keeps going to sleep or somthing and this is a problem when im watching videos,ive set screens power setting but they dont seem to be whats doing running a nvidia gtx260 and have installed nvidia drivers for series 6 and up.dont know if its the divers or somthing else.

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Fedora :: Installed Kmod-nvidia On My F12 - Doesn't Boot Anymore

Dec 7, 2009

I've installed kmod-nvidia on my F12 system and now it doesn't boot anymore. I just receive a black screen with a blinking '_' on top of my screen immediately after i choose F12 in my grub menu. (I have a Nvidia 8800GT.)

I've tried to run the following command after the installation but it didn't work: [url]

mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r)-nouveau.img

So I didn't blacklist nouveau or anything else. I just foolishly thought it was going to work.

Now I can't boot my system anymore. Is there any way to solve the problem? Or can I remove kmod-nvidia using a live cd? How?

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Fedora Installation :: F14 Installed, Frozen On Kmod-nvidia Install?

Nov 16, 2010

I just installed F14 which generally went well. I then did an install of kmod-nvidia and now the system hangs on start up. I see a couple of warnings and failures regarding the nvidia.ko module, and then the startup script stops after Starting atd: [OK] The screen flashes a couple of times and then is non-responsive. I can't even seem to get to the command line to back out the kmod-nvidia installation.

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Fedora :: NVidia Drivers Installed - Graphics Errors Using Firefox

May 6, 2011

Sometimes, in Firefox, after looking a video and closing the corresponding tab, a still picture of the video appears in other tabs, even in some other applications than Firefox (e.g. Terminal). I've installed the nvidia drivers on Fedora 14. They seem to work properly.

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Fedora Networking :: Get Wireless Access On A Laptop With Freshly Installed F14 32-bit?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm trying to get wireless access on a laptop with freshly installed Fedora 14 32-bit, but I'm having some issues. I ran the diagnostics advised in this thread: [URL]..Here are the results:

[root@localhost]# lsmod | grep iwl
iwl3945 97265 0
iwlcore 160590 1 iwl3945
mac80211 188648 2 iwl3945,iwlcore
cfg80211 110951 3 iwl3945,iwlcore,mac80211


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Ubuntu :: Laptop Will Not Recognize The Usb?

Feb 7, 2010

ive just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my lap top works fine, the problem ive got is it will not recognize the usb ive placed in for the wireless mouse (bush am-x270) and my laptop is compaq v4000

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Fedora :: NVidia And Compiz Installed And Working But Screen Doesn't Refresh Correctly?

Oct 30, 2010

What it does is, if you do something to change anything on the screen, for example, highlighting text, or switching from one tab/menu in an application to another. The screen doesn't show the change. The only way to SEE the change is to do something else to the screen, like grabbing and moving the application around, or scrolling the page of a website, etc. If you don't do that, you won't see what's really on the screen, but rather what WAS on the screen.

Another example:

*) say you have an application open with 3 tabs: tab1, tab2, and tab3.
*) Switch from tab1 to tab2 and you see no change on the screen.
*) Switch from tab2 to tab3 and you see tab 2 on the screen, NOT tab 3.
*) Switch from tab3 to tab 2 and you see tab3 on the screen, and NOT tab2.

Or, if you're typing in this box to make a post, and you hit ctrl+a to select all, you see no change. If you click in the box to deselect all, then it looks like you've selected all text still. The only way to see what's currently on the screen is to scroll the text box or page just a bit, or, if you're using an application, then you'd have to move it around on the screen a bit.

As i've said, the nVidia drivers are installed and working, as well as compiz, etc.

[=v=]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 Northbridge only single slot PCI-e GFX Hydra part (rev 02)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 PCI to PCI bridge (PCI express gpp port B)


Also, i did BOTH the dracut thing, and the extra kernel paramter in the grub.conf. So, nouveau is blacklisted. Oddly enough though, i do NOT have this problem when using the nouveau driver...

Also, fwiw, i think that i should mention that i'm not using the "Desktop Settings > Enable Desktop Effects" method, because i always seem to have problems with getting certain features to work, like the background for the cube skydome, etc. How i do it is that i install a package called compiz-manager, and i have it set to run at session start. This makes all of the compiz features work fine. One thing that i've noticed though, is that on my other workstation, i haven't set that up yet, and it seems that is is NOT having the same issue. While compiz-manager was running, i tried to use the "desktop settings" method, and it crapped out and reverted back to the old school desktop. I then tried it again, and it reloaded compiz, and there is no screen update issues now. So it seems that you have to have both of them running in order to get all of the compiz options to work, and not have the screen refresh issue?

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Fedora Installation :: Make A Virtual Machine Using Exiting Installed Windows 7 On Laptop HD?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a Lenovo T500 laptop with 4 GB RAM. I have installed Windows 7 64bits OEM on my laptop HD. I also installed Fedora 14 on my USB External Hard Drive which it has it own boot sector. I don't want to have a dual boot. So if I plug in my external HD to my laptop and turns the machine on, it automatically my Fedora comes up, other wise my windows 7. (I set up start-up boot drive , first to USB External HD and then internal HD)

I installed KVM (Virtual Machine Manger) on my Fedora 14 and I am trying to install windows 7 64bits OEM on my Fedora 14 as Virtual Machine. After setting everything and start installing windows form CD, I got BLUE SCREEN right after "WINDOWS FILES LOADING..." finished. it shows me a blue screen and then it will stop


1- How can I fix that problem?
2- Is ther way to make a Virtual Machine on my Fedora using my exiting installed windows 7 on my laptop HD?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Recognize Nvidia Card

May 12, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on an older Compaq Evo D310. When I do a search of my video card I get "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF", which is the integrated card on the motherboard, but I'm actually using an Nvidia GeForce 2 MX 400. At least that's the card my VGA monitor is connected to. How do I get Ubuntu to recognize the Nvidia card? I'd like to try installing an nvidia legacy driver for it to boost performance. Thanks.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Laptop To Recognize Partition?

Feb 11, 2011

A while ago I successfully dual booted my system with Vista and Ubuntu. then Windows 7 came out and I wiped Vista off my laptop and installed Windows 7. The problem is that my laptop no long knows that there is a whole other operating system sitting on the hard disk and I can't access it. What can I do to fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Recognize NVIDIA Drivers

Oct 15, 2010

I recently updated to 10.10 and ubuntu will not regonize my NVIDIA drivers. Under apperance "no effects" are filled in. When I try to enable effects it searches for a while but then tells me "Desktop effects could not be enabled". Thing is "NVIDIA x server settings" tells me everything is okey. I tried updating to the latest NVIDIA drivers manually but the problem persists.

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