OpenSUSE Hardware :: SCX-4824FN Samsung Printer Error

Dec 8, 2010

Have been successfully using a SCX-4824FN MFP for the past 2 years on Opensuse, trouble-free. Now, it no longer prints and am guessing it may have something to do with a recent Opensuse update? Error message states 'cannot create image', which I understand suggests Ghostscript problem, but Ghostscript is loaded and works fine with other HP printers attached to same PC (other forums also suggest Ghostscript may need installing).

Have downgraded to earlier version of Ghostscript but no joy.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Samsung Scx4200 Printer Install?

May 23, 2011

I am trying to install a driver for my scx4200. Ubuntu found this driver automatically but openSUSE 11.4 (64bit) does not. I have the manufacturers Cd with a Linux folder on it but if I run "autorun" in terminal it says permission denied. I have copied the files to a new folder on my hard drive but do not know how to run "autorun" in terminal with sudo. I switched to openSUSE because Ubuntu 11.4 kept freezing. SUSE does seem much better.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Samsung CLX 3170 FN -printer Doesnt' Work?

Aug 4, 2010

The situation:At my workplace there is a shared printer installed in WINDOWS. It's installed also in my windows system(WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE version 7600). It's working very well. From windows I shared it to have the option for printing from openSuSE 11.3. In Samba I can see the other colleagues connected to the same workplace network. I shared also the printer with Samba.I can see it.

The problem :The printer doesn't work.I can't find a opensuSE11.3 driver for it (Samsung CLX 3170 FN).The question 1:Is it really need a properly driver for it if it installed in windows? The question 2:How can I make printing from openSuSE11.3 with the shared installed in windows server printer? Steps done:in MS Win system I shared ,I noted the WORKGROUP,the PC name and the IP for the printer. //ALso I know the domain and my IP.well done in resolv.conf,in fact I have internet connection from openSuSE 11.3,no problem,e-mail/evolution and kmail are working very well,configured both for the workplace). Now in openSuSE what should I do? I need some advices/right steps) about configuring this printer USING few ways(Samba,Printer config from YAST etc) because I am thinking somehow I did something wrong. When I make print test page the printer make the noise is preparing but nothing is happening. I believe that maybe the driver missing is the problem. BUT ONCE AGAIN,it's installed in my PC in Windows system,/I have dual boot system/GRUB MANAGER/openSuSE and Windows 7 Ultimate 7 7600. Can I work with the printer via internet/network //Samba/CUPS/etc,etc with localhost /IP,or other way if I DON'T have a driver for openSuSE


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: After Upgrade To 11.3 Fails To Print With Samsung Ml 1640 Printer?

Jul 27, 2010

yesterday I upgrade my opensuse 11.2 to 11.3 with zypper dup. Today I try to print something but printer doesn't react for page nor test page. On 11.2 it works perfectly. I have samsung ml 1640 connected directly to PC via usb.

output from cups:
Description:OpenBlackBox v mojom rume
Location:Moj rum
Driver:Samsung ML-1640 Series (grayscale, 2-sided printing)
Defaults:job-sheets=none, none media=iso_a4_210x297mm sides=one-sided

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Hardware :: How To Use Samsung Printer In CentOS

Mar 16, 2011

How can use my printer in my linux? My printer is samsung clp-510.

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Fedora :: Add A Samsung ML-1911 Printer To Desktop?

Jun 29, 2011

I want to add a Samsung ML-1911 printer to my desktop I have down loaded the unified linux driver from samsung site. It says 'server of cups printing system is not accessible at the moment' and does not show a printer.


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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Samsung ML-02851ND Printer?

Jun 14, 2010

I run a couple Ubuntu machines in the house, my wife runs XP, there's an eee, etc. I got a Samsung ML-02851ND printer thinking that I could just plug it into my router and then install the printer on all of the various machines and I could print from them. I guess I realize that I can hook up the printer to a host machine and go that route, but i thought the whole point was to hook the printer up to the router.

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Debian :: Setup Printer Samsung Ml-1740?

May 1, 2011

As we know the linux driver supplied by Samsung for the ml-1740 printer did not work for Debian.
Debian has removed the ml-1710 and ml-1750 drivers from its database of Samsung drivers, in my case, the driver for the ml-1710 worked well but when I try to download it now from the internet, I cannot get it to work, somewhere in the install and after some work has been done, I get a message "package not found" although the full path of the package is copy(ed) from the directory where it is saved and past(ed) after "dpkg install ".

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Connect To Printer Wirelessly - Error Idle "Connecting To Printer"

Jun 23, 2011

I am unable to connect to my printer wirelessly. I get this: Idle - "Connecting to printer..." The computer never connects. I can print a configuration report and get the ip address. If I type that in a webrowser, I get an error: unable to connect. Even if I plug the printer into the computer by a usb, I am unable to access the printer's ip address in the webrowser. I'm not sure how to proceed on getting the printer working wirelessly. It is a hp 6940 I use the HP Deskjet 6940 Series hpijs, 3.10.2rc1.9 driver. I have only recently been having printer problems. The printer has been hooked up on the same network for years. It still prints via usb.

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Fedora :: Install Samsung ML-1710 Printer Driver?

Jan 19, 2010

How can I install Samsung's ML-1710 printer driver? I've already tried using Samsung's "Unified Linux Driver" from their website. Unfortunately, it does not work; while the installation program claims to "install" the needed driver, all attempts (including local) to print using that ML-1710 printer & printer driver set fail.

It's noteworthy that I can print on the ML-1710 printer, over the network, from both windows and other Linux (Ubuntu) workstations.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install New Printer Samsung ML 1665?

Aug 31, 2010

i dont know how to install my new printer samsung ML 1665. Please help someone. I have downloaded the driver.tar.gz from samsung

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Samsung Printer Over Samba?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a Samsung CLX 3175 connected via CUPS to a Ubuntu box running 11.04. After installing the Samsung Unified Printer Driver as described in this post [URL] the printer works perfectly under Linux, I even got network scanning to work under Windows via TwainSane.

The big problem is network printing from Windows over Samba, though (although I thought that this should be easier to set up than scanning..). Even after hours of trying, I could not get it to print a single page spooled from my Windows computer.the print jobs do show up in CUPS as finished, but do not actually get processed. Could this be a rights-related thing? Depending of one setting in smb.conf (namely, "cups options = raw"), the printer even makes some noise and warms up when I spool a new job -- but it does not print.

My setup is the following:

- CUPS in the current version with Samsung Driver
- Samba 3.5.8
- Windows XP and 7 clients


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Samsung Printer ML1860

Aug 16, 2011

I have just purchased a new Samsung ML1860 printer and I can't get it to work. Samsung provide a driver at their web site, UnifiedLinuxDriver 0.95.tar.gz I downloaded this file onto my harddrive, but I can't seem to get it to install. Instructions received said to open a terminal and type: $ sudo cdroot/autorun This did not work. etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ $ sudo cdroot/autorun $: command not found

I then tried to add the appropriate steps to where the file is on my harddrive etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ $ sudo Colin/08.downloads/Samsung/cdroot/autorun $: command not found This didn't work either.

I tried to make the address a bit more complete, no success. etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ $ sudo media/Colin/08.Downloads/Samsung/cdroot/autorun $: command not found

I then found this instruction "Download and extract the driver [root@localhost root]#tar xzf [Downloaded File Name(XXXX.tar.gz)]"etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ [root@localhost root]#tar xzf unifiedLinuxDriver_0.95.tar.gz [root@localhost: command not found This hasn't worked either.

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Slackware :: 13.1 - Samsung Printer (ML-2251NP) Not Working Correctly

May 26, 2010

My printer, a Samsung ML-2251NP is not working correctly with Slackware 64 13.1. On Slackware64 13.0 it worked flawlessly, but now everytime I print it is just solid black on the whole page. I usually selected either the ML-2250 driver or the ML-2551N driver and it worked, but now I have this problem with both of them. I print a lot, so I need a working printer. It works fine in Windows 7. This is a network attached printer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Samsung 2851ND Printer On Network

Feb 11, 2010

I bought a new Samsung ML-2851ND. I intend to connect it via the ethernet port is has. Under Ubuntu you cannot just plug and play. To set it up you need to connect it via a USB cable (Ubuntu will have all the needed drivers to operate as soon as you plug it in). Then you can go into the advanced settings for the printer and set up the network settings with the right gateway, subnet and IP address. Once you do this you can http into the address and play with all the other settings. Please note that Samsung have fantastic Linux support and you can download the driver etc here: [URL]

All options are supported (1200dpi, duplex, toner save etc). Kudos to Samsung for making a Linux friendly product. This is the second Samsung I have and I bought it because the first worked so well with Linux. If I need to buy another Samsung are my first preference.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung ML-2580N Printer Driver Not Listed In List?

Nov 8, 2010

using Samsung ML-2580N printer driver out of the box from Ubuntu 10.04 or Ubuntu 10.10? I couldn't find the driver in the Samsung driver list.

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General :: Doesnt Recognise My Floppy Drive - Cant Install My Printer A Samsung ML4500 Laser

Dec 24, 2010

I have recently installed linux 'uberstudent'and find it doesnt recognise my floppy drive but more importantly I cant install my printer a samsung ML4500 laser. There are readme files (reproduced below) but I just dont know enough about the system to know what to do with them " does it mean anything to anyone ? I am a bit reluctant to experiment with terminal incase I mess up the entire system ! also could their be a connection between this and the floppy not working ?

1.AUTORUN will not run

2.clicking cdsetup.exe and selecting 'open with archive manager' results in : 'an error occured while loading the archive'

3.clicking cdsetup.exe and selecting 'open with wine windows programe loader' results in 'samsung printer setup window'etc, and it appears to load normally until 'PROGRAM ERROR 'DAC1.EXE encountered problems and has to be closed.

4. Inside the linux folder are three file's, copied and shown below

The first file is entitled :

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Fedora :: Install The Printer With CUPS And Not With Samsung Unified Install Software?

Feb 19, 2011

I have migrated from Debian to Fedora 14 ( Problem is that I can't get my networked printer to work (which it did with Debian). The printer is Samsung ML-3561ND and I got all he drivers & PPD from Samsung support. I prefer to install the printer with CUPS and not with Samsung Unified Linux install software. I have to send my documents to a user's Windows workstation and print from there I have googled a lot but have not found any solution.


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Canon MF4350d - Data Error On Printer

Mar 27, 2011

Have updated my system to 11.4 (Fresh install) and installed the driver from canon, and when you print the test page, it prints fine. But it now when I want to print a pdf or web page where it will say printer data error on the printer. Another thing is that it seems to print fine when the document is plain text like if I print a document from libre, it will print or when i send a print test page. Also when the document does not go through, the cnpkmoduleufr2 sits in memory and then chows 50% of cpu. In 11.3 worked beautifully so am thinking that this is a software issue.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samsung Galaxy S2 Not Recognized In 11.04 - Error Occurred

Jul 17, 2011

Just upgraded to 11.04 Natty Narwhal, and got myself a Samsung Galaxy S2. Tried connecting via USB in order to sync contacts, photos etc. Got the error: "Unable to mount SAMSUNG_Android Error initialising camera: -60: Could not lock the device" Wanted to use the USB storage and USB tethering, so I enabled USB debug mode. So did this on the phone: Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging Ubuntu can't see the phone. Then tried:

Settings > Wireless and Network > Tethering and Portable Hotspot Settings > USB Tethering.

Still no joy. Typing "lsusb" in terminal gives me:


it sees it in lsusb, but nowhere else, so I still can't copy and sync etc. Anyone come across this problem, and if so, how were you able to solve it.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Add USB Printer Via The YaST2 Printer Configuration Setup Tool In 11.3

Aug 26, 2010

I am unable to add my USB printer via the YaST2 Printer Configuration setup tool in openSUSE 11.3. The printer, a Dell Color Laser 1320c, was last used with openSUSE 11.2, and setup was entirely uneventful. No driver is provided by Dell, so I used the Fuji Xerox DocuPrint C525A Linux driver. The problem: To add a print queue in 11.3, a Connection must be specified (parallel, USB, network, etc). However, the configuration wizard fails to show the presence of the USB print device.


This printer was working just eight weeks ago under 11.2, and 11.3 is obviously able to detect its presence and identify it correctly. I feel certain the solution is simple, but I haven't found documentation that provides the answer.

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Hardware :: 10.10 Installing HP Deskjet 1000 Printer - Error "Printer Requires The 'foomatic-rip-hplip' Program"

Feb 6, 2011

I have Ubuntu version 10.10 and I'm trying to install the HP DeskJet 1000 J110a printer. I have HPLIP version 3.11 (the latest version I believe). The printer shows up but when I try to print the error message reads: Printer requires the 'foomatic-rip-hplip' program but is not currently installed.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Printer Configuration - Error "Can't Locate In @INC"

Mar 1, 2011

I have noticed i was getting no response from my printer so i went into Yast to check if it had dis-configured itself. I keep getting this message. not sure what is going on but i get the same response for any hardware.

Error Can't locate in @INC (@INC ontains: /y2update/modules /root/.yast2/modules /usr/share/YaST2/modules /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/i586-linux-thread-

How to recognise a problem and how to reconfigure my hardware?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samsung Spinpoint 1tb - HD103UJ - Has A Critical Error - Hard Disk Failure - Or Not ?

Jun 30, 2010

I have 10.04 desktop basically running xbmc sabnzbd and as a file server. the loads aren't too large as it is just for my house. But i moved from a server install to the desktop because of sound issues and running xbmc at start was a bit of a pain... so bit of background done.

My problem is that after installing 10.04 i got the disk utility pop-up saying one of samsung spinpoint 1tb (HD103UJ) has a critical error... now i didn't panic (although in the next couple of months i am intending to get another drive) but in the meantime i am simply wondering if this is a false flag? i've been getting this error for over 6 months now... pretty much from the last time i formatted the disk, i wiped it and then used dd to copy over a smaller partition, after which i used gparted to grow the partition to the whole drive. could this have created a false flag?

The 184 error is the only one, here is all the data i can glean from my system, attached is a screen of the relevent info from the disk utility, and this it from smartctl:


Selective self-test flags (0x0):

After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.

If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Canon MP250 Scanner And Printer Drivers / "Error During Device I/O"?

May 20, 2011

I am trying to get Canon MP250 printer and scanner working in OpenSUSE 11.3 and so far I've had limited success. Both components work up to a point, but aren't fully operational.First of all, I installed the drivers from Canon website for both parts of the multifunctional device. Here's the report on the versions (it's localised, but it shouldn't be hard to understand ).

The printer works for the most part. But it fails to set images to greyscale when I request the driver to. There are some guides about that for Ubuntu, but none for openSUSE that I could find. Also, what does the setting "Amount of Extension" in the printer options do?It would also be nice if I could set the printing quality as well. Right now it seems to print everything with the default quality setting, but personally I like using lower print quality since that saves ink and makes it a little faster.

The scanner, however, is hardly usable at all. If I try to use Canon's ScanGear MP to scan, I can hear that it operates the scanner, but the program itself freezes and after a while gives me the "Cannot communicate with scanner" error. On certain settings I can also hear that the scanner itself doesn't complete the scan (the indicator on it also reports an operation in progress, but it never gets completed).If I try to use Acquire images, the native KDE scanner application, I can get it to scan, but only on very specific settings: it must scan it in colour and the resolution must be equal to or over 300 dpi. If I try anything else, the resulting image file is completely blank or I get an "Error during device I/O". And, of course, it can't save PDF files.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3 On Samsung N210 ?

Sep 9, 2010

I've up until recently been using Mint on my n210, but as I really liked the look of openSUSE (Gnome) I have changed to 11.3. So far I love the distro, but I am having a little issue - some fn key combinations aren't working (brightness in particular). When in Mint I was able to install a couple of programs made by Voria (from Linux On My Samsung), is there such a program for openSUSE?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Setup Video Cam Samsung Vp-d375w

Feb 10, 2010

I can not configure a driver for Linux SUSE for this video cameras All information below was written for this camera. This camera should work as a web camera (at least it worked well under windovs)


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3 Breaks Samsung SCX 4300 Printing?

Mar 20, 2011

I already noticed that others had similar problems with other Samsung scanner / printers. I could not find any solution in any threads (other than going back to 11.2 or buying a printer from a different vendor), so I'll ask again here: I'm running openSuse 11.3 on a 64 bit system.

Here's some error log output from CUPS:

E [20/Mar/2011:15:22:35 +0100] [Job 62] Failed to load the PPM image
E [20/Mar/2011:15:22:35 +0100] [Job 62] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
D [20/Mar/2011:15:22:35 +0100] [Job 62] The following messages were recorded from 15:22:34 to 15:22:35


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OpenSUSE Install :: Live CD - Can't Print Via Samsung ML-1740?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm on a T42 laptop with a Samsung ML-1740 attached on my USB port. I installed the printer with the tool and everything seemingly went okay. Won't print, tho. I read somewhere on fedora's pages (prob the forum) that someone had a similar prob and it was a matter of loading foomatic, whatever that was, then retrying the load. It worked for them. Anyone aware of this?? Or is this a simple fix? I used the recommended driver for ML-1740 listed in the GUI.I have to reboot, I'll try to get a printout from troubleshooting.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Can't Get Samsung N150 To Connect To Any Networks

Jul 19, 2011

I have brought my son a samsung n150 mini laptop. It has a "realtek rtl8192e wireless lan 802.11n pci-e nic" card fitted to it. I have tried downloading the drivers from samsung and realtek, but still can't get it to connect. It see's the local connections but when i try to connect it says it is unable to.

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