Slackware :: 13.1 - Samsung Printer (ML-2251NP) Not Working Correctly
May 26, 2010
My printer, a Samsung ML-2251NP is not working correctly with Slackware 64 13.1. On Slackware64 13.0 it worked flawlessly, but now everytime I print it is just solid black on the whole page. I usually selected either the ML-2250 driver or the ML-2551N driver and it worked, but now I have this problem with both of them. I print a lot, so I need a working printer. It works fine in Windows 7. This is a network attached printer.
When I installed Wicd, and ran it for the first time, I got an error something like: "Could not connect to Wicd's dbus session- check the Wicd log file for more info". However, later when I restarted my computer, Wicd started, but I can't connect to my network, it shows up as <hidden>, I can connect to linksys, so I know that wireless is working on that computer. I know that there's nothing wrong with my wireless router, because I can connect to my network in this computer.
I've just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a Samsung N150 Plus for a relative who I've been trying to get to use Ubuntu for ages and want to get it as perfect as possible.I have everything working well except two finger scrolling on the touchpad it's quite buggy and skips about as I scroll with to make the two finger scrolling work correctly?
after looking at this thread [URL]... i found out that my printer is no longer working with the latest CUPS package (in -Current). I tried to delete the printer and re-adding it again with the same driver, but it failed with an error message: Bad device-uri "cnij_usb:/dev/usb/lp0"! I have tried to use the driver provided by Canon or by the automatic detection by CUPS, but it ended with the same results
I want to add a Samsung ML-1911 printer to my desktop I have down loaded the unified linux driver from samsung site. It says 'server of cups printing system is not accessible at the moment' and does not show a printer.
I run a couple Ubuntu machines in the house, my wife runs XP, there's an eee, etc. I got a Samsung ML-02851ND printer thinking that I could just plug it into my router and then install the printer on all of the various machines and I could print from them. I guess I realize that I can hook up the printer to a host machine and go that route, but i thought the whole point was to hook the printer up to the router.
As we know the linux driver supplied by Samsung for the ml-1740 printer did not work for Debian. Debian has removed the ml-1710 and ml-1750 drivers from its database of Samsung drivers, in my case, the driver for the ml-1710 worked well but when I try to download it now from the internet, I cannot get it to work, somewhere in the install and after some work has been done, I get a message "package not found" although the full path of the package is copy(ed) from the directory where it is saved and past(ed) after "dpkg install ".
How can I install Samsung's ML-1710 printer driver? I've already tried using Samsung's "Unified Linux Driver" from their website. Unfortunately, it does not work; while the installation program claims to "install" the needed driver, all attempts (including local) to print using that ML-1710 printer & printer driver set fail.
It's noteworthy that I can print on the ML-1710 printer, over the network, from both windows and other Linux (Ubuntu) workstations.
Have been successfully using a SCX-4824FN MFP for the past 2 years on Opensuse, trouble-free. Now, it no longer prints and am guessing it may have something to do with a recent Opensuse update? Error message states 'cannot create image', which I understand suggests Ghostscript problem, but Ghostscript is loaded and works fine with other HP printers attached to same PC (other forums also suggest Ghostscript may need installing).
Have downgraded to earlier version of Ghostscript but no joy.
I am trying to install a driver for my scx4200. Ubuntu found this driver automatically but openSUSE 11.4 (64bit) does not. I have the manufacturers Cd with a Linux folder on it but if I run "autorun" in terminal it says permission denied. I have copied the files to a new folder on my hard drive but do not know how to run "autorun" in terminal with sudo. I switched to openSUSE because Ubuntu 11.4 kept freezing. SUSE does seem much better.
I have a Samsung CLX 3175 connected via CUPS to a Ubuntu box running 11.04. After installing the Samsung Unified Printer Driver as described in this post [URL] the printer works perfectly under Linux, I even got network scanning to work under Windows via TwainSane.
The big problem is network printing from Windows over Samba, though (although I thought that this should be easier to set up than scanning..). Even after hours of trying, I could not get it to print a single page spooled from my Windows computer.the print jobs do show up in CUPS as finished, but do not actually get processed. Could this be a rights-related thing? Depending of one setting in smb.conf (namely, "cups options = raw"), the printer even makes some noise and warms up when I spool a new job -- but it does not print.
My setup is the following:
- CUPS in the current version with Samsung Driver - Samba 3.5.8 - Windows XP and 7 clients
I have just purchased a new Samsung ML1860 printer and I can't get it to work. Samsung provide a driver at their web site, UnifiedLinuxDriver 0.95.tar.gz I downloaded this file onto my harddrive, but I can't seem to get it to install. Instructions received said to open a terminal and type: $ sudo cdroot/autorun This did not work. etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ $ sudo cdroot/autorun $: command not found
I then tried to add the appropriate steps to where the file is on my harddrive etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ $ sudo Colin/08.downloads/Samsung/cdroot/autorun $: command not found This didn't work either.
I tried to make the address a bit more complete, no success. etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ $ sudo media/Colin/08.Downloads/Samsung/cdroot/autorun $: command not found
I then found this instruction "Download and extract the driver [root@localhost root]#tar xzf [Downloaded File Name(XXXX.tar.gz)]"etsah57@etsah57-KZ208AA-ABG-m9385a:~$ [root@localhost root]#tar xzf unifiedLinuxDriver_0.95.tar.gz [root@localhost: command not found This hasn't worked either.
The situation:At my workplace there is a shared printer installed in WINDOWS. It's installed also in my windows system(WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE version 7600). It's working very well. From windows I shared it to have the option for printing from openSuSE 11.3. In Samba I can see the other colleagues connected to the same workplace network. I shared also the printer with Samba.I can see it.
The problem :The printer doesn't work.I can't find a opensuSE11.3 driver for it (Samsung CLX 3170 FN).The question 1:Is it really need a properly driver for it if it installed in windows? The question 2:How can I make printing from openSuSE11.3 with the shared installed in windows server printer? Steps done:in MS Win system I shared ,I noted the WORKGROUP,the PC name and the IP for the printer. //ALso I know the domain and my IP.well done in resolv.conf,in fact I have internet connection from openSuSE 11.3,no problem,e-mail/evolution and kmail are working very well,configured both for the workplace). Now in openSuSE what should I do? I need some advices/right steps) about configuring this printer USING few ways(Samba,Printer config from YAST etc) because I am thinking somehow I did something wrong. When I make print test page the printer make the noise is preparing but nothing is happening. I believe that maybe the driver missing is the problem. BUT ONCE AGAIN,it's installed in my PC in Windows system,/I have dual boot system/GRUB MANAGER/openSuSE and Windows 7 Ultimate 7 7600. Can I work with the printer via internet/network //Samba/CUPS/etc,etc with localhost /IP,or other way if I DON'T have a driver for openSuSE
I bought a new Samsung ML-2851ND. I intend to connect it via the ethernet port is has. Under Ubuntu you cannot just plug and play. To set it up you need to connect it via a USB cable (Ubuntu will have all the needed drivers to operate as soon as you plug it in). Then you can go into the advanced settings for the printer and set up the network settings with the right gateway, subnet and IP address. Once you do this you can http into the address and play with all the other settings. Please note that Samsung have fantastic Linux support and you can download the driver etc here: [URL]
All options are supported (1200dpi, duplex, toner save etc). Kudos to Samsung for making a Linux friendly product. This is the second Samsung I have and I bought it because the first worked so well with Linux. If I need to buy another Samsung are my first preference.
yesterday I upgrade my opensuse 11.2 to 11.3 with zypper dup. Today I try to print something but printer doesn't react for page nor test page. On 11.2 it works perfectly. I have samsung ml 1640 connected directly to PC via usb.
output from cups: Description:OpenBlackBox v mojom rume Location:Moj rum Driver:Samsung ML-1640 Series (grayscale, 2-sided printing) Connection:usb://Samsung/ML-1640%20Series Defaults:job-sheets=none, none media=iso_a4_210x297mm sides=one-sided
I have recently installed linux 'uberstudent'and find it doesnt recognise my floppy drive but more importantly I cant install my printer a samsung ML4500 laser. There are readme files (reproduced below) but I just dont know enough about the system to know what to do with them " does it mean anything to anyone ? I am a bit reluctant to experiment with terminal incase I mess up the entire system ! also could their be a connection between this and the floppy not working ?
1.AUTORUN will not run
2.clicking cdsetup.exe and selecting 'open with archive manager' results in : 'an error occured while loading the archive'
3.clicking cdsetup.exe and selecting 'open with wine windows programe loader' results in 'samsung printer setup window'etc, and it appears to load normally until 'PROGRAM ERROR 'DAC1.EXE encountered problems and has to be closed.
4. Inside the linux folder are three file's, copied and shown below
I'm fairly new to Linux so I'm going to need a step-by-step guide to get me out of this rut. The install of Linux was fine but when I booted up I got this error. VFS: Cannot open root device "302" or unknown-block (3,2) append a correct "root=" boot option;here are the available partitions;
0800 78150744 sda driver:sd 0801 47428608 sda1 <-- this is my Windows partition 0802 30719552 sda2 <-- this is my Linux partition 0b00 1048575 sr0 driver:sr 0b01 1048575 sr1 driver:sr
Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (3,2) I guessed from reading this error Lilo isn't pointing to the right partition to boot from? How will I fix this? I read another thread about boot problems on these forums and a guy said to do this:
#mkdir /slacktemp #mount /dev/device /slacktemp #chroot /slacktemp #cd /slacktemp/etc <-- for me it told me that doesn't exist #vi lilo.conf <-- couldn't do nothing and was frozen #lilo -v -t -b /dev/device #lilo -v -b /dev/device
The above solution did not work for me. Can anyone shed a light on a Linux rookie?
I have a display problem since updating to Slackware 13.37. Everything was fine on Slackware 13.1, but when I switched to 13.37 some piece of software came up with the wrong monitor size. I have a 1600x900 LCD monitor but the X screen came up as 1024x768 with blackness on either side of it. Under Slackware 13.1 the X screen came up as 1600x900 as it should without any prompting from me; I didn't even have an Xorg.conf file. I tried using the Xorg.conf file which was needed and work for older Slackwares, eg 12.*, but it didn't work. (Saying it didn't work is a gross understatement! That old Xorg.conf completely screwed up mouse, keyboard, and monitor; the screen was flashing and nothing worked. The only way to get control back was to SSH into the machine from my laptop and reboot. Killing the X server via that SSH console did NOT the flashing or get me back to my console login; only reboot worked.)
I find I can get the screen to be the right size manually by going through KDE's "System Settings" --> "Display and Monitor" --> "Size & Orientation", then disabling "LVDS1" and setting VGA1 to 1600x900. The size of my odd-sized monitor is being correctly detected for the "Auto" choice. Upon reboot LVDS1 stays disabled but VGA1 reverts to 1024x768 so I have to do this each time.I've done some search of the on-line literature regarding the error messages I am seeing in the boot log.
People are suggesting changing all kinds of things to alleviate the side effects of the "conflicting" error message above, even modifying GRUB parameters (which won't work for me since I use LILO).So, I have a manual work around which I must do each time I log in. Does someone know how I can get X or KDE to force 1600x900 upon start (while Linux/X/whoever find and fix the problem) or does someone know of a real fix?
I have been trying to get 5250DN brother printer to print envelopes correctly and Have tried installing the ppd and a host of other things and still within openoffice on karmic nothing works correctly I have also installed the brother package specifically from the repository via synaptic as well
I recently had problems with my HP printer in Fedora 12, where as I never had a problem with it in any other distrubution.... For some reason, the HPLIP driver in the repo doesn't work correctly... I don't know why... but I kept getting errors with "error: Printer queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again."
I tried every suggestion I found... which was installing extra dependencies, disabling firewall, disabling SELinux and a whole bunch of other stuff... but nothing worked... THEN finally I decided to use the HPLIP driver from the HP website... it was a .run file... and I executed it, and my printer has worked perfect eversince..... my question is.... has anybody successfully installed their hp printer from the hplip driver in the repo's..??? I don't know why it didn't work for me, and i've seen other fedora users complain of the same thing? maybe theres something wrong with the package? or its not pulling in a needed dependency? I don't know...
I have migrated from Debian to Fedora 14 ( Problem is that I can't get my networked printer to work (which it did with Debian). The printer is Samsung ML-3561ND and I got all he drivers & PPD from Samsung support. I prefer to install the printer with CUPS and not with Samsung Unified Linux install software. I have to send my documents to a user's Windows workstation and print from there I have googled a lot but have not found any solution.
I have searched around but found no solution to my problem so here it goes. I can't have any sound on a recently (re)installed Slackware 13.1 64bit. Running alsaconf shows me an option of:hda-intel Nvidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller hda-intel Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition then I get an ok from ALSA but still no noise... alsactl store tells me that there are no soundcards found. I also get a notification from KDE telling me that the device HDA Intel (ALC269 analog) does not work. See attached KDE1.png
I just installed a minimal Debian Testing on a USB stick to be used with my Samsung N220 netbook. I installed X and noticed that about half of the keys are not working. I fail to find any configuration tips on google
I inherited a water damaged Samsung NC10. A glass of water was spilled on the keyboard. I have dried the system out and it is now booting without issues. My only problem is that the keyboard has one key (P) that will not work at all. Every other key is fine. I removed the keyboard and reseated the connector ribbon but this has had no positive effect. I plugged a USB keyboard in and (P) works. Do you think that this means that the original keyboard is dead and should be replaced to have a fully functioning NC10? Or is it possible that water damage has made it so that no matter how many NC10 keyboards I plug in, it will have the same problem?
I just bought a samsung r580 laptop. this is the first time i've ever owned a laptop. I have owned a pc with ubuntu 8.04 installed on it and the internet worked trouble free. Now I have windows 7 and ubuntu 9.10 dual booted on my samsung r580. I used wubi to install and the internet works fine in windows but will not work in ubuntu. I have been trying to get this to work for about 5 hours now