Networking :: Wireless Tools Doesn't Refresh APs Properly

Feb 17, 2010

I need to monitorize which Wi-Fi APs are in coverage, so periodically I perform a scan whith "sudo iwlist ath0 scan". The problem appears when disconnecting an AP (from the electrical network). In this case, iwconfig shows the disconnected AP during 30-40 seconds after the disconnection.

I'm trying to figure out how to order the kernel to actually refresh the list of in coverage APs, and avoid to show nets that were in coverage but aren't now.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3: GNOME Screen Doesn't Refresh Properly

Sep 12, 2010

I had many trouble with my system the past two months. I thought i finally had it running flawless as i encountered another major issue: My Screen doesn't refresh properly (using GNOME). I have blank windows or windows showing old content which only gets updated when i minimize the window or move the mouse over them. And even then only small parts get really refreshed. Every Applicatio

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OpenSUSE :: Emacs Does Not Refresh Properly

Apr 26, 2011

I'm using openSUSE 11.4 Tumbleweed with KDE 4.6. I started using emacs and I wound when I scroll, emacs gui does not refresh the screen properly, and the characters get messy.

Especially the first column (first chars in every lines) does not go away for a while when I scroll.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Refresh Available Wireless Networks List In Nm Applet?

Jul 4, 2011

Is there a way I can refresh the list of available wireless networks in the network manager applet? It works correctly when I've just booted but doesn't after I resume after suspending. There's just a message like "wireless networks not available".

I can assure you that the wi-fi is not disabled using a button (my laptop doesn't have such a button), "Fn" key combination or in any other way and the network doesn't go down when I need it.

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Debian Hardware :: Wheezy Doesn't Properly Support Proprietary Firmware For Wireless Card

Mar 17, 2015

I recently installed the XFCE spin of Debian (amd64) on my Lenovo L440. I tried installing it before, but apparently the 3.2 kernel that ships with Wheezy doesn't properly support the proprietary firmware for the wireless card, blah blah. So I wound up using Windows 8.1 for a bit, and then Fedora (boo). Anyway, with the wheezy-backports kernel (3.16.7-ckt4-3~bpo70+1) everything works like a charm. Everything, that is, apart from the sound card — the entire system is completely mute. Well, apart from the system beeper. I searched the forum and found another thread, but that guy was (for some reason) just running dwm — I figured XFCE might feature a more complete sound system. But maybe the output he gave will be useful in my case as well:

Code: Select alleirik@gerhardsen:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]

I also tried running alsactl init (as root), which doesn't appear to have made any difference.

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Networking :: Command Line To Run Tools For Wireless In Ubuntu?

Jan 17, 2011

I want to run OpenBox on a netbook. For those of you not familiar, it is a very simple window manager, where I can launch a terminal with a mouse click, and I can start the few apps that I need from the command line. Basically, I am trading eye candy and easy access to a lot of stuff I don't need for a more responsive GUI.

My question is...what package should I install, and what corresponding command line would be used to launch a tool to manage the wireless LAN connection?

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Fedora Networking :: No Wired: Which Tools From 15 Fusion --> Broadcom STA For Wireless

Jul 17, 2011

I just installed Fedora (15) for the first time. However I do not have a wired internet connection, and have the infernal BCM4312 and I understand the STA works with this (It has worked for me with other distros). In another thread, I read that I can download the relevant files (using another computer) from FedoraFusion, transfer them to the wireless computer and install.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Wireless-tools From A Command Line Installation?

Jan 7, 2010

I did a command-line installation. I dont have an ethernet connection, only wireless. For some reason the alternate installer doesnt install "wireless-tools" How do i install it? At this point I am thinking of booting off a live USB, downloading the wireless-tolls package from here Save it to a folder in the command line installation where?) then boot back into command line and install from there But I am not that savvy with command lines, and dont know where to install to...

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Doesn't Seem To Work Properly

Nov 1, 2010

I'm runnig f 13 on my laptop, and it runs like a charm. But once in a while, the internet doesn't seem to work properly. It mostly works, but right now i am unable to reach certain pages such at google (which is annoying), whereas other pages like yahoo and this one works perfectly well.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Bonding Mode=1 Doesn't Work Properly

Dec 10, 2010

We have a Blade server connected to a two internal ESM Cisco switch. We want to have a active-backup configuration with bonding. We follow the documentation and we hace configured the next:

Centos 5.5
[root etc]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
# Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709S Gigabit Ethernet


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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Connection Is Not Working Properly

Jan 27, 2011

I have a dual boot (XP Pro and F13) laptop. This laptop has a Ralink RT2501USB Wireless Adapter which works perfectly fine on XP. But when it comes to F13, adapter only works properly when I am physically next to my router. When I move few feet away the strength of the connection drops from 100% to around 40%. But even though 40% should be okay for slow connection to internet, I can't get any internet access at all. I have tried three different routers with same results on each.

When I boot same machine with windows XP, all works fine. I can move to any part of my house and I will still have the connection without any issues.I can see that RT73 driver is installed if I check in add remove program under system.I am not an expert but to me its seems that the drivers on F13 for RT2501USB are not as good as on windows?

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Fedora Networking :: Intel Wireless N1000 Not Working Properly

Jun 24, 2011

I have a brand new Lenovo Thinkpad T402i. A very good and expensive machine, however I have just installed the latest Fedora 15 and my wiresless does not seem to work properly, I can barely ping a website. I have read it's an Intel's bug. I cannot understand how can be possible with Intel...

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Make Wireless Shortcut Function Properly

May 10, 2011

i'm using ASUS K40IE laptop, installed Ubuntu 10.10 and online upgraded to 11.04 (natty), and i have a problem about my wifi.This laptop using Fn+F2 to enable/disable wifi (using Windows work properly with driver from asus) and have a Led that trigger on/off.Using ubuntu, that's shortcut it's useless. i press Fn+F2 many times, but that led indicator never turn off. Is there a way to make that shortcut can function properly? Actually, i'm not often using wifi, so i want to make it default disable on start up. Both ubuntu 10.10 or 11.04 can't using this shortcut.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Title Bar Doesn't Auto Refresh

May 4, 2011

If I open Firefox, the title bar shows "Ubuntu Start Page - Mozilla Firefox". Then I type in the website I want [URL], the title bar still shows the same thing instead of [URL] .." If I minimize firefox window and open it again, then it's normal. If I then type in another website [URL], the title bar is still [URL]

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Fedora Networking :: Doesn't Work After Turned Off Wireless By Pressing A Wireless Button On Laptop?

May 19, 2011

Recently I have installed Fedora 14 on my other laptop. It's a dual boot with Windows 7. Everything worked perfectly fine, networking included, until my friend didn't accidently turned off the wireless by pressing a wireless button on the laptop. Since then the wireless on Fedora doesn't work. It does on Windows thought. I've tried restarting the laptop few times, but the wireless still doesn't want to work again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Enhanced Wireless USB Network Adapter - Windows Wireless Drivers App Doesn't Work

Feb 3, 2010

I have a Belkin Enhanced Wireless USB Network Adapter Model # F6D4050 v2. The drivers are for windows but the windows wireless drivers app doesnt work. I see a tutorial for a linksys that appears to have the same chipset, but I am not sure if any of the steps need to be modified, also my kernel is a bit different. Here is my kernel:


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Fedora :: NVidia And Compiz Installed And Working But Screen Doesn't Refresh Correctly?

Oct 30, 2010

What it does is, if you do something to change anything on the screen, for example, highlighting text, or switching from one tab/menu in an application to another. The screen doesn't show the change. The only way to SEE the change is to do something else to the screen, like grabbing and moving the application around, or scrolling the page of a website, etc. If you don't do that, you won't see what's really on the screen, but rather what WAS on the screen.

Another example:

*) say you have an application open with 3 tabs: tab1, tab2, and tab3.
*) Switch from tab1 to tab2 and you see no change on the screen.
*) Switch from tab2 to tab3 and you see tab 2 on the screen, NOT tab 3.
*) Switch from tab3 to tab 2 and you see tab3 on the screen, and NOT tab2.

Or, if you're typing in this box to make a post, and you hit ctrl+a to select all, you see no change. If you click in the box to deselect all, then it looks like you've selected all text still. The only way to see what's currently on the screen is to scroll the text box or page just a bit, or, if you're using an application, then you'd have to move it around on the screen a bit.

As i've said, the nVidia drivers are installed and working, as well as compiz, etc.

[=v=]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 Northbridge only single slot PCI-e GFX Hydra part (rev 02)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 PCI to PCI bridge (PCI express gpp port B)


Also, i did BOTH the dracut thing, and the extra kernel paramter in the grub.conf. So, nouveau is blacklisted. Oddly enough though, i do NOT have this problem when using the nouveau driver...

Also, fwiw, i think that i should mention that i'm not using the "Desktop Settings > Enable Desktop Effects" method, because i always seem to have problems with getting certain features to work, like the background for the cube skydome, etc. How i do it is that i install a package called compiz-manager, and i have it set to run at session start. This makes all of the compiz features work fine. One thing that i've noticed though, is that on my other workstation, i haven't set that up yet, and it seems that is is NOT having the same issue. While compiz-manager was running, i tried to use the "desktop settings" method, and it crapped out and reverted back to the old school desktop. I then tried it again, and it reloaded compiz, and there is no screen update issues now. So it seems that you have to have both of them running in order to get all of the compiz options to work, and not have the screen refresh issue?

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Networking :: DNS Lookup Doesn't Work, Ping, Firefox Will Not Work Properly?

Apr 23, 2009

I have this annoying problem since day one.I am testing out Red Hat RHEL5, everything is fine except DNS look up.If I ping, it doesn't work, ping ip address it all works;if I bring up browser, put it doesn't work, can't find the name, however, simply put ip address there it works.My DNS seeting seems ok, and the DNS works from Windows box.

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Software :: Texmaker Doesn't Show As Many Tools?

Jan 26, 2010

'm trying to write pdfs with ubuntu.So I installed these packages :



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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Enable Correctly On Boot / NFS Can Mount Properly At Boot Also?

Aug 8, 2009

I have a server that NFS exports the /home directory out to other computers. On the desktop they all work great, but on a wireless laptop, this is where the problem occurs. The wireless enables after the person logs in, rendering the NFS export /home useless on the laptops.Is there anyway to have the wireless enable correctly on the boot so that NFS can mount properly at boot also?I'm using Fedora 11 (32bit) with a wireless router that has a security of WPA-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PSK [AES]. I could switch to some of the older versions if necessary to get this working.

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Debian :: Gnome Administrations Tools Missing - Installation Doesn't Start

Jan 13, 2011

i installed debian cd 1 on a school's computer however, some administration tools are missing (like add/remove programs...) , i tried to install the full gnome but the installation doesn't start

Pmaison:/home/pmaison# aptitude install gnome Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait Construction de l'arbre des d©pendances Lecture des informations d'tat... Fait Lecture de l'information d'©tat ©tendu nitialisation de l'tat des paquets... Fait Lecture des descriptions de tches... Fait Pas de version candidate trouve pour gnome....

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: CentOS Doesn't Save Video Refresh Infos

Dec 9, 2009

My CentOS installation correctly recognize my video card and my monitor if I go to System->Preferences->Screen Resolution and set monitor refresh rate to 75 hz, everything works fine, but if I reboot, at startup refresh return to 60 hz.How can I save refresh rate value?

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Fedora Networking :: 10.92 Doesn't See Wireless Router?

May 27, 2009

I am currently running Fedora 10.92 on my desktop and have a linksys network card, one of the ones that uses the b43 wireless driver. Fedora sees the network card, wlan0, and driver but I can't get it to see the router and connect. I have tried to manually put in the ip,ssid, ect but to no avail. I tired starting network manager from terminal which worked for me in fedora 8 and ifconfig wlan0 up but nothing seems to work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Lan Doesn't Resume?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm setting up an HTPC (Zotac IONITX-F in a Silverstone ML02-MXR case with remote) running XBMC on top of a minimal karmic install. So far I've managed to get everything running including the tricky stuff: wireless, lcdpro and lirc. I did have the same samba/dhcp conflict described in this thread, so I opted for a static IP solution instead of the usual dhcp connection with the router (D-link DIR-615) reserving an IP for the MAC-address. This is my /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
#auto eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Sometimes Doesn't Cooperate?

Jul 31, 2010

I've been using (solely) Linux for a few years on this laptop without problem night my internet disconnected on Sabayon and I assumed it was the router. -Then I noticed my MacBook and desktops were working fine. The wireless icon in the notification area said "Wireless is disabled".-Then I tried out a live Lucid CD I had around. Detected wireless instantly. I backed up everything and did a clean install of Lucid. A few days later, wireless would not come on.-Now I am on Mint 9. Wireless is always disabled by default, and in order to turn it on I have to move the slider to the Off position and then turn it back on. Lately, wireless isn't coming on sometimes and cannot be enabled. Same error; "wireless is disabled" in the GNOME panel. A reboot is the only way I co

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Always Work

Nov 15, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. Up until about a week ago, my wireless worked fine, but now it rarely connects. Sometimes the connection indicator shows that I am connected, but when I click on it it doesn't show any active networks. Even when I use a wired connection it doesn't always work.

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Fedora Networking :: 14 Wireless On Dell X1 Worked, 15 Doesn't?

Jun 19, 2011

I did an inplace upgrade on my Dell Latitude X1 from Fedora 14 to 15 using dist-sync as per instructions on the website. It was not entirely smooth but I believe all the packages are now present and correct. Initially, about half the packages were still on f14 and the machine barely booted. I booted single user (nothing else was possible) and persuaded yum to fetch & install the rest.I was using wicd on 14 to connect wirelessly and it "just worked". I used wicd because I found NetworkManager didn't work.

On upgrade to 15, wicd now fails, and NetworkManager still does.icd i get an authentication failure, though the pw is correct. The only clue in the logs I can see is that wicd complains of not finding python-iwscan, and doesn't seem happy in using dhclient. Of course p-iwscan isn't in Fedora. Is p-iwlib similar? For wlassistant onnect failed.NetworkManager is currently refusing to acknowledge the existence of wireless on the machine, though occasionally it has addmitted the possibility. Then however I can neither scan for an SSID nor enter one manually ** Using iwconfig and setting the key manually *appears* to connect to the AP, but dhclient won't get IP data for it (if I ask nicely, it appears to try but isn't transmitting anything)The wireless card is an Intel ipw2200 chipset built into the X1. The ethernet port is working ok now, using a Broadcom chip.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Works - Wired Doesn't ?

Jan 31, 2010

I recently got a cable modem from Comcast, and connected a Belkin F5D7230-4 wireless router to it, then connected my computer and an Xbox 360 to the router with ethernet cables.

My computer dual-boots Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 7. In either operating system, the wireless connection is flawless. In Windows, so is the wired connection. But in Ubuntu, there's a lot of trouble with the wired connection -- specifically, while I can connect to the router and to the Internet, and while I can use ping, dig, traceroute, etc., to verify connections to remote hosts, Web browsing, or anything else that uses http, works only for a few Websites, and then only erratically.

I don't believe it is a DNS problem -- testing with ping, dig, etc., demonstrates that, and I have also tried using alternate nameservers. I also don't believe that it is an issue with IPv6, as I've tried the fixes usually suggested, including editing the grub configuration to disable IPv6 support in the kernel and verifying that IPv6 was inactive. I've also tried using local dns servers such as pdns-recursor. None of these things seemed to help.

Also, perhaps unrelated, but disturbing: my computer has locked up a few times while testing the wired connection, and I had to use a hard reset to restart the computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Doesn't Recognize Wireless Network?

Feb 14, 2010

I am exploring Ubuntu 8.10 on my Asus netbook without yet installing it. While using Ubuntu I cannot get it to recognize any wireless networks.Is this because I am only exploring Ubuntu and it has not yet been installed? The networks are recognized when using the XP operating system.Will Ubuntu recognize the wireless networks once it is installed as the operating system?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Recognize Password 10.04

May 8, 2010

I had the same problem with normal ubuntu, wubi or even after instaling it in a virtual pc

I've got a wireless router with a WEP security, when I choose my connection and put in the key it just tries for some time and then ask me again for the WEP key. And it goes like this on and on and on, I've tried to connect at some firends gome with the same kind of connection and it doesn't work either.

I think that in an older version I did connect to an unprotected connection but I cannot take out the protection because it is my roomsmate wifi.

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