Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Sometimes Doesn't Cooperate?

Jul 31, 2010

I've been using (solely) Linux for a few years on this laptop without problem night my internet disconnected on Sabayon and I assumed it was the router. -Then I noticed my MacBook and desktops were working fine. The wireless icon in the notification area said "Wireless is disabled".-Then I tried out a live Lucid CD I had around. Detected wireless instantly. I backed up everything and did a clean install of Lucid. A few days later, wireless would not come on.-Now I am on Mint 9. Wireless is always disabled by default, and in order to turn it on I have to move the slider to the Off position and then turn it back on. Lately, wireless isn't coming on sometimes and cannot be enabled. Same error; "wireless is disabled" in the GNOME panel. A reboot is the only way I co

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Enhanced Wireless USB Network Adapter - Windows Wireless Drivers App Doesn't Work

Feb 3, 2010

I have a Belkin Enhanced Wireless USB Network Adapter Model # F6D4050 v2. The drivers are for windows but the windows wireless drivers app doesnt work. I see a tutorial for a linksys that appears to have the same chipset, but I am not sure if any of the steps need to be modified, also my kernel is a bit different. Here is my kernel:


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Fedora Networking :: Doesn't Work After Turned Off Wireless By Pressing A Wireless Button On Laptop?

May 19, 2011

Recently I have installed Fedora 14 on my other laptop. It's a dual boot with Windows 7. Everything worked perfectly fine, networking included, until my friend didn't accidently turned off the wireless by pressing a wireless button on the laptop. Since then the wireless on Fedora doesn't work. It does on Windows thought. I've tried restarting the laptop few times, but the wireless still doesn't want to work again.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cluster Node Does Not Want To Cooperate

Sep 30, 2010

I have a two node cluster, and a third system which has luci installed.

node1 is nfs0
node2 is nfs1

both nodes have identically the same configuration. They have a fresh installation of Centos 5.5 + yum update. I am unable to join nfs1 to the cluster, as it is giving me the following issue:

Sep 29 23:28:00 nfs0 ccsd[6009]: Starting ccsd 2.0.115:
Sep 29 23:28:00 nfs0 ccsd[6009]: Built: Aug 11 2010 08:25:53
Sep 29 23:28:00 nfs0 ccsd[6009]: Copyright (C) Red Hat, Inc. 2004 All rights reserved.


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Slackware :: Nvidia Driver Package Refuse To Cooperate With Kernel Sources?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm using Slackware 13.0 on rather old PC with old Riva TNT2 video card. Default driver is "nv". Everything work fine, but without hardware 2D acceleration under X.

After studying various manuals I
1. downloaded Nvidia binary package suitable for my video card.
2. Recompile kernel without Riva framebuffer support.
3. Start Nvidia script.

Script said: "Error: unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel and that they are properly configured...""

Kernel sources are in /usr/src/linux- I have all kernel packages installed. I was trying various switches for script in order to show the right path - nothing! 8 Some people say that Nvidia script don't like 4th digit in a kernel's name and get it from "uname -r" output. Can I change it somehow?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Lan Doesn't Resume?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm setting up an HTPC (Zotac IONITX-F in a Silverstone ML02-MXR case with remote) running XBMC on top of a minimal karmic install. So far I've managed to get everything running including the tricky stuff: wireless, lcdpro and lirc. I did have the same samba/dhcp conflict described in this thread, so I opted for a static IP solution instead of the usual dhcp connection with the router (D-link DIR-615) reserving an IP for the MAC-address. This is my /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
#auto eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Always Work

Nov 15, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. Up until about a week ago, my wireless worked fine, but now it rarely connects. Sometimes the connection indicator shows that I am connected, but when I click on it it doesn't show any active networks. Even when I use a wired connection it doesn't always work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Works - Wired Doesn't ?

Jan 31, 2010

I recently got a cable modem from Comcast, and connected a Belkin F5D7230-4 wireless router to it, then connected my computer and an Xbox 360 to the router with ethernet cables.

My computer dual-boots Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 7. In either operating system, the wireless connection is flawless. In Windows, so is the wired connection. But in Ubuntu, there's a lot of trouble with the wired connection -- specifically, while I can connect to the router and to the Internet, and while I can use ping, dig, traceroute, etc., to verify connections to remote hosts, Web browsing, or anything else that uses http, works only for a few Websites, and then only erratically.

I don't believe it is a DNS problem -- testing with ping, dig, etc., demonstrates that, and I have also tried using alternate nameservers. I also don't believe that it is an issue with IPv6, as I've tried the fixes usually suggested, including editing the grub configuration to disable IPv6 support in the kernel and verifying that IPv6 was inactive. I've also tried using local dns servers such as pdns-recursor. None of these things seemed to help.

Also, perhaps unrelated, but disturbing: my computer has locked up a few times while testing the wired connection, and I had to use a hard reset to restart the computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Doesn't Recognize Wireless Network?

Feb 14, 2010

I am exploring Ubuntu 8.10 on my Asus netbook without yet installing it. While using Ubuntu I cannot get it to recognize any wireless networks.Is this because I am only exploring Ubuntu and it has not yet been installed? The networks are recognized when using the XP operating system.Will Ubuntu recognize the wireless networks once it is installed as the operating system?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Recognize Password 10.04

May 8, 2010

I had the same problem with normal ubuntu, wubi or even after instaling it in a virtual pc

I've got a wireless router with a WEP security, when I choose my connection and put in the key it just tries for some time and then ask me again for the WEP key. And it goes like this on and on and on, I've tried to connect at some firends gome with the same kind of connection and it doesn't work either.

I think that in an older version I did connect to an unprotected connection but I cannot take out the protection because it is my roomsmate wifi.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom Wireless Doesn't Work

May 20, 2010

I'm working on Lucid, in HP Pavilion 9730us laptop.

My wireless broadcom card was working just fine until now as i installed it with the Hardware Devices manager, Today i put a new ALFA AWUS036H usb card to work with aircrack. both cards were working together for a while, but as i started playing around with aircrack the broadcom card of the HP has stopped working.

I made a mistake and followed the aircrack tutorial for R8187 / ieee80211 stacks driver, while i'm using RTL 8187 / mac80211 stack drivers, and blacklisted the RTL8187 , rebooted and then both card didn't work. I un-blacklisted it, and the ALFA is working but the broadcom not!

iwconfig shows me only one wireless card on wlan0 the blue light showing activity in the HP card doesn't go on.

Tried to uninstall and reinstall broadcom drivers, still no change.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Kmail Doesn't Work With Wireless?

Aug 11, 2010

I use kmail in kubuntu 8.04. Whenever I have a wired connection, kmail checks email and sends messages just fine. However, any time I switch to wireless, kmail just says "No new messages," without even checking. I am also unable to send email over wireless.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Work After Updates?

Dec 12, 2010

I got Ubuntu 10.10 installed. Unfortunately, my wireless doesnt work. I'm connected to my router, but web pages wont load.

I thought to myself, maybe Ubuntu needs to update. So I lugged my computer out to the router itself and okugged my computer in. I went into update manager and let it do its thing. It was PAINFULLY slow. I had a less than 100 b/s. But I let it do its thing. After all 200 Mb's were done, which took a couple hours, I rebooted my system. Now, I cant even connect to my wireless and the internet symbol (the wireless bars thing in the top right) is gone.

1) How can I get my wireless to work?

2) How do I get the wireless button back?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04: Wireless Functions But Ethernet Doesn't

Dec 14, 2010

My wireless works flawlessly (aside from my generally crappy signal ahaha), but when I decided to do a minimal Ubuntu live install on my netbook [Asus Eee 1005PE] (I tried both 10.04 and 10.10 with the same results), it wouldn't pick up my ethernet.

I decided just to load up my existing OS (Ubuntu 10.04 32-Bit) and got the same thing.

The wireless, as stated before, works without a problem, and it's weird, because the wireless manager says that knows the ethernet connection is there, but it won't connect to it...

[Edit: I did play around with different combinations in the BIOS (ie: lan enabled, wlan disabled, ect...)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Sometimes Disconnects And Doesn't Connect?

Mar 9, 2011

I facing a really annoying problem. I download regularly during the night using Wifi. The problem is that because I'm away, the wireless just disconnects and the pop window shows up asking me to into the password. The password is already saved in the windows so I just have to click 'connect'ut I don't understand why does it disconnect and when it tries to connect it asks for password again!y doesn't it simply 'try' to connect without asking the password when it is already saved.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Pick Up One Of The Networks?

Apr 11, 2011

I just loaded 10.10 onto a stock hp pavalion zt3000 and everything is running fine except it won't detect my college's wifi network. It picks up everything else and runs without a hitch. (I'm actually on my work's wireless network atm) The network is not hidden and doesn't have any encryption. The wireless is on and has even detected other networks when it doesn't see the school's. I searched but couldn't find much on this specific problem but Im guessing/hoping its something simple here's the hardware: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter (rev 04)

here's ifconfig:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:02:3f:67:05:ff
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Doesn't Seem To Detect Wireless Connections?

Apr 22, 2011

i'm using a dell n5010 recently i installed ubuntu9.10 in my laptop and it doesn't seem to detect wireless connections, so, i googled it and downloaded a driver from broadcom and tried to install it as per the authors instructions and nothing seems to work well, the broadcom drivers are not detected in the additional drivers and when i try to install linux-wlan-ng tarballs it doesn't seem to work even, though i have gcc(i think thats it), so, i installed my windows driver through nsdgtk but it says that it is "unable to see if hardware is present" but, when i click ok on the error the wireless network applet says the hardware is present and when i click the network configuration tool it gives the error message "could not find a network configuration tool" and after configuring my network with network tools in administration it says "no wireless extensions" when i type 'iwconfig' and there is no ip address when i type "ipconfig".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Wpa/wpe Doesn't Work On KDE But Works On Gnome

Mar 22, 2010

I've recently installed KDE 4.4.1 just to try on a Dell 1545 laptop with Ubuntu 9.10 previously installed.

My problem is that the wireless connection works just perfectly with nm-applet under Gnome, but when I login on KDE and ask KNetworkManager to connect to the same network as before, it can't finish the connection.

When I choose the connection the program asks for my passphrase, I type it and then it just sticks on "activating network" and nothing happens.

My experience with KDE is zero, so I don't even know where to start looking. I'd even tried to kill KNetworkManager and try to replace it with nm-applet, but I think there's a daemon that restarts it immediately.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Work In 9.10 (lenovo T400)

Apr 12, 2010

I am having trouble with my laptop's wireless. It doesnt work after a normal shut down. The version is 9.10 and my computer is lenovo T400.

Below are some outputs of commonds.


op@power:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Shows Connection But Doesn't Work

Jun 7, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu on my windows pc with no problems....except for wireless that is. I have a USB Linksys WUSB54G adapter to access my 2WIRE, WEP network. The thing is, it shows up in the top right hand corner. It even gives me the signal strength. But when it comes to using Mozilla, it is never able to access a page. If I try to Ping something, it's unable to. So I thought maybe I need to use ndiswrapper with my .inf and .sys files from the driver for my windows. I installed it, and added the driver to it...everything went O.K. I check it and it says it's installed and working. Again, I can see the wireless networks, and "connect" but when I try to use the connection there is nothing. I have also tried my neighbours non-WEP connection, but it still doesn't work. So I'm sort of at a loss with what I should do now. I see the networks, can "connect" but can't browse. I installed the drivers from my windows, and it still doesn't work. I used a LIVE CD of Knoppix and I can connect to the Network within 30 seconds and start browsing the net.

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Ubuntu Networking :: D-Link DWA-125 Wireless Adapter Doesn't Work W 10.04?

Sep 7, 2010

Have tried methods from every thread I could find for past 10 hrs. Have tried installing rt3070sta etc.Monitored message log; appears that the driver isn't recognized, though the USB port sees that something is plugged in (when I plug in the adapter, and unplug it).All of the threads miss something; I can't get a wireless port listed under ifconfig no matter what I try. Seems that every method leaves out something (I guess because everyone's box is different in some way). Network manager doesn't help much. Downloaded Wicd, which does even less.I guess I could try ndiswrapper, but I'm scared away by the hundreds of pages I see on going that route; I'm almost certain it wouldn't work (1000 possible points of failure).Does anyone have a strategy to recommend?AM64 box, newly installed Edubuntu 10.04, ran update manager.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Realtek Wireless Card Doesn't Work

Sep 12, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite series laptop, i get ubuntu on it, all works well but there's a problem, my wireless card doesn't work, it doesn't show me the aviable wireless network, my Wireless Card is an Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10) but it works in windows. I used Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS. When i run these codes that's what it shows:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Work - But Recognizes Network?

Sep 20, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a machine after erasing everything else and the wireless has never worked. It says that the wireless has already shut down even though it recognizes the wireless network and my other non-linux machines see the network and work fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Doesn't Work Although Card Detected

Oct 20, 2010

I have an issue with wireless connectivity on my laptop. Its a HP dm3 and the intel network adapter is supported as I can scan and detect wireless access points.However, when I attempt to connect to my home network, it fails and this is probably a result of two things: The BSSID is missing and/or the DHCP client ID is missing.I am running Kubuntu 10.10 32 bit

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card Doesn't Work Upgrading To 10

Oct 22, 2010

Yes, that's correct, it's a Celeron 400 running Xubuntu. And the card was working on 9.10, but not working anymore in 10.04 neither in 10.10.I've no other idea and I'm really considering moving back to 9.10Is there anything else I can check.

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Ubuntu Networking ::wireless Detects The Available Networks But When Try To Connect It Doesn't?

Jan 2, 2011

so my wireless isn't working. My netbook wireless detects the available networks but when I try to connect it doesn't. The box that asks me to put in the password occasionally shows up but it still doesn't load. I even tried re-installing Ubuntu and didn't fix anything.I'm using kernel version 2.6.35-22-generic and

description: Ethernet interface


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Ubuntu Networking :: Doesn't Recognize Any Wireless Networks After First Installation

Apr 4, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu 10 on my Compaq mini 730ej. I installed it using the wubi software. Although it works fine with regular lAN connection, it doesn't recognize any wireless networks - when I click the icon I see a "missing firmware" massage. Now - I am a linux newbie, so be gentle, but I would very much like to solve this problem since.So what can I do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ralink Wireless Adaptor Doesn't Work 10.04

Jul 30, 2011

I've ubuntu 10.04 and I can't connect to router wi-fi with my new wireless adaptor usb (ralink 2870). I've tried various guides but nothing. The adaptor work fine with Windows and other linux distributions.

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Networking :: Atheros Wireless Card Doesn't Get Detected In Ubuntu?

Apr 7, 2011

I want to load Atheros wireless card to ubuntu linux OS having kernel I have loaded the atheros driver and I observed the following log messages when card was inserted.

[ 55.732223] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: pccard: CardBus card inserted into slot 0
[ 55.732294] pci 0000:04:00.0: reg 10 32bit mmio: [0x000000-0x00ffff]
[ 55.810152] ath5k: disagrees about version of symbol ieee80211_free_hw


My suspect was the driver was kernel based i may need to update my kernel, but i have other laptop having 2.6.32-21 kernel and this card works fine.

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Fedora Networking :: 10.92 Doesn't See Wireless Router?

May 27, 2009

I am currently running Fedora 10.92 on my desktop and have a linksys network card, one of the ones that uses the b43 wireless driver. Fedora sees the network card, wlan0, and driver but I can't get it to see the router and connect. I have tried to manually put in the ip,ssid, ect but to no avail. I tired starting network manager from terminal which worked for me in fedora 8 and ifconfig wlan0 up but nothing seems to work.

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