Debian :: KDE Default Folders Missing?

Sep 10, 2010

Once I setup KDE on Testing and opened Dolphin I reallzed there were no default folders (Documents, Desktop, Music...) and was wondering if this is normal. Other distros like Kubuntu and PCLinuxOS (what a name) have these and I was wondering if they added them or they are part of KDE. Gnome has them on debian but not KDE.
If they are part of KDE and I'm missing them and shouldn't, would manually adding them as I did require mentioning them elsewhere on the system or do applications and such assume they are there?

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Debian :: Default Ownership Of Folders And Files - Should Own By A User Without Root Permissions

Feb 12, 2011

Being new to Linux, i've just about got used to the Debian setup procedure now, but had a quick question on the default ownership of files and folders. On my default Debian installation, almost all the folders and files are owned by root:root. Is this the correct advised configuration or should the folders and files be owned by a user without root permissions - eg user:user?

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel Missing From Default Applications

Jan 4, 2016

I decided to switch from chrome back to iceweasel as my default browser. However, when I try to do that (as I used to) via Details -> Default Applications -> Web, iceweasel is not listed as choice.I tried to do it then from the shell with

Code: Select allupdate-alternatives --config x-www-browser
update-alternatives --config gnome-www-browser

At least out of evolution or thunderbird, still chrome is opened when clicking on a link.

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Ubuntu :: Missing Folders On Same Drive?

Aug 30, 2010

installed ubuntu using wubi under winxp. why do the rest of the folders not show up on the shared drive?

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Ubuntu :: Why Folders Top Part Is Missing Sometimes?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm using UBUNTU 11.04. Sometimes when I open a folder or resizing it, the top part of the folder(which contains minimize, maximize buttons) is missing. That time can't move the folder also. Why is that and how to fix it?

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Fedora :: Files & Folders Missing After Update?

Jul 23, 2011

I'm using fedora 15 64-bit. Today i was prompted to install some updates, most of them are related to mesa driver updates. Once installed those, I rebooted the system. After login again, i couldn't find any of my files or folders. The hidden files & folders are remain there but rest all were gone. Now my account looks like newly created one. All of my important documents are missing.

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Ubuntu :: Folders Are Missing / Slowly Be Deleted

Jan 27, 2010

I have a 320 g.b hard drive for a Ubuntu and a 500 g.b Windows XP. I haven't used XP in a while because well..its windows. Anyway, I wanted to go back to the windows XP side because I needed to do some editing on sony vegas. I restarted the computer and tried starting windows and everything in the system32 folder is totally gone!I don't know what to do because I don't want to have to do a fresh install and I don't have enough space to bring everything over to the ubuntu side.

I can't find 90% of my music when I search for it in the folders. (On the ubuntu linux side). When I go into rythmbox, my music is slowly being deleted (Like my Joe satriani, Crystal planet). What is funny is that rythmbox can see a lot of my music (not all) but not the folder program. Its really weird, when I take the pure locations of the music (that rythmbox can see), and copy them, then go into folders and paste them into the search at the top, they come up. But, when I click on the up button (in folders) they don't show the folder I was just in.If some one can help me with:

1. Knowing to fix windows XP without having to reinstall anything.
2. Knowing how to save my folders from being randomly deleted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Home Folders Missing After Upgrade

Aug 8, 2010

This evening I went through the upgrade process to 10.04. The entire process went well until reboot time. At that point fsck was run and stopped after checking the first physical hard drive. After some time I skipped (s). When I tried to log in, warning messages informed me that Nautilus could not access it's folders in our home folder. ls /home/ brings up nothing, nada zilch. Some poking around confirms that the drive is there but Ubuntu seems unaware of it.

The configuration:
Physical hd #1 is: sda a 40Gb hard drive with windows and Ubuntu / and swap.
Physical hd #2 is: sdb a 120Gb hard drive with our /home partitions.
Seems Ubuntu is simply not detecting the drive?

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Ubuntu :: Explain The Multiple Firefox Default Folders?

Mar 14, 2010

Under /home/username/.mozilla I have a default folder which contains folders named "aqeif3n4.slt" and "cache". Under /home/username/.mozilla/Firefox I also have more default folders such as "6ajy4rl7.default", "ad2fpe1q.default" and "ivkrjhk8.default". I do not understand what the default folder under /home/username/.mozilla is for. I am sure that the .default folders under /home/username/.mozilla/Firefox are my Firefox files (duh!) but why are there more than one? Is a new one created every so often so you have copies from past time periods? Or what?

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General :: Set Default Permissions For New Folders On Mounted Samba Volume?

Feb 1, 2010

I have mounted samba volume and I need to have write permissions for every new folder that's being created (currently, by default, on every newly created folder i have only read and execute permissions).I tried changing umask, but with no effect on mounted folder, umask changed only for local filesystem. I tried mounting with umask option, but with no effect again.I'm using ArchLinux on this machine, and I installed samba using default package manager (pacman).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Default File Permissions For System Folders

May 5, 2010

I had a major raid event recently which caused my Ubuntu 9.04 server to recover part of its file journal on the system partition. This caused some of the file permissions to go all funny and I now need to change them manually.

What the file permissions should for the following folders:

The server is running and I fixed the some of the ownership issues already. I use a basic LAMP setup with samba, and proftp.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Are Samba Shared Folders Visible On Internet By Default?

May 31, 2010

I have created a shared folder in my ubuntu. And checked allow guest user access. I can access this folder with my other ubuntu computer connected trough LAN.The question is if anyone have my IP address can he/she access to my shared folder?Are samba shared folders shared over internet too? If so, This will be a very dangerous security problem.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Missing 'access Control List' Tab In Properties Of Files / Folders?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm looking to have an 'access control list' tab of file/folder properties in Nautilus.

I have eiciel installed and i thut thats supposed to take care of it. What am i missing to get it to look like the pic?

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Fedora :: Guest Additions After Upgrade - Features Missing Like Seamless Mode - Shared Folders

Feb 18, 2010

I am new to Fedora and Linux. I have installed Fedora 12 on virtual box and installed Guest Additions. Later I did upgrade Fedora updates and noticed that my Guest Additions features were missing like Seamless mode, shared folders etc. Hence I had install Guest Additions again. So every time when I do Fedora updations, do I need to re-install Guest Additions or am I missing something very obvious?

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Debian Installation :: Missing Network Drivers / And Missing Make To Install Them

Dec 1, 2014

I have an asus pc, and its network hardware is not recognized by debian, the drivers are not even in the list provided during the installation process. I managed to download them from another pc, but if i try to make them and install them, i'm stucked because Make is not installed on debian (nor is sudo).So i need a connection to install the drivers that provide me a co0nnections..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub-set-default Gone Missing 11.3

Jun 13, 2011

Starting a few days ago, I am unable to leave my kde session using the "leave" facilities. On a fresh login, I can select the leave button and it pops up the menu as per normal. However, whatever I select (logout, shutdown or reboot) nothing happens. I cannot now select the leave button. I click it but nothing happens.

I checked the log messages and see an error posted by kdm that grub-set-default is not in the path. I issue a find and, yeps, no grub-set-default. A week or two ago, I uninstalled CUPS. Went to make tea, came back to find a huge list of stuff being deleted. I had to abort it and spent a long while re-installing loads of stuff, for instance, even Mozzila. Can't find where to get grub-set-default so anybody know where to get it?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Menu Button And Default Buttons?

Jul 17, 2011

Had a power outage , when I restarted the pc the tool bar came up empty. No menu button or default icons. How can I repair this ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing The "Shared Folders" Link In Admin?

Mar 16, 2010

I just did a fresh install on my Asus 1005PE and in admin there is NO Shared Folders link or button. How can I get a share going on the 1005PE that I can hit from windows system please?

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Ubuntu :: Meerkat Gcalctool 5.32.0 (default Calculator) Missing Memory Registers

Oct 28, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 default calculator, gcalctool 5.32. seems to be missing the 10 memory registers it used to have. The geaphic keys for memory functions are missing and control-M does not bring up memory pop-up either. Am I just missing something or have they been removed? I store lots of intermediate results in the registers for use later in calculations.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Default Panel - Message Appeared On Boot Up Saying A Config File Was Missing Or Couldn't Load

Sep 1, 2011

I recently lost the default panel from the top task bar, a message appeared on boot up saying a config file was missing or couldn't load - or something to that effect. I didn't realise to what it was referring until the computer (an Acer One) completed its start up and I could see the desktop

How can I restore the panel? (graphic from my other Ubuntu laptop attached showing the default panel appearance)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Default Folder In Shorewall-common Directory After Installation?

Aug 13, 2010

I am setting up a mail server. After installation of shorewall-common, shorewall-doc

Following this link
For setting up
It requires me to copy thge content of /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules to /etc/shorewall
cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules /etc/shorewall/

But i observed that the folder default-config is missing. I have purge it apt-get and reinstalled but still it does it have that folder. What could cause this thing and how can i go about it?

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Debian :: How To See Windows Folders

Feb 15, 2011

I am using Debian and I can't see any folders which are in my Windows (The same computer, different parts you know). I used to see them, but now I can't.I am from Finland, so sorry for my bad language.Whenever I try to attach, my computer says:Taltiota ei voi liittVirheellinen liitosvalitsin yritettess liittää taltiota "Data".When I translate it, it means something like this:Volumes can not be connectedInvalid mount option when you try to attach a volume as "Data".

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OpenSUSE Install :: Custom Build From Suse Studio|missing "initrd-" File?

Dec 2, 2010

If you can access Suse Studio here is thlink to the buildLFS Host - SUSE GalleryGoogle hasn't been friendly and neither has a search on these forums, I don't know which man to read so a finger in the right dirrection (preferably not the middle) would be nice as far as that goesRight now the yast live installer trips up at %84 while saving the boot loader configuration and displays a popup that says �An error occurred during initrd creation. /sbin/mkinitrd: illegal optionI then press enter to acknowledge the message and the installation continues without a hitch.

When I go to boot up (no other os installed) grub says it cant find the file initrd- you boot the live cd again you can mount the boot partition and you�ll find a broken symlink called initrd that islooking for the missing file above.Like I said above, if it an obvious fix, all I need is some direction, I don't mind reading. (been doing that all day)If you need more specifics Id be happy to supply, I'm just not sure whats relevant and don't want to bloat the post.

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General :: In Ubuntu 9.04 - Mount The Different Folders On The Partition To Different Folders In Home?

May 12, 2010

I have a shared NTFS partition ("shared") that I use for data for both Windows and Ubuntu. How can I mount the music folder on shared to $Home/Music, and the Videos folder on shared to $Home/Videos? I want to mount the different folders on the partition to different folders in home.

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Debian :: Np Permission To Write To Certain Folders?

Apr 7, 2010

why can't I copy files to my plugins folder for IceWeasel ?? I'm using Debian (Lenny I think) for PPC & I'm getting I don't have permision to write to the directory when I'm logged in as admin?

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Ubuntu :: Hiding Folders Inside Of Shared Folders?

Mar 27, 2010

I am setting up a lubuntu nas with all of my music, movies, etc on it. I want to give my kids access to my mp3 directory, so I can move all of the kid appropiate music into the root of my mp3 dir, in the same order I have all of my music sorted. Under the Music folder, I have them sorted, in folders, by letter. So A, B, C, D, etc... Now, in those folders are the respective artists. So where there may be something approipate in the P folder (say, Paramore), there is something inapproipate (say, Pantera)Now, when the kids go to the P folder, I don't want them to even see the Pantera folder. I just want them to see the Paramore folder. I tried a test using chmod 711 and chmod 700 on a directory with a test user, and the user can't access the directory, but can still see it

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Ubuntu :: Linking Content Of Windows Folders To Folders

Mar 31, 2010

The Problem was I wanted to open my /home/Pictures folder and have it display the contents of the My Pictures folder in my windows partition. This way I could have ubuntu and xp using the same set of music files, picture files, etc. I was having a very hard time understanding how to get from here to there because I'm such a newbie. However I have discovered how to do it and I wanted to post it, in hopes it will make things easier for other newbies.This allows me to see every TYPE of document in /dev/sda8/Media (windows My Documents folder) without having to see any of the folders (My Music, My Pictures, etc).

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Debian :: Unable To Create Files And Folders

Feb 19, 2009

I have created a user account on a ubuntu workstation. I log into the terminal as this new user and when i try to create a file i get that permission is denied. I would like to create a file such that this new user and other members of a group can access it.

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Debian :: Turn A Bunch Of Files/folders Into A .deb?

Jan 26, 2010

I have been playing with JWM source and found this cool tutorial at Debian Forums about how its easier to generate a .deb vs installing from source in the traditional manner (./configure, make,etc)[URL] My problem is that when doing the command


dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc

it starts over, destroys the previous jwm stuff, including my custom files and generates a .deb so, how do I stop it from "cleaning" when i run the above command?

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General :: Debian - Install Rtl8187se Driver In Default Debian Kernel (without Generic)?

Apr 20, 2010

I have rtl8187se linux driver, during installation in debian linux it tells that "the kernel is not a generic". How can i install this driver in default debian kernel (without generic)?

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