Ubuntu :: Missing Folders On Same Drive?

Aug 30, 2010

installed ubuntu using wubi under winxp. why do the rest of the folders not show up on the shared drive?

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Ubuntu :: Why Folders Top Part Is Missing Sometimes?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm using UBUNTU 11.04. Sometimes when I open a folder or resizing it, the top part of the folder(which contains minimize, maximize buttons) is missing. That time can't move the folder also. Why is that and how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Folders Are Missing / Slowly Be Deleted

Jan 27, 2010

I have a 320 g.b hard drive for a Ubuntu and a 500 g.b Windows XP. I haven't used XP in a while because well..its windows. Anyway, I wanted to go back to the windows XP side because I needed to do some editing on sony vegas. I restarted the computer and tried starting windows and everything in the system32 folder is totally gone!I don't know what to do because I don't want to have to do a fresh install and I don't have enough space to bring everything over to the ubuntu side.

I can't find 90% of my music when I search for it in the folders. (On the ubuntu linux side). When I go into rythmbox, my music is slowly being deleted (Like my Joe satriani, Crystal planet). What is funny is that rythmbox can see a lot of my music (not all) but not the folder program. Its really weird, when I take the pure locations of the music (that rythmbox can see), and copy them, then go into folders and paste them into the search at the top, they come up. But, when I click on the up button (in folders) they don't show the folder I was just in.If some one can help me with:

1. Knowing to fix windows XP without having to reinstall anything.
2. Knowing how to save my folders from being randomly deleted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Home Folders Missing After Upgrade

Aug 8, 2010

This evening I went through the upgrade process to 10.04. The entire process went well until reboot time. At that point fsck was run and stopped after checking the first physical hard drive. After some time I skipped (s). When I tried to log in, warning messages informed me that Nautilus could not access it's folders in our home folder. ls /home/ brings up nothing, nada zilch. Some poking around confirms that the drive is there but Ubuntu seems unaware of it.

The configuration:
Physical hd #1 is: sda a 40Gb hard drive with windows and Ubuntu / and swap.
Physical hd #2 is: sdb a 120Gb hard drive with our /home partitions.
Seems Ubuntu is simply not detecting the drive?

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Debian :: KDE Default Folders Missing?

Sep 10, 2010

Once I setup KDE on Testing and opened Dolphin I reallzed there were no default folders (Documents, Desktop, Music...) and was wondering if this is normal. Other distros like Kubuntu and PCLinuxOS (what a name) have these and I was wondering if they added them or they are part of KDE. Gnome has them on debian but not KDE.
If they are part of KDE and I'm missing them and shouldn't, would manually adding them as I did require mentioning them elsewhere on the system or do applications and such assume they are there?

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Fedora :: Files & Folders Missing After Update?

Jul 23, 2011

I'm using fedora 15 64-bit. Today i was prompted to install some updates, most of them are related to mesa driver updates. Once installed those, I rebooted the system. After login again, i couldn't find any of my files or folders. The hidden files & folders are remain there but rest all were gone. Now my account looks like newly created one. All of my important documents are missing.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Missing 'access Control List' Tab In Properties Of Files / Folders?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm looking to have an 'access control list' tab of file/folder properties in Nautilus.

I have eiciel installed and i thut thats supposed to take care of it. What am i missing to get it to look like the pic?

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Ubuntu :: Seeing Folders - Plug In The External Drive And Get Error "format The Drive"

May 30, 2010

I'm not sure what to do, but I just rescued photos and documents using ubuntu live cd, gddrescue and photorec. The data carving went fine and I was able to move all of my recovered jpg's into a recovery/jpg folder, as well as my word doc's into a recover/doc folder. I also have recovery/video and recovery/audio. Now here's my problem...

I used the right-click "safely remove drive" from the ubuntu interface and then unplugged my external drive. I then tried to view the recovered photos, etc on my windows 7 desktop, but when I plug in the external drive I get an error and a prompt to "format the drive" so that windows can use it.

I plugged the external drive back into my failed laptop and with the ubuntu live cd can see the drive, but none of the folders display. I can cd "change directories" to all of the folders using a terminal, but still can't see them outside of the terminal. That is, with the ubuntu interface. I'm just trying to finish up recoverying these photos, which I thought I had done.

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Fedora :: Guest Additions After Upgrade - Features Missing Like Seamless Mode - Shared Folders

Feb 18, 2010

I am new to Fedora and Linux. I have installed Fedora 12 on virtual box and installed Guest Additions. Later I did upgrade Fedora updates and noticed that my Guest Additions features were missing like Seamless mode, shared folders etc. Hence I had install Guest Additions again. So every time when I do Fedora updations, do I need to re-install Guest Additions or am I missing something very obvious?

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Ubuntu :: Mount A Drive In 2 Folders ?

Aug 8, 2010

I mounted a hard drive and its working ok. But I want to expand on it. I'd like to make it accessible via another folder, like make it look like /home/cackles/added as well as simply just /added. Is it just like when you mount the drive and add the line to fstab?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Put Shortcuts Of Other Drive Folders ?

Feb 12, 2010

I want to know how to put a shortcut link of a folder, which is in other drive to Home drive/Desktop. For example, I have 4 partitions one has a Windows,other has Kubuntu, other two was used for Storing my personal data. Generally, My music folder is in F: drive, if I made a shortcut of this folder to dektop/ Home folder, after a restart of Ubuntu the shortcut link is not working.

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Ubuntu :: Having Folders On External Hard Drive?

May 5, 2010

I have an external hard drive on which many of the folders are showing up as plain text files.

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Ubuntu :: Folders That Is Similar To Windows C Drive?

May 10, 2011

I am not sure what to google on this noob question.In windows, i have c: drive and can create folders where i can place my files or install software to.So in ubuntu, where should have my own files placed to? say software like tomcat and liferay or custom folder.

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General :: Which Folders To Put On An SSD Drive?

Jan 3, 2011

I will be buying a SSD drive soon and I read that putting the swap partition in there would wear the drive down.Is there something else that I should put on a different drive? What about the /dev and /proc folders? I see a lot of file system activity in there.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Create Virtual Drive From Cd Folders ?

Apr 11, 2010

I have one cd program, but the cd is corrupted (tried to make backup copy in windows xp with alcohol 52%, but got error at about 95%, and i can not use this cd any more in xp - only for few minutes, then it stops...)

I made few days ago one .iso image, but without cd drive i can not run it (has copyright protection).

The only thing i can do now is to copy cd data. But can i make from this cd folder some virtual cd image in ubuntu, which i could transform into .iso image (using alcohol 52% in xp to avoid copy protection and enable to use it without cd drive)?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See Any Backup Hard Drive Contents Except Folders ?

Jun 5, 2010

Recently, Ubuntu was doing a standard update. It got stuck in some kind of strange loop. So i put the boot disk in cleared the master drive and reinstalled ububtu 10.4. I have a backup 500gb drive that use to keep the contents of my important information for my fileserver. After the completed install and found the backup drive STILL named "FILESERVER" and still has my folders aka: our pictures, our music, and our video. I opened them up and they're all empty. Am I missing some informaton? I swear i didn't format the drive. I couldn't have since the folders are still there. Where are all my files at?

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Ubuntu :: NTFS External Drive - Disappearing Folders

Jul 12, 2010

I'm using an external hard drive formatted to NTFS to keep my projects on. I edit projects from both Ubuntu and Windows XP.

After editing some files in a couple of folders on the drive I have now noticed that any Ubuntu machine I plug the drive into can see the entire contents of the drive, but now, I have 4 folders that do not appear in Windows XP. I have plugged the drive backwards and forwards between three machines now (one of them dual boot) and Ubuntu definitely finds the folders and Windows definitely doesn't. This has only happened one Ubuntu has edited files, though some of the files and folders that have been edited are still visible in XP.

I presume something went wrong whilst writing file tables or whatever they are called these days. Does anybody know how I can get the folders visible in XP again? Do I need to run something in Ubuntu or in XP to 'rescan' the drive?

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Folders On NTDF USB Drive Connected?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a USB drive connected to my Ubuntu laptop. I tried to create a share but cant access it from other Win PCs. I'm getting access denied even though I'm entering my ubuntu username and password. I'm guessing this has something to do with my drive being NTFS

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing The "Shared Folders" Link In Admin?

Mar 16, 2010

I just did a fresh install on my Asus 1005PE and in admin there is NO Shared Folders link or button. How can I get a share going on the 1005PE that I can hit from windows system please?

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Ubuntu :: Adjust Permissions For Folders And Files On NTFS USB Drive?

May 21, 2010

First off I want to apologize for the fact that the first several paragraphs go into something seemingly unrelated to the subject of this thread. However I want to be sure that those who choose to lend me a hand understand where I'm coming from and why I'm asking that question.I just recently switched from Windows Vista to Ubuntu 10.04. So far I've been loving it mostly. But their is one oddball thing I haven't been able to get working. That is a pair of shared folders located on my NTFS external drive connected via USB2.

The drive was automatically mounted on first boot and has full read/write access for owner (which is my username) right out of the gate. For this reason I assumed I would be good to do this.I've been unable to get it working in Ubuntu. As it stands now I've manually added them to smb.conf, added them to the Samba Server Configuration and finally by right clicking the folder in nautilus and choosing Sharing Options. All with varying resultsAt best it will show the shares under the computer but not allow access. I've also cleared out all of these for those folders to try them individually or in different orders. What I found was that using Sharing Options first gives this error and sets nothing up. But either of the other two will at least show the share albeit with no access.

Quote:'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Invalid parameter.What I've discovered is that if I use just the Sharing Options from Nautilus on any folder located on my ext4 partition or the internal NTFS partition then it will ask if applicable to adjust the permissions and though nothing appears in smb.conf that it works more or less just fine.Having played with "ls -l" I discovered that by default that ownership of the folders on the external NTFS is set to myself and that permissions are 700. On the ext4 partition ownership is set to myself and permissions on folders 711. The folders on the internal NTFS partition has an ownership of "root" and permissions set to 777

From here I tried to use "sudo chmod" via a terminal to manually change permissions for folders on all 3 partitions and I can do so for the ext4 and the internal NTFS owned by root. But no matter what I cannot for the external NTFS.The main thing is I want to know why I can't adjust those permissions on the external. I'm convinced that something to do with the way USB drives work by default must be impacting this but I could not find a single thing anywhere to confirm this much less to offer a solution.The second thing is that I installed and used mountmanager to automatically mount the internal NTFS and according to that softwares options the setup for both it and the external NTFS are the same. But if that is true then why is the external owned by me and the internal by root and the resulting permissions are completely different?

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Ubuntu :: Hhd Format Error \ Unable To Read The Folders Or Files In The Drive?

Jan 15, 2010

i was trying to format one drive, accidentally formated another, told the format process to stop, and i'm unable to read the folders or files in the drive. i see some greek, odd symbols... But cant open the folders.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partition A Hard Drive With Essential Folders

Apr 17, 2010

I just wonder how to best partition a harddrive with essential folders.

My current installation has a layout like this.

The rest is in '/' integrated.

Does it make sense to give more folders a own partition? And if so, how much should you apply to each folder?

There are 2 users on the computer and there is nothing special or big installed.

I have currently 2 more harddrives which host music/picture & movie data's.

The reason for my question is just that i want to save my data in case of one folder failing.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: USB External Drive - Create Share Folders With Passwords

Jun 12, 2011

I am new to Linux. I have a new ntfs usb external drive. I have attached to the Linux server but can't locate it. I would like to
1. mount it.
2. format to Linux file system
3. and then create share folders with passwords using samba.

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Ubuntu :: Reformatted Iomega Prestige Usb Hard Drive But Can't Create Folders/save Data

Mar 5, 2010

Used gparted to format a brand new iomega prestige 1 tb usb hard drive (ntfs) to ext4. The problem is that I can't create folders from nautilus because I don't have permission (root). There is one folder present already lost + found that appeared after reformatting. i can't access that folder because of permissions. Was any of this supposed to happen after formatting an external drive and how can I fix this? I intend to use grsync to back up important folders but can't create folders from grsync also. The only account on ubuntu is mine and i have access to root privileges.

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General :: Command Line - Count Number Of Folders In A Drive Using System?

Apr 9, 2010

I need to organise an external HDD such that there is no more than 500 folders on it.

Ubuntu's "Properties" pane shows only the file count, not the folder count.

Is there a simple CLI line that will tell me the number of subdirectories?

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Hardware :: USB Hard Drive Not Reading / All Files And Folders In Partition Disappeared?

Jun 23, 2011

I have been backing up onto a 60G ext2/3/4 partition on a 1TB external USB hard disk for a year or so now and have built up a few folders of .thunderbird, .mozilla, and other assorted files - using this as my standard "backup system" - but suddenly all the files and folders in this partition seem to have disappeared.

In Gparted and KParted the partition shows up as the correct size with the correct amount of "used space" (= yellow coloured portion), as it does when running offof any CD/standalone OS. And the small bars under the volume names in Dolphin show about the right amount having been "used" too.But however I try to access this partition (or, to be correct LVM I spose:-)) it still always comes up as empty - ie 0 files in it. After months of working just fine.The NTFS partition on the same external USB sdd reads and writes quite OK/normally and also shows the correct amount of "used space" - but even from root I can't see any of the old files in, or read/write to the linux one. It comes up with "Denied"/"Can't Write to.." errors when trying to write anything to it.

I ran a freeware utility called DiskInternals Linux-Recovery from winDoze which, after half an hour, came up with a list showing all the folders and files in the partition. It said that they would be written back onto the hard drive that they were "retrieved" from - but no change happened - still no contents showing when booting up in any linux.

Running a clean install of FedoraCore14 on an AMDAthlonx2 5000 (= 2.6G true) on an ASUS M2N-MX SE PLUS m/b with 2G of RAM

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Ubuntu :: Cd Drive Missing In 10.4?

Jul 22, 2010

After installing ubuntu 10.4, my cd drive is not opening.Even in reboot the drive is not opening and the green led is not blinking.sys conf:lenovo 3000 g400, intel pentium dual core, 32 bit,1GB ram.

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Fedora :: Trash Does Not Show My Files/folders I Moved From NTFS Windows Drive

May 25, 2011

I am an Ubuntu refugee. Allow me to explain what happened. I am dual booting with Windows 7 and F15 x64.

(1) I wanted to created a shortcut of my "Documents" folder in my Windows in Nautilus
(2) I opened the Windows drive by double clicking the drive under Devices, and navigated to my "Documents" folder (F15 already has ntfs-3g installed so no hassles there)
(3) I then dragged the folder to the sidebar to place it under the Trash icon--but for some reason, it would not let me do this, and accidentally got placed in the Trash bin.
(4) problem is I can't see this folder in the Trash bin (it is not even hidden)
(5) To check if the Trash bin actually captures items when we move files/folders to Trash, I tried sending a folder from my Home directory to Trash, and the folder appears in the Trash; it can even be restored to Home.
(6) Only files/folders from the NTFS formatted Windows drive do not appear in the Trash folder if sent there.
(7) I have Google searched this problem, but to no avail.
(8) I even thought that because the drive is not mounted 'officially' I would mount it using command line:


(9) But still I can't see the folders in the Trash
(10) Interestingly, when I try to unmount the Windows drive 'formally' then I get a message if I want to "empty the Trash"--I obviously chose not to--so I know there is my Windows Documents folder in there somehere.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Hard Drive Missing ?

May 25, 2010

I'm having trouble locating my second hard disk on my fresh Ubuntu 10.4 install.

It's a terabyte drive that I cannot seem to find in Ubuntu. It's formatted in NTFS and is over 90% full of data.

If I boot into Windows 7 the drive appears fine and the data is all there and Windows disk scan doesn't report any problems.

The drive: WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1 ATA Device (as listed on Windows 7)
Disk 1 (According to Windows 7)

Here is my fstab, fdisk and uname:

As you can see from the above, my other drive is detected fine (the one with the Windows installation and Ubuntu installation on it)

On a side not, I don't have a floppy drive installed, so I'm not sure why fd0 is listed (perhaps it's irrelevant - I'm new to the Linux world so I wouldn't know)

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Ubuntu :: Missing Hard Drive Space

Apr 3, 2010

I recently copied about 14gb from my external hard drive to my Windows 7 partition on my hard drive (from Ubuntu) I know where I put it, but I turned my laptop on today, and I can't find the files from either operating system, but the space is still missing.

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