Debian :: Turn A Bunch Of Files/folders Into A .deb?
Jan 26, 2010
I have been playing with JWM source and found this cool tutorial at Debian Forums about how its easier to generate a .deb vs installing from source in the traditional manner (./configure, make,etc)[URL] My problem is that when doing the command
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc
it starts over, destroys the previous jwm stuff, including my custom files and generates a .deb so, how do I stop it from "cleaning" when i run the above command?
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Oct 11, 2010
I am trying to dl the files located here: using wget.
Now when I use the command wget -r -A .m4v
I get the just a bunch of filefolders, but no files, ex."cccamp07-de-1845-Freifunk_und_Recht.m4v" but its a folder.
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Feb 19, 2009
I have created a user account on a ubuntu workstation. I log into the terminal as this new user and when i try to create a file i get that permission is denied. I would like to create a file such that this new user and other members of a group can access it.
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Sep 24, 2015
I was wondering what the reason was for disabling a feature like - creating new documents and files on desktop - by default?
If someone installs debian with desktop environment this user probably also want to use the desktop as a workplace, so why is that not a default setting?
But also in general i dont get it, i dont see any reason, why this is disabled.
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Jul 27, 2011
How to join about 8 avi files the filenames are in the format "blah.avi.001", blah.avi.002, blah.avi,003 blah.avi.004 etc. I want them joined so there is just one avi file. How can I do this?
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Feb 7, 2010
I'm about to move a lot of folders from an older computer (sarge/etch) over to a newer with Lenny. But I get problems when I reach folders or files with names that contains nordic letters like øå. I'm using an external drive to move the folders. What is the easiest and best way to do this.
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Feb 12, 2011
Being new to Linux, i've just about got used to the Debian setup procedure now, but had a quick question on the default ownership of files and folders. On my default Debian installation, almost all the folders and files are owned by root:root. Is this the correct advised configuration or should the folders and files be owned by a user without root permissions - eg user:user?
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Apr 29, 2011
I keep a backup of a bunch of files on a flash drive, so that whenever I change distributions I can just restore all my Android stuff (saves on re-downloading everything). One of these is the Android SDK.
In my ~/.bashrc I add the paths to some executables in the SDK, only if the directory exists, and only if the path is not already in $PATH. For the Android NDK this works fine, but for the SDK I get this:
snfo@snfo:~$ adb devices
bash: /home/snfo/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb: No such file or directory
snfo@snfo:~$ ls -F /home/snfo/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb
Everything else is fine though, just that one path is causing trouble.
Now, I've saw something similar to this before whenever you move an executable from one place to another. If you don't re-source your bash config it will continue to keep looking wherever it used to be located. But I've never moved these files.
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Feb 3, 2010
Basically I need to rename a bunch of .doc files using the for-structure and the mv command (w/ wildcards) in bash. I guess this would be a bit easier if I'd use the rename command, but since this is a school assignment of sorts I need to use for & mv. The .doc files are named "1filename.doc", "2filename.doc" etc. And I've got to rename them to "aaa_1filename.doc", "aaa_2filename.doc", "aaa_3filename.doc" and so on. Tried to dabble quite a bit with the for and mv commands, basically just got a bunch of errors. Every damn time. For 2 hours. The most common error was "mv: missing destination file operand after ..."
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Jan 15, 2010
I'm not asking for help here, just documenting something I just discovered. Yesterday I wanted to batch-convert a bunch of old wma files to ogg vorbis. Not wanting to go through intermediate wav files, I tried to use ffmpeg to do it in one go. I first tried using the following command (in a loop, which I won't print here).
ffmpeg -i $file -f ogg -acodec vorbis -ab 192k outputdir/$file "vorbis" turns out to be the built-in libavc implementation of the codec. In the process I discovered that the -ab value is always ignored. No matter what value you put, the output is always the default 64k (average, but of course it's vbr). You can however use the poorly-documented -aq option to set the audio quality used. The values don't correspond to the oggenc values though, being a number ranging from 10-100 (or more, I don't know what the maximum is). It's not exactly clear what number corresponds to what average bitrate, so you have to experiment. ~30 seems to give you an average-rate file, while anything above 60 is probably overkill.
Switching to the external libvorbis gave me more flexibility, although at a cost of much longer encoding times (note that ffmpeg must have been compiled with libvorbis support first).
ffmpeg -i $file -f ogg -acodec libvorbis -ab 192k outputdir/$file
ffmpeg -i $file -f ogg -acodec libvorbis -aq 6 outputdir/$file
I could use both -ab and -aq (with the numbers corresponding to the oggenc values), with no problems. ffmpeg does display some wrong values in it's output text, however. In addition, there's one more difference. The vorbis (libavc) codec provides an entry in the header of the ogg container reporting the average bitrate, but it doesn't appear to provide a similar bitrate header in the vorbis stream itself. Some programs may not report the bitrate value because of this.
libvorbis provides both headers, avoiding that problem. So to summarize, libvorbis appears to be a better codec choice than vorbis.
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Dec 8, 2010
I have an rsnapshot backup that I need to move off of a corrupt Linux file system. I need to preserve the internal hardlinks. I've tried rsync -H and using a newer rsync and neither preserve the hardlinks on OS X.
I tried to get rsync -H working and I've isolated it to the file system mounted. I can preserve hard links copying locally (HFS to HFS) but it doesn't preserve when I try to rsync off of a SMB file system mount or AFP file system mount. Is there some mount option solution to getting OS X rsync to obey -H?
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Nov 9, 2010
I keep trying to convert a bunch of jpg files into pdf, but ImageMagick just seems to keep failing there. Well well, after three thousand fix and reinstall attempts (seriously, I've been trying to fix it for the last month or so), this is what I'm getting today:
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Jun 27, 2011
I have a file that is in almost all my /home web accounts, here: /home/accountXXXX/public_html/cms3.0.php in that file is a line I want to get rid of: <script id="jslocal" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/site-local/local.js"></script>
is there a simple shell script that would recurse all /home/xxx/public_html directories, and then yank this line (it will always be exactly the same) and better yet, for future, is there any way I can REPACE that line with another..
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May 26, 2010
Here is the version number:
ii k3b 1.90.0~rc1-1 A sophisticated CD/DVD burning application
No CDROM burning exists anymore.. they remove lot of capabilities
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Dec 8, 2010
My new laptop has an Intel i7 processor and 6gb DDR3 of ram, I really didn't know which architecture to use and I ended up installing Debian amd64 ( Squeeze because it's the one I used in my older computer ). I decided to add Backtrack 4 R2 repositories to my /etc/apt/sources.list, and after doing:
#aptitude update
I found out that they don't have support for amd64 repos...1st: is it possible to make my aptitude accept the Backtrack's i386 repos? if yes, how? if not, can I switch to i386 and be able my laptop's 6gb ram ? if yes, would that sacrifice a lot of performance?( I did choose amd64 because I thought that I wouldn't be able to use more than 4gb of ram with the i386 build. Is this correct? )
Final note: I want you to know that I already tried to install aircrack from Debian's repos but it's not present, I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my configuration.
*this is what my /etc/apt/sources.list looks like:
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Squeeze_ - Official Snapshot amd64 NETINST Binary-1 20101130-09:05]/ squeeze main
deb squeeze main contrib non-free
#deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free
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Feb 12, 2010
Today I was installing a new system and tried to run an iptables script I have on another machine, in which works flawlessly, and get a bunch of errors:
Looking into /lib there isn't an iptables directory but there's one named xtables. I tried creating a sybolic link:
But, still doesn't work don't know if is a bug or what but have other systems running without problems.
I running this on Lenny 5.0.4 and iptables was installed with apt-get install iptables.
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Mar 15, 2011
I am trying to get preseed working on a bunch of machines with multiple NICs but it doesn't pick the right interface and/or gets "no link" on all interfaces. My PXE kernel line looks like so (I have auto=true priority=critical and interface=auto)
label squeeze
kernel debian-installer/squeeze/i386/linux
append vga=788 initrd=debian-installer/squeeze/i386/initrd.gz auto=true priority=critical ramdisk_size=10800 root=/dev/rd/0 rw interface=auto netcfg/dhcp_timeout=60
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Apr 6, 2011
I just Dled Cleanus 1 system sounds. I've got a bunch of "ogg" files in my Downloads directory. Where should these files live to be system-wide?
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Jul 24, 2010
I need to search a bunch of files in a specific folder for a specific number and add all the numbers together to a total sum. I use Rsync everyday, everytime I run rsync i get a logfile (rsync output) witch contains the textstring "Total bytes sent: xxxxxx".
The "xxxxx" can vary in lenght. I need to extract the "xxxxxx" from each file and add the numbers together to a total size over a week or a month. Is this possible? And I wish to only use bash. One way of doing stuff at a time my friends .
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May 3, 2009
I have Ubuntu 9.04 and just installed Sound Converter. I am trying to convert a bunch of .ogg files to mp3 to play on my iPod and it's not working so well. In the Sound Converter options I have is set to convert to high quality mp3. I choose the folder that the files are in and after a moment (slow laptop) Sound Converter populates, I hit 'convert' and it shows that the conversion completes in two seconds. All that it did was create the new folder structure of artist/album but there is nothing in there. Not sure what I am missing. I used Sound Converter before and it worked fine.
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Apr 3, 2009
Why does centos-release-notes have any dependancies ?
I can see no reason why centos-relese-notes should depend on centos-release when I try "yum erase centos-release-notes" I am told there are 72 dependancies including completely irrelevant packages such as tar all because of this unnecessary dependancy.
The centos-release-notes package simply contains a bunch of text/html files that nothing else relies upon, so why the dependancies ?
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Feb 14, 2010
I've discovered that Dolphin seems to lose random files when copying many large folders.
I first noticed this a few months ago when I tried to copy my music library from one folder to another on the same HDD. It consisted of around 600 folders and 6500 files. During the copy there were no errors but after the copy I found that some of the newly copied folders were missing files. I put it down to human error or a glitch.
Yesterday I tried to copy 13 folders containing rips of some of my DVDs. Each folder basically had one film of either 700MB or 1.4GB. Again no errors showed up during the copy but I found 3 of the newly copied folders were empty.
It's not so critical with music or films but I can't afford to lose work data like this.
Has anyone experienced or seen a similar problem with Dolphin? I'm going to have to do some more extensive testing but this is not good.
The first time I noticed the problem I was running KDE4.3.4 (I think) and now the latest was with KDE4.4.0.
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Jul 20, 2011
I have noticed that the files and folders search in Unity, only shows up those files which have been amended (or possibly just opened) since the install.
i was wondering if there was a way i could have the search index (or something vaguely equivalent) all the files on my machine. This is especially important given that i reinstall the OS every six months on a new distribution cycle, copying all my old files across.
Without being able to see my old files the search is pretty much reduced to a recent history search.
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Oct 11, 2010
I found this command that works great finding and replacing a simple string to another in files located in that folder and all sub-folders.
Code: find . -name '*.php' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/OldText/NewText/g'
The problem I have is that I need to replace a more complex string, like this: Old string: /mnt/stor6-wc2-dfw1/627896/982574/ New string: /mnt/stor8-wc2-dfw1/369587/302589/ There I don't know how to do it... since the / is what separates the old from the new strings, and the strings that I want to replace have / in it. Also, I would like to know how to specify under what folder replace the files, for example, I want that it search/replaces all files under /var/www/mysite/htdocs folder.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have been using Eclipse to program in Java for a long time, and have been using Jigloo for most of my GUI design. Recently I decided to try out the C/C++ plugin. I tried installing it, but it did not work. After many attempts, I finally gave up. However, after uninstalling it I found that Jigloo had stopped working. Any other plugins I try to install now also don't work. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling plugins, and reinstalling eclipse, but nothing I have done fixes it. Although eclipse says that the software has been installed, nothing shows up in the features list or the plugins list.
Another problem: When I install eclipse from the repositories, it doesn't install a bunch of libraries and eclipse cannot recognize standard java files.
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Jun 8, 2010
I have many files and folders in my source folder. I want to copy some files and folders from that source folder to destination folder. What should be require to given with the "cp" command?
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Oct 22, 2010
I have 70 folders as an output form some software they are called folder1, folder2 folder70. I want to find a way to automatically copy the contents from each folder to one big folder? So all the files are in one folder without the directories? I was thinking of something using the mv command but I'm not sure how to do this. Ok I think I have answered my own question. I did this:
# cp folder*/* bigfolder
I used cp in case it went wrong, it worked so I deleted the previous dir's.
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May 14, 2011
I feel like this is probably a dumb question but regardless, I don't know the answer and my eyes will start bleeding if I keep trying anymore. How do you move files between folders? Dolphin's layout (unless I'm not figuring it out, which is probably the case) doesn't seem to let you drag from one folder to another and there's no other pane to see another folder to drag to.I have an mp3 file in my download folder that I want to move to my music folder but I can't get it to move.
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Feb 19, 2010
A couple of months ago, I upgraded from OpenSUSE 11.1 w/Gnome desktop to 11.2 w/KDE desktop. While I generally like the refinements of KDE, there is one aspect I absolutely detest, and that is the apparent inability to work with files and folders directly on the desktop as one does with Gnome or Windows or Mac OS.
While file manager applications like Dolphin have their uses,I generally find them to be cumbersome compared to being able to drag and drop files and launch applications directly from the desktop. In this respect, I feel as though I have reverted to the functional equivalent of Win 3.1. Is there a way to enable access to folders and files on the desktop in KDE or do I need to revert to Gnome?
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Oct 22, 2010
After stumbling across how to do this, then losing it and only after a long search finally re-discovering this little documented feature, I've decided it's likely worth posting.
Basic Concept of Hidden Files in Unix
In Linux filesystems, anything with a leading period (files or folders) is considered to be hidden and viewable only with an "all" option using whatever utility to list the files. Unfortunately, this may not be sufficient to clear the clutter in today's world.
KDE enhanced hidden file support, Why
As a Desktop that sits on top of Linux, KDE supports the basicLinux hidden files/folders convention using the leading period in applications like File Managers (eg Dolphin).
But, what about other files? An example of another file type a User won't likely want to list is the backup file that is created with a trailing tilde (~) whenever a document is modified. This would especially be true if files are dropped into the Folderview widget on the KDE Plasma Desktop, potentially up to half of all the space would be occupied by these undesirable files.
In KDE, you can now hide any definable filetype, re-claiming space and making file/folder listing more efficient.
KDE enhanced hidden file support, How
This feature seems to be hidden in a corner and not configurable in any main file management tool like Dolphin or the KDE management utilities and so far I haven't found it in Google, the KDE website or any other place.
It's only configurable in the KDE Folder Widget properties.
First, unlock widgets on your Desktop if necessary (Is unlocked by default).
1. Either rt-click in the open space of an existing Folder View Widget or add a new Widget to your desktop by
Rt-click desktop > Add Widgets > Folder View Widget (Drag to Desktop) > rt-click on empty space in new Folder View Widget >
2. After rt-clicking on the Folder View Widget, select Folder View Settings
3. Modify Location to point to one of the three location types... The Desktop folder itself, a pre-configured (by KDE) "Place" or a custom folder of your choice. The first choice is OK if you don't already have something else in mind and you just need one Folder View.
4. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click on "Filter."
5. In the top dropdown, select "Hide Files Matching"
6. In the bottom "File Types" input box (Not the middle box), type your pattern in my example the tilde (~), and you will see the backup file type already defined.
7. Make sure the backup file type is checked, and click "OK" which saves changes and closes the Folder Settings window.
8. Check your nandiwork. Drop a new file if needed into the Folder View Widget, modify the contents and save. Open your KDE File manager to the location of your Folder View Widget and list the contents. In both cases you should not see your backup files unless you select the option to view hidden files.
When you've finished modifying your Desktop's widgets, don't forget to lock the widgets to guard against accidental loss.
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