Debian :: Default Ownership Of Folders And Files - Should Own By A User Without Root Permissions

Feb 12, 2011

Being new to Linux, i've just about got used to the Debian setup procedure now, but had a quick question on the default ownership of files and folders. On my default Debian installation, almost all the folders and files are owned by root:root. Is this the correct advised configuration or should the folders and files be owned by a user without root permissions - eg user:user?

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions On Root Folders And Files

Jun 14, 2010

I need to change the config in a folder and can not due to it being owned by root. How do I change the permissions.

Folder = /etc/stunnel/
file = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf

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Ubuntu :: Apply User Permissions To Not Just Folders But Also All Files

Jan 19, 2010

I want to add my daughter as a user and give her full permissions to all the same folders and files that I use. I have given her permission to folders and their sub folders however she doesn't have rwx on the individual files within the folders. What is the command line to set this up?

Also with the command;

chown -R root:root files

what is the -R for and when do I need or not need it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Root User Has Access To Remote Folders/files Of Any User?

Jan 21, 2010

Prelude: OpenSUSE 11.2 (, installed Novell client 2.0 SP2 (novell-client-2.0-sp2-sle11-i586.iso).

I found that if any usual user is logged into a NDS-tree, then _local_ root has full access to user's network shares, including the user's home directory located on remote Netware-server. Is it by design or
have I missed something? Nevertheless in windows local admin has no access to network resources mounted of any other user. If you runas shell (as admin) then admin in principle can't "see" network shares which were mounted (connected) by other users - they are accessible ("visible") per session.

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Ubuntu :: File Permissions / Ownership - Even Root Cannot Change

Aug 30, 2010

I have been VERY lucky and managed to restore from a formatted ext3 /home/ partition. I used testdisk to reset the original partition which had had nothing done to it since formatting(!). However some of the file permissions are a altered and I cannot change them. I have tried "su chmod" and even temporarily enabled the root account itself and tried to alter the ownership/permissions from root 'proper' without it helping.

Here is an example of the output of ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 martyn martyn 4096 (date) (time) sponsors
?-----S--T 63231 92820383 44090688 4286824785 (date) (time) order.xls

The first line looks like a normally formed output and indeed is readable. The second line looks corrupted and I don't have a clue how I can reclaim this - or even if it is possible. Should I count my blessings most of my files are intact and leave those be?

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Ubuntu :: Ownership & Permissions Change When Files Burned To DVD+RW?

Jan 18, 2010

After burning files to DVD+RW, the owner is changed to root, and all permissions are read only. I want to periodically open these files, update them, and save to the DVD again, but I no longer have permission and cannot change the permissions since I am no longer the owner. I tried sudo commands, but get responses "Read only file system". I have erased and reformatted the DVD and started over but get the same results.
I have Ubuntu 9.04, and have tried Brasero and Nautilus and get the same problem. Am I using the wrong kind of DVD/CD?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Ext Hd Ownership From Root To User

Apr 17, 2010

I just got a 1.5 terrabyte Western Digital My Book 1110 external usb 2 drive. I used Gparted to reformat the drive to ext3. The problem I have is I can't change the file permissions for the drive because it says the drive is owned by root. I can't back up my files into the drive because it won't allow me to. I am using Jaunty Jackalope and got this drive to back up my files so I can feel comfortable in upgrading to Karmic Koala in case there are major problems with the upgrade.

I know someone out there in the community can tell me the commands to use in the terminal to let me gain ownership of this external drive from root so I can copy my files into it. the entire drive itself is seen as /dev/sdb One meg of the drive is unallocated and the part of the drive that I reformated is seen as /dev/sdb1 my personal files are owned by the name of dave

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Slackware :: Root User Can Not Change The Ownership Of A Hard Drive?

Apr 22, 2010

I have Slackware 12.2 installed on my computer, as well as a Windows Xp. I have a hard drive named '/fat-d', which is formatted to be 'fat' and is normally used under XP. This drive can also be accessed under Slackware, both as root and the normal user.I can not write to the directory '/fat-d' when I am not root, it is normal since 'ls -l' shows that its owner is root and other users have no permission to write. The problem is that, when I tried (as root) to change the owner to the normal user:# chown [normal_user_name] /fat-dI got an error: chown: changing ownership of '/fat-d/':Operation not permittedBut how can the root have no permission to change the owner?

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Debian :: Change Default Permissions For Newly Created Files?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm new to Debian. I've read the documentation on this but it is too heavy for a new user to understand. I would like to change the default permissions for newly created files/directories.

I want all newly created files by 'user1' to have the default permissions of:
1. "owner can read and write"
2. "group can read and write"
3. "other can read only"

Permission 1 and 3 are already default. But I would like number 2 to be default as well. (the current default for group is read only).

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General :: Renaming External Files Changing Ownership Instead Of Root

Mar 28, 2011

i have inherited a mixed bag of sorts: several xp users updating an access mdb with the BE on a lamp stack shared via samba. i have a backup device which gets mounted at: /media/disk... each client record (has) a folder by the companyname on the samba share, and all relative documents are placed there. when the backup script runs, it just copies newer or missing files.

someone has been renaming folders, and not matching the folder name to the related companyname from the mdb. so...the backup script captures and duplicates the data in the renamed folders. some client records also have periods in the name (not required from a data pov), such as 'Company Ltd.' instead of 'Company Ltd'. i can produce a list of company names as the folders should be found easily enough, but get a little stuck with the linux scripting.

i can easily remove and further prevent any unwanted punctuation in the company name on the client record, and create the correct folder name on the samba share with vba, but would also like to:

-for each 'client activity' folder on the backup device
-rename the folder by removing punctuation marks
-delete the folder if is a dupe

i tried: ls -al | grep '&' - it properly returns only those lines with an ampersand in the folder name, but returns all folders when i try that with a '.'.

what would be the easiest method to do the renaming? i thought if there was a way to change ownership of the mounted device, then the vba code (easy to write) would be simple.

OK - i just ran chown -R on the external device, changing ownership to (me) instead of root. didn't want to because it took too long, but can now use the MoveFolder method of the filesystemobject from my app to do the renaming instead of some sort of bash script (which i was dreading).

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General :: Set Default Permissions For New Folders On Mounted Samba Volume?

Feb 1, 2010

I have mounted samba volume and I need to have write permissions for every new folder that's being created (currently, by default, on every newly created folder i have only read and execute permissions).I tried changing umask, but with no effect on mounted folder, umask changed only for local filesystem. I tried mounting with umask option, but with no effect again.I'm using ArchLinux on this machine, and I installed samba using default package manager (pacman).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Default File Permissions For System Folders

May 5, 2010

I had a major raid event recently which caused my Ubuntu 9.04 server to recover part of its file journal on the system partition. This caused some of the file permissions to go all funny and I now need to change them manually.

What the file permissions should for the following folders:

The server is running and I fixed the some of the ownership issues already. I use a basic LAMP setup with samba, and proftp.

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Server :: Permissions On New Files / Folders?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a Samba share set up on a SUSE server that about 30 Windows XP clients are connecting to on a daily basis. They connect using Winbind and their Active Directory usernames and passwords which are stored on a Windows small business server (Server 2003). The share is called "company" and it's right off the root of the partition. Within "company" there are about 75-100 folders, most of which need to be publicly available and publicly writeable. There are a few that need to be locked down to a certain group of people so I've used group membership and access control lists for those.

The permissions on new files/folders still aren't right though, so I'll just try to explain what I WANT rather than trying to resolve what is HAPPENING since I think that'll be easier. Currently the entire company directory and all subdirectories and files are user-owned by "administrator" (an active directory domain admin). I'd like new folders and files created anywhere in that directory or any subdirectory to maintain that ownership by administrator, regardless of who creates them.

Likewise, the entire directory and all subdirectories/files are group-owned by "domain users" (a builtin active directory group which is pulled in via winbind) which gives everyone write access to everything. I'd like that ownership to be maintained as well on any new files or folders created in /company or any subdirectory therein. I think this is working for the most part as I've set the setgid bit on company. I'd like any files or folders created in /company or any subdirectory therein to have 770 permissions (rwxrwx---).

So, what I want is regardless of who creates a file or folder anywhere in "company" - it should be owned by user "administrator" and group "domain users" and have 770 permissions. I'd like to make a little tweak to this post. Above I said I wanted anything created under Company to be created with group owner "domain users" - that actually only goes for anything that will be public. On the folders I have locked down via group membership and ACLs the new files/folders created within should maintain ownership of whatever group owns that directory. I should be able to do this by setting rwxrws--- permissions on secured directories.

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Ubuntu Security :: Set Permissions For NEW Files And Folders

Mar 14, 2011

I have a shared partition on Ubuntu, 'dm-6', if I create a new folder in it, it has 'teocomi' as owner.If I create the folder from another (windows) PC the owner is 'nobody' and from Ubuntu I have to chmod/chown it in oredr to edit its content...Is there a way to set automatically permission and owner for newly created folders and directories?

I tryed with:


sudo chmod u+s -R /media/dm-6

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Server :: RHEL 5 - How To Set Permissions On Files / Folders

Jul 1, 2010

I am using RHEL 5 on my server. The client machines are windows XP.File sharing is through samba server which is working okay. On this file server there is a shared directory for users. This directory contains files which are used by various users through oracle APP. and DB server.

At present the folders under the "shared" folder are having all permissions i.e. 777. To restrict certain things, I want that users may read and modify the files but may not be in a position to move or delete the files. How to set the permissions on the folders/files in this scenario?

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Ubuntu :: Reverting To Default Permissions For Root Filesystem?

Jul 20, 2010

Is there a way to revert to default permissions using chmod, for root filesystem? As root I accidentally chmod'd / to 755, luckily this is a dev server and not production so its not critical to fix for me, just wondering though....

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change The File Permissions Of Files And Folders

Nov 17, 2010

I've just read that I can't change the file permissions of files and folders if they are sitting in what was my old Windows D: drive. Is this correct? If so what is the work-around?

I don't want to have to cut and paste that entire D: drive's contents over to a recognised Ubuntu folder. I had in my mind that this D drive would continue to be my data dumping ground, to which I need read/write access to.

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Ubuntu :: Adjust Permissions For Folders And Files On NTFS USB Drive?

May 21, 2010

First off I want to apologize for the fact that the first several paragraphs go into something seemingly unrelated to the subject of this thread. However I want to be sure that those who choose to lend me a hand understand where I'm coming from and why I'm asking that question.I just recently switched from Windows Vista to Ubuntu 10.04. So far I've been loving it mostly. But their is one oddball thing I haven't been able to get working. That is a pair of shared folders located on my NTFS external drive connected via USB2.

The drive was automatically mounted on first boot and has full read/write access for owner (which is my username) right out of the gate. For this reason I assumed I would be good to do this.I've been unable to get it working in Ubuntu. As it stands now I've manually added them to smb.conf, added them to the Samba Server Configuration and finally by right clicking the folder in nautilus and choosing Sharing Options. All with varying resultsAt best it will show the shares under the computer but not allow access. I've also cleared out all of these for those folders to try them individually or in different orders. What I found was that using Sharing Options first gives this error and sets nothing up. But either of the other two will at least show the share albeit with no access.

Quote:'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Invalid parameter.What I've discovered is that if I use just the Sharing Options from Nautilus on any folder located on my ext4 partition or the internal NTFS partition then it will ask if applicable to adjust the permissions and though nothing appears in smb.conf that it works more or less just fine.Having played with "ls -l" I discovered that by default that ownership of the folders on the external NTFS is set to myself and that permissions are 700. On the ext4 partition ownership is set to myself and permissions on folders 711. The folders on the internal NTFS partition has an ownership of "root" and permissions set to 777

From here I tried to use "sudo chmod" via a terminal to manually change permissions for folders on all 3 partitions and I can do so for the ext4 and the internal NTFS owned by root. But no matter what I cannot for the external NTFS.The main thing is I want to know why I can't adjust those permissions on the external. I'm convinced that something to do with the way USB drives work by default must be impacting this but I could not find a single thing anywhere to confirm this much less to offer a solution.The second thing is that I installed and used mountmanager to automatically mount the internal NTFS and according to that softwares options the setup for both it and the external NTFS are the same. But if that is true then why is the external owned by me and the internal by root and the resulting permissions are completely different?

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Programming :: Test Permissions On All Files / Folders Into A Folder Recursive?

May 16, 2010

Way to test permissions on all files/folders into a folder recursive, then if those are not user:user then do :

chown user:user thatconcernedfile

The problem with that

chown user:user -R /folder

is that it is doing changes on file permissions whihch are already ok. If you wanna maintain a specific permission on a folder this is really not good this :

while [ 1 ] ; do
chown user:user -R /folder
# /folder contains 6.0 Tb
sleep 2s

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Ubuntu :: Add Root Permissions To User?

Jun 5, 2010

How do I add root permissions to my user account?

I want full permissions for all computers in my house, without having to get up and go to the other room and change permissions for the file, then go back to the other room again.

I just created a partition, as THIS user, THIS machine, rebooted, and cannot create a folder on the partition I just created. UGH. No more of this stuff...

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Security :: Add Root Permissions To User ?

Jun 5, 2010

How do I add root permissions to my user account?

I want full permissions for all computers in my house, without having to get up and go to the other room and change permissions for the file, folder, drive, directory, computer, etc., then go back to the other room again.

I just created a partition, as THIS user, THIS machine, rebooted, and cannot create a folder on the partition I just created. UGH. No more of this stuff... I guess at the very least, I'll still have to log onto each machine for this?

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Server :: ProFTPD Master/Root User Can't Get Into All Folders

Mar 2, 2010

So, I wanted a master ftp user that could access all the folders for all the users. I did this by creating a second root user. I'm aware of all the security considerations, and if there's a better way to do this than creating a root user I'd really like to know it. That said, my issue is that my new root user is still unable in FTP to access folders owned by other users that aren't world readable. Note that this is ONLY when logging in via ftp. If I login through SSH I can access all folders without problem and without the need to sudo. So this is a true root user. Does anyone have an idea how I can fix the proftpd configuration to allow my root user access to ALL folders no matter the owner?

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General :: Setting Permissions For Group Permanently For Future Files And Folders?

Jul 19, 2010

I would like to set both user and group permissions permanently to be 'rwx' (read-write-execute). I would like these rwx settings for all the future files and folders.

I tried umask 002, chmod etc, but they don't set it for future files.

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Ubuntu :: Editing Root Owned Folders With A User Program?

Apr 10, 2011

I'm using the IDE Netbeans (text editor) on my /home/michael Ubuntu account. I'm trying to open a file with Netbeans that's owned by root, I can't do this as I expected. So is there a way to run NetBeans as root, or is there a way to give netbeans permission to open/save files owned by root

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Software :: Default Creation Time User Home Directory Permissions.

Jan 8, 2011

When I am creating a user (say sandy) on my FC14 system, I find that the default permissions for her home directory (/home/sandy) are 700.Can I somehow set up my system so that these permissions are 711 in place of 700.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Changing Permissions From Root To User

Jun 6, 2010

I recently got a new external drive and backed all my files up on the new external: movies, music, docs, etc. Now all my files have permission rights to the root only. I was able to change this by open up nautilis from a terminal in root and change the permission on the whole drive to my current user so I can access the files, copy & delete the files. I wanted to change some music file information in Kynamo this morning and was not able to since all the individual files still belong to the root. How can I change this permission issue without having to change each individual file?

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Ubuntu :: Chmod File Permissions Between User And Root ?

Jan 26, 2011

I want to have two kind of users in a work machine having ubuntu 10.04,

1) He is the admin, have sudo privilages and install, do all types of work, his username is abhilash

2) A user who is normally a IT administrator, who can just install or remove softwares, but cannot access files of abhilash.

I'm trying to do this and my head is going blank, The problem where i'm stuck is, if IT admin can install softwares, then he can become sudo as sudo su, then he can view my files

So here is a small test i did, first with abhilash.


Now others and group don't have any permissions! But when IT Administrator becomes root, he can see this file


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General :: Unable To Change The User And Root Permissions?

Mar 23, 2011

I was unable to change the permissions for root node and for other users also. WE have tried all the possibilities like chmod and chmod -R 777 filenem. But we are unable to change that.

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Server :: MySQL Root User - Administration And Permissions

Jun 22, 2010

I'm using an older redhat system (2.6.9-22.ELsmp) here which is running an older mysql (server version: 4.1.12). I don't think that's the source of the problems. I believe that have understood things rightly when I say that the mysql root user is unrelated to the linux root user ... in my case I believe the root user to be the unix user mysql. So when I connect to the server (local host from a local terminal) I use:
-bash-3.00$ mysql -u mysql -p
and enter a blank password

This gets me on, however I seem unable to do anything like create database or alter privilege. I wonder if its related to my finding no database called mysql?
-bash-3.00$ mysql -u mysql -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11 to server version: 4.1.12

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| test |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Although I understand that show databases will not show things I have no priv to see. Does this mean my settings for the users are all screwed? How do I rectify this situation? Some other (perhaps) useful information.

[root ~]# cat /etc/my.cnf
# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).

So my BASEDIR seems to be nothing like is suggested in the documentation at [URL].

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General :: Setting Read Permissions Of A Directory For Root User Only?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 9.10. I used the command:

root@aduait-laptop:~# sudo chown -R root:root /media/104B-FF96/Private to set the permissions of Private folder for root but it is giving error:

root@aduait-laptop:~# sudo chown -R root:root /media/104B-FF96/Private
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/5.jpg': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/6.jpg': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/7.jpg': Operation not permitted


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