OpenSUSE :: Unable To Run Php On Apache Even Though PhpMyAdmin Works

Jul 27, 2011

I've downloaded and installed Apache, mySQL and PHP via YAST. The web server is up and running and I am able to create and modify databases in phpMyAdmin. What's strange is that I am working on some other websites which use php includes to deliver my stylesheets, scripts etc. However, these includes do not work. I can view my website but all I see is the output from the html within the php file. Anything that is being delivered through includes does not display or run so all my content is unstyled.

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OpenSUSE :: Apache Config File And PHPMyAdmin

Apr 18, 2011

I am just configuring my PC for learning php. If I install phpMyAdmin from rpm, it works however if I download it manually and put in /home/user/public_html/phpMyAdmin and then browse [URL], I just see a blank page. What is the reason?

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Fedora :: Using PhpMyAdmin MySQL Cannot Connect With Host Name But Ip Address Works

Oct 3, 2010

So the problem is that phpMyAdmin does not want to connect to host name (at remote server) but connects to that same server fine if it's ip address is used. Command line "mysql -h hostname ..." works fine and connects to host name. Mysqladmin also works.

it's giving error:


MySQL said:
#2005 - Unknown MySQL server host '' (2)

I've disabled SElinux and temporarily disabled Iptables but no luck.

Somehow I feel MySQL is not doing DNS lookup when used by Apache/PHP. So it just understands ip addresses.

I found that on MySQL startup you can disable DNS lookup. [URL]
Not sure if it's disabled and how to enable it at startup. Could not find anything at "System" -> "Administration" -> "Services".

Here is similar case with no solution [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Mysql Database Down / Apache / Phpmyadmin Wont Load?

May 4, 2010

I am at work right now and noticed my blog is down because of a database connection error. phpmyadmin wont load either it says theres an error, and webmin wont load either. So what would cause a mysql to go down? a hack or update? i am running ten.o four ubuntu server.

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Slackware :: Running Apache / Php / MySQL On Startup And Install PhpMyAdmin?

Dec 29, 2008

After a new install of Slackware 12.2, I carried out the following procedures to get everything working successfully right out of the box. The server is a standalone system, used for testing and educational purposes, so please bear that in mind. NB: Throughout this post when you see a single # at the start of a line it means you are typing the commands as root user. You should not include the #, only the text after it.

### setup Apache with php enabled
Login as root user on your Slackware box and type:
# pico -w /etc/httpd/httpd.conf


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General :: Unable To Start PHPMyAdmin (3.3.0)

Mar 9, 2010

I have download the below tar.gz then extract it , and then put it to DocumentRoot to run the index.php, but unable to use it. What program that I need to install before running it?

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OpenSUSE :: Testing Drupal 6.17 - Unable To Use Apache Mod_readwrite

Jul 7, 2010

Have both Drupal 6.17 and 7.0-5 up and running on localhost Clean URL in drupal is not available on any of them Have been reading and reading troubleshooting.


openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64) (KDE 4.3.5)
Mysql 5.1.36-6.8.8-x86_64


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Ubuntu :: Network Interfaces - Unable To Log To PHPMYADMIN

Jul 15, 2010

i edit this file... Code: /etc/network/interfaces now it looks like that

Code: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp after the change I cant enter to local host with the browser and unable to log to PHPMYADMIN what i need to change to solve it?

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CentOS 5 :: Phpmyadmin Unable To Create A New User In Mysql Database

May 13, 2010

I have installed on a remote server phpmyadmin 3.3.1 and mysql 5.1.46 on a centos 5.4 OS.

Any newly created user with phamyadmin is unable to login both from mysql command line (from localhost) and phpmyadmin (localhost and remotely).

No prob when the user is created with mysql command line (from localhost). All of the users created with phpmyadmin, are not "visible" recognized from the show user command via the mysql command line. The setting I used when I create any user was the same as the ones with the mysql command line creation.

The error message I get when accessing from mysql command line (from localhost) is the following: "Access denied for user ... @localhost (using password: yes)"

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Server :: Opensuse Apache Connection - Unable To View Website From Outside The Local Network

Jan 29, 2011

I am running opensuse with LAMP, and this is my first time setting up this type of server (usually am a windows junkie) My problem i am having is that I am unable to view my website from outside the local network. I have setup my router for a dynamic dns and forwarded all the ports through the router and the local firewall. I ran the apache setup through YAST2 and everything seems fine locally but when i attempt to access it elsewhere its not connecting. is the dynamic dns address i have setup through my router.

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Fedora Networking :: Apache Localhost Works But Not The Ip?

Mar 29, 2009

I have installed apache. The problem is that localhost works but not the ip for viewing my hosted sites.

How can i rectify this error?

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General :: Apache Works Locally But Not Globally?

May 20, 2010

I set up apache (apache2) to create a moodle server, but I can't get it to work globally. Here is the rub: works beautifully, showing me the index page at /var/www [URL] (my dyndns) or (my current IP address) doesn't work.ssh works well globally, i.e. ssh -l myname [URL] works. pinging [URL] works without a problem. Ports 22, 80 and 443 are open on my router (checked my router's settings).I use ubuntu 10.4. Is it an iptables problem, as in ? But I couldn't figure out the iptables manpage.

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General :: System That Works Best For Apache , PHP And Oracle11g?

Jan 7, 2010

Being a long time Unix/Solaris user, but relatively new for Linux, I am looking for suggestions as to which Linux would be best suited for running Apache, PHP and Oracle 11g - among Ubuntu, GNU-Linux, Debian and RedHat ?

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - DNS Setup That Works Over Internet

Mar 15, 2011

I know what I need to do I just cant seem to achieve it and that is correctly setup a DNS server that works over the internet, I'm using BIND9 with webmin. I have Fedora 14 - Apache is install its all working locally, so this final step I just can't grasp to be honest.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache 'It Works' Page Keeps Coming Up

Aug 20, 2010

when I try to view my root directory of my website.if I go to URL... on my computer, it always loads the "It Works!" page. I deleted the original index.html page, and even replaced it - but if I go to URL... it KEEPS coming up.If I specify the page I want to view, ie.URl... it loads the right file.Is there a setting in the conf file that Im missing?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Phpmyadmin But Cannot Do It?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm running OpenSuse 11.3 on VitualBox on Windows7. I have installed Apache, and PHP without problems. Now I want to install phpmyadmin but I cannot do it.I've followed these instructions and also tried from here and here but I got this message(File) could not be saved, because the source file could not be readI have also tried YaST search, but it can't find anything.

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OpenSUSE :: Update Causes PhpMyAdmin Error?

Jul 13, 2011

The past couple of updates have messed up my localhost phpMyAdmin application. After the update I get the following error. Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.

I have the old files backed up and when I restore them everything is ok. Why doesn't the update work? I figured it had to be a path or permissions problem. I gave unrestricted access to all users on all files and it still does not work. I found a php script in a phpMyAdmin wiki and it gives me this: If a session could be started successfully you should not see any Warning(s), otherwise check the path/folder mentioned in the warning(s) for proper access rights.The current "session.save_path" is "/var/lib/php5". Session file name: "sess_dee3dp1j6takbdtpvl702nbcptdivh82". which seems to me to say everything is cool pathwise.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Get PhpMyAdmin Going On Server 11.3?

Dec 20, 2010

Setup - PmaWiki tells me that for some reason openSUSE does not support the setupscript.

I have been following the The Perfect Server - OpenSUSE 11.3 x86_64 [ISPConfig 3] | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials but used for i586. Everything works fine, except i am not able to find a way to set a password to be checked by dovecot/pam, to enter a mailbox via squirrelmail. The args are set, but i simply can not find out where to set the password and username.

The password set in ISPConfig does not apply to the squirrelmail login for dovecot.

The general idea than was to get phpMyAdmin running, and set up passwords there...(i do not even know if that is going to work, but get phpMyAdmin to work would not be bad at all..)

So, to know how to set a password/username in/for dovecot would be fine also... (i've read all the wikipages like: AuthDatabase/PasswdFile - Dovecot Wiki but now i still do not know where and how to set them.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - Can't Acces Http Remotely But Https Works

Jan 17, 2010

I have 2 web server in my office : http and https. You will find attached the httpd.conf and ssl.conf. I can acces the https server from home, but not the http one.

What I did :
configure the router to forward port 80 to my fedora 11 machine
open port 80 with system-config-network
created a virtualhost

The same exact steps have been done for port 443

I can access both server locally but only the https server remotelly.

Here are my iptables :


you can try to acces my servers using [url]

I made httpd to listen to port 8080, and done all the port forwarding/opening stuf, and it works. so is it a bug ?

Finally found my error seams like turning off UseCanonicalName to off did the trick

I really think it's a bug now. It was definitively working last week, I just added content to the main host of my website, and now i can't acces it from port 80. If someone think it's not a bug or find someting missing/wrong in my conf file.

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OpenSUSE :: Mcrypt Error At Phpmyadmin Login?

Jun 1, 2010

I setup opensuse 11.2 with lamp. I then installed the lastest version of phpmyadmin. All works great except I get an alert at the bottom of my phpmyadmin login page along the lines of "...cannot load mcrypt setting" I created a phpinfo.php page and I don't see any info on mcrypt. Doesn't appear to be installed. Is this an issue with my lamp setup or with phpmyadmin. I have read differing views. Some say its related to php others to phpmyadmin. Can anyone give me instruction on how to install and, if needed, configure mcrypt?

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General :: Error 404 "PHP Code: Object Not Found' - Get PhpMyAdmin Work On LAMP Installed On OpenSuse 10.1?

Apr 24, 2009

get phpMyAdmin work on LAMP installed on OpenSuse 10.1 !!

running: "rpm -q" command result:

My problem is when trying to connect to: "hxxp://" I reported Error 404: PHP Code: Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster. Error 404


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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache Works But Website Has "page Load Error"?

May 16, 2009

I am using following software on my web server:

RedHat 2.6.18-92.1.10.el5
Coldfusion 8

My webserver accesses a backend mySQL server using CentOS5

The last week, I have been getting a "page Load Error" on my web server whilst others told me they are getting a "broken link" error when they try to access my web site. It has been working fine for the last 12 months until last week.

ADSL, modem and router okay according to service provider (verizon)

I can ping my IP address and my domain name.

# netstat -tap

shows http and https both processes running.

# service httpd restart
no issues

I shut down firewall and tried again, but got the same "page load error".

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Apache + Ubuntu + Cloud Computing Works Together?

May 24, 2010

how Apache + Ubuntu + Cloud computing works together.Right now, I have [url].... set up to go from my DNS to the cloud server. httpd.conf currently looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>[code]...

But when you go to '' it shows you the EHCP page. I have followed this thread to uninstall EHCP as well as deleting the index.php and its image files from /var/www but I still see the "default web site page" by EHCP. So I'm pretty sure its something with Apache that is causing the site to display that page? What should I do to get ride of it the EHCP default page?I also have a magento ecommerce running at and I would like to have Apache display it as the default page that you see when you go to I have tried changing the DocumentRoot in Apache to /var/www/magento but it makes magento display wrong. How do I make Apache referre to /var/ww/magento as the default for without displaying wrong?Also, when you go to, the URL will turn into IP-ADDRESS/magento. How do you make Apache keep my domain name in the URL and not change it to my IP address?I have a feeling that what I am doing is correct, but there is some config file from EHCP that I have not deleted yet that is causing all of this.

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Server :: Apache - "file_get_contents" Works Only With Port 80?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a web site on port 80. My apache works on port 8080. i configured cache_module in apache. so that the clients will enter the web site threw the apache and apache will gather all the cache of the web site in order to speed up the service. when i point apache to take content from port 80 - it works just fine. when i change it from port 80 to any other port, it gives an error: "failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/web/cache/index.php on line 44" it works fine with port 80. so how come not other port? i will be glad to hear any suggestion.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find Any Scanner Drivers That Works

Mar 18, 2011

I have installed the c2esp driver for the printer part of my AIO. I am unable to find any scanner drivers that works. Does any one know of any drivers that will work?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Upgrade 10.10 With Apache?

Oct 22, 2010

After i upgraded my server from 10.04 to 10.10 one main user account(the one i use to su) has lost the contents of the public_html directory, I'm not sure why this has happened all other users accounts are intact, i had this issue once before and fixed it, but i cannot seen to find the solution to this now.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Download Firmware For Wireless (Also Works For 10.10 And 10.04)

Oct 24, 2010

Problem in Natty Narwhal - 11.04 with the Broadband 43xx Wireless Card: Unable to download firmware for wireless. (Also works for 10.10 and 10.04) From the 'Additional Drivers' section: Quote:

This package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver for use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4313-, BCM4321-,BCM4322-, BCM43224-, and BCM43225-, BCM43227- and BCM43228-basedhardware. Possible Solutions: Solution 1: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager > Search: firmware-b43-lpphy-installer > Click Mark > Click install > Close

Kontza found the solution (post #3), so thank him for it. This solution fixed this problem on my Dell Inspiron 1545 with a Broadcom 4312 card. (Card Tech Specs: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)) Solution 2: Another option is here. Update: The Live USB of Natty Narwhal (11.04) automatically detected that I needed the STA driver. After installing it and rebooting, the wireless worked. (No cable was needed for this.) Update 2: After installing with the alternate cd, I needed a cable and after updating, I was able to download the STA driver through the 'Additional Drivers' section.

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General :: Unable To Connect To Apache At Home From Outside

Feb 4, 2010

I'm running Slackware 13. Apache has been configured and running. That is to say, I can access the server pages on my machine locally using the current DHCP IP address.

However I'm unable to access it from outside (say from a friends's house) using the same DHCP IP address. I read on the internet somewhere that some DSL providers disable port 80 to prevent individuals from hosting. I don't know if that's the case but I did try specifying different ports in httpd.conf and added the port number to the IP address URL but still didn't work.


I saw some LQ threads which said that the problem could be in the firewall. I don't think I have a firewall but I'm not sure. How do I know that?

I'm just trying some stuff without much concern for security at this point. I understand that a DHCP address can change but for now I don't mind entering the IP address explicitly.

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Server :: Apache-php Deploy - Unable To Run Files

Jul 2, 2010

i installed apache 2.2.15 in my system its working properly.... but i deployed some php files in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs ... i was not able to run that php files ..... if i run that php file in browser it shows content of that file... for an example i created one test.php file(it contains <?php echo "hello world" ?>) and put it in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs... if i run in browser using this [URL] its shows in browse like this <?php echo "hello world" ?>......

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Access Apache From Remote

May 11, 2010

Unable to access Apache from remote server..

Also, my php pages won't load..and php is installed.

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