General :: System That Works Best For Apache , PHP And Oracle11g?

Jan 7, 2010

Being a long time Unix/Solaris user, but relatively new for Linux, I am looking for suggestions as to which Linux would be best suited for running Apache, PHP and Oracle 11g - among Ubuntu, GNU-Linux, Debian and RedHat ?

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General :: Apache Works Locally But Not Globally?

May 20, 2010

I set up apache (apache2) to create a moodle server, but I can't get it to work globally. Here is the rub: works beautifully, showing me the index page at /var/www [URL] (my dyndns) or (my current IP address) doesn't work.ssh works well globally, i.e. ssh -l myname [URL] works. pinging [URL] works without a problem. Ports 22, 80 and 443 are open on my router (checked my router's settings).I use ubuntu 10.4. Is it an iptables problem, as in ? But I couldn't figure out the iptables manpage.

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General :: Running Apache On A Firewall System?

Mar 2, 2011

if you are running Apache on a firewall system, perhaps to display a web front end for firewall configuration, how would you make sure that it is accessible only from inside the local network?

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Fedora Networking :: Apache Localhost Works But Not The Ip?

Mar 29, 2009

I have installed apache. The problem is that localhost works but not the ip for viewing my hosted sites.

How can i rectify this error?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Run Php On Apache Even Though PhpMyAdmin Works

Jul 27, 2011

I've downloaded and installed Apache, mySQL and PHP via YAST. The web server is up and running and I am able to create and modify databases in phpMyAdmin. What's strange is that I am working on some other websites which use php includes to deliver my stylesheets, scripts etc. However, these includes do not work. I can view my website but all I see is the output from the html within the php file. Anything that is being delivered through includes does not display or run so all my content is unstyled.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - DNS Setup That Works Over Internet

Mar 15, 2011

I know what I need to do I just cant seem to achieve it and that is correctly setup a DNS server that works over the internet, I'm using BIND9 with webmin. I have Fedora 14 - Apache is install its all working locally, so this final step I just can't grasp to be honest.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache 'It Works' Page Keeps Coming Up

Aug 20, 2010

when I try to view my root directory of my website.if I go to URL... on my computer, it always loads the "It Works!" page. I deleted the original index.html page, and even replaced it - but if I go to URL... it KEEPS coming up.If I specify the page I want to view, ie.URl... it loads the right file.Is there a setting in the conf file that Im missing?

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - Can't Acces Http Remotely But Https Works

Jan 17, 2010

I have 2 web server in my office : http and https. You will find attached the httpd.conf and ssl.conf. I can acces the https server from home, but not the http one.

What I did :
configure the router to forward port 80 to my fedora 11 machine
open port 80 with system-config-network
created a virtualhost

The same exact steps have been done for port 443

I can access both server locally but only the https server remotelly.

Here are my iptables :


you can try to acces my servers using [url]

I made httpd to listen to port 8080, and done all the port forwarding/opening stuf, and it works. so is it a bug ?

Finally found my error seams like turning off UseCanonicalName to off did the trick

I really think it's a bug now. It was definitively working last week, I just added content to the main host of my website, and now i can't acces it from port 80. If someone think it's not a bug or find someting missing/wrong in my conf file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: System Users - Proftp Works With Only 1 System User?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm niomi and I'm the first account with sudo. I add an account, bob. niomi can get in reliably on active mode. (maybe relevant?: passive doesn't work) bob is jailed to his home directory, niomi is in ftp-special which gives her access to /. bob can't log in and his shell is set to bin/false. What could have gone wrong?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Infiniband (mlx4) Works On 16-core System But (now) Fails On 32-core System

Jan 27, 2010

We have a small cluster of 20 HP systems, all running CentOS 5.3 in an NFS-root environment. Half are quad-socket, quad-core Xeon E7340 @ 2.40GHz (total 16 cores), the other half are 8-socket, quad-core Opteron 8354 (total 32 cores). All systems have a Mellanox Infiniband adapter ("Mellanox Technologies MT25418 [ConnectX VPI PCIe 2.0 2.5GT/s - IB DDR / 10GigE] (rev a0)")

With kernel 2.6.18-128.1.6.el5, infiniband works fine on all systems.

With the update to kernel 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 (and both types of node running the same NFS-root image), the 16-core Xeons still work fine. Infiniband no longer works on the 32-core Opterons. Specifically, either the ib0 interface fails to appear, or it does appear but when configured with an IP address, doesn't actually work. In either case, loading the IB kernel modules takes a long time, but I haven't instrumented the load script yet to see which module, if any, is at fault. More errors listed below.

However, if I tweak the BIOS of the 32-core systems to reduce the per-socket core count to 2 (so effectively 8-socket, dual-core, down to a total of 16 available cores), Infiniband starts working again. Putting it back to 32-cores makes it fail. Booting the older kernel makes it work again. In summary: old kernel, IB works on all systems. Newer kernel, IB only works on 16-core systems.

Updating the IB firmware from 2.5.0 to 2.7.0 (latest available) doesn't help. I also did a full 'yum update' to make sure that libmlx4, openibd all other associated packages were up-to-date. Doesn't help either.

Some errors that appear on 32-core nodes:

ib_query_port failed (-16) for mlx4_0
ib_query_port failed (-16) for mlx4_0
mlx4_core 0000:04:00.0: SW2HW_MPT failed (-16)
mlx4_core 0000:04:00.0: SW2HW_MPT failed (-16)


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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache Works But Website Has "page Load Error"?

May 16, 2009

I am using following software on my web server:

RedHat 2.6.18-92.1.10.el5
Coldfusion 8

My webserver accesses a backend mySQL server using CentOS5

The last week, I have been getting a "page Load Error" on my web server whilst others told me they are getting a "broken link" error when they try to access my web site. It has been working fine for the last 12 months until last week.

ADSL, modem and router okay according to service provider (verizon)

I can ping my IP address and my domain name.

# netstat -tap

shows http and https both processes running.

# service httpd restart
no issues

I shut down firewall and tried again, but got the same "page load error".

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Apache + Ubuntu + Cloud Computing Works Together?

May 24, 2010

how Apache + Ubuntu + Cloud computing works together.Right now, I have [url].... set up to go from my DNS to the cloud server. httpd.conf currently looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>[code]...

But when you go to '' it shows you the EHCP page. I have followed this thread to uninstall EHCP as well as deleting the index.php and its image files from /var/www but I still see the "default web site page" by EHCP. So I'm pretty sure its something with Apache that is causing the site to display that page? What should I do to get ride of it the EHCP default page?I also have a magento ecommerce running at and I would like to have Apache display it as the default page that you see when you go to I have tried changing the DocumentRoot in Apache to /var/www/magento but it makes magento display wrong. How do I make Apache referre to /var/ww/magento as the default for without displaying wrong?Also, when you go to, the URL will turn into IP-ADDRESS/magento. How do you make Apache keep my domain name in the URL and not change it to my IP address?I have a feeling that what I am doing is correct, but there is some config file from EHCP that I have not deleted yet that is causing all of this.

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Server :: Apache - "file_get_contents" Works Only With Port 80?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a web site on port 80. My apache works on port 8080. i configured cache_module in apache. so that the clients will enter the web site threw the apache and apache will gather all the cache of the web site in order to speed up the service. when i point apache to take content from port 80 - it works just fine. when i change it from port 80 to any other port, it gives an error: "failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/web/cache/index.php on line 44" it works fine with port 80. so how come not other port? i will be glad to hear any suggestion.

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Ubuntu :: VLC Works In XP But Not System / Get That?

Feb 4, 2010

I have an external CD drive. When I run put a CD in and close the drive in XP, VLC loads the movie.

In Ubuntu when I close the drive the CD icon with the name of the movie appears on the Desktop, the file information appears in the file browser, and "encouraging" noises are made by the CD player. VLC however will not load the CD whether through this way or through loading it then selecting the CD. After 30 seconds the CD stops running and nothing is loaded.

Any ideas?

What is irritating is that this works perfectly in XP but not in Ubuntu which is always touted as being better than XP.

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Ubuntu :: Get ITunes For System That Actually Works?

Sep 30, 2010

Can someone tell me how to get iTunes for Ubuntu/Linux that actually works?

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Software :: Need Good Cad Program That Works With System

Jul 22, 2010

What's a good cad program that works with Linux?
Is it possible to do any cad drawings on Linux?
I ve given up trying to run auto cad on Linux no matter how i try it just wont work properly and crashes and I lose what I have done.
Are there any other options apart from QCAD?

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Fedora :: System Works Fine *except* Cannot Install *any* Packages From An RPM?

Aug 16, 2009

I have migrated over to Fedora 11and system works fine *except* I cannot install *any* packages from an RPMhere is the exact error :The name org.freedesktop.PackageKit was not provided by any .service files

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sound No Longer Works On System

May 4, 2010

I upgraded my system from 8.04 to 10.04.Now I keep getting errors saying that my adobe nonfree installation is bad. The worst part is that when I try to uninstall the Adobe package to start from scratch, it says that the problem is so bad that it can't be uninstalled, but must be re-installed.Of course when I try to re-install it, I get errors saying it's corrupt.I'm caught in a chicken and egg situation here.

Also, sound no longer works on my system.I think this is most likely a symptom of the first problem, but I'll just put it out there.I've read the other threads explaining how to fix this, but nothing works.

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Ubuntu :: Entire Break Down On How Operating System Works?

Jul 10, 2010

I've been a loyal Ubuntu owner for 3 years now, and I've been wondering if there is a place where I can get the entire break down of how the OS works. I don't know programing but I would like to learn about what ever language Ubuntu uses to work.

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Programming :: Clock() - Doesn't Count How Much System() Works?

Jun 3, 2011

im stuck with something trivial again. so i want to calculate how much time my programm runs:

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
clock_t end, start;
start= clock();
int i;
int p, q, r;
FILE* f_out_loc;

it returns 1.12 sec. looks like clock() doesnt count how much system() works .... is it possible? and how do i calculate the whole thing?

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Slackware :: Good Wireless Card That Works With System Out Of Box?

Mar 7, 2011

I have an older laptop (Dell Inspiron 4100) on which I have installed a minimal Slackware system, and have just managed to get wireless working by using a Linksys Wireless-G card (WPC54GS) and installing the b43 packages from the SlackBuilds site.

Unfortunately, I am experiencing system freezes ... and if my Google searches are correct, these are related to the firmware driver (b43 stuff).

I wonder if anyone can recommend a good wireless card that works with Slackware out of the box ?

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Debian Multimedia :: Ibus Works In Gnome But Not In Openbox System?

Apr 5, 2011

ibus works in a freshly installed wheezy with gnome, but it doesn't work in another system where I use openbox without desktop environment. The ibus-daemon is running and the icon is shown in the panel but the key sequence Ctrl+Space has no effect.

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Fedora :: The System Intermittently Crashes, The Screen Freezes And Nothing Works?

Jan 10, 2010

I love it but I have a problem that someone can hopefully help me troubleshoot. The system intermittently crashes, the screen freezes and nothing works except the mouse pointer which can be moved but not used. Is there a way for me to diagnose this

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Freezes After Upgrade - No Live USB Works

Feb 5, 2011

I was running 10.04 with no problems. Upgraded. I may or may not have lost power before the upgrade was finished. Now my system locks out the keyboard and mouse on the login screen...nocapslock light or anything, but I know it's still running because the clock at the bottom increments once per minute. Booting safemode does not help, it simply hangs at some point on the scrolling black screen instead.I can boot 9.04, which is still installed on another partition, just fine.Is there any way I can boot to a terminal and try running apt-get again, to see if I can fix whatever's wrong?

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Hardware :: Mother Board With An Onboard Wireless Nic That Works With System?

Jan 7, 2010

Anyone know of a mother board with an onboard wireless nic that works with linux?

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Fedora Installation :: Openoffice Dead - Restart System And No Longer Works / Fix It?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a problem with the openoffice 3.1, install it and I worked fine in Fedora 14, but I restart the system and no longer works. nothing happens with any file.

to download from the official site and install it manually.

I can not fix

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Software :: GUI To Configure Apache For System Stuff Like ReverseProxy?

Jun 12, 2010

Is there any GUI to configure Apache for linux stuff like ReverseProxy etc taken care by it.Doesn't seem many.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Blinking Cursor On Console Can't Login But Ssh Works And System Is Running?

May 23, 2011

I built a 11.04 server system in vmware workstation a few days ago, set it up for something and now I have a strange problem. It boots without problem. I can login via ssh, the services run and everything is OK from the outside. But on the console there's just a fast blinking cursor on the screen, no login or anything to that affect. Just blank and a blinking cursor.

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General :: Apache Command And Terminal / Command With Apache Through Web Browser And It Is Not Working?

Aug 18, 2009

I want to run a linux command with apache through web browser and that's is not working. and it's working properly when I execute this command through terminal, where is the problem?

NOTE: apache have the privileges to execute the command

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OpenSUSE Install :: File System Becomes Read-only, Cannot Restart Apache?

Jan 2, 2010

running 11.0,Linux a 3ware 9500 adapter - raid 5 array with hot sparethe system is only 6 weeks old.several days ago, apache would stop responding. trying a restart gives:

/etc/init.d/apache2 start
/bin/mktemp: failed to create file via template `/tmp/apache2.nb6xHyzlga2e': Read-only file system


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