Fedora Servers :: Apache - Can't Acces Http Remotely But Https Works

Jan 17, 2010

I have 2 web server in my office : http and https. You will find attached the httpd.conf and ssl.conf. I can acces the https server from home, but not the http one.

What I did :
configure the router to forward port 80 to my fedora 11 machine
open port 80 with system-config-network
created a virtualhost

The same exact steps have been done for port 443

I can access both server locally but only the https server remotelly.

Here are my iptables :


you can try to acces my servers using [url]

I made httpd to listen to port 8080, and done all the port forwarding/opening stuf, and it works. so is it a bug ?

Finally found my error seams like turning off UseCanonicalName to off did the trick

I really think it's a bug now. It was definitively working last week, I just added content to the main host of my website, and now i can't acces it from port 80. If someone think it's not a bug or find someting missing/wrong in my conf file.

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General :: HTTPS Works - But HTTP Does Not?

May 9, 2011

I had setup an SSL secure server awhile back, such that: [url] works but [url]does not (note the different: in the first, I use HTTPS, whereas the second I use HTTP) How can I get both to co-exist?

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Ubuntu :: Https Works - Http Doesn't ?

Sep 7, 2010

I have my Linux laptop running Katatonic Koala at the moment. It is connected via CAT5 to a switch. The switch then connects to my router. All five of my computers are connected to the switch, actually. The only one that won't talk to any sites other than https secure sites is the Linux box. I am not well-versed in the inner workings of Linux and need some help in what I need to do so that regular http sites work. You guys always have the right anwers so I will wait humbly for your replies.

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General :: Configure Apache To Use Https Instead Of Http For Some Requests?

Mar 7, 2011

For some of the files that I share using Apache, I want to make sure that they are served ONLY via https.

How can I configure this for Apache?

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Debian Configuration :: Both HTTP And HTTPS On Same Server? (Apache Virtual Hosts)

Oct 30, 2015

How to best manage both http and https pages on the same apache-server without conflicts. For example, if i have both 000-default.conf and 000-default-ssl.conf pointing to mydomain.com, and don't want users who visit mydomain.com without specifically type the https-prefix to be redirected to the https-page - how to handle users using browserplugins such as https-everywhere etc?

Another option would be to create a subdomain ssl.mudomain.com and have users who want to reach the ssl site to have to type ssl. I have tested several things with https everywhere enabled in my own browser, and it seems really hard to make this working the way i want, in one way or another i always end up getting redirected to the ssl-site automatically.

The reason i need this to work is because i run one site that i don't care much about SSL, that is the "official" part of that site, and i also host some things for friends and family on the SSL-part. This would not have been a problem if it wasn't that i use self-signed certificates for my ssl-site and the major user become afraid when a certificate-warning pops up in their browser and therefor leave the site.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Virtual Hosts, Http And Https?

Sep 15, 2010

What is the best way to go about setting up multiple virtual hosts on the same box, one using http and one using https/ssl? I'd like to serve them from the same ip address if possible; I know it's possible in apache 1.3.

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Fedora Servers :: Cannot Start Apache - No Read / Write Access To HTTP Files

Jan 14, 2009

I am trying to setup my webserver and I am trying to make a website to run under suexec but somehow I cannot start my apache it directly fails and SELinux is giving me errors and don't really know what to do with it, it is giving me some command to type but not sure if this will make my server less secure. The SELinux error is as follow:

SELinux prevented httpd reading and writing access to http files.

Detailed Description:
SELinux prevented httpd reading and writing access to http files. Ordinarily httpd is allowed full access to all files labeled with http file context. This machine has a tightened security policy with the httpd_unified turned off, this requires explicit labeling of all files. If a file is a cgi script it needs to be labeled with httpd_TYPE_script_exec_t in order to be executed. If it is read-only content, it needs to be labeled httpd_TYPE_content_t, it is writable content. it needs to be labeled httpd_TYPE_script_rw_t or httpd_TYPE_script_ra_t. You can use the chcon command to change these contexts. Please refer to the man page "man httpd_selinux" or FAQ [URL] "TYPE" refers to one of "sys", "user" or "staff" or potentially other script types.

Allowing Access:
Changing the "httpd_unified" boolean to true will allow this access: "setsebool
-P httpd_unified=1"

Fix Command:
setsebool -P httpd_unified=1

I will write down how I did setup my server so maybe you can see a mistake I did. First I changed my Apache httpd.conf I added the following to it:
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
DirectoryIndex index.html index.html index.shtml index.php

SuexecUserGroup ulyaoth ulyaoth
ServerAdmin webmaster@ulyaoth.org
ServerName test.ulyaoth.org
DocumentRoot /var/www/ulyaoth/www/html
ErrorLog /var/www/ulyaoth/logs/error_log
CustomLog /var/www/ulyaoth/logs/access_log common
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.php
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/ulyaoth/www/cgi-bin/
<Directory /var/www/ulyaoth/www/cgi-bin/>
AllowOverride none
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options +execCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

Then I created the username "ulyaoth" with the group "ulyaoth" as I specified with my suexec, then I created all the directories as specified in my httpd.conf and "chown ulyaoth:ulyaoth (dirname)" them to the right group and username.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Virtual Hosting On HTTPS?

Apr 11, 2011

I am trying to get name based virtual hosts all running on HTTPS (port 443) so I can run multiple sites on the one IP.

The DocumentRoot needs to be different for each host.


However, I am unable to find where to actually enable these hosts in the configs. The apache website says to put it in httpd.conf however that file is empty on my machine.

The existing default virtual hosts are in "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default" and "default-ssl"

The main config file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

I am running version 2.2.16 of apache

I need to use the same .htpasswd file for all the sites.

I have configured CNAMES on my domain for all of these hosts.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - DNS Setup That Works Over Internet

Mar 15, 2011

I know what I need to do I just cant seem to achieve it and that is correctly setup a DNS server that works over the internet, I'm using BIND9 with webmin. I have Fedora 14 - Apache is install its all working locally, so this final step I just can't grasp to be honest.

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Fedora :: Open Firefox - Get Really Strange HTTP And HTTPS Connections Showing Up In Firestarter

Oct 22, 2009

I've noticed that when I open firefox I get really strange HTTP and HTTPS connections showing up in firestarter (which as I understand it is just a GUI for IPtables). They connect to various bits of a site listed as 1e100.net (when you use "lookup hostnames") such as wy-in-f18.1e100.net, they stay connected all the time as far as I can see unless I close firefox. I've heard people say they are connected to Google, but I can close all tabs after loging out of google and still see them... it's very odd.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Log And Remotely Access Desktop

Mar 9, 2011

I came back to see on the screen a message requesting remote desktop control. So I said no and went into remote desktop and said never allow connection. I had recently hosted a PHP app on the home pc for testing purposes using apache. Here are some of the last logs entries:

Code: - - [08/Mar/2011:18:26:34 -0500] "POST /z3950search.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1731 "http://localhost/z3950search.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.15" - - [08/Mar/2011:18:26:37 -0500] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 500 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.15" - - [08/Mar/2011:18:26:38 -0500] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 500 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.15" .....

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Ubuntu Servers :: HTTP Response Into Apache Access Logs

Jul 6, 2011

I am new to web server support. I have a request from my management to modify the logging slightly. Effectively I need to redirect a custom string from our http response into the apache access logs. When a user navigates to our site they receive a "dye" number that is associated with them. This number follows them to whatever cluster they are directed too. The string is formatted as such, com-company-dye: d0a2#6dfce. I need that that header dye to appear in the access logs so we can use that dye number as a key for troubleshooting issues though out our various monitoring systems.

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Fedora :: TOR Onion Routing - Set Proxy For HTTP And HTTPS In Firefox But Say's 'unknown Proxy'

Jul 7, 2010

I've been trying to make myself anonymous, but I cant find 'Tor' anywhere, tried 'yum & kpackagekit' neither have it. I did find 'Privoxy', installed it, set proxy for HTTP and HTTPS in Firefox, but it says 'unknown proxy' when I try to use it! I've been to the Privoxy web site and read through the 'User manual', but most of it is 'geek' to me!

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Ubuntu Servers :: HTTPS Forced Non Https:// Protocols?

May 22, 2011

I have set up certain portions of my web site to be forced https:// How do I force, non https:// protocols. I know this sounds confusing, so let me give you an example.


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Networking :: SVN Over HTTP Or HTTPS ?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm trying to use svn over http or https because I'm rear of a corporate proxy. Only allows HTTP connections.

I tried connect-tunnel but no success.

I also modified ./subversion/servers and I added the proxy server but no success.

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Server :: HTTP To HTTPS On The Same Port ?

Mar 22, 2011

I want to ENABLE SSL on a PORT 2222 :

Now this works fine. But I also want the HTTP URL to work and redirect it to HTTPS.

When I visit http://IP:2222 I get :


Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.

Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.

Hint: [url]

How should I make this request of [url] CT to [url]

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Server :: Https And Http For One Domain Name ?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm using a box running CentOS 5.5 powered with Apache2. In this machine I hosted several domains and sub domains, managed by Apache's virtual host.

Due to security issue, one sub domain needs to be able to be accessed either using http or https.

My question is: Is it possible to set a sub domain to be able to be reached using both http and https? If it's possible, how to make it happens?

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Red Hat :: Kickstarting Over HTTPS - Do The Rhel/fedora/centos Install From Running Apache With SSL Enabled?

Aug 13, 2010

Has anyone successfully kickstarted a rhel/fedora/centos over HTTPS ? In other words, is it possible to do the rhel/fedora/centos install from running apache with SSL enabled?

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Networking :: Forward All Http/https Requests ?

May 12, 2010

I have a server (Fedora 12) setup at a client's datacenter and the network is setup to allow me ssh access into the server, but prevents me from opening any connections from the server. However, I need to make http and https request from the server. What I'd like to do is forward all http/https traffic through another machine outside the network.

I've been looking at the documentation for ssh and the various options there and have gotten so far as to enable initiating an ssh connection from the client network back to my machine, but am not sure where to take it from there.

Here are some of the commands I've used so far:


I'm attempting to bind port 80 to be forwarded through the local machine. I assume I use "ssh -R" to create a dynamic tunnel to forward requests but I must be missing something.

By the way, root login via ssh is disabled.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache 'It Works' Page Keeps Coming Up

Aug 20, 2010

when I try to view my root directory of my website.if I go to URL... on my computer, it always loads the "It Works!" page. I deleted the original index.html page, and even replaced it - but if I go to URL... it KEEPS coming up.If I specify the page I want to view, ie.URl... it loads the right file.Is there a setting in the conf file that Im missing?

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General :: Configure Iptables For Only HTTP And HTTPS Traffic

Aug 11, 2011

I am trying to configure iptables for only HTTP and HTTPS traffic. I start by blocking all traffic, which works, via:

iptables -F
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP

I then try to allow HTTP and HTTPS on eth0 with these commands, which does not work:

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 443 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT After these commands I should be able to access the internet. Does anyone know why this is not working?

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Security :: BigBlueButton - From HTTP To HTTPS Reverse Proxy

Sep 17, 2010

I am working on a project to create a video conferencing environment. For this I use a default installation of BigBlueButton on ubuntu 10.04. One of the main problems here is that it's not safe enough to share classified documents trough this software. It's a simple webserver that uses nginx. What I want to do is make this connection secure.

One of the problems is that I don't only have a connection trough port 80 but it uses the following ports:
Port 80 (HTTP), 1935 (RTMP), 9123 (Desktop sharing).
I would like to use a proxy instead of some tunneling or vpn to do this. Would anyone happen to know anything about squid or another equivalent to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Won't Open Http Links In Browser / Only Https

Apr 30, 2010

When I click on an http link in Thunderbird, nothing at all happens. There's no error message on the console, there's no new browser starting, and there's no new tab opening with the browser already running.

I've tried: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser, choosing firefox.I've also tried: adding a new string value to Thunderbird's warranty-voiding config: network.protocol-handler.app.http, with a value of /usr/bin/firefox. This was recommended in various threads.But no luck.There's an entry for https - firefox on the Attachment tab of the preferences, and https links are indeed opening in Firefox. But not http.KDE 4.4.2 itself has default mail client and browser set to Thunderbird 3.0.4 and Firefox 3.6.3 (both from the repositories, no website downloads).

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Server :: Automatic Rewrites Or Something To Change Http Into Https Requests?

Mar 10, 2011

For one project I use a web hosting service. I wanted the entire site to be https, so I bought a service from them in which they automatically install a trusted cert so people can access the site through https protocol. Since http is still available, though, I need to do automatic rewrites or something to change http into https requests. (I don't have access to their Apache server configuration files or anything like that.)I found on the net this code to add to my .htaccess file:

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}


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Software :: Driver - Utility To Mount An Iso Image Over Http / Https?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there a driver or utility to mount an iso image over http or https? There is a httpDisk driver for windows but I can't find anything similar for Linux.

There may be a way of using curl/wget but not sure if this is possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Redirect All Http/https/ftp Traffic Through The Remote Proxy?

Apr 6, 2011

I need to redirect all http/https/ftp traffic through the remote proxy, but when I changes connection settings in browser or in System->Preferences->Network Proxy it doesn't work well: instead of getting page content browser asks for saving some short (8 bytes) file with the same content for all requested pages. It happens in Chrome/Opera/Firefox. This proxy requires authorization and works on computer with Windos XP. It worked well when I was using Windows 7 and Proxifier, now I have Ubuntu 9.10 with all available updates.

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Fedora :: SELinux Context - Allow Apache's Http Daemon To Use Arp (for Getting Some Mac Addresses)

Apr 13, 2010

I'm working with Fedora and SELinux and am having a problem. I need to allow apache's http daemon to use arp (for getting some mac addresses). I have changed the type of the arp executable to httpd_sys_context_t but am still having an issue. Here is the messages log: Detailed Description:


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Networking :: Iptables - Allow Http And Https Together With Mail Server (incoming And Outgoing) And Ftp - Ftps And Ssh

Apr 28, 2010

i need is to have http and https allowed, together with mail server (incoming and outgoing) and ftp, ftps and ssh. all other ports have to be closed.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create The Virtual Web Site (name Based) Accessible On Http And Https Simultaneously?

Dec 2, 2010

How to create the virtual web site (name based) accessible on http and https simultaneously ?

server have ip address: and virtual IP address=

Target: create VirtualWebSite(name based) accessible on http and https simultaneously. ?

I can create a virtual site(name based), but he will be accessible ONLY on http or ONLY on https.

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Ubuntu :: Download Files From HTTP Server Remotely

Dec 13, 2010

I have a question about using ubuntu to download files from an HTTP server remotely and didn't know where to put it, so hopefully it falls under general support. Anyway, I am about to move into a place with an incredibly slow internet connection and a tiny data allowance and my brother has said that, if possible, I can use his internet connection to download any large files to a box I can just leave at his place, then I can simply come over to his place every few weeks and copy said files to a hard drive and all will be well. The problem is that I am not sure how to do this.

Today I went out and bought a few parts and built a cheap computer with a HDD big enough to hold whatever I need, however when I got home I realised I had no idea how I was going to handle the software aspect of this. Is there any way that I can access that computer remotely over the internet and schedule fairly large downloads from an http server? Also after talking to a friend I was told that I need to install the server version of ubuntu if this is to work, is this correct? Also, if its relevant the specs of the computer I have for this is using an "Intel Desktop Board D510M0 + Intel Atom Processor D510" which uses 64 bit architecture.

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