OpenSUSE :: 11.4 KDE Change Power Settings For Display?

May 15, 2011

how to disable the power settings for my monitor so that it always stays on.

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General :: How To Change Default Display Settings On OpenSuSe

Jan 30, 2010

I'm using OpenSUSE as a guest OS in VMware. Display settings are 1400x1050@60Hz but I want to change them for 1440x900. Using root account I go to Configure Desktop -> Display -> 1440x900. The first problem is that I can't choose 60Hz, only "Auto" or "0.0". I click Apply and the resolution changes, but if I reboot the computer or just logoff... resolution goes back to 1400x1050. My card and monitor properties: [URL]. Another strange thing is that if I click Ok on the Card and Monitor properties (changing from one resolution to another), I can choose to "Test" it, and xfine2 appears but... it ALWAYS says "1400x1050". An screenshoot of xfine2: [URL].

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Power Settings In Natty

May 17, 2011

How do I change the power settings in Natty? Such as when the monitor shuts off?

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Slackware :: Unable To Change Settings In Power Manager?

Mar 3, 2011

How can I set it so that the account can change the settings in power manager? They're all grey'd out and unchangable And when I click on hibernate, it says suspend and hibernate are only supported through HAL, which is unavailable. I'm sure that hald is running.

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Fedora :: Change Power Settings To Stop Instant Hibernation?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm coming over from Ubuntu and am experiencing the same power issue I had there, only there doesn't seem to be a setting in Gconf in Fedora like there was in Ubuntu that can fix it. You know how the system determines whether or not to hibernate based on the amount of time the battery has been unplugged? Well there's a bug in Gnome that makes it say I have only two minutes left on a full battery,

so if I ever unplug my laptop it immediately goes in to hibernation. Now in Ubuntu there was a Gconf Editor setting that could be changed so that it went by percentage, but this option seems to be gone in Fedora. I have Gconf Editor installed but I can't find the setting anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change The Display Settings?

Feb 24, 2011

I received Ubuntu 10.10 (a friend gave me the cd) Well, I installed, but I can't change the display settings: the maximum it gives is 900x600 So, I went online and looked for a fix.. I found this:

Sudo dpkg-reconfigure x server-xorg

Well, the problem is that according to the steps that the person who posted the code, I should type this code after executing Terminal before computer boots. and the way to execute Terminal is to have the key: escape holded Well, I do hold the key: escape. but I see no terminal! I have typed in normal mode...but, I guess the code only works before boot up. How can I execute terminal? is there any other way to fix the display settings? I currently have Windows Xp and Ubuntu.... and I have no problem with the display settings on Xp Can I do do from recovery mode?

Because I have 2 operating systems I get a screen like this (except mine is ubuntu 10.10) If I do it from the recovery mode.... would the code works?

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General :: Change Display Settings Without Using GUI?

Jul 12, 2011

i have debian squeeze installed on an old computer to use as a file/web server. i had an extra monitor laying around and wanted to use it with the server. after about half an hour or so, it turns off and i have to press a key on the keyboard to get it to turn back on. i'm not sure how to keep it from doing this without installing a gui. does anyone know how to do this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Automatically Change AV Settings When Plugging In External Display?

Dec 9, 2010

I searched the forums for a long time and could not found any relevant informationI am new to ubuntu (10.10 64bit) and I just want to know if it is possible, like it is in win7 (sorry!), if I can plug in my hdmi cord and have the laptop speakers and display disable, and have the external display and its spears enabled.

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OpenSUSE :: Power Management Settings Are Not Saved?

May 22, 2011

I've got openSUSE 11.4 64 bit system with stable 2.6.38 kernel and KDE 4.6.3. Problem is that when I want to change some settings in the power management (like brightness, screen energy saving time-off, display dim), they doesn't seem to save, even after the X restart and full reboot. It's seems like screen energy saving is set permanently for couple of minutes, don't matter what time do i set, it just discards my settings, even they are correctly viewed in the gui.

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OpenSUSE :: No Power/Energy Profiles In System Settings?

Aug 21, 2011

It appears my profiles are gone, and thus i have got no way in changing settings in the 'Desktop Configuration' (Systems Settings)so, when I go toapp starter --> Configure Desktop --> Power Mgmtthere are NO profiles under 'global settings' or 'power profiles'anyone has got an idea what's cooking here

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Power-management Settings Keep Vanishing

Aug 15, 2011

Just found my PC with screen fully lit a good half-hour after leaving it. Went into "system settings" and checked the power-management settings and, as I expected, there were no management profiles. "Here we go again" I thought and logged off and then back on again. Checked the settings and there was "performance", the only one available. As usual in this situation, I'd tried "restore default profiles" and there were none.

Why does this profile keep getting lost in this manner? Where is it (and defaults if any?) supposed to be stored?

Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
openSUSE 11.4 (32-bit); KDE 4.7.0; AMD Phenom II X2 550 Processor;
Video: nVidia GeForce 210; Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA);
Wireless: BCM4306

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OpenSUSE :: Display Does Black Dead While Power Is ON

Feb 11, 2010

I am running openSUSE on Acer Aspire-One, 1.6/500MB/8GB and it runs perfectly fine on AC power but whenever I switch to Battery power (on 100% charged state) after sometime (3-5 minutes) the Display goes Black Dead while power light is still green and cpu fan still running and then i have to forcefully shut it down by press and holding power button and restart it.

This is really strange problem and i have fresh installed the openSUSE two times but same problem.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Disable Display Power Management?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to disable display power management.

I tried to achieve this by disabling 'Enable display power management' checkbox in the 'Configure Desktop -> Display -> Power Control' KDE configuration dialog. That didn`t help and display still goes into standby mode after some period of inactivity. Also, I tried to disable dpms functionality by calling 'xset -dpms'. That didn`t help too. Note that 'xset dpms force standby'

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General :: OpenSUSE 11.1 X86_64 Can't Turn Off Display Power Management

Jul 31, 2009

I've got a rather annoying problem with OpenSUSE 11.1 x86_64, I can't turn off the display power management! I've tried from the KDE 3 and 4 settings as well as GNOME, and finally YaST2. There's nothing in monitor's controls (the buttons on the monitor itself). The actual GUI controls in KDE/GNOME/YaST2 work (as opposed to being grayed out or disabled) and the system doesn't complain when I hit apply/OK, but every time I disable display power management, I wait about 15 minutes and sure enough, the screen blanks. I've checked and made sure the screen saver is disabled, I've looked for a setting to change in the YaST2 sysconfig editor and the kernel settings app, but can't seem to find anything. The only other thing I can think of is to try the acpi=off kernel boot option. I'd rather not resort to that. Anyone know if there is some super secret hidden setting somewhere that might be overriding everything else? Could this be some sort of ACPI incompatibility issue?

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OpenSUSE :: Disabling Screen Lock / Enable Display Power Management?

Sep 14, 2009

I am a brand new user coming from the MS environment. My impression of openSUSE is that it is like moving into a new house that is well built but the rooms are full of half-constructed self-assembly furniture and appliances without any specific instructions. Nor is it clear which does what and whether all are needed or not. There is a town hall down the road where fellow homeowners gather to discuss what each has managed to deduce about putting their own furniture together. The town hall has a sort of library where thousands of pieces of paper with instructions are stored in an ad-hoc filing system

My latest problem is that I have created a screensaver via the "Configure Desktop" application and set "Enable display power management" and set some timeouts.However, I seem to be asked for a password to unlock the screen when I come back to my computer. I have spent 2 hours trying to find the place where I can disable screen password locking but to no avail. I am perplexed and frustrated at how such an obvious function is so ****ed hard to configure. This is the impression I am getting of Linux in general - it is novice user-hostile and badly organised.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Won't Save Display Settings

Jun 29, 2010

when I set my screen size (e.g., to 1680X1050) to anything other than the default, it won't save the change permanently. It means I have to change it each time I start OpenSuSE.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Non-persistent Display Settings In 11.2 / Kde?

Apr 4, 2010

My default display (DF-770 monitor) comes up something like 1280x960. In the "configure desktop" > display I set the display to 1152x864@75Hz. Next I accept the setting after the preview. When I reboot, the display is back to 1280. Do I have to manually edit some file to make my selection permanent?

Sysconfig editor has a variable that starts off with 1024x768, but that doesn't seem to be my problem, so I didn't mess with it. How do I get my display preferences saved?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Display Settings Won't Stick?

Oct 8, 2010

I have no clue why KDE is doing this, but whenever I reboot the system, the resolution resets to 1024x768. I really need to stop it from doing this. Also, Sax2 doesn't seem to be working and there is no xorg.conf file that I can see of.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Save Display Settings - 2 Screens?

Oct 6, 2010

I have seen posts on the fact that dual screen configuration seem to be a nightmare with opensuse 11.3. As a few already mentioned, it worked all fine with 11.2 and now we are back to. I have two screens attached to my laptop: the standard LVDS and one HDMI high res monitor. It works fine to configure it once but it is NEVER SAVED so I have to do this at EVERY boot. Even more annoying: when the slid is closed, my laptop goes into "no display mode" (black screens) and when it tries to come back to life (opening the lid again) everything is screwed (to use a nice word).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Permanent Display Settings Are Ignored On Restart?

Jun 8, 2011

The hardware is a Toshiba Satellite 755 with Nvidia graphics. An external monitor is connected via HDMI. The aim is to disable the laptop screen and only use the external monitor. This is no problem with Windows 7. With openSuse 11.4 (64bit), this can also be done via systemsettings. However, after each restart the laptop screen is again enabled and the HDMI only a clone (with the correct resolution), although the settings should have been made permanent. Is there a way to fix this?

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OpenSUSE :: Display - Desktop Appearance And Theme Settings Not Working

Aug 14, 2011

I've been trying to get familiar with this over the past 24 hours or so. I assume I've been somewhat successful in what I'm attempting to do, as I can work my way around a bit now and use some terminal commands. However, there is this display problem I seem to be encountering with certain windows which is extremely putting off. When I click options like 'File' or 'Edit' in a window, this is what I get. Here are the screenshots below.

This is what I get when I click the 'Volume' button in the Panel at the bottom of the screen. I have tried changing the Desktop Appearance Settings, Theme Settings but nothing seems to work. Although this is not a performance issue, it is hampering my vision of the various available options, and I would like to resolve it at once.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Settings For Laptop Monitor With External VGA Display - 11.3-Gnome?

Mar 8, 2011

I'd like to solve a little problem that I have connecting my notebook with an external VGA monitor.Everything seems to work fine, but when I close the laptop monitor, also the external monitor shuts down.I've tried to find different energy-saving setting for laptop display and external monitor. with no luck...My video card is an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M. On the ATI website there is no catalist control center for linux. (It would be very useful). So, for now, I can only use the display options on the panel.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 'Configure Display Settings' Icon Shows Monitor As 'Unknown'

Feb 16, 2010

I've just installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on a new machine. Because I was still using another machine as my main box while building the new one, the monitor attached when it was installed has a resolution of 1280x1024 @ 77Hz. I've now moved it to be my main machine and the monitor is a widescreen 1680x1050 @ 60Hz model. When I boot it normally the screen fails to come up - even GDM doesn't show. If I boot in failsafe mode the system comes up fine, but in 1280x1024 mode. The 'Configure display settings' icon shows the monitor as 'Unknown'. Couple of things I tried:

1) Switched to runlevel 2 and logged in as root. Ran Xorg -configure and looked at the that was installed, but it just had generic info for the monitor:


2) While still in runlevel 2 and logged in as root I did a startx. This brought up the X display in 1680x1050 ok, and clicking on the 'Configure display settings' icon showed it had correctly identified my monitor and had set the size and frequency correctly.

3) Given the results of (2), I then tried logging in as myself in runlevel 2, did startx again, but this time the display failed to come up again.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unknown Monitor After Installing Nvidia Drivers / Fix Display Settings?

Mar 9, 2010

I installed the nvidia proprietary drivers with click-install and everything perfect, I have desktop effects working but the problem is that when you open the config. screen settings to make sure everything was really good, I get to screen unknown April.

The maximum resolution is the correct 1440 * 900 for 19 "but the refresh rate by not recognizing the monitor down to 50hz me and gives me the option to 60hz as it was before installing the nvidia drivers.

How can I fix the display settings?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Change Email Settings

Jun 4, 2010

Virgin has decided to change its email settings, but doesn't support Evolution, so I am not clear on how to implement some of the changes.This is what it asks us to do:Sending mail (SMTP)

SMTP server name


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OpenSUSE Network :: Want To Change DNS Settings

Feb 26, 2010

I want to change DNS settings. How do I make it from yast?

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Ubuntu :: Display Driver - Cannot Get Display Settings Nvidia7600GS?

Jan 28, 2010

I am using GeForce 7600 GSNot using the Nvidia X driver message you know... I searched all over, and seen this problem on many searches but no resolve issues.I want to be able to connect my tv, I use to be able to when I first installed Ubuntu and now IdK.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Change Font Settings For Other Languages

Jul 17, 2010

I just installed openSUSE 11.3 (Gnome). I am using Korean language, but I don't want to make Korean language as my default language. So I installed Korean lang as secondary language. It works well.But the problem is Korean font. Actually BEFORE installing the language, the font look much nicer. But as soon as I installed the language, the font became ugly.Even if I uninstal the language, the font still remains the same (ugly).
Where is the font setting for other languages stored? It would be nice if I can set default fonts for Korean language manually.

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OpenSUSE :: Change Some Settings Of Printer Using HPLIP?

Apr 30, 2011

When I try to change some settings of my printer using HPLIP it tells me to add myself to the lp an sys group. Is that safe ? What are those groups used for ?

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OpenSUSE :: KDM Login Settings Grayed Out. Can't Change KDM Theme?

Jul 5, 2009

I'm on openSUSE 11.1 KDE 4.3 RC, and I'm using the kde-branding-openSUSE with KDM from the factory KDE repo, and factory community repo - everything is up-to-date.For some reason my KDM login settings screen is ALL grayed out, so I can't change the theme/settings. I know that you can change it by going to yast and editing the /etc/sysconfig thinghich I actually tried doing, and failing, which is odd because I changed it once a ltime ago to glassified, but can't manage to do now...) I don't want to use a theme, though, but actually use my current wallpaper and set the settings in the login manager to something of my preference.

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