OpenSUSE Hardware :: Power-management Settings Keep Vanishing

Aug 15, 2011

Just found my PC with screen fully lit a good half-hour after leaving it. Went into "system settings" and checked the power-management settings and, as I expected, there were no management profiles. "Here we go again" I thought and logged off and then back on again. Checked the settings and there was "performance", the only one available. As usual in this situation, I'd tried "restore default profiles" and there were none.

Why does this profile keep getting lost in this manner? Where is it (and defaults if any?) supposed to be stored?

Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
openSUSE 11.4 (32-bit); KDE 4.7.0; AMD Phenom II X2 550 Processor;
Video: nVidia GeForce 210; Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA);
Wireless: BCM4306

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OpenSUSE :: Power Management Settings Are Not Saved?

May 22, 2011

I've got openSUSE 11.4 64 bit system with stable 2.6.38 kernel and KDE 4.6.3. Problem is that when I want to change some settings in the power management (like brightness, screen energy saving time-off, display dim), they doesn't seem to save, even after the X restart and full reboot. It's seems like screen energy saving is set permanently for couple of minutes, don't matter what time do i set, it just discards my settings, even they are correctly viewed in the gui.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Settings At Login Screen?

Nov 26, 2010

How do you set power management (suspend/sleep time is what I'm after) that applies at the login screen?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Adapter Power Management Settings

Jan 16, 2010

How do I set the network adapter power to maximum? In windows, this can be easily set under device manager --> hardware --> ..power management.

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Fedora :: 14 - Overriding Power Management Preferences - Settings Are Set To Never Put The Monitor To Sleep

Nov 17, 2010

I have an odd problem since preupgrading from Fedora 12 to Fedora 14.

My power management settings are set to never put the monitor to sleep, yet after a certain amount of time, lo and behold, the Fedora box has gone blank and I have to enter my user information and password to get back to my gnome session.

In the power management preferences I have "never" selected for both putting the computer or display to sleep.

In the screensaver preferences "Lock Screen After" is *not* checked. (And if I click "advanced" I also note that "Power Management Enabled" is also *not* checked).

I'd just as soon not have to "log on" to this machine every time I'm away from it for a while.

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OpenSUSE :: Power Management Is Incompetent

Mar 21, 2010

I have selected to power down the monitor after 30 minutes, and suspend the computer after an hour. It does not work. With Beagle not running (more below), the monitor powers down after 30 minutes as expected. But then later (probably after an hour?) it powers up again and stays that way. Not exactly what I envisioned.I have removed Beagle from the set of running processes. The process list ("ps ax") shows Beagle as a serious consumer of CPU time, far more than any other process. (At termination it was at 500:00; the next most hungry process was /usr/bin/Xorg at 10:00. Most barely get over 0:01.) It introduces these problems:

1. after some amount of system idle time (it is about 5 - 10 minutes) Beagle starts consuming vast wodges of CPU time. I have dual core AMD 5200; both CPUs run up to about 70% usage until I do anything, like move the mouse. Then the usage drops back to the usual 5 - 10%.
2. When Beagle is thrashing the CPUs, the power management monitor thinks the system is busy. And powers down nothing.

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OpenSUSE :: Power Management Options For UPS?

Sep 29, 2010

I've attached a UPS to my server through USB. and sure enough up came a tab in Power Management Preferences for the UPS -- great.

There are power low options as follows:

"When UPS power is low"
"When UPS power is critically low"

The UPS sends a message to the computer when a threshold you set in the UPS is reached, in my case 25% of battery left.

The obvious guess is that this warning from the UPS is the "When UPS power is low" however, I don't know. It's just a guess.

Looking further at the data I can get from the UPS the battery data is as follows:

battery.charge: 100
battery.charge.low: 25
battery.charge.warning: 50
battery.runtime: 760


However, again, that's just a guess from what would make sense.

So my first question is, is there a way to know this information, and is there a place were these critical points are set, or are they all from the UPS. I'm guess there are some settings somewhere because not all UPSs are going to be able to supply this information. Some may only supply a battery level or some just a warning message so there must be some configuration for this somewhere.

My 2nd question is a probably a little harder to know the answer to. After getting this to work I wanted the added functionality of nut so I installed it and got it working and it uses the On UPS Power panel as far as I can tell.

Through all the nut documentation it talks about powering down on once the battery level reaches the critical point (I assume that is "When UPS power is critically low"). I don't see anywhere however where it mentions handling "When UPS power is low" so now the question comes up, will it have any effect at all with nut installed, i.e. what will happen?

Of course I can just "pull the plug" and start finding this stuff out but Linux is all about having the information and "knowing" (assuming all works as it should) I am asking to find out where this information would be -- and become smarter for it

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OpenSUSE Install :: Disable Power Management For GDM?

Apr 2, 2010

I've just installed openSuSE 11.2, and I need to disable the feature that causes the laptop to suspend when you close the lid (and it's plugged in to the wall). I've already done this for my user profile, and I've attempted to do it for the root profile, as well, but when the GDM login screen is shown, the laptop still suspends when you close the lid.

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OpenSUSE Install :: CPU Can Be Turned Off In Red In The Power Management

Apr 20, 2010

After I have installed the Education package I cannot put my HP Pavilion laptop to sleep mode. I opened the Power Management and I can see the red light next to "CPU can be turn off". Also, when I close laptop lid it doesn't go to "Suspend to RAM" mode it still spin the fan.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Disable Display Power Management?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to disable display power management.

I tried to achieve this by disabling 'Enable display power management' checkbox in the 'Configure Desktop -> Display -> Power Control' KDE configuration dialog. That didn`t help and display still goes into standby mode after some period of inactivity. Also, I tried to disable dpms functionality by calling 'xset -dpms'. That didn`t help too. Note that 'xset dpms force standby'

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How About Best Practices To Assist In Power Management

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to reduce my uptime of my servers. I would like to have a way to bring the systems down during off hours, an come back online during first use. I know about WOL (wake on lan) found in the bios, but it seems as if the OS is missing something to complete the configuration.Are there any good docs (of which I havent found any yet, which is why I ask) on this topic? How about best practices to assist in power management?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ESATA / HDD Docking Station And Power Management

Aug 26, 2011

I want to "build" a new backup solution for my home LAN. I have 3 openSUSE machines at various versions and 1 File Server with openSUSE 11.4.My plan is to plug a eSATA or USB3 docking station on the file server and then take backups from the clients either via rsync or Amanda.Since the backup will not be a daily activity, I would like to have the option to run the backup during night, and automatically, BUT, without any action from my part. So, I would like to attach a large external HDD on the machine and then:Power on the docking station/HDD.Perform the backup from the Amanda Server or rsync scripts.Power off the docking station/HDD.Do you know any docking station that has a "linux" power management?If not, how do I power up/power down from console an eSATA or USB HDD?

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General :: OpenSUSE 11.1 X86_64 Can't Turn Off Display Power Management

Jul 31, 2009

I've got a rather annoying problem with OpenSUSE 11.1 x86_64, I can't turn off the display power management! I've tried from the KDE 3 and 4 settings as well as GNOME, and finally YaST2. There's nothing in monitor's controls (the buttons on the monitor itself). The actual GUI controls in KDE/GNOME/YaST2 work (as opposed to being grayed out or disabled) and the system doesn't complain when I hit apply/OK, but every time I disable display power management, I wait about 15 minutes and sure enough, the screen blanks. I've checked and made sure the screen saver is disabled, I've looked for a setting to change in the YaST2 sysconfig editor and the kernel settings app, but can't seem to find anything. The only other thing I can think of is to try the acpi=off kernel boot option. I'd rather not resort to that. Anyone know if there is some super secret hidden setting somewhere that might be overriding everything else? Could this be some sort of ACPI incompatibility issue?

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OpenSUSE :: Disabling Screen Lock / Enable Display Power Management?

Sep 14, 2009

I am a brand new user coming from the MS environment. My impression of openSUSE is that it is like moving into a new house that is well built but the rooms are full of half-constructed self-assembly furniture and appliances without any specific instructions. Nor is it clear which does what and whether all are needed or not. There is a town hall down the road where fellow homeowners gather to discuss what each has managed to deduce about putting their own furniture together. The town hall has a sort of library where thousands of pieces of paper with instructions are stored in an ad-hoc filing system

My latest problem is that I have created a screensaver via the "Configure Desktop" application and set "Enable display power management" and set some timeouts.However, I seem to be asked for a password to unlock the screen when I come back to my computer. I have spent 2 hours trying to find the place where I can disable screen password locking but to no avail. I am perplexed and frustrated at how such an obvious function is so ****ed hard to configure. This is the impression I am getting of Linux in general - it is novice user-hostile and badly organised.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Low Level Power Management Screen Saver Removal

May 28, 2010

I run V11.1 on a minimalised install on a stick with TWM, no KDE at all but I cant get rid of the screen shutdown after about 20 minutes. Also I have several other boxes with v11.1 with KDE and still cant get rid of these screen shut downs.I dont believe this is coming from the bios in these machines. they are all Intel D945 MBs with some sort of Nvidea cards.

My app normal runs with no user mouse or input and is pocessor intensive.I would like to retain the power shutdown and reboot capability from comand line.I realise its not as simple as pulling symlinks of of the init levels in the new complicated distros, but I was suprised the non kde twm install still shuts down the screen.So I want a low level level fix that will remove anything kicked off by init that will derate the system performance or turn off the screen.

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Ubuntu :: Power Profile/power Management App?

May 28, 2010

On the last release, I had this app installed where I could pick my power profile. I could use power conservatively, and performance would suffer a bit, but longer batt life,or I could have it automatically detect, or I could have the apps use all the power they want and then some. I'm looking to reinstall that app. What was the name of it?I can't remember, and so far, can't find.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 KDE Change Power Settings For Display?

May 15, 2011

how to disable the power settings for my monitor so that it always stays on.

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OpenSUSE :: No Power/Energy Profiles In System Settings?

Aug 21, 2011

It appears my profiles are gone, and thus i have got no way in changing settings in the 'Desktop Configuration' (Systems Settings)so, when I go toapp starter --> Configure Desktop --> Power Mgmtthere are NO profiles under 'global settings' or 'power profiles'anyone has got an idea what's cooking here

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OpenSUSE Network :: Get NIS Settings Back Into YaST "User And Group Management"?

Jan 18, 2011

After a disastrous foray into LDAP I restored NIS on a very simple network run by a very simple operator. Everything now works except for YaST on the NIS master. I can't manage NIS users in YaST any more. The option 'show NIS users' is now absent from the 'filter' button up in YaST "User and Group Management" So, after following the YaST route to LDAP there seems no way back...

These are OpenSUSE 11.3 boxes and the slave NIS server can't [obviously enough] delete expired NIS users on the master, although it sees them fine. Disabling or changing NIS server or client on the Master simply restores the 'wrong' settings - nothing is erased or cleaned. How do I clean up NIS controls so YaST sees it properly? or What do I need to do to restore NIS group & user control to YaST?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.6 System Tray - Vanishing Icons?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a few problems with my openSUSE 11.3 (I were using openSUSE 9 ages ago, then I moved to Debian, jet after few years I though way not to give openSUSE another chance ).

Basically all is great except for 1 little annoying problem - system tray.Applications like Amarok, Network Manager, SUSE updater, etc just does not show up in system tray! Amarok keeps playing music after I minimalize it to tray, but its no where to be found XD.

I'm using the following repositories:

Do you know a command for zypper to install newest packages, ignoring branding (from who package is)? That is one of things that truly is a pain, and which I never experienced while using Debian.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management In Karmic?

Jan 27, 2010

Alright this is not a huge issue but a rather annoying one. I hook my laptop up to my lcd to watch movies all of the time. The problem is though I have selected and reselected many times for the screen to not power off after so many minutes of inactivity. But for some reason it doesnt work. If i set it to an 1 it still like every 5 minutes turns off my screen. Im running 9.10 on a toshiba satellite with an intel graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Has No Effect?

May 15, 2010

I have a laptop with 10.04 installed. When it is plugged in with AC Power, the screen fades black after a few minutes and locks up after about 10 minutes (shows a dialog for passwd when back).This gets really annoying when listening a movie or just reading text.System->Preferences->Power Management is set to "never" for everything.gconf-editor->apps->gnome-power-management is set to "0" for everything finishing with *_ac.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Power Management

Sep 22, 2010

I am wanting to completely disable Power Management, can I do it through the GUI? I am a former OpenSuSE user & am use to YaST. So it is a little hard finding ways to edit some settings.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management In Kubuntu 10.10?

Oct 12, 2010

I just did a fresh installation of Kubuntu 10.10 on a laptop last night, which has a 1.6GHz Intel Core Duo CPU.

I was very disappointed to find that there appears to be no way to configure CPU frequency scaling in the System Settings. There were options for this in 10.04.

I prefer to have the CPU running at maximum speed when running on A/C. In Maverick, however, I have had to resort to installing cpufreq-utils, and setting the CPU cores to 'performance' from the command line.

I like this laptop a lot, but even many simple games run sluggishly if the CPU cores are not set to run at max GHz. (As a matter of fact, this machine is much more sluggish even with CPU cores running at maximum in 10.10 than was the case in 10.04.)

I wonder why such an important option would have been removed from the power management settings?

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Not Work

Dec 25, 2010

when i get the Graphics device driver on, then the power management not work. it can not change the CPU frequencies, and it can not change the LCD backlight and save the change. I try a lot, install laptop-mode-tools,and change thd setting, it still not work...

ubuntu 10.04.1
linux 2.6.32-27-generic
i5 460m CPU
ATI HD5470

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Not Suspending?

May 30, 2011

Ok, I am running a file server that can be accessed throughout the house. I was able to successfully wake from suspend and it works beautifully. Now what I need the computer to do is go to sleep after lets say 30 minutes of inactivity so that I never have to touch the computer and it will use minimal power until I need it.

Anyhow, I tried to set the settings in Power management and the only thing that happens is the display turns off. the suspend on the desktop works fine, I can type in sudo pm-suspend and that works fine. but the computer just wont go to suspend automatically by way of the power manager.

I have tried changing the /etc/pm/config.d/00sleep_module to say SLEEP_MODULE="uswsusp", but that only made the computer go into some crazy linux mode that I had to reboot from. I had to change SLEEP_MODULE="kernel" (actually, I left it blank as it is the default).

I also turned off my screensaver so there wouldn't be any confusion from that.

I also ran cat /var/log/pm-powersave.log and I got a long list with the following being one of the main texts that kept repeating. "/usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/sched-powersave false:**sched policy powersave OFF"

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General :: Power Management In Openbox?

Jun 16, 2011

I'm fairly used to working with Fluxbox.There,if I want to let myself suspend the computer, all I have to do is add something like Code:[exec] (suspend) {sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend}to my .fluxbox/menu and it works like a charm, after having added me to the sudoers. I nstalled openbox earlier today because I was having some font rendering issues in flux and I've been trying to find a way to add something similar to my menu without success. I added this to .config/openbox/menu.xml:

<item label="suspend">
<action name="Execute">


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Slackware :: Power Management On Laptops?

Apr 17, 2010

I've got a new netbook - Dell Inspiron mini 1011. I have installed slackware 13 on it. According to dell's website its battery should last up to 9 hours:Quote:Mini 10 offers up to 9.5 hours of battery life1 to keep you on the go.I understand that it depends on a variety of factors and these are just testing estimations that will probably never be achieved IRL.For 95% of the time I don't run X on it. Just emacs (gnus), nethack, elinks. If I do run X, it's fluxbox. The average battery time is 2hrs - 2.5hrs. I understand that Slackware 13 is not designed specifically for netbooks, but 2hrs is way off the 9-hour estimation. Either the battery is faulty, or it's the power management issue. Before I deal with the battery, I'd like to ask you for some suggestions on improving the power management. The acpi and acpid are installed on the system. Are there any packages that would improve the battery performance? Or perhaps some config options?I believe that recompiling the kernel would improve it, wouldn't it? What options I'd have to set/unset?P.S.Unfortunately, once I checked the netbook is ok, I removed WinXP that came with it, so can't compare with it.

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Slackware :: Where Is Power Management Setup In KDE?

May 4, 2011

This is very likely a silly question but .. where is the power management setup in KDE? I have set it up before in Slackware 13.1 but now that I'm running 13.37 I'd like to set it up again but can't seem to recall where to set it up.

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Fedora :: Power Management Applet Goes Maverick?

Dec 19, 2009

it doesn't do anything critically shuts down, starts up, suspends, restarts, etc, rather well.only thing is that, altho' I set the settings to never hibernate and to never put the display to sleep, it does. I't's annoying, since I can't whatch a movie in peace, for instance.

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