General :: Kunbuntu - Make BackTrack "Unbuntu + Windows 7"?

Jun 19, 2010

I have partitiond my hard drive on one side I run Kubuntu (and when I finish downloading; Ubuntu) on the other windows 7. However I dont know how to co run (and set-up) so I can swap between KDE GNOME and how to make Back track (I have on live C.D.) run with bash or KDE. Cuting this way to long story short, i am hoping one of you amazing peeps can tell me how to run backtrack, kunbuntu and Ubuntu on the same side of the hard drive??!!

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Installation :: Kunbuntu & Backtrack On The Same Partition?

Jun 19, 2010

The importaint bit starts with the second para

I am running Kubuntu on one side of my hardrive and windows 7 on the other however the 'lovely man' my mother desided to hire to set up our Wireless really screwd up. he managed to get the password he gave me and that which he typed in mixed up! So my friend much more gifted with computers than me sent me to download backtrack (it might also help at my fathers, who doesent have a wireless )

how to run backtrack and kunbuntu on the same side of the harddrive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Run Backtrack And Kunbuntu On The Same Side Of The Harddrive?

Jun 19, 2010

The importaint bit starts with the second para I am running Kubuntu on one side of my hardrive and windows 7 on the other however the 'lovely man' my mother desided to hire to set up our Wireless really screwd up. he managed to get the password he gave me and that which he typed in mixed up! So my friend much more gifted with computers than me sent me to download backtrack Cuting this way to long story short, how to run backtrack and kunbuntu on the same side of the harddrive?

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General :: Make Command In Backtrack?

May 20, 2011

I have just started using backtrack. I an a fresher into this field. In one of the assignment, I am giving command make stack.c in which it gives me the error makefile:l: *** missing separator. Stop.

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General :: Make Apermanent Change In Backtrack?

Oct 19, 2010

i want to make apermanent change in backtrack ( i upgrade the msf as command , msfupgrade but after this , if i reboot the VM all changed loose , what can i do for make changes permanent

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General :: Make A Win7 And Backtrack 4 Dual Boot?

Jun 7, 2010

I want to install boh win 7 and backtrack4 on my pc. how can I do that?

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General :: Windows 7 - BackTrack 4 And Ubuntu Server

Nov 10, 2010

I would consider myself an advanced user of Windows. I know some of the commands used due to my knowledge of PHP. I would like tri-booting Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, BackTrack 4 and Ubuntu Server 10.10 64 bit. Windows 7 is the main OS involved, which is on a HDD with about 800GB free space, so space isn't a problem. I have BT4 and Ubuntu ISOs downloaded and on DVDs ready to install.

Do I create partitions first in Windows or do I let the installer do it? What sizes would you recommend? What size for the swap partition?

What order should I install the two OS'? I already tried installing both of them, (Ubuntu first then BT4) but BT4 did not show up in grub when booting, even after updating grub through Ubuntu. I also think I make a mistake when installing Ubuntu as I didn't install any packages. I would like to use the gnome desktop environment on Ubuntu but every time I tried to install the package I got the error "package not found". So then I deleted both OS' and restored the MBR.

I'm using a 3G USB modem to connect to the internet. Will both of these distros work with it?

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General :: Boot - Delete Backtrack From The System And Go Back To Windows 7?

Oct 18, 2010

I installed Ubuntu, with a dual boot functionality and worked great. I was recommended Backtrack 4 and I installed it in the system. Now, I try to use the dual boot with Backtrack, Ubuntu and Windows 7 and only Backtrack works. I tried the restore disks that I created when I got the laptop, but the problem persists. s there a way to delete this Backtrack from the system and go back to Windows 7?

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General :: Attempting To Get BackTrack 5 Running With A VMware Virtual Machine On Windows 7

Aug 23, 2011

I'm running a 64bit Version of Windows 7. I'm also dual-booting 64bit Ubuntu 10.04 (if it matters). However, for this I'm trying to get this working on the Windows 7 side of things. I downloaded the BackTrack 5 32bit GNOME .iso file (BT5-GNOME-32.iso) to my USB stick fine and made a VM on VMware Player. I set the OS as "Other Linux 2.6.x kernel" (if it matters). However, when I go to play my VM I get the following screen. I know I'm supposed to type Startx to launch the GUI. However, nothing happens; it's completely unresponsive (and yes keyboard focus is routed to the VM). There is no response, the cursor doesn't even blink.

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General :: Install Backtrack 3 But Can't See Windows Option Anywhere In Lilo Boot Loader

Apr 30, 2010

i successfully install backtrack 3 but i cant see windows option anywhere in my lilo boot loader

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General :: Installing Ns2 In Unbuntu 9.10

Feb 28, 2010

i have installed unbuntu 9.10 and i have even successfully installed ns2 2.33 in it , but i am not able to excute it as it is showing me this error bash: 2.33/tcl8.4.18-3/unix:/home/sangamesh/ns-allinone-2.33/tk8.4.18/unix: No such file or directory as in this version of ubuntu we have tk8.4.19 only but it needs tk8.4.18 , even the tcl8.4.19 also same problem.

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General :: Way To Send All Files To Unbuntu?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm trying to get some insight on how to move forward. I have a bit of a problem. I am just starting out in unbuntu and I have no experience working with 2 os on my computer (coming from windows). I have a lot of files (music, pictures, movies) in windows, but I want to use them on unbuntu. Is there a way for me to have both os access those files, or better yet, is there a way to send all my files to unbuntu, so I can start deleting all my stuff in windows?At the moment, I'm planning to burn all my files to dvds (in windows), then just drop them off in unbuntu, but I'd love it if there was a way which didn't involve me burning tons of dvds...Oh yea, and programs too... can I transfer them, or do I need to just reinstall them on unbuntu (like stepmania, guildwars, dvd shrink, kmplayer, etc

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General :: Can't Get Any Of The Drives To Work In Unbuntu?

Apr 26, 2011

I've had this unbuntu for over a year, and have never been able to get ANY of the drives to work. ie; the DVD-r, CD-r, or USB. I've installed all the 'restricted' extras it said it needed. if I open places,then computer, their icons show. but, as soon as I put in a disk or USB device--- their icon disappears, then nothing?? everything did work fine when I had WinXP installed. I've just been using unbuntu for the internet and I'm happy its working great. but, I really wish I could use all the other neat stuff. I really miss using my drives, and having fun with all the other stuff unbuntu offers.

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General :: Installing WN825G To Unbuntu 9.1?

Dec 13, 2009

Iam trying to install a WN825G in a HP DV4000 that has unbuntu 9.1 installed.

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General :: Install Firefox 3.5 On Unbuntu Server 9.10

Mar 4, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 Server on a machine primarily as a LAMP & File server. I also have installed Webmin with this.

The problem is oviously I need a browser to do this. I am having issues trying to install firefox 3.5 and the open correctly from terminal to access Webmin. I am very new to this especially commands wise to open Firefox. Idont know if I need to change directories to open it. A few guides I looked at said type in ~firefox/firefox. Which didn't work.

Also I saw something about profile which I haven't setup yet. Would I need to do this?

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General :: Second Monitor Weird Colors Unbuntu

Sep 16, 2010

at first with a single boot system(ubuntu) everything were fine with everything include second monitor ,then i installed vista too,now i have a dual boot system & i am very happy to get rid of crappy junk microsoft's software as much as i can,unbuntu performance is really wonderful to me,just i have one problem,my second monitor show very weird colors ,almost like a negative print,then i boot with vista & there everything are fine with my second monitor,then i guess i don't have any hardware or driver problem,any help or suggestion?I changed my visual setting from extra to non,in case if this problem is because of not enough memory or els,but iy didn't work. my loptop is a vaio vgn,4 gb ram,intel centrino 2- 2.66 ghz-ati radeon graphic card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: BackTrack 5 Showing Error,while Executing Make Command?

Aug 3, 2011

I tried to install ndiswrapper , but its showing error,while executing make command

make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-'
make: *** [LINUX] Error 2

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General :: Get Itunes Going In Unbuntu 11.04 - Gtkpod - Kept Crashing When Trying To Update Database

Jul 22, 2011

Been trying to get itunes going in unbuntu 11.04. Tried gtkpod and it kept crashing when trying to update database. Looked into itunes thru wine. I think I could load it in wine but all my mp3's are on a linux box - ext4. From what I understand, wine will look to a windows partition for the mp3's. I know windows cannot read ext4. All I need itunes for is to load and delete songs on a shuffle ipod. Don't need itunes store, etc so I don't care if that part works or not. Before I go to the trouble of itunes on wine: Is this assumption correct?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Access Either Windows 7 Or Backtrack

Jan 30, 2011

well, I've made my laptop become triple-boot. They are : fedora 8, backtrack 4, and windows 7. The problem's I can't access my either windows 7 or backtrack. I can only access my fedora 8.

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Installation :: Triple Boot Ubuntu / Windows 7 And Backtrack 4?

Aug 22, 2009

I am attempting to triple boot Ubuntu, Windows 7, and Backtrack 4. Win7 and Ubuntu are both booting and working properly, but after trying a number of configurations for GRUB I cannot boot Backtrack. Everything I attempt seems to come back to one problem and result in the same error: Error 17.

sda contains both my Windows and Ubuntu partitions...

Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x07dccf10


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Software :: Triple Boot Windows 7 Ubuntu Backtrack ?

Sep 8, 2010

I tried triple booting Ubuntu,Backtrack and windows 7.

I have installed ubuntu through wubi but can install seperately also

How should i proceed?

I have been scared of grub and i wanna overcome it.

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Hardware :: Installing A Belkin USB 150 To A Unbuntu Box?

Jul 24, 2009

Trying to install a USB Belkin 150 to my Unbuntu box. The computer simply does not recognise the USB stick. Beleive I need a driver to install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Triple Boot Ubuntu Backtrack And Windows 7 ?

Sep 8, 2010

I tried triple booting Ubuntu,Backtrack and windows 7.

I have installed ubuntu through wubi but can install seperately also

How should i proceed?

I have been scared of grub and i wanna overcome it.

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General :: Virtualbox In Backtrack 4 ?

Feb 2, 2011

Today i install virtual box in backtrack 4 becous i want install windows 7 for try tools BT on Windows 7 but... intercept this message wean i start the virtual [url]

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Ubuntu :: Unbuntu 8.04 LTS - Can Not Get Past EULA Screen

Jun 17, 2010

I have a dell inspiron mini which came with unbuntu 8.04 LTS mini standard edition pre-insatlled and a recovery disk. However i would like a more accessible OS and have been trying to install windows xp but i can not get past EULA screen. I have tried this with different (new) copies and checked if the buttons involved are working properly they are. i have also tried to make a boot disk for ubuntu following Internet guides but apparently this version does not support that option.

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General :: Make Docky Appear Over Other Windows?

Aug 19, 2010

I installed Docky in Ubuntu and I have it set to autohide. One problem is that if a window is maximized, then the docky is blocked. In order to see it, I have to unmaximize or moved windows. Can docky be made to appear above other windows?

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General :: Taking A Screencast In Backtrack 4?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm working on a tutorial using Backtrack 4 Live USB, and I would like to take a screencast of what I'm doing (not just screenshots)So far I have tried these application with limited success:-recordmydesktop -xvidcap -wink -istanbul -vlc -vnc2flvEach time I try the resulting files are generally choppy (at best 1 frame per second) and most don't even end up with a clear view of the screen each time.

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General :: BackTrack LiveCD Run From System?

Apr 19, 2010

Does BackTrack (Linux-based pen testing tool) LiveCD run from Linux system, or it can run on Windows from a LiveCD?

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General :: Backtrack 3 & Usb Adapter TL-WN722N?

Jun 12, 2011

i am noob to backtrack i have tplink wireless usb adapter TL-WN722N and i want to install its driver on backtrack 3 plz help me and give reply fast with full tutorial of installing driver.thank full to you. you can also send tutorial to my personal mail.

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General :: Cannot Boot Live Backtrack Dvd

Sep 25, 2010

Trying to boot backtack 4 and I am running into issues. There are a few different options to boot from. And this happens with whichever option I choose.

Hda: cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51 {driveready seekcomplete error}
Hda: cdrom_decode_status: error=0x40 {lastfailedsense=0x40 }
Hda: possibly failed opcode: 0xa0

Other live distros work. I have tried 2 different isos and 4 different dvds. And the live boot works when I try it in virtualbox. Per a google search I turned plug and play os on and off in the bios. Haven't tried much else.

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