Installation :: Kunbuntu & Backtrack On The Same Partition?

Jun 19, 2010

The importaint bit starts with the second para

I am running Kubuntu on one side of my hardrive and windows 7 on the other however the 'lovely man' my mother desided to hire to set up our Wireless really screwd up. he managed to get the password he gave me and that which he typed in mixed up! So my friend much more gifted with computers than me sent me to download backtrack (it might also help at my fathers, who doesent have a wireless )

how to run backtrack and kunbuntu on the same side of the harddrive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Run Backtrack And Kunbuntu On The Same Side Of The Harddrive?

Jun 19, 2010

The importaint bit starts with the second para I am running Kubuntu on one side of my hardrive and windows 7 on the other however the 'lovely man' my mother desided to hire to set up our Wireless really screwd up. he managed to get the password he gave me and that which he typed in mixed up! So my friend much more gifted with computers than me sent me to download backtrack Cuting this way to long story short, how to run backtrack and kunbuntu on the same side of the harddrive?

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General :: Kunbuntu - Make BackTrack "Unbuntu + Windows 7"?

Jun 19, 2010

I have partitiond my hard drive on one side I run Kubuntu (and when I finish downloading; Ubuntu) on the other windows 7. However I dont know how to co run (and set-up) so I can swap between KDE GNOME and how to make Back track (I have on live C.D.) run with bash or KDE. Cuting this way to long story short, i am hoping one of you amazing peeps can tell me how to run backtrack, kunbuntu and Ubuntu on the same side of the hard drive??!!

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Ubuntu :: 64 And Backtrack Won't Share A Swap Partition?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm triple booting Windows 7 32-bit (that's the only version I had), Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, and Backtrack 4 R1.

Windows 7 installed and runs fine. Ubuntu installed and runs fine. I try to install Backtrack 4 R1, create a / partition, create a /boot partition (do I need to create a /boot for Backtrack?), and I don't create a swap file because the Ubuntu swap file is already in there.

I click "forward", the install starts up, then I get "The attempt to mount a file system with type swap...yadda yadda yadda...has failed." I google this, I get some results talking about an mkswap command, but in my noobness, I don't understand.

Can Ubuntu 64 bit and Backtrack not share a swap file? I don't want to create 2 swap files

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General :: Ubuntu 64 And Backtrack Won't Share A Swap Partition / Fix It?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm triple booting Windows 7 32-bit (that's the only version I had), Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, and Backtrack 4 R1.

Windows 7 installed and runs fine. Ubuntu installed and runs fine. I try to install Backtrack 4 R1, create a / partition, create a /boot partition (do I need to create a /boot for Backtrack?), and I don't create a swap file because the Ubuntu swap file is already in there.

I click "forward", the install starts up, then I get "The attempt to mount a file system with type swap...yadda yadda yadda...has failed." I google this, I get some results talking about an mkswap command, but in my noobness, I don't understand.

Can Ubuntu 64 bit and Backtrack not share a swap file? I don't want to create 2 swap files because I've googled around and that looks like a bad thing to do.

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Software :: Formatted Win7 Partition During BackTrack 4 Install

Jun 13, 2011

I was using windows 7 and I decided to install BackTrack 4 as an operation system so that I can have 2 operation system on my machine, during the installation, I accidentally formatted the windows 7 and right now, I am using only the BackTrack 4, now, I want to re-install back the windows 7 as an operation system but whenever I inserted my CD, it display this words under the Default: >/ubnkern initrd=/ubninit
It needed a command from me in other to proceed but am new in Ubuntu and I dont know what I should type or the command I should used in other to finish installing the windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running Backtrack On 10.04 OS?

Aug 29, 2010

My only OS is Ubuntu 10.04. There are no partitions ( that is, I use the entire hard drive for Ubuntu, obviously). I need to run Backtrack for security testing. I've seen lots of various options from running it in virtualbox to running it from a bootable USB but there seem to be problems originating with the grub bootloader. One thing I keep seeing is that the only way to get round all this is to hard drive install Backtrack first and THEN install Ubuntu. Clearly I don't want to have to reinstall my entire world on my pc, play with settings, re-install a billion apps etc.

My question is this - Given that I have 10.04 installed and running alone, how do I get Backtrack installed/running easily and without all the associated disasters? I like the USB option because the thought of screwing the grub up does not appeal; I don't want to reboot my computer and be told "I'm grub and I don't want you to load anything" / Other Annoying Message.Backtrack's site says they didn't provide a USB option so what should I use to burn the ISO (does Unetbootin work for Ubuntu?

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Installation :: Need To Install Ubuntu From Backtrack / USB

Nov 21, 2010

I need to install unbuntu from backtrack or load the unbuntu install package onto a usb if this is possible using backtrack.

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Ubuntu :: BackTrack Gnome Installation ?

Aug 2, 2011

I recently just downloaded And Installed Linux.

Second: I downloaded Backtrack 5 Gnome Package. (Direct Download)

Source: [url]

And I've Been trying to Install it and I have no flipping Idea what to do...

It was a Zip file so I extracted it... with some app I got. and now my my folder have some icons and a read me file.. I read the Read me file and I have no fricking Idea..


This image has been developed and tested on the Motorola Xoom. Your mileage may vary on other devices.

As this image runs in a chroot, you will need to have your device rooted. There are numerous tutorials on the subject online and are not included here.

Rooting your device will potentially void its warranty and we are not in any way resposible if you brick your device while rooting it.

1. Since the image runs in a chroot, there is no root password set.
2. There are 2 scripts under /usr/bin/ 'startvnc' and 'stopvnc' that are set to start with the Xoom's default resolution.
3. The current vnc password is set to 'toortoor' and can be changed by running 'vncpasswd'
4. This image is a work in progress and suggestions/tips from the community are always welcome.


1. Once you have downloaded the ARM BT package, save the files in a convenient location. The steps below assume they are in the platform-tools folder of the Android SDK.

2. Go to your platform-tools directory and proceed to make a directory on the device to store BT5:

3. Copy over the busybox install files:

4. Install busybox on the device:

5. Transfer the required BT5 files to the device:

6. Uncompress the image and start BT5:

If all goes well, you'll be in the BT5 chroot:

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Access Either Windows 7 Or Backtrack

Jan 30, 2011

well, I've made my laptop become triple-boot. They are : fedora 8, backtrack 4, and windows 7. The problem's I can't access my either windows 7 or backtrack. I can only access my fedora 8.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting 10.10 And Backtrack 4 R2

Jan 26, 2011

Installed XP and ubuntu 10.10 on my netbook and have also installed BT4 r2 on separate partitions. I chose not to install the bootloader for BT4 r2 and used "sudo update-grub2" to locate Backtrack 4 which it has. At boot I can choose both XP and Ubuntu and they will boot fine, how ever when I choose BT4 (listed as ubuntu 8.10) the following message appears:
"zImage does not support 32bit boot"
How can I boot backtrack.

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Installation :: Triple Boot Ubuntu / Windows 7 And Backtrack 4?

Aug 22, 2009

I am attempting to triple boot Ubuntu, Windows 7, and Backtrack 4. Win7 and Ubuntu are both booting and working properly, but after trying a number of configurations for GRUB I cannot boot Backtrack. Everything I attempt seems to come back to one problem and result in the same error: Error 17.

sda contains both my Windows and Ubuntu partitions...

Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x07dccf10


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Prompt After Creating Persistent USB Backtrack 4 R2?

Jan 30, 2011

I have the following problem. I tried to make a persistent USB Backtrack 4 r2. I followed the steps according to the instructions and did not noticed any errors.

fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1-4): 1
Command (m for help): n
Command action


I can boot from USB because when i use Unetbootin everything works fine. Although it'snot persistent in that situation. I seachered the web but i can't find the solution. I have run a script which i ran into on The results are in the attachement. But unfortunately i am real Newbie on linux so..

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Ubuntu :: Lost Data During Dual Boot Installation With Backtrack + 10.04 Netbook?

Dec 28, 2010

Generally I am used to installations of dual boot on different partitions(the traditional method) any windows OS with any ubuntu OS.I tried that with backtrack 4 and Ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition! I had previously installed ubuntu 10.04 and then had an extra partition that had data in it.Went ahead to boot with the backtrack 4 disk BUT it did not give me an option for installing them side-by side so i did it manually by editing the partition with the partitioner! I had 2 swamp spaces one i which was initially there for Ubuntu and the other i created! Then simply formated ine partition with EXT3 and mountpoint of / which made two of them!after installation, the grub shows that there is another OS but when it does not load!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Triple Boot Ubuntu Backtrack And Windows 7 ?

Sep 8, 2010

I tried triple booting Ubuntu,Backtrack and windows 7.

I have installed ubuntu through wubi but can install seperately also

How should i proceed?

I have been scared of grub and i wanna overcome it.

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Fedora Installation :: Installation - Creating A Swap Partition Or A Boot Partition?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a brand new thinkpad X301 with 4GB of RAM and thinking of getting fedora 11 on it. The plan is to have it triple boot with vista/seven and hopefully OSx86. I am aware of the 4 primary partitions limit on an MBR disk. I was thinking of having a swap file instead of swap partition and not creating a boot partition as well. If I install the boot loader(GRUB?) on the root partition will I be able to boot it without any problems by using vista's boot loader?

Or Maybe I should install GRUB on the MBR and add all the other operating systems on it? Does anyone have any objections for not creating a swap partition or a boot partition? When comes to desktop environment I've been using KDE in the past, is there any major advantage of using Gnome over it? KDE seems to look really nice on fedora where Gnome is maybe more stable?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Os_prober Calls The Vista Partition The Windows Recovery Partition

Feb 20, 2011

Two days ago I repartitioned my laptop HD and added the latest Ubuntu (2.6.35-25-generic) to the existing Vista and existing Ubuntu (2.6.32-28-generic via upgrades from 9.14(?)). Prior to this install it was using Grub with menu.lst from the old/upgrade Ubuntu. After the install the boot menu labels the partition with Vista as the Windows Recovery partition and the recovery partition item is no longer present.

At first I wondered how I could get Vista to boot. I found that SuperGrub cd would boot it OK. Then, it dawned on me that the boot menu item was not the recovery partition, but instead the Vista OS partition mislabelled . Vista loads just fine from it. The recovery partition is no longer listed as it was with Grub/menu.lst. SuperGrub will not boot the recovery partition, showing an error "missing BOOTMGR".

'os-prober' produces--
root@Toshiba:/home/deh# os-prober
/dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain
/dev/sda7:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (10.04):Ubuntu:linux


I edited boot/grub/grub.cfg so the boot menu item is labelled correctly, but suspect that it will revert back when there is an upgrade.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Format Windows Partition To Be The Home Partition And Changed The Nfts To Ext

Sep 1, 2011

i have instaled ubuntu 11.04 wubi on my pc with windows 7. i installed and everything was going ok i navigate on ubuntu already. but the problems star here i went on my ubuntu to the partition section and i format my windows partion to be the home partion and changed the nfts to ext, i did the upgrades but i forgot that theyr running yet and i restart my computer when it boot again it gaves me an error:

try (0,0) : nfts5 : wubildr
try (0,1) : ext2 :

and the windows7 says that i have to instal again. so i went to another pc and i made a cd boot and a pen boot. i burned the iso (downloaded from the ubuntu oficial site the 11.04 32 bit version) image to the cd and pen drive prperly, i adjust my boot options to star from usb or cd rom and nothing im struck.

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General :: Partitioning - Copy GNU Installation From A Smaller Partition To A Bigger Partition?

May 4, 2011

I got a new hard disk for my laptop and I want to move my Gentoo installation from old HDD to new.

Most simple guides recommend use of dd to copy the whole partition byte by byte.

I'm moving to the new drive because I don't have enough space on the old drive, so I don't want to simply clone the partition. Instead I need the destination partition to be bigger. Would dd work well in that case?

Assuming that I use same partition types on the new drive, would I be able to use simple cp with appropriate settings?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A New Partition In Front Of A Windows Partition Without Trouble?

Oct 25, 2010

This is my partition table:

/dev/sda1 1 4255 34178256 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 4256 4437 1461915 5 Extended
/dev/sda3 * 4438 9964 44395627+ 7 HPFS/NTFS


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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Unallocated Space To Storage Partition And Not Boot Partition?

Apr 20, 2011

using onboard windows disk management i have made 75gb unallocated to add to the aforementioned ntfs data partition. but, after resizing extended partition, will i need to fix grub even though i will be adding the unallocated space to a storage partition and not the ubuntu boot partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Multiple Distros To Share One Home Partition

May 11, 2011

I was wondering what the best way is to partition multiple distros to share one home partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Partition And Go Back To Just Full Windows Xp Partition

Jun 4, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire Netbook running a dual boot with Xp and Ubuntu Netbook Version (Lucid Lynx if I am not mistaken?) Anyway I plan on selling this netbook and I need to remove the Ubuntu Partition and go back to just a full Windows Xp partition with it's recovery partition also.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Wubi - Windows 7 Partition Along With The Lenovo Recovery Partition

Aug 1, 2011

I tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my girlfriend's lenovo using a live disc. First we tried it out to show her the wireless would work fine (her previous lenovo was not ubuntu friendly at all). She's interested in keeping her windows 7 partition along with the lenovo recovery partition, so I tried doing a dual boot install. I manually moved the cursors setting the disk space on each partition, and we allowed Ubuntu to do the rest. Much to my dismay, the installation failed.

I've done some reading over the internet, and I think in our case it would be best to use a Wubi installation. We're interested in using 10.04, so where can we find a wubi installer of Ubuntu 10.04?

Also, any ideas why the installation might have failed? The iso was downloaded off the ubuntu main site, and we burned it using infrarecorder.

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Debian Installation :: Wiped Windows Partition With Swap And LVM Partition

Jan 17, 2015

I am having issues with Grub 2 after installing Debian 7.8.0.The computer is a HP Pavilion 500-307nb. I made the original harddrive /dev/sdb and inserted a Samsung Evo 840 as /dev/sda. From the original hard drive (/dev/sdb), I wiped the windows partition, but left all other partitions unchanged (in case I would ever want to recover the desktop to its original state). I replaced the wiped windows partition with a swap partition and an LVM partition.These are my hard drive partitions:

/dev/sda (Samsung Evo 840)

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 1049kB 3146kB 2097kB primary bios_grub
2 3146kB 944MB 941MB ext4 boot
3 944MB 94.4GB 93.4GB host lvm
4 94.4GB 1000GB 906GB guests lvm


The partition /dev/sda3 has 2 logical volumes with filesystem ext4 that I mount to / and /home.The partition /dev/sda2 is mounted to /boot..When I install like this, Debian installs fine, however Grub2 is not installed correctly.Debian installs grub-pc which seems not able to boot the gpt partition. So I boot the Debian CD in rescue mode and execute:

mount /dev/sda2 /boot
aptitude purge grub-pc
aptitude -y install grub-efi

After rebooting, I come in the grub rescue shell, which says: error: no such device: 986f2176--4a4b-4222-83b9-8636a034b3c7.

When I then enter in the grub rescue shell:
set boot=(hd0,gpt2)
set prefix=(hd0,gpt2)/grub
insmod normal

Grub and Debian start up correctly.why can Grub not start up automatically correctly? Where does the UUID 986f2176--4a4b-4222-83b9-8636a034b3c7 come from? I have reinstalled Grub several times, I have reinstall Debian several times, I have even wiped all partitions from /dev/sda and recreated a new gpt table with parted and manually set the partitions in parted. Still on each reinstallation, Grub fails because it cannot find exactly the same UUID. Since this UUID is always the same, it must be stored somewhere, but it cannot be the partitions, I have wiped them and the partition table several times.

I did though a firmware update of the Samsung Evo 840 before reinstallation, could this be a cause?Also the problem is not in grub.cfg. Grub starts correctly if I enter the commands above in the grub rescue screen and the UUID value does not appear there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Partition Without Harming Window's Partition?

Apr 18, 2010

I currently have both Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows XP installed on my PC. I want to remove the Ubuntu partition and leave the Windows partition. The question that I have is that when I remove it, Grub will go with it. Will that mess up my Windows partition?

What I need to do is remove Ubuntu and add the hdd space back to the other partition. I just don't want Grub's absence to keep me from being able to load Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup Cannot Detect Or Create Partition For Partition

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to install windows 7 on my harddive, I am running ubuntu 10.04 and have windows 7 on DVD.I was until recently also using uberstudent, which I deleted (100 gigs) to make space for windows.However once I get to the windows start up I get a message: setup cannot detect or create a partition for this partition. (not word for word).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Extended Partition In GUID Partition Scheme?

May 12, 2011

I am not really sure if the title makes any sense or if it even possible. Basically I am currently triple booting with Mac osx on the first partition windows 7 on the second and ubuntu linux on the 3rd with a swap partition. So basically on my 2TB harddrive

Mac (200gb)
Windows (200gb)
Linux (200gb)
Swap (8gb)

The last partition is formatted as ntfs using Gparted, windows cannot detect it. The windows disk partitioner shows the swap and ntfs partitions as unformatted. I can unformat the space and use the windows partition to add format it as ntfs but it would format the linux swap partition as well. I am worried that it could potentially screw up everything on my harddrive. My question is. What do I need to do to get the ntfs parition recognized by windows (should I use the windows partitioner)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Virtual Partition To Real Partition?

May 20, 2010

I basically want to transfer my wubi ubuntu 10.04 installation from a virtual partition to a real partition, i have seen some guides but they are years old. I was wandering if someone could give me a tutorial or guide to follow, or at least link me to one that will work for lucid

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition The 50gb Partition As Ext4?

Sep 19, 2010

I have an external 320gb Hard drive. My plan was to have 250gb for My Documents of mainly music, films and word documents. And 50gb set aside for ubuntu, in a separate partition.To do this I need to partition the 50gb partition as ext4? then add a swap file of how big? Do i even need a swap space if I have 4gb of physical RAM?

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