General :: Having A Dns Server And Webserver On The Same Machine

Sep 3, 2010

I have one desktop machine with fedora 11 installed and a Laptop with both linux and Windows Xp. I use the laptop as my client machine.

I want to set up both a dns and web servers on the same machine for testing and practise purposes.

how to do it bcoz I can set up the webserver but I can't browse the website on the Fedora machine when I use my laptop. I have learnt that I should set up a Dns server.

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Server :: Use Webserver Machine Outside The LAN Using Internet

Mar 31, 2011

I am using squid3 on ubuntu server 10.10, publish my webserver running on other machine on ubuntu10.10 desktop. My server is configured for squid3 transparent proxy which is running successfully.

Now I need to publish my other machine which is running with apache2 webserver.The local IP is, I need to assign a public IP as provided by ISP.

use my webserver machine outside the LAN using internet, through ubuntu server 10.10 squid3.

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Server :: Accessing Internal Webserver From Public Webserver

Dec 18, 2009

Ok let's say I have Apache Webservers on 2 different machines within my network, I have setup at to point to my modem at home, and my router forwards Port 80 to the ServerA Machine (i.e. I can access my webpage I setup for the Server A Machine.

But what I want to try and do is somehow access my ServerB machine's website that is on my same network. I tried something like this and the apache page came up with something like the page wasn't available. I want to access the content of the ServerB website, but because I have only one router, i can only forward Port 80 site traffic to my ServerA machine's website. I'm sure it's a different syntax I should use but i'm just not sure what I should enter to bring up the apache root web page for the Server B website via

I tried setting up DNS A records on ServerA, but I don't think it will work with what i'm trying to do above.

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Software :: Accessing Tomcat Webserver From Another Machine?

Apr 19, 2010

I have installed Tomcat on an Ubuntu 9.10 machine and previous to now I have been able to access the website from any other machine within the network. I suddenly am no longer able to do this.I also noticed that on the local machine I can access usinghttp://localhost but not by doing (again, from the local machine), should that work (assuming that it is the correct IP address of the machine)

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Ubuntu :: Run A Webserver Emailserver And Dbserver On A Single Machine?

Feb 3, 2011

Can I have 3 drives in one physical server and treat each drive like a server?

If so, would I install the operating system on each drive, and give each drive an IP address?

I was wondering if I could run a webserver emailserver and dbserver on a single machine? Then later on, move the drives to their own hardware.

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General :: Using The RHEL Server As Webserver And Database Centre?

Jul 12, 2011

The issue is i am using the RHEL server as my webserver and database centre. Now its a brand new formatted server with good amount of RAM and the usage is not much. Its being accessed locally over the LAN. But still i can see speed deficiency. Some of the pages do not get loaded and some times i can see the delays in loading the new pages. Any idea y is it so? Or is there anything i can do to increase the speed?

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Server :: Best Distro For A Webserver?

Jan 29, 2011

Which distro is the best for a webserver? and are there any specifics I should keep in mind choosing one?

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Server :: Move Over 500 Sites From Webserver

Jul 30, 2011

What's the best way to move over 500 sites from a webserver with apache and mysql on the same server.. to a new server?

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Debian :: Webserver Behind A Server Running Shorewall?

Mar 3, 2011

The server I'm running runs Debian Etch, Squid and Shorewall. Every 24 hours the server gets a new internet IP so I need to use dyndns to keep the dns pointing to the correct PC.

I have a webserver that is running behind the debian server and am having trouble with it. When I enter the web address, it gets a timeout.

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Server :: Webserver Stuck Very Often Because Of Httpd Processes / Fix It?

Jul 16, 2011

I have a dedicated server which I run on him only one website which has about 11k-15k unique visitors per day.

The httpd processes stuck it almost everyday and I can't understand why... I fix it via "killall -9 httpd" and then "service httpd start". code...

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Server :: Setting Up Home Webserver (for Testing)?

Jun 28, 2010

I am interested in setting up a webserver on a PC I have laying around...more for the experience and knowledge of learning it from scratch. I have used dedicated servers before with webhosting, but did not do the installations of apache and other items. The server we had purchased had CentOS installed.

My question is, can I use this desktop I have to simply install the CentOS DVD torrent off their website, and start from there, with installing apache, and all the other items associated with a server environment to test/play around, or is there a difference and something I am missing with my plan to do this?

The end result will be having my desktop setup as a "server" I can ssh into and screw around with just to learn more about it.Sorry for the basic question. (i posted this here instead of the "newbie" section, since i figured it would get moved here)

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Server :: Unable To Connect To Webserver From Outside Network?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Ubuntu server (10.10) setup with apache and is being port NAT'ted via firewall from outside to the webserver.I am able to access the webserver from inside LAN but not from outside. NATs are working fine because I can see the traffic come through on tcpdump but the webserver will not respond to the request from outside ip address.Here are the tcpdumps.

10:11:58.939005 IP > Flags [S], seq 3098920688, win 65535, options [mss 1380,nop,nop,nop,nop], length 0
10:12:01.898852 IP > Flags [S], seq 3098920688,


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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Update Webserver Application?

Feb 26, 2011

I use VPS because when i was on share hosting. My website was hacked by hacker. Now i'm using VPS. I want to ask how to update webserver application such as Mysql, phpMyAdmin, lighttpd I use centOS 5 i386 and i use Kloxo Panel. I was already installed Mybb.

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Server :: Redirect The Incoming Http Requests To The Appropriate Webserver?

Mar 20, 2011

We have a cisco ASA firewall at work,which redirects all http traffic to our webserver. We have to install a new website ,but it can't be installed to the same server. Setting up a squid reverse proxy can redirect the incoming http requests to the appropriate webserver? If yes, could I get some directions on howto?

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Server :: Webserver Responses Extremely Slow / Resolve This?

Aug 31, 2010

We have an environment where couple of webservers are being active behind the loadbalancer, the webpage is getting loaded extremely slow if we restart the apache on those boxes its responding very fine. So currently we are restarting the apache service daily basis, i have attached the config with this thread could anyone suggest how to fine tune apache so it works fine without restarting it daily?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Trying To Build A Webserver At Home To Run CPanel

Jun 21, 2010

Im trying to make a webserver at home. I have a static IP Address of my ISP (o2) I have built a server ( 2.8 p4HT, 2GB Ram, 500GB HDD) Just to test... But, i dont know what to do in the IP Address settings for the IPv4 ( I think thats what it is) Do i put my static IP address in my ISP gave me, or the local IP of the server ( Wich is Im realy confused. Ive tried everything i can think of, Reinstalled the os about 40 times up to now...

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CentOS 5 Server :: Webserver Not Able To Ping Or Browse To One Particular Website

Nov 11, 2010

I have 4 centos5 apache webservers all on the same network, recently, 2 of the webservers have stopped being able to ping or browse one particular website where feeds are obtained from this site. I have checked and firewall and selinux settings are disabled. The two webservers are able to ping and browse other sites. Dns settings are the same for all 4 servers. traceroute for working and not working webservers are the same.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WebServer 2008 On Server Not Reaching Outside World

Apr 7, 2010

I have a Belkin N router setup with a virtual server to port 80 to which my server sits on.

However, for some reason, I can get to the server from other PC's on the Router, but from outside, it will not port to the Server?

Any ideas on how to setup this?

I have Windows Webserver 2008 installed running on a 3.0GHZ Server.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configure - Set Iptables On Server 1 - To Acces Webserver From Other City

Jan 13, 2010

I am using centos 5.3 , and also using webserver in local network

Here is all configuration

1, server

eth0 , this is live ip

2, webserver


I want set iptables on server 1 , to acces webserver from other city ,

How to configure iptables

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Server :: Getting Webserver Blocked By Mysql Server Because Of "to Many Connection Errors"?

Jan 17, 2011

I sometimes get my webserver blocked by my mysql server because of "to many connection errors" and have to use flush hosts to solve it, i now wonder if there is any way to increese that connection error value so the webserver wont get blocked ?

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Server :: Send Files From A Unix Using Http / Curl To A Webserver Running Apache

Jun 9, 2010

I'm trying to send files from a Unix server using http/curl to a Linux webserver running Apache. I get the following PUT error message when and the file does not send:

<title>405 Method Not Allowed</title>
<h1>Method Not Allowed</h1>
<p>The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL

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Networking :: Access A Windows Server 2000 Machine Using A Machine Via KDE?

Apr 9, 2010

I need to access a Windows Server 2000 machine using a Linux machine via KDE, but that will migrate to Gnome. The Linux user to connect to Windows machine, you should open an application 'XYZ' automatically, and only this, denying any unauthorized access. When you close the application 'XYZ' communications (RDP?) Should be terminated. Do I need a log of accesses and possible attempts to circumvent the system and access other application.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing Zend Server \ When Log In To The Admin Interface, It Told It Couldn't Start The Webserver?

Oct 18, 2010

I had installed apache previously on my system, and I think I uninstalled it completely, although remnants might have remained. I have just installed zend server ce php 5.3, and I am having trouble getting it to work. When I log in to the admin interface, it told me it couldn't start the webserver, so I go to restart apache, and it gives me this:* Starting web server apache2 Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/apache2/sitesenabled/zendserver_gui.conf:Invalid command 'php_admin_flag', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configurationThis has to do with php_mod some how... but I am not sure how to fix this, or where to start, since I am relatively new to actually setting up apache.I thought this might have something to do with libapache2-mod-php... so I went to reinstall it, and ran this:

mburns@mb2449-laptop:~$ sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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General :: Setting Up A Webserver In Ubuntu 9.10?

Sep 1, 2010

i am planning to setup a Web server on AWS Cloud Platform.The requisites are

ubuntu karmic 9.10
Java - 1.6.0_20
Tomcat - 6.0.29
Apache - 2.2.14
Mysql - 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6

Since i am not much familiar with Ubuntu,Shall i go for apt-get install or download source and compile each application.

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General :: Connecting To VNC Server From Any Machine In House?

Jun 12, 2011

I am having trouble connecting to VNC server from any machine in my house. The server is running fedora v14.

Previously I was able to connect when i had dsl, but i have since switched to cable and am having a problem

I checked the vnc error log and saw the below error. Note these are excerpts from the file

I have checked
1. VNC server is up and running
2. My username is in the vnc file
3. the port i am trying to connect to is open.


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General :: Installing Dual Server On One Machine?

Jul 20, 2010

I want to install ubuntu server and redhat server on a machine. How to do it.

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General :: Logging Into Server From A Windows 7 Machine?

Jan 4, 2010

I am having problems logging into my SME Linux server from a new Windows 7 machine. It sees the server on the network, but does not seem to be passing the windows login through to the Linux server (which is how all of the XP machines log in). When I try to log in using a valid username and password it goes nowhere and just says it is an invalid username and/or password. I had a Vista machine that could log into this Linux server so I do not think the Samba version is the problem.

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General :: How To Optimize Ubuntu Desktop To Run Webserver

Jan 30, 2011

I am using ubuntu desktop edition to run My drupal website on Intranet. I know for running web servers best thing to install is ubuntu server editions, but due to some problem i am using Desktop edition.I installed XAMPP on my machine an my website is up and running. I want to know how can i optimize my machine?? Since I will not use very less features of desktop editions are there any things which I can remove or stop which will free memory and cpu consumption, are there any packages which i should install to increase the performance of my ubuntu??

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General :: Good Tutorials To Create A Webserver?

May 24, 2010

I was wondering is there any good tutorials on how to create a good webserver... i have found a few but i was just trying to verify the info on the ones that i found.

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General :: Taking Specific Ip To Local Webserver

Oct 21, 2009

For some purpose in my home network I want to get a specific ip to my localhost on that machine.Like say I typed I want that go to localhost.

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