Server :: Webserver Responses Extremely Slow / Resolve This?

Aug 31, 2010

We have an environment where couple of webservers are being active behind the loadbalancer, the webpage is getting loaded extremely slow if we restart the apache on those boxes its responding very fine. So currently we are restarting the apache service daily basis, i have attached the config with this thread could anyone suggest how to fine tune apache so it works fine without restarting it daily?

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Server :: Debian Quadcore With 150 Mount.cifs Going Extremely Slow On Commands

Jul 9, 2010

I've mounted a kind of proxy to map some cifs folders, 150 aprox. It umounts and mounts everything each hour, to check on changes on a configfile managed by a secretary, she just edits a file with names and I prepared a cron to notice the new mountpoints. It's a debian, no desktop , no nothing else. Just mount.cifs and apache2 to let the master webpage access to some files on each user samba home. The server has 4 cores and 2Gb of RAM. It's brand new, but it goes very slow.


Does anyone have an idea why is that working so slow? The apache is working well, it's the shell which is working extremelly slow.

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CentOS 5 Server :: RAID0 - Getting Extremely Slow Read / Write Speed

Jun 28, 2010

I am new to Centos and linux in general. I have just got myself a Dell 1950 server with 2x 1T SATA2 hard disks in it. now the server comes with a PERC5i Raid card with 512Mb. Well I put these in raid 0 and the raid card initilzed the disks to 128 writeback and read ahead. When I loaded centos it did not recognize the dell layout so therefore wanted to initalize it again, so I done this as it wanted. Now I created a 80gb boot and o/s partition and a 100gb swap the rest was created into LVM space to run solus vmwear. But I found the raid 0 to be getting extreamly slow read and write speeds.

Example same disks
Desktop PC max 214mb/s windows vista 64
Server with centos 104mb/s

Now I am not sure but I am told that I need to align the o/s with the raid card settings but I have no idea how to do this. How to do this in plain easy step by step instructions. I mean how to calculate it, how to format the disk this way, and what files to edit where if needed. I have spent hours trying to figure out why my raid 0 is slower than a single disk.

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Server :: Logins Via SSH To Server Are Extremely Slow

Jun 13, 2010

Running RHEL 5.5 x64 with the latest updates. Running Oracle 11gR2. Server has 8gb ram 2xcpu 2.4 xeon.Only running one fresh instance of Oracle, no applications are even pointed at the DB.Two Issues...

1. Logins via SSH to server are extremely slow, about 30 seconds after typing password
2. Once I am logged in, launching sqlplus is very slow. After typing password, sqlplus hangs for 15 or so seconds.

Even when I am actually at the console, login of course is instantaneous.. but sqlplus still has the same issue. CPU is at 0% no swap is being used. Shouldn't be a network issue, on the same network.

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OpenSUSE :: Very Slow Responses When Running Pandora

Oct 19, 2010

I have a pretty quick machine, quad core 2.66GHz duo processor, nice ASUS motherboard, high speed memory bus and so on. Basically, this is not a machine that's getting "maxed out" by playing some music.Load averages for the 4 processors according to htop are 1.48, 1.25, 0.85. Looking at the System Monitor CPU history I am seeing an average of perhaps 25% load.

However, when I am in a shell, I am getting a second or longer waits between key presses at times.My only guess as to why is that may be is that the streaming audio is on some very high priority so everything else gets put on the back burner. In any case, does anyone have any experience with this and a possible tweak that would give everything else a "fair go" so things didn't seem so unresponsive?

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Networking :: VEERY Slow Internet Responses

Jul 14, 2010

Several days ago responses to many, but not all, of my internet requests slowed from long to never.I'm on Verizon FIOS; running Firefox on a Debian Lenny system with 6GB or RAM and 500GB HD with 32GB cache. shows index of 84 for North America. I've pinged a few sites -- see returns from 16ms to 91ms.I've also rebooted my Verizon DSL router.

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Hardware :: Slow Responses With Eventual Loss Of Router

Jul 7, 2010

I have a home network consisting of 1 Linux box running Fedora 13, a laptop running Windows XP, and an HP Officejet Pro L7780. With the Fedora 13 box I have Firefox 3.6.4. I have noticed in the last couple of days a very sluggish response seemingly one site, I'll connect to the site but Firefox remains loading the page and parts of it will be missing. If I search for a particular item it takes forever to display parts of the newly requested page. I have hit stop and then refresh and sometimes the page will then come up although it's never 100%. Eventually I'll loose my router (which by the way is a Linksys BEFSR8.1 v3.01), in that if I ping it I'll get the error that it is unreachable. The laptop also looses access to the router. I'll then reset it (unplug/plug) and it'll come back up ok until I go back to Amazon and start searching again.

My question(s) are:
Can a router go bad and just show up bad with one site initially? In other words is the router slowly dying?Can a problem with a site affect the router this way?I have also changed my namserver settings in /etc/resolv.config and on the router with no real change in symptoms. It's always Amazon and I don't seem to have issues with any other sites that I visit. Any clues?

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze Installed - Slow Responses To Ping

Feb 15, 2011

Just installed squeeze and noticing slow responses to ping. Ping with -n is fine, and as expected. Ping without -n is very slow to appear on the screen.

ben@WOPR:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=26.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=54 time=25.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=54 time=29.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=54 time=25.5 ms
^C64 bytes from icmp_req=5 ttl=54 time=25.8 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 20199ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 25.514/26.569/29.308/1.399 ms
ben@WOPR:~$ ping -n
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=25.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=54 time=26.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=54 time=26.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=53 time=21.5 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 4 received, 20% packet loss, time 4006ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 21.540/25.042/26.859/2.064 ms

I've tried disabling ip6, disabling avahi and adding options single-request to my /etc/resolv.conf - problem remains. If it helps when installing Squeeze was prompted to install firmware-realtek, which I didn't have. So downloaded onto usb from another machine installed once setup was complete.

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Server :: Accessing Internal Webserver From Public Webserver

Dec 18, 2009

Ok let's say I have Apache Webservers on 2 different machines within my network, I have setup at to point to my modem at home, and my router forwards Port 80 to the ServerA Machine (i.e. I can access my webpage I setup for the Server A Machine.

But what I want to try and do is somehow access my ServerB machine's website that is on my same network. I tried something like this and the apache page came up with something like the page wasn't available. I want to access the content of the ServerB website, but because I have only one router, i can only forward Port 80 site traffic to my ServerA machine's website. I'm sure it's a different syntax I should use but i'm just not sure what I should enter to bring up the apache root web page for the Server B website via

I tried setting up DNS A records on ServerA, but I don't think it will work with what i'm trying to do above.

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Fedora :: Extremely Slow Machine

Jan 27, 2010

I run F12. Since some days my laptop has become very sluggish. In Mozilla, switching between the tabs takes like seconds instead of fraction of a second. Also minimizing and mximizing windows takes long. Switching between the windows too takes long. Now I can't see the cursor while typing this post. I disabled some services that start at the boot time. I'm posting a list of services that are on in the runlevel 5 as that's the one I use.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Extremely Slow While Booting Up?

May 1, 2010

Not much else to say. I'd say it takes at least a minute before I get to the login screen. After that it runs fine and most of the previous problems I've had since upgrading have resolved themselves. why it's taking so long to boot up?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Live CD Extremely Slow?

Jun 12, 2010

Have a little problem/annoyance. I was trying to use a Live CD with Lucid Lynx 10.04 x86 edition and the speed was incredibly slow. I took more than 10 minutes just to start. I noticed the CD drive stopped spinning (or spinning so slow I couldn't hear it) at times, then starting up again. I also noticed multiple i/o error in the logs after it finally booted up. The reason why I think this is a bug and not my drive/cd is simple:

a) The MD5ed the iso and even made two CDs with different burners. I tried older Ubuntu as well as several other Linux distros and the Live CD boot time is much faster (1-2 min). Tried the CD on a way, way older ancient laptop and i booted just fine and much faster.(I will provide any other info if needed).

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Ubuntu :: Compiles Are Extremely Slow

Aug 12, 2010

At work, we use Ubuntu to compile large numbers of C, C++, Java, and AIDL files.My system is a Core i7 Quad-Core with 8GiB of RAM. Prior to this install, it ran Ubuntu 9.10, 32-bit. A basic compile took roughly 45 minutes.I just did a clean install with (x)Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit. After setting up the build environment to allow 32-bit libraries (mobile development), a compile took roughly an hour:15.

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Slow Start Up?

Oct 10, 2010

I have had an extremely slow startup (upwards of a few minutes) for awhile now, and nothing seems to work to fix it. Regular boot time is far slower than it should be, and the time of logging in to a workable desktop is just really bad. I will log in, and then I will either get a blank desktop screen for awhile or an all black screen until the desktop will fully load with errors from gnome-panel and AWN not starting up automatically.Some of the fixes I have tried:

Disabling floppy from bios

Downgrading gnome keyring

Removing gnome* and gconf* from the home directory

Putting this script in /etc/init.d
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

Here's my bootchart and a link in case the upload has problems http:[url].....

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Slow Printing

May 17, 2011

I have an HP LaserJet 2100M.Printing OpenOffice documents is o.k. no great delay but when I print out from browser pages (html) each page can take up to 10 minutes to print.I don't know how to troubleshoot this.

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Slackware :: PSX Emulator Extremely Slow On 12.2

Aug 3, 2010

I downloaded the emulator called pSX so i can play my playstation cds in my computer. on my laptop i have slackware 12.2 installed.

The dependencies for the emulator are:

I found the appropriate packages for all of these (with the exception of opengl, I assume that means it's preinstalled, correct me if I'm wrong) and installed them. the emulator runs, at about a quarter the speed it's supposed to. I get no error messages in the terminal, just the huge speed drop. has anybody else gotten this emulator to work fine in slackware?

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Fedora :: Internet Connection Extremely Slow?

May 28, 2011

my installed windows makes full use of the 32mbit connection. in fedora i get between 10kbit and 100kbit.this is very annoying especially while browsing the net or using the package manager to do updates or download new software. what could be the problem and how could i solve it?

i very much like the look and feel of fedora 15, but this just makes it unusable on a daily basis.

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Slow Bootup In Karmic?

Feb 26, 2010

I know this has technically been posted but I think my situation is a bit different. People have been complaining that karmic is slower to boot. But from what I gather, it's only a few seconds extra due to an extra splash screen. I'm running Ubuntu Studio and mine takes like 5 minutes and is showing me 3 splash screens! 2 for regular Ubuntu and 1 for studio, which is the most sluggish of the three.

My computer is a Toshiba Satellite A75
2.8 ghz pentium M
1.5 gb ram
Radeon graphics
60gb hdd

EDIT: Also, recovering from hibernate takes a few min. Related?

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Ubuntu :: Java 'pop Ups' Extremely Slow Since Last Update

Mar 18, 2010

Anyone else have this problem? How do i check if java is still enabled?

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Printing Extremely Slow?

Apr 8, 2010

OpenOffice 3.1 is extremely slow to print. One page of labels takes 20 minutes.

This is only with Openoffice. All other applications print without difficulty.

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Slow Swap Performance

Jun 24, 2010

I'm getting horrible (unusable) performance every time swap is accessed. This was compounded by the GEMS leak and a few other memory leaks, but now under normal non-leaky memory usage swapping is still intolerable. For instance swapping out ~300mb when I opened a new program with RAM full resulted in the system nearly freezing up for about 3-5 minutes (however long it took to brew a cup of coffee and come back to the system just finally unfreezing).

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Slow Boot Time?

Dec 28, 2010

My boot time is extremely slow on ubuntu 10.10, on the order of 5 or so minutes. I've attached my var/log/bootchart

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySQL Extremely Slow

Jan 27, 2011

I've got Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a fairly beefy box (quad-core xeon 2.67ghz, 2gb ram) Standard mysql-server installed, with many databases.Lately, mysql has been extremely slow and almost non-responsive. Server loads are low.Running mtop reveals many, many processes from the user: debian-sys-maint querying the information_schema table with the exact same query, over and over."Select count(*) from tables where engine = 'innodb'"

This is adversely affecting my database server, and thus my websites which rely on mysql. Every search I've done looking for more information about the debian-sys-maint user shows problems where that users was deleted. The user isn't deleted.

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Ubuntu :: Update Downloading Extremely Slow

Mar 1, 2011

Is there something wrong with the repositories? Update manager is downloading very slow, about 1/10 the normal speed. I am running Lucid, and I have normal speed on everything else.

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Ubuntu :: Extremely Slow Terminals In Virtualbox?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm running windows 7 on my laptop at work (I know, I know, but I have good reasons). In order to at least some of the benefit of Linux, I run Ubuntu in virtualbox. Things pretty much work great, except more often than not, gnome terminal is really sluggish. It seems like a simple program - I can get videos to play fine, why can't I type text. I installed xterm, and it has the same problem.

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CentOS 5 :: SSH Is Working Extremely Slow, But Only Off-network?

Mar 4, 2009

SSH access works fine from a LAN computer, but anything over the internet is extremely slow or times out. We're talking a good 1-2 minutes just to get the login prompt!This is a new installation, I switched from Fedora to CentOS. Previously, SSH from off-network worked perfectly fine with Fedora.What could it be? All other network services on this machine are working properly and at normal speeds, it's just SSH that is not willing to cooperate.

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Ubuntu :: Start-up Suddenly Extremely Slow / Solve This?

Feb 10, 2010

I don't think any changes have been made to my laptop, but it suddenly loads Ubuntu extremely slowly. The time it takes to get from the Toshiba boot screen to the Ubuntu Log-in screen takes easily 20x as long.

Has anyone else been experiencing this kind of lag or have any ideas where to begin?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading To 10.04 - Download Extremely Slow

May 1, 2010

I try to upgrade to 10.04, but the download rate is extreme slow (10.0 B/s sometimes a bit better and sometimes even worser). I switch to different server but the problem remains.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Extremely Slow Or Not Working At All?

Jun 10, 2010

so i had Jaunty installed last week with no problem. But then i decided to install winxp, erasing it. I hated it, and reinstalled ubuntu, this time lucid.However, the internet has stopped working properly. I've tried wireless and wired connections and they either dont work or will load half a web page after a few minutes. A good deal of the time the browser will time out or fail to find server.The ethernet is working, so I'm assuming the issue is with a missing driver or the such. I have 10.04 32bit installed on Gateway MD2614u laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Becomes Extremely Slow When Using Static Ip?

Jul 23, 2010

I am currently facing a weird problem, It's that the internet connection becomes extremely slow when using static IP instead of DHCP when Im connected through a cable! The local network seems okay with both, but differs when using the internet!

I've ran a ping test and got the following results!

using static IP

$ ping -c 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=42 time=343 ms


When I used static IP i received only one packet while when using DHCP i received all three!! Also I lost 66% of the packets when using the Static IP connection! And most importantly, the speed, DHCP connection was 8 times faster than Static IP connection!

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