Ubuntu :: Run A Webserver Emailserver And Dbserver On A Single Machine?

Feb 3, 2011

Can I have 3 drives in one physical server and treat each drive like a server?

If so, would I install the operating system on each drive, and give each drive an IP address?

I was wondering if I could run a webserver emailserver and dbserver on a single machine? Then later on, move the drives to their own hardware.

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General :: Having A Dns Server And Webserver On The Same Machine

Sep 3, 2010

I have one desktop machine with fedora 11 installed and a Laptop with both linux and Windows Xp. I use the laptop as my client machine.

I want to set up both a dns and web servers on the same machine for testing and practise purposes.

how to do it bcoz I can set up the webserver but I can't browse the website on the Fedora machine when I use my laptop. I have learnt that I should set up a Dns server.

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Server :: Use Webserver Machine Outside The LAN Using Internet

Mar 31, 2011

I am using squid3 on ubuntu server 10.10, publish my webserver running on other machine on ubuntu10.10 desktop. My server is configured for squid3 transparent proxy which is running successfully.

Now I need to publish my other machine which is running with apache2 webserver.The local IP is, I need to assign a public IP as provided by ISP.

use my webserver machine outside the LAN using internet, through ubuntu server 10.10 squid3.

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Software :: Accessing Tomcat Webserver From Another Machine?

Apr 19, 2010

I have installed Tomcat on an Ubuntu 9.10 machine and previous to now I have been able to access the website from any other machine within the network. I suddenly am no longer able to do this.I also noticed that on the local machine I can access usinghttp://localhost but not by doing (again, from the local machine), should that work (assuming that it is the correct IP address of the machine)

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Server :: Accessing Internal Webserver From Public Webserver

Dec 18, 2009

Ok let's say I have Apache Webservers on 2 different machines within my network, I have http://outterABC.com setup at dyndns.org to point to my modem at home, and my router forwards Port 80 to the ServerA Machine (i.e. I can access my webpage I setup for the Server A Machine.

But what I want to try and do is somehow access my ServerB machine's website that is on my same network. I tried something like this http://ServerB.outterABC.com and the apache page came up with something like the page wasn't available. I want to access the content of the ServerB website, but because I have only one router, i can only forward Port 80 site traffic to my ServerA machine's website. I'm sure it's a different syntax I should use but i'm just not sure what I should enter to bring up the apache root web page for the Server B website via http://outterABC.com

I tried setting up DNS A records on ServerA, but I don't think it will work with what i'm trying to do above.

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Ubuntu :: Brub2 Slow - Single Disk Machine?

Jan 3, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 x64 on a relatively old laptop and I find Grub is taking about 20 seconds to initially load before booting the system. The laptop only has a single 120GB hard drive, and I chose the "use entire disk" option when installing, so I do not have any fancy partitioning scheme.When the system boots I get the "LOADING GRUB" text displayed and then shortly after it just shows the flashing cursor with no text, and stays there for about 20 seconds. After that it finally starts loading the system.All the searching I have done only turned up solutions relevant to people with multiple hard drives. This was not an issue on Grub 1.

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Ubuntu :: Use Multiple Audio Output Devices On Single Machine

Jun 14, 2010

I always keep my headphones as well as my 2.1 speakers connected simultaneously on my PC (Gigabyte motherboard). Both these audio devices work fine simultaneously on my Windows 7, but in Ubuntu, only my headphones work, speakers don't work at all. I tried changing some settings in SOUND PREFERENCES as well as ALSA SOUND MIXER, but not luck so far.

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General :: Two DHCP IP Assigned To A Single Machine?

Apr 16, 2010

I just installed Fedora 13 on my ESX box.I have Fedora 13 Machine which was early having 1 network adapter.I added a new Interface type: e1000 to this VM.Now,My ifconfig says:


[root@fedora-13 ~]# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:56:BA:00:15
inet6 addr: fe80::250:56ff:feba:15/64 Scope:Link

All i was trying to provide IP to eth0 and eth1 through dhcp.is it possible to provide two IP address to eth0 and eth1 both through DHCP.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Websites On Single Host Machine Without Virtualisation

Jun 1, 2010

I have this intra net server project going on and now I moved to 10.04 however there are still some things that I would like to see clarification and instructions on. I am interested to set up multiple parallel websites for my apache server, however I am not sure how to do this exactly. Now I have solid address rivera.wippies.net and port 80 redirecting to my server. What I would like to get done is that I get multiple independent of each other websites for my server I was thinking of making websites like this

/var/www/site1 (which would be as rivera.wippies.net)
/var/www/site2 (which would be as rivera.wippies.net/othersite)
/var/www/site3 (which would be rivera.wippies.net/secondothersite)

etc, so that I have multiple "individual" websties for my server. Requirements would be that each of these websites could have SSL encryption as needed available too, since some of the website could have confidential information.

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Networking :: Support 50K IPv6 Addresses On A Single Machine?

Feb 2, 2010

Does anyone know if there is any way to configure 50K "virtual" IPv6 addresses on loopback device in Linux?
The aim is not to add all 50K IPv6 addresses one by one on the loopback/ETH device which will probably mess up the ip table on the system. In IPv4, I am able to achieve that by specifying the IP address subnet on loopback device (e.g: "ip addr add dev lo"). The same command does not seem to work the same way for IPv6. It only adds a single IPv6 address on loopback device and it automatically adds an "unreachable route" entry on the ipv6 route table for that IPv6 network prefix.

The reason I need this is because I am working on an application which tries to simulate 50K IPv6 addresses on a single Linux box. The kernel version I am currently using is RHEL

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Debian :: Update One Single Thing On Machine Without Apt-get Upgrade?

Jan 27, 2011

i wonder how i can update one single thing on my debian machine? without apt-get upgrade. lets say i just want to update my awstats install but not my php install, or my kernel version but not someting else, how can i do this ?

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Networking :: Use Multiple Dhcp Subnets On Single Machine?

Dec 13, 2010

I am find myself in need of building what amounts to 3 ip networks on 1 physical lan.

first LAN is another companies network on the network a mix of pc's and equipment

second is LAN new company network

third network is an ip phone system for both i would like to use

i am hoping to use the same dhcp server to do this, assigning address to the old company's 10. network via mac address reservation.

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General :: How To Test SSL With Single Apache Server Machine?

Oct 26, 2009

I have apache server running on Fedora 11. I want to test Self-signed certificate for SSL setup with Apache.HOw can I setup?

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General :: SSH Connection Limitations That Can Connect To One Single Machine (at The Same Time)?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a network of 100 machines, all with ubuntu Linux. Is there a limit to the number of machines that can connect to one single machine (at the same time)? For example, can I have 99 of my machines maintain continuous ssh connection to the 100th machine? Can I have every one of my machines (every one of the 100) maintain a continuous ssh connection to all other 99 machines? How much memory does each such a connection take?

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General :: Configuring 2 Mail Servers On Different IPs But On Single Vmware Machine?

Sep 29, 2010

I want to know the configuration steps for 2 mail servers on diferent IPs. But I want this setup on single vmware machine(debian).

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Force Virtual Machine To Boot Up Into Single User Mode?

Mar 8, 2011

I have few virtual machines running on one of xen servers & I'm experiencing a problem booting up one of clients "domain".

How can I force this machine to boot up to runlevel 1? I can't see grub menu when first booting it up!

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General :: Machine Act As Both A Wireless Client And Access Point Simultaneously Using A Single Physical WLAN Interface?

Jun 23, 2010

If I have only 1 physical WLAN interface, is there some hackery that can be done so that it can be a client of an existing access point and at the same time also act as an access point for other clients? I have an existing 802.11g ADSL router, and I'm going to be building an HTPC which will have 802.11n. My laptop also has 802.11n, but at the moment it only connects at 54Mbps because thats what the AP supports. I'd like to be able to have the HTPC be a client of my ADSL router, but have my laptop be a client of the HTPC, so copying files to it will be faster.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Torque On Ubuntu 10.04 On A Single Multicore Machine

Jun 17, 2010

I updated this on jul 21 using comments below Torque is a batch job queuing system that is used on clusters. But I find it handy to use it on my multi-core workstation as well. It allows jobs that need to be run to be schedule by multiple users. The scheduler will make sure that not too many jobs are run simultaneously which could cause high system loads or memory issues. I previously posted how to install torque on ubuntu hardy from the torque source package. However, torque is now in the repositories of lucid and here are the steps that I had to take to get it to work on my workstation.

For this setup I kept the server host name 'torqueserver' which is the default in the package. You can do the same or use a fully qualified domain name. In that case, you will have to adept the steps somewhat. My workstation has 8 cores, and I only want to give 6 of them to the que. Please adapt your numbers accordingly.

0) open root terminal


sudo -s

1) add torqueserver as an alias to /etc/hosts.


gedit /etc/hosts
change to torqueserver*) see post by drlemon.

Alternatively use a resolvable host name (check with 'host $HOSTNAME') in the file:

/var/lib/torque/server_name and whereever torqueserver is used below, use that host name

2) install torque from repositories


apt-get install torque*


This works for me but probably requires more configuration in a demanding computing environment. Check out the torque website for more queue configurations, user management etc.

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Programming :: Connect Multiple Sockets From A Single Client To A Single Server And Keep Them Open?

Oct 13, 2010

I have question about the UNIX sockets. my goal is to connect multiple sockets from a single client to a single server and keep them open...I'm not sure if that is possible to create or not. Do you have any suggestion or an example of code?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Php Not Running On Webserver?

May 8, 2010

when i go to my server's IP address, the index.php files is downloaded, not run, how can I fix this? I have php5 installed and enabled.


root@ubuntu:~$ ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
alias.conf authz_user.load dir.load php5.load
alias.load autoindex.conf env.load reqtimeout.conf
auth_basic.load autoindex.load mime.conf reqtimeout.load


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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing Webserver From Outside LAN?

Oct 20, 2010

I posted this question a while ago but haven't had any luck getting it answered so I reworded everything to make it more clear. I started an Ubuntu web server on an old work laptop. The purpose of this server is to host a small file-sharing site, a forum, and a wiki. I have no prior experience with command line Ubuntu but am trying to figure this all out.

So far Ive setup the LAMP server, so apache, mysql, and php are installed. Ive also installed phpBB3 and Mediawiki. Both phpBB3 and Mediawiki are able to open from inside my LAN. I also have SSH setup and am able to use putty to manage the server from inside my LAN. Mediawiki runs slow internally but this is a secondary concern.

Externally to the LAN I can access the webserver using SSH(but sometimes it is too slow for anything that opens up such as nano or the SQL password prompt to display and the connection drops). I can also browse to the site and see the default apache welcome message. But I cannot open the mediawiki or phpbb site. Both will sit indefinitely and not open. The access log on the server shows that the request is being passed through though.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up DNS For Webserver

Nov 17, 2010

how to create an entire server from scratch using a minimal install. I know Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 comes with packages that can be included during install but for the sake of learning I only installed SSH access.

I was able to get Apache2, MySQL, PHP5 installed and running fine. What I'm trying to do next is setup DNS so I can point fragdata.com to my Ubuntu server and have other people see my test site.

I have registered the nameserver ns1.fragdata.com with my IP and updated DNS in my registrar. I followed the tutorial but "dig fragdata.com" gives me the following:

root@linux-server:/home/syvil# dig fragdata.com
; <<>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 <<>> fragdata.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:


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Ubuntu :: How To Turn Spare Pc Into Webserver

Feb 10, 2011

I have a spare duel core pc with 500GB HDD and 2GB memory so decided last night to do a full format and a complete install of ubuntu 10.10. My mission is to turn it into a web server. I have installed xampp for Linux and everything seems to be running smooth.

1) I used sudo apt-get install openssh-server and edited the sshd_config to change the port to 28. I have also opened the ports in my router but when i try to connect from another network pc i get connection refused.

2) I have a domain name I would like to assign to my server pc but don't know how to do it since "ifconfig" states and my external IP from "whatsmyip.com" keeps changing.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Upgrade Webserver From Php 5.3.5 To Php 5.3.6?

Sep 1, 2011

In order to pass PCI compliance I need to upgrade our webserver from php 5.3.5 to php 5.3.6. I found this: [URL] however it doesn't seem to work. My best guess is due to the fact I have 64bit server. Is there something else I can do without going through a compile?

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 11.04
Release: 11.04
Codename: natty

Linux 2.6.38-10-server #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 16:31:00 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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General :: Setting Up A Webserver In Ubuntu 9.10?

Sep 1, 2010

i am planning to setup a Web server on AWS Cloud Platform.The requisites are

ubuntu karmic 9.10
Java - 1.6.0_20
Tomcat - 6.0.29
Apache - 2.2.14
Mysql - 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6

Since i am not much familiar with Ubuntu,Shall i go for apt-get install or download source and compile each application.

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General :: How To Optimize Ubuntu Desktop To Run Webserver

Jan 30, 2011

I am using ubuntu desktop edition to run My drupal website on Intranet. I know for running web servers best thing to install is ubuntu server editions, but due to some problem i am using Desktop edition.I installed XAMPP on my machine an my website is up and running. I want to know how can i optimize my machine?? Since I will not use very less features of desktop editions are there any things which I can remove or stop which will free memory and cpu consumption, are there any packages which i should install to increase the performance of my ubuntu??

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Ubuntu Servers :: Redirect To Another Internal Webserver?

Feb 26, 2010

I have two servers on my network One with ubuntu 9.10 server And one with openSUSE 11.2.The ubuntu server is my webserver and runs phpsysinfo and my website. On the openSuse server i have a webbased application and some files that i want people to be able to reach by using mydomain.com wich points to my ubuntu server. Is there any way to do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Webserver Not Showing Website?

Sep 15, 2010

I've actually gotten a webserver (hardy heron, server edition) working before and had a Joomla site up I could find on the net. But I did a fresh install of Lucid Lynx (desktop edition, that I added some packages to to use as a server). Between the router (wrong ip address?), port forwarding (set right?), my domain nameservers (godaddy) and the DynDNS service I use (for dynamic ip) I must have a wrong setting because, my joomla website shows up at localhost, but not 'out there' so to speak. I would like to get this site out there and working soon, as it's one I'm just doing free for a Community Garden.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup My Own Webserver Using Webmin

Nov 27, 2010

I am planning to setup my own webserver using webmin, but from what i've read i apprently need two harddrives. one for the OS & one for the data. can i just partition my harddrive into two because i dont have another hdd lying around. i also just want to note that this is my first time trying to do something like this sooo I rly want to try to set up my own server . As a side note ill list the specs of the comp i plan to use as a server. Pentium 4 2.8ghz, 1gb DDR, 80GB 7200RPM HDD.

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Ubuntu :: Want A Second Webserver Runing In The Same Sever System?

Jan 3, 2011

i have a webserver in my local networkthat is myname1.myserver.comnow i want a second webserver runing in the same sever system.my projected name should bemyname2.myserver2.com

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