Fedora Servers :: FC11 Cannot Start BIND After Upgrade From FC10
Jul 8, 2009
I'm having a problem getting BIND to start after doing the FC10->FC11 upgrade. Others have been reporting some bad symbolic links, but this isn't that problem. I've searched the forums here, but I don't see anything like this anywhere.
I've been running FC10 with all updates and had downloaded the FC11 DVD. Yesterday I upgraded to FC 11 using the DVD and it appeared that everything went fine. However when I tried to do ayum updateI got the following error. There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
No module named yum
install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.
It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is:
2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14) [GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]
go to the yum faq at: [URL] I'm not sure what to do next. I also noticed that all my previously configured repositories are lost.
just as the title states i need to upgrade my os from fc4 to fc10 first let me say i have no physical access to the box. all i have is root ssh access to it. So i need to know the best way of upgrading that will be safe. before i do the upgrade the server will be backed up so i will not loose any files. if the upgrade fails the data center will reload the os with what i need on it. but i would rather not have to format.
I recently update FC10 to FC11 and Yum has stopped working. Also, "Add/Remove Software" has no packages listed. And, I have no Software repositories listed. When I try to run Yum I get the following:
There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
I'd like to try a clean install instead of an upgrade from FC10 to FC11. What is a good way of getting the list of all packages that were installed through yum, and how do I feed that list to yum on a newly installed FC11?
Once of the biggest issues I had with FC10's KDE desktop was its taskbar widget and how it worked. It did not group tasks, didn't stack vertically, etc. etc. I understand this was due to KDE 4.1 which was a or is considered a "broken" KDE release? I've read that many ppl say KDE 4.2 is much better in FC11. Many FC11 reviewers state they like its KDE version better than 4.1 shipped with FC10.
However, has the KDE taskbar widget specifically been replaced or upgraded? Anyway, I'm considering an upgrade, and I'm willing to do it JUST to get another taskbar in KDE... if the 4.2 one is an improvement. Fondest wish is for it to be exactly like the KDE 3.5 taskbar widget from FC6!
After trying to do a upgrade to fc11 from fc10 it seems i am stuck between them. the grub loader only shows 1 fc11 kernel, but when i try yum update all the updates are fc10, Some libs are so.8 and some are so.7 namely libssl.so.8 and the missing deps are libssl.so.7.
is there a way to revert back to fc10 or force install of fc11.
I upgraded from FC10 to FC11 yesterday.I had no problems using FC11 after I looked into the bootloader (not intuitive - Ha!).Tried to boot up this morning; and things seemed to work well until I tried to call up Firefox (added a few themes yesterday).The window pops open; but the computer freezes on the spot with an alarm (generic "beep", w/o the finishing "p").Tried it with Epiphany; and I get the same results with the exception of actually getting to the Home Page.Yum works for the most part - I reinstalled Firefox (no effect); but couldn't reinstall epiphany (keeps saying "there is no such package - did you mean 'epiphany'". No typos on my part - go figure). Doing Software/Package Updates (via System Menu) freezes the box as well.Did it with the system monitor on. It doesn't appear to be related to CPU Usage.
Had a FC10 liveUSB and used it for awhile (e.g. to check out the forums). After giving my ISP some grief about downloading speed, immediately received a note from their Abuse Department, saying that my machine had been infected with a virus and had been sending spam emails (post upgrade to FC11).
I have programs that work in FC10 and FC12, but when I run them on FC11, i get behaviour that is very similar to a deadlock. They don't crash or anything. It just seems that all program output stops at one point and never resumes. I am wondering if FC11 has any known threading issues that one may need to know about before trying to use it to run their software from FC10 or FC12. Maybe something in the way that threading is handled differently from FC10 or FC12 that is not necessarily a problem, but just needs to be kept in mind when writing code for FC11.
I have one problem regarding my web server. When I am try to restart my httpd service it shows...
[root@localhost ~]# service httpd restart Stopping httpd: [FAILED] Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs [FAILED] [root@localhost ~]#
I cannot install FC11 or FC10 on my Dell XPS One/A2420 machine. Every time I tried to install the Linux operating system, the screen goes black and the computer goes no response. It seems to have something to do with the video card--Intel GMA X4500HD Graphics.
After upgrading to F11 I have had a few problems with some applications most like miro I was able to fix by using yum remove and then reinstalling. It appears that after updating some applications have stayed with the fc10 versions despite fc11 versions being available.
I am new to Fedora 10 and encountered the following problem. I installed FC10 on an external eSATA hard drive (sdb) on my laptop which already has some other Linux distros on sda. I used a DVD that came with the Fedora 10 Bible, so I can assume that the DVD had no problems. The installation went OK and I got no error messages. I added the following lines to the menu.lst file of the distro that I use to boot all my distros.
When I boot Fedora, the blue bar at the bottom of the screen goes half-way, then gives me the error message: "mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root' "
My laptop is dual-boot with Windows XP and FC10 co-existing. Yesterday, I wanna re-install FC10, so I formated(deleted) all linux partitions in Windows XP. Disaster happened when i rebooted computer: the computer cannot startup at all?Now, I don't know how to deal with it. I wanna know: what can i do to start up the computer into Windows? In my opinion, computer should work well without one system in dual-boot mode. If you format C: drive on which windows are installed, for instance, the computer can boot into FC10 normally. Why it die deleting FC10?
I have fedora 10 installed and when my monitor is turned off the X session fails to start because it can not probe for settings. Is there a way to hard code the settings for x instead of letting them assign dynamically on boot?
I recently upgraded my x86_64 system from FC8-FC10 using Pre-Upgrade, and here I got some help fixing all the package conflicts that resulted. Following the first reboot after this massive package update, it appears DNS doesn't work in some apps.
I could ping www.yahoo.com, and nslookup www.yahoo.com resolved the name, but firefox and links couldn't. Typing the ip addr that nslookup gives for www.yahoo.com works fine in both firefox and links. Something's obviously wrong with DNS.
I found a workaround for Firefox which is to browse to about:config and set network.dns.disableipv6 = true. Firefox started resolving names after that.
But then I noticed yum is DNS incapable as well. I don't know how to fix it. Here's what I get:
Code: [~]$ sudo yum update Loaded plugins: allowdowngrade, refresh-packagekit http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/linux/i386/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')> Trying other mirror.
Does anyone have any additional info on workarounds or fixes for this DNS problem?
The machine in question has a static ip addr, and I have static nameserver addrs in /etc/resolv.conf, corresponding to the static settings provided by my isp.
I upgraded to fedora 10 using yum but i have a problem, the installation went fine and after rebooting i got a login screen. I typed in my user name and password and after a second it returns to the login screen. Im sure the username and password are correct. If i type in another password i get an error message. So how can i log in?
This is what i did to upgrade to Fc10:
Then i got an upgrade wizzard and selected Fedora 10 and than reboot.
In the grub menu only one kernel is present which is the Fc10 so couldn't use the old one.
I've tried to edit the kernel with single for single user that works gives me a command line but im just not experienced enough to figure out how i can use the command line to login.
What is the best method to upgrade Fedora from 8/9 to 10? I have the DVD, and whenever I try to boot from the DVD it locks up the PC after selecting the default language stuff. I've run the media check on the DVD, and it passes with no problems. I am behind a firewall and for some reason the configuration is not allowing YUM to get through the firewall, but Firefox can get through (I have another post for this issue).
I tried doing an upgrade straight from fc5 to fc10. The upgrade seemed to go all right but once it was completed I've noticed some issues. My main issues are these:
1. After the upgrade all my desktop icons have disappeared and I'm not sure how to recover them. (this applies to all user account on a home machine)
2. When I click the right mouse button on the desktop I get no context menu but I do get the menu when I right click on my top or bottom menu bars.
3. When I try to launch any applications, games, etc., I see the icon show up in the bottom menu bar for a few seconds but then it disappears and the application never launches.
Those are the primary problems I'm encountering right now. I know the files in the home directories are still there (I did CTRL-ALT-F2 into a terminal and logged in as root. Normally I would've done CTRL-ALT-F1 but when I did I saw acpid messages and no prompt.) I've looked through the forums here but nothing I came across quite seemed to fit my needs.
After the Upgrade of my Fedora Insatallation (FC 10 => 12) I have some problems with Gnome and the Login via console. The system actually boots fine and all kind of services like Postfix, IMAP, Samba, SSHD, Apache, etc. are avialable normally.
If I try however to work directly on the server I only see the completed Fedora progress icon and not as hoped for, the Login to Gnome. Also the attempt to change to a plain console with ALT-CTRL-F1 fails.
Since actually everything seems to work quite fine, I am somewhat helpless, according to should I look for, to get Gnome and the Console Login working again.
Just upgraded from FC10 using the DVD using upgrade option. I got all the way through the upgrade with no problems. However, upon reboot, when I get to my login screen, I sign in with my username and password but I get an error about kstartup manager. I think the gist of the message was it is missing and I think the error # was 127 (I think). KDE will not start. I also tried XFCE, but it will not start also. What should I do?
I've just upgraded from FC10 to FC11 (x86_64). Before the upgrade Firefox worked fine (it used a fair amount of ram but I typically have loads of tabs open :P ) but since the upgrade running Firefox maxes out my cpu. The whole system runs unusably slow if I have Firefox running now. I switched from KDE to LXDE and just ran Firefox to see if I could free up enough memory to save some tabs as bookmarks and close them but it's impossible (and not a permanent solution anyway). Konqueror runs blisteringly fast but with a cpu monitor running I can see starting Firefox just maxes out the cpu and it stays there, it's not just a heavy load at startup.I have 3GB ram and it's a dual core Centrino 2GHz so it's not an old system running out of resources and FF ran perfectly well under FC10.
Pulseaudio setup. My pulseaudio was working when I was using FC11 and it stops working after I upgrade to FC12 using preupgrade. The system sees audio device and alsa is working correctly. No audio at all (system audio and mplayer) from Pulseaudio. I am using the onboard Intel audio. The verify from the alsamixer that the volume is not muted. I also tries all the combination of profiles in the pavucontrol and in some of the profiles, I can see the output volume bar is moving, but still no sound pulseaudio-0.9.19-2.fc12.x86_64 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio-1.0.21-2.fc12.x86_64 Attached is the pulseaudio log when playing video from mplayer.
kpackagekit warned me about a distribution upgrade to FC12in order to set things in motion i have to press the upgrade button is this action completely safe?since my FC11 is working like a charm, and i consider to upgrade to FC13, depending on the fact if i can build kernel drivers for kernel 2.6.32-,, that is still in the testing repo'smy idea is to upgrade all available packages from testing when fc11 is EOL, and i will see what happends after this upgrade, if my system crashes or whats so ever, i will install FC13.
I want to backup my apache website using tar. I want to make sure all the permissions and such stay the same so that if I restore a website, it's ready to go exactly as it had been.I am using the following command and would like to know if there is anything else I should neeed to do?
tar --xattrs cvzf backup.tgz /path-to-webserver-files
Now my other question is since tar doesn't store absolute paths, when I run the restore I have to be in the root directory? In another words if I run the command in a user directory will tar do something retarded like encode the paths as ../path-to-webserver or will it just be path-to-webserver so that when I run the restore from the / folder it will automatically go into the right place?
So my server running FC4 died last night and I decided to go ahead with the long-awaited upgrade to FC10 while I was rebuilding my server. I use my server for a number of things including, but not limited to: router, firewall, web server, mail server... I have a typical configuration process that I have followed since before fedora, and it has worked well for me up through FC4, but my usual config process doesn't work on FC10.
First of all, I don't want SELinux running, I didn't see an option to not install it during the FC10 setup, so how to I properly disable or uninstall it afterwards? Second, I was unable to even configure the server to route traffic from my internal network to the web, here's the process I usually go through for this:
I don't have a static IP from my ISP, so I'm not quite sure how to add the default route. I think I need to do something like "route add default gw xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx eth1" where eth1 is my external NIC, correct?
What else do I need to do to route traffic? I noticed that I wasn't even able to ping my server from the internal network even though they are on the same subnet, my server's internal NIC has an address of and my computer on the network has an address of If I can get this going to I have internet access again at the very least, I can move forward with the web server, email, etc.
I recently setup a file sharing server with FC10 running Samba...
I got it running perfectly and it ran great for a few weeks. I was working on the machine today and tried to reboot it and noticed that it was stuck on FC10's new boot screen. I pressed the esc key and saw that the boot process was stuck on the smb service...
I don't get any errors and the machine doesn't freeze up or anything, it just hangs on the smb service and won't continue with the boot...
Is there anyway that I can get the system to skip the smb service so that I can get into the system? I don't know what's changed or what's causing this sudden hang in the system at boot.
I tried the ubuntu live CD to attempt to go in and edit the /etc/rc5.d scripts to try and skip the smb service start but I am not sure where to look for it...
I made a big mistake on my FC10 machine-while trying to resolve a way to install vlc- I wrote the following command:"yum erase rpm lib".After restarting the machine fedora did not load... (might be funny- I laughed...).Do you know of a way top recover from this state? (I have the liveCD disk),
I just upgraded via preupgrade-cli (from FC10), rebooted, the upgrade process completed, then the system rebooted and I just see a blinking white cursor now.I was able to boot up from a live cd of FC11, but I'm not sure how I can repair the system.