Fedora :: FC11 - Upgrade To FC12 And No Sound From PulseAudio

Nov 23, 2009

Pulseaudio setup. My pulseaudio was working when I was using FC11 and it stops working after I upgrade to FC12 using preupgrade. The system sees audio device and alsa is working correctly. No audio at all (system audio and mplayer) from Pulseaudio. I am using the onboard Intel audio. The verify from the alsamixer that the volume is not muted. I also tries all the combination of profiles in the pavucontrol and in some of the profiles, I can see the output volume bar is moving, but still no sound
Attached is the pulseaudio log when playing video from mplayer.

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Fedora :: Yum Upgrade From Fc11 To Fc12, NO Clean Install?

May 10, 2010

kpackagekit warned me about a distribution upgrade to FC12in order to set things in motion i have to press the upgrade button is this action completely safe?since my FC11 is working like a charm, and i consider to upgrade to FC13, depending on the fact if i can build kernel drivers for kernel 2.6.32-,, that is still in the testing repo'smy idea is to upgrade all available packages from testing when fc11 is EOL, and i will see what happends after this upgrade, if my system crashes or whats so ever, i will install FC13.

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Fedora Installation :: DVD FC12 Install / Upgrade Wiped Everything On Disk Old FC11

Nov 24, 2009

Was using preupgrade from FC11x64 to 12x64. Preupgrade caused alot of problems like /boot not enough diskspace. After some searching found the steps and preupgrade proceed happily but after reboot got kernel panic grrr.

Took 3 days to find another machine to download and burn the FC12x64 disk. So I booted via the FC12x64 disk and selected the 1st option to install/upgrade. I thought it is upgrade and so choose replace my existing linux system however it wiped out everything on the disk. I have some important data in my home directory. I think it is in LVM, not a partition like /dev/sda1. How can I recover them? Was using stock settings.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: No Sound From Pulseaudio , ALSA After 2.6.40 Kernel Upgrade / Get That?

Aug 2, 2011

I just got the upgrade for the Linux Kernel version 2.6.40-4 on my Fedora 15 x86-64 box today, and the installation completed with no problems. However when I rebooted after doing the upgrade, I noticed that I had no sound. I use an ATI Radeon HD 4350 video card, and the opensource ATI driver, and use the HDMI audio from it for sound, since my monitor has a sound output jack on it. I've booted into the previous kernel (, and sound works fine. I've tried with the new kernel in both KDE (my default desktop environment) and XFCE to get sound, and it does not work in either one. I've tried installing the VLC Phonon Backend instead of the GStreamer Backend, reinstalling Pulseaudio, reinstalling Alsa, modprobing the necessary modules needed for the card, checking all configurations with the available Pulseaudio tools (paprefs, pavumeter, pavucontrol), checked the volumes using alsamixer, and reinstalling the ALSA Pulseaudio plugin. After trying all of these, I can still get no sound out of any application, and I also noticed that Flash video plays at 2-3 times it's normal speed after the upgrade. Again, these problems do not occur on my previous kernel. Did I maybe overlook something, or can anyone else think of something I could try?

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Fedora Installation :: Fc12 Still Has And Still Picking Up Fc11 Packages?

Mar 4, 2010

What to do? After preupgrade and update fc11->fc12, system has a mixture (oh yeah) of fc11 packages and fc12 new ones. Dependencies problems, and even by removing, reinstalling packages sometimes it's picking up fc11 ones.I tried yum clean etc to no avail. Is there any script or anything to solve this automatically? I suppose the solution is to manually erase all the fc11 packages (assuming they are really installed and not simply reported as such)?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Programs That Work In FC10 And FC12 Develop In FC11

Apr 7, 2010

I have programs that work in FC10 and FC12, but when I run them on FC11, i get behaviour that is very similar to a deadlock. They don't crash or anything. It just seems that all program output stops at one point and never resumes. I am wondering if FC11 has any known threading issues that one may need to know about before trying to use it to run their software from FC10 or FC12. Maybe something in the way that threading is handled differently from FC10 or FC12 that is not necessarily a problem, but just needs to be kept in mind when writing code for FC11.

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General :: Install Fc11 Or Fc12 Dual Boot With Windows XP?

Jan 4, 2010

I have try to install fedora 11 with windows XP dual boot, but when fedora 11 is install, it will compeletly remove the already installed windows XP, while fedora 8, it works nice with windows XP, and is good dual boot OS at the same time.if any thing is new in fedora 11 or 12 with respect to dual booting,

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Fedora :: Fc11 Sound Has Never Worked

Nov 27, 2009

on fc7-10 the sound on my laptop worked, in fc11 it is broken. just did a yum update How to get sound up and going?


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Fedora Installation :: Yum Not Working After Upgrade From FC10 To FC11

Jun 22, 2009

I've been running FC10 with all updates and had downloaded the FC11 DVD. Yesterday I upgraded to FC 11 using the DVD and it appeared that everything went fine. However when I tried to do ayum updateI got the following error. There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named yum

install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is:

2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

go to the yum faq at: [URL] I'm not sure what to do next. I also noticed that all my previously configured repositories are lost.

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 Upgrade Won't Startup To Desktop?

Jul 12, 2009

Just upgraded from FC10 using the DVD using upgrade option. I got all the way through the upgrade with no problems. However, upon reboot, when I get to my login screen, I sign in with my username and password but I get an error about kstartup manager. I think the gist of the message was it is missing and I think the error # was 127 (I think). KDE will not start. I also tried XFCE, but it will not start also.
What should I do?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: FC11 Upgrade Made Firefox Max Out Cpu?

Oct 29, 2009

I've just upgraded from FC10 to FC11 (x86_64). Before the upgrade Firefox worked fine (it used a fair amount of ram but I typically have loads of tabs open :P ) but since the upgrade running Firefox maxes out my cpu. The whole system runs unusably slow if I have Firefox running now. I switched from KDE to LXDE and just ran Firefox to see if I could free up enough memory to save some tabs as bookmarks and close them but it's impossible (and not a permanent solution anyway). Konqueror runs blisteringly fast but with a cpu monitor running I can see starting Firefox just maxes out the cpu and it stays there, it's not just a heavy load at startup.I have 3GB ram and it's a dual core Centrino 2GHz so it's not an old system running out of resources and FF ran perfectly well under FC10.

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Fedora :: Upgrade From CentOS 5.4 To FC12?

Feb 23, 2010

I install CentOS 5.4 on a customer's workstation. They out-of-date nature of Enterprise is not at all working out for him. Since Enterprise is essentially FC6, is it possible to just upgrade him to FC12, or am I looking at a wipe and reinstall?

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Fedora :: No Sound In JuK Or VLC After Removing Pulseaudio

Aug 21, 2011

I just removed Pulseaudio from both Fedora and Kubuntu due to the way it stalls other programs from launching after logging into KDE. After rebooting Kubuntu, KDE sounds, JuK and VLC all had sound, presumably via ALSA.

However, Fedora has KDE sounds but no sound in JuK or VLC. When I launch JuK, KDE reports that the HDA Intel analogue device does not work. Could this relate to Gstreamer? If Fedora falls back to ALSA if Pulseaudio is removed, does Gstreamer require additional plugins? Kubuntu has "gstreamer0.10-alsa", but Fedora doesn't seem to have an equivalent.

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Fedora :: Cannot Get Surround Sound On PulseAudio

Apr 23, 2011

I cant get sarround on pulseaudio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)
I have 5.1 speaker, sound is only from front, front left && front right and from subwofer its no sound from rear left and right.

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 - New Install No Sound After Adding Non-free Pkgs For Mp3

Jun 15, 2009

New install from downloaded DVD. sound played after install. Installed rhymbox, which tried to install the various nonfree packages. I didn't have the keys installed so it failed miserably. From various websites I've used yum to install nonfree packages to support mp3. I now have both movieplayer and rhymbox which have no sound. Even more strangely, rhymbox 'slider' which follows the playtime remaining, simply doesn't move? Tried remove/re-install rhymbox to no avail.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Disk Failure On FC11 Upgrade?

Jun 11, 2009

I just upgraded via preupgrade-cli (from FC10), rebooted, the upgrade process completed, then the system rebooted and I just see a blinking white cursor now.I was able to boot up from a live cd of FC11, but I'm not sure how I can repair the system.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Create Filesystem On FC11 Upgrade

Jul 6, 2009

I cannot seem to get past the "creating File System.." window on a laptop upgrade

Setup: Thinkpad T23 (dual boot) upgrade from fc10 using DVD iso.checked with checksum and burnt by K3b.

History/actions taken:

Burnt iso to DVD and install/upgrade froze "creating File System " froze after approximately 10 minutes.
(completely froze and had to use the power button!)

Checked disk OK on laptop, tried again, same fault.

Bought another DVD.(different die) and tried again, same fault.

Tried another laptop HD, (full install not dual boot) , same fault.

Removed partitions with fdisk, but still no luck.

Tried disk on a spare HD on my PC and it works, I get into the window allowing software selection!

Tried a "Linux Format" fc 10 disk and that works, also tried a PCLinux LXF disk which also worked.

The laptop does not report any problems at bootup and I do not not what else to try

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Fedora Servers :: FC11 Cannot Start BIND After Upgrade From FC10

Jul 8, 2009

I'm having a problem getting BIND to start after doing the FC10->FC11 upgrade. Others have been reporting some bad symbolic links, but this isn't that problem. I've searched the forums here, but I don't see anything like this anywhere.

Here's what I see:


[root@atomu etc]# /etc/init.d/named start
Starting named: [FAILED]

So, no error message. Logs read as follows:


Jul 8 00:38:00 atomu named[2414]: starting BIND 9.6.1-RedHat-9.6.1-2.fc11 -u named
Jul 8 00:38:00 atomu named[2414]: built with '--build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--target=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc'


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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Stopped Working After Upgrade To FC11?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a Broadcom wireless card in my hp dv6500z laptop, I had it all working properly in FC9 thanks to bbfuller and his post on the subject. After I upgraded to FC11 I have been unable to get it to connect.

I can see my neighbor's sites and suppose I could see my own if the SSID was allowed to broadcast but I keep that turned off. I put in all of the setting, including the network security key, but it won't connect, then when I go back and look again, the security key is not even close to what I put in; it gets changed to a huge string of characters.

I redownloaded broadcom-wl- and followed the instruction on the post once again but no luck, which, after I thought about it, was a waste of time because if I can see other's wireless, then the card must be working. I have tried using Network Manager and not using Network Manager and still no luck...

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Fedora Hardware :: Fc11 Nvidia Not Working After Last Kernel Upgrade?

Apr 4, 2010

Have been having my share of (nvidia) problems since last kernel update to fc11. Just can't seem to get x-server to work...

(Seems to me that I have had better luck with the 173xx legacy driver..Should I try that?...which one?..
I'm thinking: 173.14.20-1)...

Information; fc11 Leonidas i586 32 bit ..nvidia GeForce 7300 LE....ViewSonic VX922 19" LCD monitor

[root@Xray ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i nvid | sort



Have blacklisted Nouveau in Modpobe... (Haven't done anything to grub.conf)... Have also tried to go the akmod route; but have never been able to make it work..

Have followed the instructions from Post 2 at the beginning of this thread; but I do get a message that says: "No package xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64 available". I do have both rpmfusion repositories downloaded..

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From FC6 - FC12 Woes?

Nov 28, 2009

I decided to upgrade finally. It didn't go smoothly and right now I'm not really sure what is going on. During the install when it was scanning my disks it threw a timeout error but continued anyway. I completed the install but one thing that seemed odd to me is that I wasn't asked about packages or anything and it never prompted me for any other CDs. I wasn't sure what was going on. I did a re-install but same results.

So I figured fine I'll just configure things myself. I went to mount my other partitions and was unable to. I'm not sure what was done but I've not been able to get to my old data. I'm not even sure where to start because things are so different. I ran fdisk -l and I see these devices:


Under /dev/sda It shows /dev/sda1 but tells me that partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary it then shows /dev/sda2. This has a System of Linux LVM. Same with my /dev/sdb1. I am guessing this is where my 2 old partitions went. I looked up LVM which I didn't know anything about before. Previously I was about to mount my partitions directly so I'm pretty sure they were not LVM. So somehow these got converted?

I don't know what /dev/dm-0 and /dev/dm-1 are but I do get errors on them:

Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn't contain a valid partition table
Disk /dev/dm-1 doesn't contain a valid partition table

Right now I'm trying to simply get to my data once again or determine if it's unrecoverable. At this point I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. I know I didn't tell the install to format anything other than the first partition. Oh and after the two Fedora installs I did take a peek at Unbuntu. I started that install and it told me that the partition I was installing on was too small. So I canceled it. It showed the other partitions but I could see no way to read them.

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Fedora :: Cannot Login As Root On FC12 GUI After Upgrade

Dec 6, 2009

After upgrading from FC10 to FC12 here I notice I cannot login to the GUO console locally as root, yet this worked with FC10. Attached is my /etc/gdm/custom.conf settings and I've got the login for root set true whih is where it was and working prior to the upgrade.. Also I don't see the shutdown/restart options as before either:



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Fedora :: PulseAudio - Make Each VT Play Its Sound?

May 29, 2010

I'm using Fedora 13 and think this behavior comes from Pulseaudio. To make it simple, all my sounds are played in my GNOME session. What's making sense because it's where Pulseaudio is launched. So, when I switch VT (CTRL+ALT+Fx), all sounds from my GNOME session is muted. What's not the actual problem. It's in fact a good behavior. The problem is I use some VirtualBox virtual machines on other VT launched with the xinit command.

These VMs emit sounds but I'm not able to hear them because I'm not on the VT of my GNOME session. But once I get back on my GNOME session I can hear all sound from the VMs. What I want, it's to be able to hear all sounds played by the VT on which I currently am and not everything and only in my GNOME session. How I can accomplish that?

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Fedora :: PulseAudio - No Sound From Flash On Websites

Jun 10, 2010

I've run into a couple of issues that appear to be related to PulseAudio. First, since I upgraded to FC13 a couple of weeks ago, I get no sound from flash on websites. Yesterday, I had a need to record some audio into my computer via the mic input. So, I installed Audacity, but it couldn't see the signal coming in, even though it was playing from the sound source. I did a bit of digging and found a note on the PulseAudio website that said that Audacity didn't work with PulseAudio. So, I removed PulseAudio, rebooted for good measure, and under ALSA, Audacity was able to record from the mic input.

When I was finished recording, I started Amarok playing, and I could see the progress indicator moving across the interface, but there was no sound. I checked the mixer, but nothing was muted, and the audio from Audacity was working just fine. So, I reinstalled PulseAudio. Today, I needed to do more recording, so I pulled off PulseAudio once more. I did my recording, and then tried Amarok once more without PulseAudio, with the same results. It occurred to me that I should try a website with flash and see if those work without PA installed. Indeed they do.

So here's what I have: Audacity can't record from the mic input with PA installed.
Amarok doesn't produce sound without PA installed
Flash websites don't make sound with PA installed
This all worked while I was using FC12 (though I never tried Audacity), and I've only had problems since I upgraded to FC13.

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Fedora Installation :: Force The Upgrade FC10 - FC11 With Online Download?

Aug 2, 2009

How can I force the upgrade FC10 -> FC11 with online download? Somewhere in Software Update settings?

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Fedora Installation :: Firefox Freezing System In New FC11 Install Not Upgrade

Dec 20, 2009

I installed FC11 from installation cds twice and I'm having a problem with Firefox freezing the system. The mouse cursor will move but nothing else is responsive, including mouse buttons and keyboard.I checked the media on every disc and they all check fine.I never had this problem with FC10. I tried upgrading Firefox -- with the necessary dependency upgrades too but without success.I tried to downgrade to FC10 Firefox and ran into a great big hassle with that.

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Fedora :: Cannot Connect To Samba Shares After FC12 Upgrade

Dec 6, 2009

After upgrading to FC12 from FC10 the 3 samba shares on the box cannot be connected to from either Windows-7 or Windows Server 2003R2. Both were working with FC10 just fine.

It is local authentication to the box not LDAP etc. Files below and error msg:

attempting to connect to say \saturngeorgek gets an error in a windows popup with Unknown username or bad password yet I'm certain of the ID & password as I can ssh in with it from Windows-7

In 2003 I see "Multiple connections to the same server or shared resource by the same user using more than one name are not allowed disconnect all previous connections and tr again."

In neither case do I have any connections to the saturn server that I can see using net use from either box.

workgroup = netwrx1
server string = Saturn RHFC4 Linux Server


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Fedora Networking :: FC12 Upgrade Cannot Connect To Samba?

Dec 11, 2009

I have just upgraded to FC 12 from FC 11 everything on FC 11 was fine, I has samba, openvpn, subversion, tinyproxy and apache all working fine. Friends could vpn in and do all the stuff they where allowed to do,

Now unfortunately I have this issue after upgrading to FC12, All the samba mounts have disappeared from all my friends computers, when I look at the log files I now see this;

smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 To FC13 Upgrade Woes?

May 26, 2010

Took an FC12 system to FC13 via 'preupgrade'There was a REALLY old version of gimp-print-cups in RPM, and the installer announced "a fatal error occurred". However, everything else seemed to download properly and I allowed the upgrader to reboot the system.

a) grub boots the kernel, then the kernel can't find root and panics. It does this because it can't root file system with root=UUID= kernel option. If I manually tweek the grub line to use root=/dev/sdx, kernel finds its root and boots up to the next problem.

b) GUI environment not launched. Init scripts die on "error loading modules.dep". Sure enough - one is not there. Ran "depmod" to generate it ,and rebooted. System reboots into GUI, where I login to find the next problem.

c) Evolution won't start. Reason turns out the evolution-data-server from FC12 is still present. Did a check on just how many other FC12 RPM's are present: 1100. Yeah - over 1000. About 850 of the FC12 RPM's also had FC13 replacements installed. Did an "rpm -e" on these. Also had to do some remove action on mkinitrd, nash, plymouth-scripts-0.8.0, and parted-1.9.0 as there are replacements for these utilities under different package names. That cleaned up the system some, to present me with the next problem.

d) yum package repository still linked into FC12. Removed fedora-release-12-2.noarch and then I could "yum install" evolution and a few other packages properly.

I've done one other FC12->FC13 upgrade today, and that went flawlessly. So, I think in general the upgrade works fine. It just looks like if preupgrade finds anything amiss, it doesn't take care of a lot of things and generally leaves you with an unbootable mess to clean up.

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Upgrade: Remove Fc12 Packages?

Jun 7, 2010

I had a fairly smooth upgrade process using PreUpgrade on my main workstation, but I still have a huge bunch of fc12, some of which have fc13 analogs installed, some of which don't (a total of 317 packages). Also, I still have the Constantine gdm theme, probably as a symptom of these lingering packages. Can I just yum erase these? Do I need to check which have analogs in fc13? I don't know which step of the upgrade I forgot, but it seems I'm stuck somewhere in between, although


joel@localhost: ~> cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 13 (Goddard)

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