Fedora Installation :: Can't Install FC10 Or FC11 For Desktop With Intel GMA X4500HD Graphics - Screen Goes Black

Jul 20, 2009

I cannot install FC11 or FC10 on my Dell XPS One/A2420 machine. Every time I tried to install the Linux operating system, the screen goes black and the computer goes no response. It seems to have something to do with the video card--Intel GMA X4500HD Graphics.

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Fedora Installation :: FC10 - Graphics - Unable To See Any Text On The Screen

Apr 20, 2009

Trying to install FC10 on an older Dell GX150 machine, and I get to the point where the graphical install app loads, but I am not able to see any text on the screen, other than the back/next buttons, and when I click on next, I can see that it goes to a new screen where it looks like it's asking for some text input, but I can't decipher what it's asking for, and if I try to type in the box, nothing happens.

I think I read somewhere on here about using a different boot option to get FC10 to work in a Virtual PC, but not sure if it would apply here (and can't seem to find that thread anyway!) I am booting off the FC10 DVD, and can get to the menu to install/upgrade, rescue, boot locally, or test memory. If I hit TAB, I can edit the boot option - I just need to know what to put in there to get this to work!

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Fedora Installation :: Intel Xorg Driver Kills Screen (black) And Keyboard On Intel GMA X4500?

May 12, 2009

I am wondering, what is the status of Intel GMA X4500 driver on Fedora 10.

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Hardware :: Intel Graphics And Games - Black Screen

Mar 17, 2011

I use Intel HD Graphics and every time I run a game, it black-screens and I have to restart a thousand times before the game works and I can switch to windowed mode (restart once to do this).

[alex@alex01 ~]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 18)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06)
00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection (rev 06)
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 06) .....

I also use an HDMI cord (since computer has HDMI support) so this may be contributing to the problem. The same does not occur with my laptop, which runs Nvidia graphics and Ubuntu. I really want this to not happen so I can play my games instantly without restarting a million times. Some games have yet to work (AssaultCube mostly).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Intel I7 HD Graphics Gives Black Screen Sometimes On Boot Kernel 2.6.37 Rc7

Dec 30, 2010

Just a little background I have a sony vaio VPCZ119X laptop and have been struggling to get all components working under linux especially the intel graphics. I saw that once I upgraded to the latest available kernel release which currently is 2.6.37 rc7. The intel graphics is working, but sometimes when I boot I get a blank/black screen but seems to be lit up. All other functions seem working so for example I am able to login etc just that I dont see anything on the screen.

I have tried the following so far to identify the issue or isolate it:

- Switching to the console screens has no effect, still the black / blank screen.

- Restarting the system does not always immediately get the screen working, sometimes it takes a couple of reboots before the screen is available

- I have a switchable graphics with nVidia I never get this problem when I use the nvidia driver

- I have tried closing the lid etc as suggested in the below post without any change in output, will try further as there are other options available as well The "Black Screen" on Boot I see one difference between both the Xorg log files but I am not able to reason out why this happens hence I will just supply the files here and try not to theorize.

Xorg.0.log - This was the log output when I got the X display working Xorg.o.log.old - This was the log output when the X display was black/blank Also to highlight that I am using the latest kernel release that is still being tested I guess so maybe it is also a bug in the kernel?

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 Over With The Same Packages As In FC10

Jun 9, 2009

I'd like to try a clean install instead of an upgrade from FC10 to FC11. What is a good way of getting the list of all packages that were installed through yum, and how do I feed that list to yum on a newly installed FC11?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Revert Back To Fc10 Or Force Install Of Fc11?

May 15, 2010

After trying to do a upgrade to fc11 from fc10 it seems i am stuck between them. the grub loader only shows 1 fc11 kernel, but when i try yum update all the updates are fc10, Some libs are so.8 and some are so.7 namely libssl.so.8 and the missing deps are libssl.so.7.

is there a way to revert back to fc10 or force install of fc11.

compaq evo n400c

no floppy no cdrom can get usb flash to work.

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Fedora Installation :: Yum Not Working After Upgrade From FC10 To FC11

Jun 22, 2009

I've been running FC10 with all updates and had downloaded the FC11 DVD. Yesterday I upgraded to FC 11 using the DVD and it appeared that everything went fine. However when I tried to do ayum updateI got the following error. There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named yum

install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is:

2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

go to the yum faq at: [URL] I'm not sure what to do next. I also noticed that all my previously configured repositories are lost.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded To FC11 From FC10 / System Freezes / Hangs

Jun 24, 2009

I upgraded from FC10 to FC11 yesterday.I had no problems using FC11 after I looked into the bootloader (not intuitive - Ha!).Tried to boot up this morning; and things seemed to work well until I tried to call up Firefox (added a few themes yesterday).The window pops open; but the computer freezes on the spot with an alarm (generic "beep", w/o the finishing "p").Tried it with Epiphany; and I get the same results with the exception of actually getting to the Home Page.Yum works for the most part - I reinstalled Firefox (no effect); but couldn't reinstall epiphany (keeps saying "there is no such package - did you mean 'epiphany'". No typos on my part - go figure). Doing Software/Package Updates (via System Menu) freezes the box as well.Did it with the system monitor on. It doesn't appear to be related to CPU Usage.

Had a FC10 liveUSB and used it for awhile (e.g. to check out the forums). After giving my ISP some grief about downloading speed, immediately received a note from their Abuse Department, saying that my machine had been infected with a virus and had been sending spam emails (post upgrade to FC11).

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Fedora Installation :: Force The Upgrade FC10 - FC11 With Online Download?

Aug 2, 2009

How can I force the upgrade FC10 -> FC11 with online download? Somewhere in Software Update settings?

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Fedora Installation :: Enable Desktop Effects With Intel On Board Graphics Card On 10?

Jan 16, 2009

How to enable Desktop Effects with Intel on board Graphics Card on Fedora 10?

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Fedora Hardware :: Intel Graphics Card - Enable Desktop Effects - Graphics Just Crashes And Freezes

Jan 27, 2011

I have been trying to enable compiz on my fedora 14, but when i enable the desktop effects the graphics just crashes and fedora freezes. When i type lspci -nnk | grep VGA for the graphics card i get:

I made alot of research on how to get Intel graphics work on Fedora, but couldnt find any solution

Same problem I had with Fedora Core 12 and 13.

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Ubuntu Installation :: X201 Black Screen On Bootup With 10.04 RC (can't Get Intel Xorg Driver To Install)

Apr 27, 2010

Pretty much what the title says.. a few more details:

- I installed 10.04 using the alternative install so I've been doing all this in safe mode
- I installed a newer kernel (2.6.33) and still black screen
- I tried to install an updated Intel xorg driver, but I kept getting dependency errors (xorg, x11, something else)

I read another thread on this forum from a user who is using the same platform (Intel HM55), and I got stuck at the last point (can't get Intel xorg driver to install).

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Fedora :: After Upd FC10 To FC11 Yum Not Working?

Oct 12, 2009

I recently update FC10 to FC11 and Yum has stopped working. Also, "Add/Remove Software" has no packages listed. And, I have no Software repositories listed. When I try to run Yum I get the following:

There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 10.04 Desktop But The Screen Goes Black After - Dots - Logo ?

Sep 14, 2010

Trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 desktop (amd64) on this brand new system:

I connected the Dell ST2410 24" Full HD Widescreen LCD to the HDMI port on the ATI card and Windows 7 boots up just fine.

So then I put in the "ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso" CD in drive and reboot the system. I see the Ubuntu logo with the dots for a while and then the LCD goes black. The LCD reports that there is no signal from the system. The power light in front of the LCD goes from white to amber. The keyboard stops responding.

I power off everything, remove the Ubuntu CD and reboot the system and it works fine again with Windows 7.

The CD has no problems. At boot time, I checked it for defects and it reports no errors. At boot time, I used this same CD to check the system for memory errors. No memory errors. I used the same CD to install Ubuntu on other systems and had no problems.

The 16X DVDRW Drive has no problems. In Windows 7 it can play CDs and DVDs.

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Fedora :: Does FC11's KDE 4.2 Replace The FC10 KDE Taskbar

Jun 15, 2009

Once of the biggest issues I had with FC10's KDE desktop was its taskbar widget and how it worked. It did not group tasks, didn't stack vertically, etc. etc. I understand this was due to KDE 4.1 which was a or is considered a "broken" KDE release? I've read that many ppl say KDE 4.2 is much better in FC11. Many FC11 reviewers state they like its KDE version better than 4.1 shipped with FC10.

However, has the KDE taskbar widget specifically been replaced or upgraded? Anyway, I'm considering an upgrade, and I'm willing to do it JUST to get another taskbar in KDE... if the 4.2 one is an improvement. Fondest wish is for it to be exactly like the KDE 3.5 taskbar widget from FC6!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen With GMA HD Graphics?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm trying to run 10.10 off a USB. On one computer with a nice discrete AMD graphics card, the thing boots fine. On a Dell Latitude e6510 with Intel HD Graphics (the one that comes with a Core i7) I get to the boot screen, the initial text crawl, and then the screen blanks.

Now, I can hear the standard Ubuntu start up noise about 20 seconds later so I know everything is running, just the video driver is not.

I can not do a CD install or anything off the hard drive, only the USB. I'm wondering if anyone knows some edit you can do at the boot menu (using tab) to revert to some graphics safe mode.

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Fedora Servers :: FC11 Cannot Start BIND After Upgrade From FC10

Jul 8, 2009

I'm having a problem getting BIND to start after doing the FC10->FC11 upgrade. Others have been reporting some bad symbolic links, but this isn't that problem. I've searched the forums here, but I don't see anything like this anywhere.

Here's what I see:


[root@atomu etc]# /etc/init.d/named start
Starting named: [FAILED]

So, no error message. Logs read as follows:


Jul 8 00:38:00 atomu named[2414]: starting BIND 9.6.1-RedHat-9.6.1-2.fc11 -u named
Jul 8 00:38:00 atomu named[2414]: built with '--build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--target=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc'


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Programs That Work In FC10 And FC12 Develop In FC11

Apr 7, 2010

I have programs that work in FC10 and FC12, but when I run them on FC11, i get behaviour that is very similar to a deadlock. They don't crash or anything. It just seems that all program output stops at one point and never resumes. I am wondering if FC11 has any known threading issues that one may need to know about before trying to use it to run their software from FC10 or FC12. Maybe something in the way that threading is handled differently from FC10 or FC12 that is not necessarily a problem, but just needs to be kept in mind when writing code for FC11.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphics Driver - 10.10 - Get A Black Screen Of Nothing On Restart

Aug 7, 2011

i cant install my graphics drivers. Everytime i do, i get a black screen of nothing on restart. I'm running ubuntu 10.10. here are my graphics cards.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Intel 82865G Chipset - Black Screen During Installation?

Jun 29, 2010

I have spent the better part of 2 days perusing these forums for assistance. Here is the short story:I run a 7 year old custom build with a 82865G Intel Chipset and a NVIDIA FX5200 graphics card. Had been running a sluggish XP and after adding 2GB of fresh RAM wished to start fresh with my old friend, Ubuntu.

I've tried 10.04 LTS with and without my NVIDIA card installed with no luck. I have successfully installed 10.04 using the alternate install, but this also goes to black. I can hold shift to see GRUB and play around there, but no luck so far. I've also tried 9.10 but have not gotten past the pulsing Ubuntu image. I've seen plenty of support for NVDIA and Intel onboard graphics chips suggesting boot commands like nomodeset and i9015.modeset=0/1...it's all falling short.

I'm heavily leaning towards just installing an earlier LTS or a different linux distro all together. If there no one can help me debug, maybe someone can suggest a distro that will make me happy.

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Fedora Installation :: Fc10 - Video - Monitor Becomes Alternating Black And White Horizontal Bands

Apr 2, 2009

I am doing a new install of i86_64 on a system with a wide 22" monitor. The initial screen displays fine but after selecting "new install" the monitor becomes alternating black and white horizontal bands. the cursor is visible and tracks the mouse. The monitor is an Acer with fixed 37kHz horiz x 60 Hz vert. I assume that the gui is using a fixed (and different ) set of frequencies and is not plug-n-play. I just finished an i386 32 bit installation on another machine which went without a hitch.

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Ubuntu :: Sudden The Screen Started Flashing Black, The Same Type As When Install New Graphics Drivers?

Apr 4, 2010

I have an old machine running Ubuntu 9.10 and XP.t is a P4 and Nvidia FX5200 card.Yesterday all of a sudden the screen started flashing black, the same type as when you install new graphics drivers and the resolution is changing. Only here it keeps happening over and over, the mouse isn't usable fully, the icons and menus are distorted, and I basically can't do anything.

I ended up reinstalling 9.10 and everything was working fine until I installed EnvyNG to get my nVidia drivers. It required a restart, and once I logged in the same thing started happening. So I said screw this, and installed 8.04. Yet even in 8.04, once I used EnvyNG to install the drivers, the same thing happened.A few other detailsP works fine, although one time a similar thing happened on XP (not as bad), and was fixed with a reboot.- This PC runs through a KVM switch, but I connected it directly and the same thing happens.I've found no help via Google. Sounds like a possible hardware problem, but it seems to work fine in XP and only acts up in Ubuntu once I install drivers.

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OpenSUSE Install :: DELL Latitude E6410 - Core I7 M620 With Integrated Intel HD Graphics - Blank Screen

Aug 19, 2010

I have been unable to get both opensuse 11.2 and 11.3 32 bit versions work properly on my DELL Latitude E6410 laptop. With both 11.2 and 11.3 KDE Live CDs I get no graphical display when I attempt to boot into the Live system. VESA mode does not help either, only text mode works. So I installed the system in text mode but during the first boot the screen went blank again.

One peculiar thing is that 11.1 installs and boots fine, what gives? Is this even supported or I shouldn't even try to bother getting this setup to work? Has anyone been able to run opensuse 11.3 on a Core i7 integrated Intel graphics system with X system working?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen Using Alternate Cd On Hp Compaq 6710b (INTEL Mobile GM965/960)?

May 7, 2010

When trying to install Lucid on my HP Compaq 6710b (INTEL Mobile GM965/960 graphic controller) using the alternate i386cd with an usb pen i (re-)experiencing (known from the Jaunty installation) the following problem:Boot from USB (works) Select language (works) Choose to install ubuntu (works) Removing quit from the boot options, hit enter, see some output (works) Starting the installation interface (fail) The screen wents to black, but system seems not froozen. What i've tried to fix this issue:fb=false as bootoption (worked in jaunty, does not work with lucid) frambuffer=false

vga=123, tried all of the offered modes

vga=771 (get some screwed up output on the screen, which i guess from that the system/machine is not frozen)
xforcevesa etc

Anyone managed to install Lucids with INTEL graphics + the alternate cd? PS: I need the alternate cd to setup an encrypted system. PPS: Just tested the desktop i386 image which works flawlessly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With An I8xx Graphics Chip On 10.04 - Get Black Screen Of Death

May 26, 2010

I'm having no end of problems trying to get 10.04 onto my older Toshiba Satellite A50 laptop that I use as a spare laptop round the house. The laptop previously dual booted with XP and Xubuntu fine. I wanted to give Lubuntu a go to see if it's performance was better on this older hardware. When installing I got the black screen of death, and also got the same problem with the Xubuntu CD. Research pointed me in the way of this article: [URL] I was able to boot the Lubuntu Live CD using the instructions outlined in method A.

Once installed however I rebooted and Grub seemed to be knackered. Just sent me to a recovery console of which I had no idea what to do. As I could no longer boot into Windows either I reinstalled Xubuntu 9.10 and all was fine. I decided yesterday to give it another bash this time connecting to my wireless from the live cd hoping it would download an update to fix this problem. Nadda, Grub this time did show and I was able to boot into XP, but upon picking my Linux distro I now get an unrecognised device error with a long string of charachters and then it dumps be back into the grub menu, choosing the recovery mode version does the same thing.

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Fedora Installation :: X86 64 Black Screen At Install?

Jul 19, 2009

why do i get the black screen at install just after when it loads

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Fedora Installation :: Black Screen After Fresh Install?

Dec 8, 2009

Ok, I booted with the live cd and used Fdisk to delete all partitions and wipe the drive. I used the "Replace existing Linux system" install option and let it roll. So I reboot to the screen Flashing a _ then just black...System Info:GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3L LGA 775 Intel P45 ATX Intel Motherboard Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield 2.4GHz 2 x 4MB L2 Cache LGA 775 Quad-Core Processor MSI R4850-T2D512 Radeon HD 4850 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video CardSeagate Barracuda 7200.10 ST3250410AS 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard DriveKingston HyperX 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model KHX8500D2K2/2GRYes i did just copy my old newegg orders I'm brand new to fedora as well so I apologize if this a newb mistake.---------- Post added at 05:54 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM CST ----------Update: I went and wiped the drive again and tried a different install method (use entire drive)After rebooting i spammed esc and got into grub and loaded fedora in nomodeset After going thro all the lisence and reg stuff it prompted me to log in, I did and once again im left with a black screen with a _

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Fedora Installation :: F13 Black Screen During Install From Any Source?

Jun 26, 2010

trying to install F13 onto an older HP a1610n, which uses an nvidia 6150LE chipset. While booting from the install media, the screen goes completely black. The machine isn't hung, as from the DVD activity LED, it's still dutifully doing its thing, just not letting me see any of it. I'm thinking/hoping some kernel parameters might help, but I can't seem to find out what they would be.

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Fedora Installation :: Fc5 To Fc10 Upgrade - All Desktop Icons Have Disappeared

May 4, 2009

I tried doing an upgrade straight from fc5 to fc10. The upgrade seemed to go all right but once it was completed I've noticed some issues. My main issues are these:

1. After the upgrade all my desktop icons have disappeared and I'm not sure how to recover them. (this applies to all user account on a home machine)

2. When I click the right mouse button on the desktop I get no context menu but I do get the menu when I right click on my top or bottom menu bars.

3. When I try to launch any applications, games, etc., I see the icon show up in the bottom menu bar for a few seconds but then it disappears and the application never launches.

Those are the primary problems I'm encountering right now. I know the files in the home directories are still there (I did CTRL-ALT-F2 into a terminal and logged in as root. Normally I would've done CTRL-ALT-F1 but when I did I saw acpid messages and no prompt.) I've looked through the forums here but nothing I came across quite seemed to fit my needs.

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