Fedora Installation :: F15 Doesn't Show Up In Grub?

Jun 4, 2011

I just upgraded to F15 from 14 and F15 doesn't show up in GRUB only 2 kernels of F14. I can't obviously boot into either one, so now I am stuck with nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Show Up In GRUB

Jan 14, 2011

I installed it from a cd and it wouldn't work. (froze in the process). I then tried to install it through windows wubi and that didn't work (wouldnt boot) since I was unaware it was a known issue and thought it was me doing something wrong I uninstalled it,reformatted the hard drive and tried to install via a cd again this time it fully iinstalled but when I rebooted it tells me unable to mount drives and a shell will be shown.

in the end I have no files on ubuntu so I would like to clean up all reminance of the previous installs and be able to use a working install. since I have been installing and reistalling for the better part of 8 hours.Yexcuse the post sloppiness using my phone)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Doesn't Show Up At Startup

May 7, 2011

I have a dual-boot setup with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04. Each OS is installed on a separate partition of one hard drive. I read that installing Windows after installing Ubuntu wipes out Grub, so I made sure to install Windows first. Unfortunately, after completing the Ubuntu install and rebooting, I see no sign of the Grub menu. I followed several sets of instructions for reinstalling Grub, and after running grub-update, it appears that Windows 7 was added to Grub, and after examining the grub.cfg file, it appeared that that was the case. Despite appearing to be installed perfectly once inside Ubuntu, Grub doesn't show anything at startup. No matter what I try, I can't seem to make Grub appear, and now I can't get back to Windows 7. Am I missing something, or should I try a different bootloader?

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Fedora Installation :: Repair Grub Through Grub-ubstall - /dev/dsa Doesn't Exist

Jan 17, 2009

I am trying to install my laptop in a triple-boot configuration with Fedora 10, Windows XP and Windows 7 beta. I did already installed them in that order. This is how it is layed out on the harddisk:

Now i want to use grub to present a menu at boot so i can select an OS. Because I installed XP last it boots straight into XP. I've understood i should be able to do the following:

All goes well until the last step (grub-install). It gives an error stating that /dev/sda doesn't exist, which is correct; It doesn't. I do have the "device" listed outside of the chrooted environment.

My question is: How do I get /dev/sda available in my chrooted environment?

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Fedora Installation :: USB Show Countdown But Doesn't Boot

Jun 15, 2010

I created a Fedora 13 x86 live image on USB using [URL] I've set it to boot using the USB and when it does I see the 10 sec countdown (or the options if I press a key), I tried all the options to boot the image but the screen just turns black for a few seconds and then the the monitor goes into "power saving mode" and nothing happens (I waited like 10 minutes). What's going on? I am trying to install fedora into an empty (secondary) HD, in the main HD I only have a win XP, and I don't want to burn a cd/dvd that's why I am trying to boot the USB.

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Install Doesn't Show Ubuntu Partition

Jun 16, 2010

I had Vista installed then Ubuntu Grub showed both... then I wanted to try Fedora 13 an after install I had Fedora Bootloader but it only shows Fedora / other and other is Vista... how do I manually enter Ubuntu partition into /boot/grub.conf or should I just reinstall ubuntu grub and hopefully that will pick up vista and fedora? Lost on where to go with this.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Doesn't Show Windows 7?

Aug 15, 2010

I have a new netbook - "Eee PC 1005PE-PU27-BK" and installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04, Kernel Linux 2.6.32-24-generic. I love Ubuntu, but I also want to be able to access Windows 7 if I can. I've read some on GRUB, but the menu on startup isn't showing my Windows 7 instance. I've tried reinstalling GRUB, but when I run sudo update-grub, I still get this:

Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-generic
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin

I know that Windows 7 is still on the system, I just can't access it.

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General :: Fix Grub Loader Doesn't Show Up

Jul 12, 2011

i have a Computer with windows vista and Ubuntu dual booted, the thing is i upgraded to win 7 and now the grub loader doesn't show up. Ive tried all the usual fixes but i cant fix it all i need is a CD ore something to get me into the Linux install

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Ubuntu :: Windows Doesn't Show Up On GRUB / Solution For This?

Dec 4, 2010

I just reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 (I was running it wubi but various issues prompted me to install it in a separate partition) and now windows isn't an option in the GRUB. I have windows Vista on /dev/sda2 and I can see it on GParted.

I tried looking through some of the other posts, but I think that I need some direct help with this one. I have tried update-grub and nothing changed.

I don't use Windows often, but it is nice to have the option.

All this is running on a Toshiba Saellite A215

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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 Error Delays Startup, Doesn't Show Menu

Oct 12, 2010

I'm encountering an unusual problem with GRUB 2. Whenever I start up my system, my BIOS'es load and do their thing, and then hand the show over to GRUB, which is supposed to not appear or do anything because my GRUB countdown is set to 0, but instead I get two errors like this that appear for about 5 or 10 seconds (greatly delaying startup) and then Xubuntu, the first entry on my Grub menu, loads: (I set GRUB to automatically boot my first entry):

error: no suitable mode found
error: unknown command 'terminal'

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Grub Doesn't Find Debian?

Jun 12, 2011

I had XP, Debian and F14 installed. Bootloader was the Grub from F14.

I installed F15 from DVD overwriting F14. In the new grub.conf I added:


title Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
title Debian


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Fedora Installation :: FC10 Grub; Kubuntu Doesn't Boot?

Jan 20, 2009

I am trying to boot kubutu from FC10's grub. FC10 is in MBR, installed kubuntu without grub. Is that a problem for me now? I mean, should I need to install kubutu grub in order to boot from FC10 grub? I tried with these methods but nothing works:

title Kubuntu 8.10 Linux
chainloader +1
title Kubuntu 8.10 Linux


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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Recognize Fedora For Grub On Install / Solve This?

Jan 23, 2010

First time this has happened. I installed Fedora first (XP already installed) and then installed Ubuntu 9.10 64. Fedora doesn't show up on boot up menu. I've tried update-grub.
Before I would have just edited menu.lst, but now?? I dunno.
edit; Here's fdisk with Fedora on sda6

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Fedora Installation :: Grub Boot Loader Doesn't Work For Core 12 And WinXP?

Jun 7, 2010

I have an HP Pavilion m7480n PC with Windows XP installed on the C-drive. I successfully installed FC 12 onto the spare USB drive. When I rebooted the PC all I got was a blinking underscore at the extreme upper left position of a totally black screen. After a bit of experimenting I found that if I hit the F1 key during the boot process, go into the BIOS setup, do nothing within the setup, and press ESC to get out of the setup then the PC will go back into the boot cycle a second time. During the second time however a small text message appears with words to the effect "Press any key to enter GRUB..." after which the GRUB splash screen comes up with the choice for FC 12 or "Other" (referring to Win XP). At that point I can boot into either one.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - Installer From F13 LiveCD Doesn't Detect Other OS - So Grub Conf Is Wrong

Oct 13, 2010

I've just installed Fedora (F13) for the first time, on a new HDD, to give myself a dual-boot system. So currently I have:

So, at the appropriate stage in the install menu, there is an option for where to install GRUB, and a drop-down to choose which drive is the primary BIOS boot drive.

However, in both cases, no other drive except my new sdc is visible. So, I can install GRUB to MBR of sdc, or to first sector of boot partition - but no option to put it to my primary boot drive MBR on sda.

Likewise, in the GRUB configuration page, if I go to Add another OS, the only option it gives me is my new Fedora install. It doesn't list the Vista OS on sda at all.

The result is that I can boot to either OS by changing the boot drive priority in BIOS.

I guess my question is this:
- is this expected behaviour from the installer, meaning that I'll need to configure GRUB manually somehow? (gulp ) or
- did I do something wrong in the install process? or
- is this some weird bug manifesting itself?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Reinstall Doesn't Generate Grub.cfg?

Dec 10, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.10 running on my HP dv5 pavilion laptop So today i tried to reinstall grub on my pc .. i removed grub-pc and grub-common using synaptic then booted up with a live cd of ubuntu 10.04 i then mounted sda11 to mnt using sudo mount /dev/sda11 /mnt sda11 being my ubuntu directory containing the /boot then i installed grub to it using sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda it reported as installation finished.No error reported then i unmounted /mnt and checked for /boot/grub/grub.cfg seems like the file is missing so are the files in /etc/grub.d/ reinstall my grub back

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restart Lap But It Doesn't Show Anything

Apr 18, 2011

i kept ubuntu cd into my laptop and then i restart my lap but it doesnt show anything ,again it shows my windows xp,i need to install ubuntu and i dont want delete xp,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't Show Vista?

Feb 6, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 onto my second hard drive, and now I can't boot into Vista (installed on hard drive #1). Grub2 just doesn't seem to be recognizing that there is a Windows Vista installation on the first hard drive.

I followed this guide (with Fabien's changes) because it seemed like they were having the exact same problem. But after rebooting, Vista is still not showing in the GRUB menu. In fact, the GRUB menu doesn't even show up unless I press Shift because it thinks that Ubuntu is the only OS installed on my computer.

My results with boot_info_script:

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for (UUID=e94a058d-1d19-4a98-924b-1a5fce405bdd)/boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb sda1:


When I was installing Ubuntu to HD2 (the 500gb one), I got a peculiar message saying that Windows was installed on it. There wasn't anything on HD2 though, because Windows Vista was most definitely installed on HD1.

However, if I chose to overwrite HD1 with Ubuntu, the message wouldn't come up. It seemed like the installer was confused as to which hard drive actually held my Windows Vista install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Game Doesn't Show Up In The Applications?

Aug 10, 2010

When I download a game from the Ubuntu Software manager, it doesn't show up in the applications. Is there another place where the files are located? And how can I execute them? I am trying to run Mednafen

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity Desktop Doesn't Show?

May 10, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 netbook edition to 11.04 and something went wrong. After the grub menu I get the password window on that typical magenta screen with lights. Afterwards I get a message, that the netbook connected to the internet, but the Unity desktop doesnt show. Still the magenta desktop without anything. Already have tried to select the previous linux edition on the grub-menu, but no change.

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Fedora Installation :: Grub Doesn't "see" Fedora On Triple Boot System?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm brand new to Fedora. I ran the live cd and installed Fedora. I then installed OpenSUSE and Mint. When Mint formated the hard drive, Fedora wasn't in the graphic, even though sda1 was ext4 and sda3 was lvm2. When Mint rebotted, Mint and OpenSUSE were on the menu, but Fedora wasn't.

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Fedora :: Eclipse - CDT Doesn't Show A Selection For C++

Jun 30, 2010

Fedora 13...using yumex I installed everything for eclipse/CDT C/C++.

However when creating a new project, no option fpr C++ is shown.

Obviously Eclipse doesn't know CDT exists!

I want to eventually add Qt 4.6.2

Here is what I have:

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Fedora :: MTP Device Doesn't Show Up On Amarok

Nov 13, 2010

I have a Sansa Clip + ,it works just fine in MSC mode. I wanted to give a try to the MTP mode. But it does not show up in Amarok. I have libmtp installed and mtp-detect does show up the device information.

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Doesn't Show Sub-menus / Show That?

Oct 14, 2010

Anyway since I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 when I right-click on something and there is another menu in that menu, it doesn't show up for the first time!

for example if I want to create a an "Empty File", I'll right-click on desktop and when I want to go to "Create Document" menu, it doesn't show up! so I must click somewhere else and try again so for the second time it works!!

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Menu Option Does Not Show Up In Grub

Jun 10, 2010

I've had two students report a problem whereby Ubuntu does not show up as a menu option in Grub. Both systems used Wubi installations of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop for x86 on Windows XP. In both cases, Ubuntu completed the installation process. Upon reboot, we have the options to choose between Windows XP and Ubuntu. However, once we enter into Grub, only the Windows XP option shows.

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Debian Installation :: Bootloader Doesn't Show After System Reboot

May 9, 2015

I wanted to switch to Linux from Windows so I decide to install Debian. The installation completed successfully but after that the bootloader doesn't show after the system reboot. So it is just black screen. I have an option for booting Debian (which will go to a black screen) and go to command line which looks like command prompt in Windows. I tried going to the command and it shows


I don't know which command to input since I'm a newbie and not familiar with Linux. I installed Debian from USB using unetbootin. What I should do to successfully install Debian?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Doesn't Show Partion Tables?

Feb 16, 2010

I am about to make a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10 on my 160gb hdd and keep my home directory. Here I also have Windows XP installed, the swap, home and root. All of these are done manually and given names such as 'sda1', 'sda5' ect.(I do see them in system monitor > file systems) The problem is that the installer doesn't seem to show me these tables. I only get a 160gb big chunk. GParted will not show it either (but as root is running from their I guess it cant?).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Doesn't Show Panels On Startup?

May 20, 2010

I have a computer with pentium 3 that i'd like to run ubuntu 10.04 on. I've installed it from a livecd (the cd is fine, because i used that cd to install 10.04 on another machine, and its working perfectly). The installation went fine, and on the first boot everything worked fine as well. but when i tried it again, the computer started but at the desktop there were no panels on the top or bottom, although every thing else was working.

I could use Alt+F2 to run any application that comes preinstalled on the ubuntu cd including the terminal, but i can't access Applications, Places, System, etc.

Everytime at startup during boot there is a message that prints "error: no suitable mode found" "error :unknown command 'terminal'" (without the quotes).

this computer has a bit of a history as i once tried to install linux mint on it but failed because of a bad livecd. the grub got installed wrongly, tried to reinstall xp, didn't work, then ultimately after trying a few other things turned to DBAN, which surprisingly also failed crashing everytime i ran it before completing its erase, which leads me to believe that Dban didn't leave my hard drives in too good a condition. when the ubuntu live cd worked however i was ignited with a brand new spark of hope, and even that now is starting to diminish, is there no hope for my pentium 3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 RC Partitioner Doesn't Show Exisiting Partitions

Oct 6, 2010

I went to install the 10.10 RC yesterday but to my surprise when I got to the partitioning stage it showed up my drive as being blank, with no existing partitions.

Has anybody else had this issue? I'm not sure what to do as I had the same issue on the beta, I just assumed it would be fixed.

I have a 500GB Sata HDD and i'm running an AMD64 processor so the RC was the amd_64 version.

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Fedora :: Grub Loader Does Not Always Show At Boot Up

Oct 11, 2009

I got the grub loader to work finally. The problem is it does not always display at initial boot or a restart. I have seen the selection menu but it doesn't always appear. I have it set to point to windows so that my wife can hit enter when she gets a blank screen.

Below is the contents of my /etc/grub.conf file:

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