Ubuntu Installation :: Unity Desktop Doesn't Show?

May 10, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 netbook edition to 11.04 and something went wrong. After the grub menu I get the password window on that typical magenta screen with lights. Afterwards I get a message, that the netbook connected to the internet, but the Unity desktop doesnt show. Still the magenta desktop without anything. Already have tried to select the previous linux edition on the grub-menu, but no change.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Recorder For Unity Doesn't Work?

Mar 2, 2011

I would use Istanbul but it was made for the gnome desktop so it doesn't work. I'm using unity 11.04 natty.

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Ubuntu :: Clock Doesn't Show On Unity Panel?

Apr 29, 2011

I have upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 yesterday, but i found that there isn't any clock show on the top right side of the unity panel. I would like it to appear on the panel. How can i fix that?

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Ubuntu :: Show Desktop - Indicator In Unity-Panel?

Mar 11, 2011

In ubuntu 11.04 unity, i miss the icon to show the desktop with just one click (like in the gnome-panel).

Is there a possibility to get the "show desktop"-indicator?

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Ubuntu :: Show Desktop 11.04 (Unity) When I Hover Over A Corner?

Apr 21, 2011

Well I'm using the new 11.04 Ubuntu and would like to have a show desktop when I hover over a corner.
Any info on how to do this would be great.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Files And Folders Search Doesn't Show 'old' Files?

Jul 20, 2011

I have noticed that the files and folders search in Unity, only shows up those files which have been amended (or possibly just opened) since the install.

i was wondering if there was a way i could have the search index (or something vaguely equivalent) all the files on my machine. This is especially important given that i reinstall the OS every six months on a new distribution cycle, copying all my old files across.

Without being able to see my old files the search is pretty much reduced to a recent history search.

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Fedora :: Desktop - Doesn't Show Any Icons - Any Menu

May 31, 2011

I cant do anything with my desktop... It doesn't show any icons, it doesn't show any menu when I right click on it.. it's useless. I am new to Fedora 15 and GNOME 3

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Ubuntu :: Show Desktop - Hide Windows Button Doesn't Work?

Jun 17, 2010

noticed that the button at the bottom left corner of the desktop doesn't work.It is supposed to hide everything on the desktop and when clicked again bring everything back.I was jacking around (learning) with Compiz yesterday, but not sure how that could affect it.

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General :: Main Menu Doesn't Show My App Launcher (desktop File) / Why Is So?

Aug 6, 2010

I've just started out learning to program and I'm making a "Radio Scheduler" for my brother as a mini project. I wanted to make an "install" script, which would add an item to Ubuntu's Main Menu. I believe all that is necessary is to create a .desktop file and place it it /usr/share/applications/? This seemed to work fine when I tried it out on 10.10, but I've now tried it on two 10.04 systems (one virtual) and despite it being in the applications folder (so it moved in okay), it isn't showing up at all in the menu. code...

I'm not entirely sure about some of that (categories for instance), as I just used another file as a reference. But it seemed to work fine on my 10.10 system, so I don't understand why it won't show up on the others? Should be in Sound & Video if I'm correct... I'm still pretty new to Linux, so sorry if I've got anything completely wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Open Preferences - Doesn't Show Icons On The Desktop When Install Notebook Edition?

Dec 19, 2010

how do i open preferences... also, when i installed the notebook edition,, it doesn't show my icons on the desktop.. :/

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General :: Desktop Doesn't Show Any Icons In Kubuntu / Reset To Initial Stage When I First Installed?

Dec 2, 2010

I installed kubuntu few days back. By clicking blindly I lost my desktop - I mean it is working fine but there are no icons on the desktop and there is no task bar with list of programs.

How can I reset to the initial stage when i first installed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity Doesn't Support ATI Radeon?

Apr 27, 2011

I've just installed 11.04 but can't have unity since it doesn't support ATI Radeon HD 5600 series along other ATI cards. Anyone who knows when ubuntu is planning to solve this problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity Doesn't Autostart On Login

May 3, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10, and there were no apparent problems during install. However, Unity doesn't start when I use the Ubuntu session from GDM. I have guake terminal installed, which starts correctly, so if I open that and run unity as a background process, everything works perfectly. I would like a solution other than adding it to my startup apps, because I still use GNOME every now and then.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reverse Unity Desktop Installation

Nov 28, 2010

I made the big mistake of installing the preview version of the new Unity desktop that will be part of 11.04.I now have a computer that runs like a dog and it is near impossible to do anything. I have tried to find anything on how to reverse back to the standard Gnome desktop, but all I can find is instructions on how to install it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use Of Unity Desktop - No 3D Support

Dec 4, 2010

When the live CD is booted up, there is a notice saying Ubuntu is sorry, as there is no 3D support in the laptop. If the Live CD doesn't see the video card etc, then there is a problem. The laptop has NVidia Geforce 310M, meaning it has the 3D support, only Ubuntu doesn't see it on live boot, so what the use of the Unity desktop? The Gnome starts up.

I have seen Gnome, but I'd like to see Unity. How can I do it? I can of course download the NVidia driver. But to activate the driver, I have to restart the laptop, then the Live session would go away. By the way, if Linux to be everybody's OS, I think the "restricted" drivers should be included, as they are allowed by the owners to be downloaded!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Put Apps On Desktop 11.04 Using Unity / Do That?

May 7, 2011

After installing 11.04 and trying out the new Unity desktop, I can't put any applications on my desktop. I get the following error message. code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot To Unity - Desktop Blank

Apr 30, 2011

I can boot Natty in classic mode only. When I try to boot to the Unity desktop all I get is a screen with nothing on it. When I installed it was booting to Unity fine. When I booted to classic mode then back to Unity I get the problem

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unity Launcher Doesn't Hide Itself Anymore / X After Package Upgrades

May 31, 2011

I've upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 some weeks ago and after some minor tweaking everything has been working fine. But all of a sudden, it seems after some package upgrades, I'm experiencing strange behavior: The first thing I noticed is that after reboot the default application that should be kept in the Unity Launcher have all disappeared. The unity launcher doesn't hide itself anymore. The unity launcher does not react to changes I make via the 'System Settings'->'compizConfig settings manager'->'Ubuntu unity plugin' menu (icon sizes in launcher, hiding method, etc.). Even after logout/login or reboot the changes aren't applied, although the corresponding settings in the configuration menus remain changed.

One application that used to work as a charm started giving the following error on startup: The program 'VESTA' received an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the program. The error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'. (Details: serial 489 error_code 3 request_code 138 minor_code 4) Since yesterday everything was still working properly and today I get this strange behavior, it seems that something must have changed in between. The only changes on the system in the last 24 hours are the upgrades of the following packages:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Show Up In GRUB

Jan 14, 2011

I installed it from a cd and it wouldn't work. (froze in the process). I then tried to install it through windows wubi and that didn't work (wouldnt boot) since I was unaware it was a known issue and thought it was me doing something wrong I uninstalled it,reformatted the hard drive and tried to install via a cd again this time it fully iinstalled but when I rebooted it tells me unable to mount drives and a shell will be shown.

in the end I have no files on ubuntu so I would like to clean up all reminance of the previous installs and be able to use a working install. since I have been installing and reistalling for the better part of 8 hours.Yexcuse the post sloppiness using my phone)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restart Lap But It Doesn't Show Anything

Apr 18, 2011

i kept ubuntu cd into my laptop and then i restart my lap but it doesnt show anything ,again it shows my windows xp,i need to install ubuntu and i dont want delete xp,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't Show Vista?

Feb 6, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 onto my second hard drive, and now I can't boot into Vista (installed on hard drive #1). Grub2 just doesn't seem to be recognizing that there is a Windows Vista installation on the first hard drive.

I followed this guide (with Fabien's changes) because it seemed like they were having the exact same problem. But after rebooting, Vista is still not showing in the GRUB menu. In fact, the GRUB menu doesn't even show up unless I press Shift because it thinks that Ubuntu is the only OS installed on my computer.

My results with boot_info_script:

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for (UUID=e94a058d-1d19-4a98-924b-1a5fce405bdd)/boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb sda1:


When I was installing Ubuntu to HD2 (the 500gb one), I got a peculiar message saying that Windows was installed on it. There wasn't anything on HD2 though, because Windows Vista was most definitely installed on HD1.

However, if I chose to overwrite HD1 with Ubuntu, the message wouldn't come up. It seemed like the installer was confused as to which hard drive actually held my Windows Vista install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Game Doesn't Show Up In The Applications?

Aug 10, 2010

When I download a game from the Ubuntu Software manager, it doesn't show up in the applications. Is there another place where the files are located? And how can I execute them? I am trying to run Mednafen

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Doesn't Show Up At Startup

May 7, 2011

I have a dual-boot setup with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04. Each OS is installed on a separate partition of one hard drive. I read that installing Windows after installing Ubuntu wipes out Grub, so I made sure to install Windows first. Unfortunately, after completing the Ubuntu install and rebooting, I see no sign of the Grub menu. I followed several sets of instructions for reinstalling Grub, and after running grub-update, it appears that Windows 7 was added to Grub, and after examining the grub.cfg file, it appeared that that was the case. Despite appearing to be installed perfectly once inside Ubuntu, Grub doesn't show anything at startup. No matter what I try, I can't seem to make Grub appear, and now I can't get back to Windows 7. Am I missing something, or should I try a different bootloader?

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Ubuntu Installation :: DVD Player Does Not Show Up On Desktop

May 12, 2010

I had no problems upgrading from Karmic Koala to Lucid Lynx and all data/documents were preserved. However my DVD player does not show up on the desktop when a DVD is put in and Movie Player won't play.

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Doesn't Show Sub-menus / Show That?

Oct 14, 2010

Anyway since I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 when I right-click on something and there is another menu in that menu, it doesn't show up for the first time!

for example if I want to create a an "Empty File", I'll right-click on desktop and when I want to go to "Create Document" menu, it doesn't show up! so I must click somewhere else and try again so for the second time it works!!

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Doesn't Show Up In Grub?

Jun 4, 2011

I just upgraded to F15 from 14 and F15 doesn't show up in GRUB only 2 kernels of F14. I can't obviously boot into either one, so now I am stuck with nothing.

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Install Doesn't Show Ubuntu Partition

Jun 16, 2010

I had Vista installed then Ubuntu Grub showed both... then I wanted to try Fedora 13 an after install I had Fedora Bootloader but it only shows Fedora / other and other is Vista... how do I manually enter Ubuntu partition into /boot/grub.conf or should I just reinstall ubuntu grub and hopefully that will pick up vista and fedora? Lost on where to go with this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Doesn't Show Partion Tables?

Feb 16, 2010

I am about to make a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10 on my 160gb hdd and keep my home directory. Here I also have Windows XP installed, the swap, home and root. All of these are done manually and given names such as 'sda1', 'sda5' ect.(I do see them in system monitor > file systems) The problem is that the installer doesn't seem to show me these tables. I only get a 160gb big chunk. GParted will not show it either (but as root is running from their I guess it cant?).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Doesn't Show Panels On Startup?

May 20, 2010

I have a computer with pentium 3 that i'd like to run ubuntu 10.04 on. I've installed it from a livecd (the cd is fine, because i used that cd to install 10.04 on another machine, and its working perfectly). The installation went fine, and on the first boot everything worked fine as well. but when i tried it again, the computer started but at the desktop there were no panels on the top or bottom, although every thing else was working.

I could use Alt+F2 to run any application that comes preinstalled on the ubuntu cd including the terminal, but i can't access Applications, Places, System, etc.

Everytime at startup during boot there is a message that prints "error: no suitable mode found" "error :unknown command 'terminal'" (without the quotes).

this computer has a bit of a history as i once tried to install linux mint on it but failed because of a bad livecd. the grub got installed wrongly, tried to reinstall xp, didn't work, then ultimately after trying a few other things turned to DBAN, which surprisingly also failed crashing everytime i ran it before completing its erase, which leads me to believe that Dban didn't leave my hard drives in too good a condition. when the ubuntu live cd worked however i was ignited with a brand new spark of hope, and even that now is starting to diminish, is there no hope for my pentium 3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 RC Partitioner Doesn't Show Exisiting Partitions

Oct 6, 2010

I went to install the 10.10 RC yesterday but to my surprise when I got to the partitioning stage it showed up my drive as being blank, with no existing partitions.

Has anybody else had this issue? I'm not sure what to do as I had the same issue on the beta, I just assumed it would be fixed.

I have a 500GB Sata HDD and i'm running an AMD64 processor so the RC was the amd_64 version.

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