Ubuntu :: Set Default Applications In PCMan File Manager?

Feb 3, 2010

I have tried to make my own buntu running LXDE as the desktop environment though it is running smoothly on an old laptop it has a certain problem.

I have installed PCMan File Manager as the default file manager for the LXDE and not Thunar or Dolphin, but, I have a problem with opening files from there. The default application set to open all file types is the Terminal.

What I currently do to open the file is right click and choose "Open with.." to open the file in the appropriate application. Is there a way to set the default applications?

I have Ubuntu 9.10 from minimal CD install then got LXDE and installed the following applications aside from the applications that came with LXDE:

-OpenOffice.org suite
-Mozilla Firefox
-Google Picasa
-VLC Player

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Ubuntu :: PCMan File Manager File/folder Numbers In Wrong Order?

Jul 25, 2011

I have recently switched to using LXDE on my PC and I am on the whole pretty pleased with it. However,PCMan is giving me a really odd problem. Some of the files/folders are being displayed in the wrong order where they contain numbers. They are being ordered by their first digit not the whole number.


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OpenSUSE :: LXDE PCMan (Pacman) File Manger Does Not Boot/open BUG?

Sep 8, 2011

I have been using OpenSuse 11.4 LXDE version for about 6-8 months. All worked fine. I noticed a few days ago that my file manager would not start from the tool-bar menu. I went to the kick of menu to find "File Manager" under system tools and it would not start from there either. I created a new folder on the desktop and tried opening it - it would not open. I can only assume its some sort of a bug and most likely occurred because of the recent computer update (I get regular notifications to update my system so I do it).

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Fedora :: Cannot Change Default Applications Or File Associations

Jun 15, 2011

I recently upgraded to Fedora 15 and am super-happy with it. Unfortunately, I have a minor issue that I haven't yet figured out how to fix: I can't change the default applications or the file type associations. For instance, I'd like to set Chromium as my default browser. When I first login, I tell it to set itself as default. But after I end my session and log back it, Firefox is back to being the default browser.

I have the same issues when trying to change what applications open filetypes. .rtf files have been opening in Wordpad in Wine. When I try to change it to Writer through the "Open with" dialog, it retains the change for that session but resets after I log out. I actually ended up having to uninstall Calibre because it was opening .odt files instead of LibreOffice and I couldn't change it permanently.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default File Manager In Xubuntu?

May 13, 2010

Is there a GUI that will allow me to set a default file manager for Xubuntu? I would like to use the Nautilus File manager. Right now I access Nautilus from a launcher I have on my Panel. I would like to have the ability to switch file managers, set defaults etc...

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default File Manager In GNOME?

Dec 13, 2010

How can I change the default file manager in GNOME? I've got these notes but neither methods work:

Change under 'Session control' in 'Ubuntu Tweak'
Delete nautilus and type in pcmanfm or another file manager such as thunar
Quit ubuntu-tweak



gksu gedit /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-*handler.desktop

Then replace 'nautilus --no-desktop %U' to whatever you like. Example: pcmanfm %U

Save, logout & login

Update: This works. Why does the Ubuntu Tweak method not work though?


sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-*handler.desktop

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Ubuntu :: Make Dolphin The Default File-manager In 9.04?

Nov 25, 2009

I have installed dolphin in ubuntu 9.04 but whenever I click on a folder it opens with nautilus file-manager. I found no option in the folder properties for making dolphin the default file-manager !

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OpenSUSE :: Set Konqueror As Default File Manager?

May 31, 2010

I have opensuse 11.2 with KDE installed. Howto set Konqueror as default file manager?

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General :: Set Krusader As Default File Manager ?

Mar 7, 2010

I'm trying to set krusader as my default file manager. I have gone into System Settings > Default Applications > File Manager and changed Dolphin to Krusader.

When I plug in a flash card the Device Notifier pops up and I click on the device inserted. The choices I get are Digikam, Dolphin, and Do Nothing.

I click on "Dolphin" (hard coded it appears) and it looks like Krusader tries to start. I get the cursor with the bouncing krusader mini-icon and an entry in the panel, but then nothing happens. It all goes away and I'm left with a blank screen (wallpaper, actually).

I've chosen Krusader from the menu, so presumably the arguments to it are good. I have KDE 4.3.3 and krusader 2.0.0.

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Fedora :: Default File Manager In Gnome 3 After Installing XFCE?

Jul 22, 2011

I recently decided to install xfce-desktop as a fallback alternative whenever Gnome 3 has problems. Now I have the Thunar file manager opening up by default even when logged into Gnome (for example when using Alt-F2 and typing in a folder name, or when plugging in an iPod.) I've searched around for days but can't find any place to set a default file manager. The Default Applications dialogue doesn't include file manager, only web browser, video etc.)

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General :: Lost The Default File Manager(explorer) In Gnome?

Aug 27, 2010

The default file manager (nautilus) is no more there. When I click on my home folder, it is opened by dolphin...how can I get back the default?

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Software :: Change The Default File Manager From Nautilus To E.g. Dolphin?

Dec 5, 2008

Using Fedora 10. I want to try different file managers for a while but can't find how to specify the default. I can open each one via the apps menu but can't find the "set as default" option.

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Ubuntu :: Replace PCMAn With Nautilus?

Feb 10, 2010

I installed LXDE in Ubuntu, and this caused the installation of PCMan. Now, somehow the PCMan File MAnager has replaced Nautilus. It is definitely faster, but still I prefer Nautilus. So, how may I replace PCMan with NAutilus as the default File-Manager?

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Ubuntu :: Default Set Of Startup Applications?

Jan 22, 2010

While recently tweaking my system i deleted some startup applications from System->Preferences->Startup Applications. Now my themes and some other settings are not showing up while I login.

here the default set of startup application entries that come when you do a clean install? I am using Ubuntu 9.10 64bit

PS: If there is any work around to reset.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Default Icon For Applications

Aug 31, 2010

I am not a big fan of the xubuntu icon so I was trying to change it to a nicer one but i cant find an ubuntu icon the right size.

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Ubuntu :: Change Default Applications In Lubuntu?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm using Lubuntu and I cant figure out how to change the default applications used.

I have (Preferences -> Preferred Applications) in the menu and that lets me set Web Browser and Mail client. I have that set to Chromium, however any links I click open in Opera. I want these to open in Chromium, but I'm not sure how to set that.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Custom Default Applications In 11.04?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm trying to set the default apps using gnome-default-applications-properties. In previous versions I was able to set custom apps for everything. Looks like Gnome3/Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't let me do that for, say, the mail reader. I'm one of those people who still use Alpine, and in previous versions I was able to set the default to run an xterm (well, aterm) which auto-ran alpine.

This version, looks like that's not there. I'm wondering if there's a way to set that anyway. like registering a script I write as a "mail client" so it's available in the chooser. Second... and almost MORE annoying... the "Terminal Emulator" default app DOES have a custom option. But it also recognises that I have aterm installed, which I want to use as the default app... however, since it has an aterm option, it won't let me enter aterm as a default command. Which I want to do because I want to modify the commandline options. But if you choose "Custom" and type "aterm" into the Command field... it ERASES your commandline options and puts it's default sterm options in!

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Tries To Remove Applications

Jun 8, 2010

I was wondering why some programs are removed when doing a (partial) upgrade. For instance the Nvidia drivers, the network manager and some other server components are removed.

This is very annoying since you're receiving updates on a regular basis.

(screenshot of the update manager announcing the programs it's going to remove)


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Debian :: Launch Applications On GUI By Default

May 14, 2015

I downloaded emacs, but when I run it in terminal, it does not open the gui - it opens emacs in the terminal and I do not want that. Also, kate just doesn't launch and a bunch of error appears. What do I need to do to launch the applications on GUI by default?

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Fedora :: Default Applications Not Saved

Jun 23, 2011

I have the problem that Fedora doesn't save my default applications.When I change it, it does work for some time, but when I reboot it's all gone. So every time I open Chrome I have to select "Make default browser" (very annoying). It doesn't save the default settings for specific extensions neither. For example when I open a .exe file it always open with Archive Manager now while I have selected Wine as default program for that.

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Applications :: SquirrelMail - Change The Default Web Gui?

Jul 3, 2010

Is there a way to change the default theme/gui for SquirrelMail to something newer and more fresh ? I really like the gui on RoundCube, but SquirrelMail has been here longer and has more features, but I will use RoundCube if I can't change it(end users will be more satisfied if it looks better).

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Software :: How Are Default Applications Chosen?

Aug 28, 2010

How are default applications chosen if you're not running a desktop environment, and how do you change them?

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Software :: Default Applications Got All Messed Up

Mar 4, 2011

I am on Archlinux x86_64 with Gnome 2.3...Somehow, my default applications got all messed up. On a new user account, when I try and open a file from Chromium, or even the places menu under gnome (a folder), it asks me what to open it with. It then uses this for EVERYTHING. For example, on my real account, everything is opening with soffice (LibreOffice), including folders from the Places menu - as well as all files from within chromium.

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel Missing From Default Applications

Jan 4, 2016

I decided to switch from chrome back to iceweasel as my default browser. However, when I try to do that (as I used to) via Details -> Default Applications -> Web, iceweasel is not listed as choice.I tried to do it then from the shell with

Code: Select allupdate-alternatives --config x-www-browser
update-alternatives --config gnome-www-browser

At least out of evolution or thunderbird, still chrome is opened when clicking on a link.

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General :: Applications Asking To Enter Password For Default Keyring?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and I would like to know a way to know what applications are asking you to enter password for default keyring to unlock. In the past that dialog used to appear at startup once but now appears twice and I would like to know which applications are asking me for the password. Is there any log where I can see it?

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OpenSUSE :: Change Default Printer Settings In Firefox (GTK Applications Under KDE)?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to change the default settings for my printer under Firefox. I'm mainly interested in changing the default print resolution and the pages-per-side layout setting I can change the settings for all KDE applications through [URL], but I can't seem to be able to find the respective dialog for Firefox / GTK applications.

Firefox itself doesn't seem to have a dialog for the printer default settings; I've looked into about:config but all the value names are rather confusing.

My system environment:
openSUSE 11.3
KDE 4.4.4
Printer: Brother MFC-7420

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OpenSUSE :: Where Is Preferred Applications / Change Default Banshee To Totem?

Jul 28, 2010

Where is preferred applications in the Gnome menu. I want to change the default Banshee to Totem.

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OpenSUSE :: Defining Default Applications Via Command Line/terminal?

Apr 7, 2011

I recently upgraded from 11.3 to 11.4 succesfully. I had to reinstall several applications and, some of them, can't be configured as default from the control panel (e.g. Opera as default browser, VLC as default media player). The problem is that droplists at the prefered applications don't show any other than the default ones, Firefox and TotemIs there a way I can change these settings via command line or a way to fix what applications are shown at the control panel?

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Applications :: Installing Window Manager Without Root Access?

May 20, 2010

I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to install a window manager without root access? I'm trying to install Fluxbox. I unpacked the .tar.gz and ran ./configure followed by make. I'm unsure of the next step- usually I would just do 'make install' but as I don't have root access I cannot do this. I found this file which I think may have something to do with the process that should come next, it seems to have some lines about window managers (~/.xsession):


61 directories, 868 files I am running CentOS version 5. I hope that's some information for someone to have some ideas?

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Fedora :: Non-root User Cannot Launch 'shortcuts' From The File Manager / Plasma Desktop Manager

Aug 3, 2011

Non-root user cannot launch "shortcuts" (sorry I grew up on windows, don't know the right term) from the file manager or plasma desktop manager.They have full permissions to the shortcuts, even ones they create do not work.If I log in with root permissions they work fine

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