General :: Set Krusader As Default File Manager ?

Mar 7, 2010

I'm trying to set krusader as my default file manager. I have gone into System Settings > Default Applications > File Manager and changed Dolphin to Krusader.

When I plug in a flash card the Device Notifier pops up and I click on the device inserted. The choices I get are Digikam, Dolphin, and Do Nothing.

I click on "Dolphin" (hard coded it appears) and it looks like Krusader tries to start. I get the cursor with the bouncing krusader mini-icon and an entry in the panel, but then nothing happens. It all goes away and I'm left with a blank screen (wallpaper, actually).

I've chosen Krusader from the menu, so presumably the arguments to it are good. I have KDE 4.3.3 and krusader 2.0.0.

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General :: Lost The Default File Manager(explorer) In Gnome?

Aug 27, 2010

The default file manager (nautilus) is no more there. When I click on my home folder, it is opened by can I get back the default?

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Ubuntu :: Krusader And Additional Dual Panel File Managers

Jan 17, 2010

Krusader crashes immediately on start-up at Karmic. This is new. Only changes to my system lately was a routinal FSCK while booting. This is the error message I get:
"Application: Krusader (krusader), signal: Segmentation fault
[KCrash Handler]
#6 0x0808aa88 in _start ()"
I thought about trying to reset Krusader's settings. I don't know where to locate them. I would expect a .krusader folder unde my home dir, but it's nowhere to be found.

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OpenSUSE :: Set Konqueror As Default File Manager?

May 31, 2010

I have opensuse 11.2 with KDE installed. Howto set Konqueror as default file manager?

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Ubuntu :: Set Default Applications In PCMan File Manager?

Feb 3, 2010

I have tried to make my own buntu running LXDE as the desktop environment though it is running smoothly on an old laptop it has a certain problem.

I have installed PCMan File Manager as the default file manager for the LXDE and not Thunar or Dolphin, but, I have a problem with opening files from there. The default application set to open all file types is the Terminal.

What I currently do to open the file is right click and choose "Open with.." to open the file in the appropriate application. Is there a way to set the default applications?

I have Ubuntu 9.10 from minimal CD install then got LXDE and installed the following applications aside from the applications that came with LXDE: suite
-Mozilla Firefox
-Google Picasa
-VLC Player

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default File Manager In Xubuntu?

May 13, 2010

Is there a GUI that will allow me to set a default file manager for Xubuntu? I would like to use the Nautilus File manager. Right now I access Nautilus from a launcher I have on my Panel. I would like to have the ability to switch file managers, set defaults etc...

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default File Manager In GNOME?

Dec 13, 2010

How can I change the default file manager in GNOME? I've got these notes but neither methods work:

Change under 'Session control' in 'Ubuntu Tweak'
Delete nautilus and type in pcmanfm or another file manager such as thunar
Quit ubuntu-tweak



gksu gedit /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-*handler.desktop

Then replace 'nautilus --no-desktop %U' to whatever you like. Example: pcmanfm %U

Save, logout & login

Update: This works. Why does the Ubuntu Tweak method not work though?


sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-*handler.desktop

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Ubuntu :: Make Dolphin The Default File-manager In 9.04?

Nov 25, 2009

I have installed dolphin in ubuntu 9.04 but whenever I click on a folder it opens with nautilus file-manager. I found no option in the folder properties for making dolphin the default file-manager !

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Fedora :: Default File Manager In Gnome 3 After Installing XFCE?

Jul 22, 2011

I recently decided to install xfce-desktop as a fallback alternative whenever Gnome 3 has problems. Now I have the Thunar file manager opening up by default even when logged into Gnome (for example when using Alt-F2 and typing in a folder name, or when plugging in an iPod.) I've searched around for days but can't find any place to set a default file manager. The Default Applications dialogue doesn't include file manager, only web browser, video etc.)

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Software :: Change The Default File Manager From Nautilus To E.g. Dolphin?

Dec 5, 2008

Using Fedora 10. I want to try different file managers for a while but can't find how to specify the default. I can open each one via the apps menu but can't find the "set as default" option.

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General :: Default Display Manager Experiment?

Mar 20, 2010

i wanted to do a little experiment here by changing the default display manger to something like Firefox or GIMP or another program..Since "Display Manager is a program"

Quote: GDM is the GNOME Display Manager, a graphical login program. i should be able to replace it by with any other program


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Debian Multimedia :: Krusader Can't Open Ark?

Jun 10, 2010

Krusader in root mode can't open ark? What's broken here?

What needs to be fixed for this to work?

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Software :: Krusader And 7zip - Slow?

Jan 28, 2011

Krusader (v1.90.0 in Gnome) is awfully slow when entering .7z archive; how to solve it?

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General :: Starting File Manager

Jul 10, 2010

I 'installed' Fedora12 nine days ago. Everything went smoothly until I booted-up today when I got a message in the top right corner of the desktop saying "WARNING, A CRASH PACKAGE NAUTILUS - 2.28.1 - 2 FC12 HAS BEEN DETECTED."All my icons have disappeared from the desktop.In the tool bar I have a continuous row of moving identical icons for "Starting File Manager".

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General :: File Copy Manager

May 6, 2011

I am currently using debian 6.0 .While moving the file , electricity vanished. It happened that the file being moved wasn't at source neither destination folder.Is there a file copy program which works atomically (like teracopy in windows) .Yeah , common sense would be to manually copy then delete file from source . Can't this be integrated into GUI by a program?

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General :: File Manager For IceWM Like Dfm?

May 11, 2011

I like the view of dfm but the project seems to be dead (last update in 2001) and it hangs up with my IceWM, so I can't use it at all. Is there anything else like dfm (it should look very oldschool) that I can use with IceMW on the desktop area?

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Fedora :: Non-root User Cannot Launch 'shortcuts' From The File Manager / Plasma Desktop Manager

Aug 3, 2011

Non-root user cannot launch "shortcuts" (sorry I grew up on windows, don't know the right term) from the file manager or plasma desktop manager.They have full permissions to the shortcuts, even ones they create do not work.If I log in with root permissions they work fine

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OpenSUSE :: Krusader Root Mode In Gnome ?

Sep 2, 2010

Does anyone know how to start up Krusader in root mode when using Gnome? If I run it from the "Krusader Root Mode" icon, it does not ask for the root password and opens up in standard mode. I do not want to run my gnome session in root mode, since firefox will not run in root mode.

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Ubuntu :: Krusader Remember Passwords - Keyring ?

Oct 18, 2010

I user krusader for ftp, but it cannot remember remote passwords. every time i connect to the remote site i am prompted for the keyring password and after that the remote password. even if i tick "remember password", next time the password is asked.. why does it do that?

After upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 krusader plays annoying sounds if i enter wrong password. sounds are disabled in gnome, but i know that krusader is an alien guy. how to tell him to keep quiet? why did sounds come with 10.10 ?

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Slackware :: Krusader Compile Crashes In Current

May 2, 2010

Running slackware-current

The krusader slackbuild crashes on my machine with the following error, see attached.

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Fedora :: Change Default Window Manager To "compiz-manager" Compiz Wrapper?

Nov 28, 2010

I spent *#@$ hours trying to figure out how to change my default window manager to "compiz-manger".I tried using gconf-editor and .gnomercAnybody has an idea how to do this?

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Debian Multimedia :: Krusader Remains With A Sleeping Status

Oct 5, 2010

I'm having a problem with krusader. When I open and close it, it remains with a sleep status. This can be verified by the system monitor and by the "ps aux". The krusader only go away if I use killall. This is occurring in more than one machine. I'm using squeeze gnome 64 bits.

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General :: Executing The Default Application Assigned To A File Type?

Dec 10, 2010

Using gnome terminal (Ubuntu 10.10), is there a way to execute the default application associated to a file type, only by typing its name, as it is possible with Windows ?

For example, say I create a mime type associated to every file with the pattern *.abc. Lets say I associate this file type to application 'my_app'.

If I have file '' in current folder, what I want is that when I enter only '' at the prompt, it executes 'my_app' feeding it with '' as first argument. (assuming of course 'my_app' is in the path)

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General :: Make A Default Application Open A Certain Extension File?

Nov 3, 2010

I know this is possible in GUI gnome. But is it possible to do it too in shell command? Let say if i type this in shell:


then it will open gnome-editor in nautilus which open file.txt. gnome is the desktop manager. nautilus is the explorer windows in gnome. gnome-editor is one like notepad in MS windows.

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General :: Concept Of Umask - Default File And Directory Permissions

Apr 14, 2010

I am using Red Hat Linux 4 .There are some few questions in my mind related to umask. I want to know that is the default file and directory permissions ?

- When we use umask (022) command in terminal. and create a new file then the permissions applied for new file is for that session and when the system will reboot linux will take automatically its default permission from etc/bashrc or /etc/profile ?
- Can we make our own umask or the professional way is to follow 022 only ?
- What is the benefit of umask in Linux?

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Software :: Configure Krusader To Play Sound After Finished Copying

Aug 30, 2010

Can Krusader play .wav to notify the file/dir copying is finished?

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Software :: Kwrite Fails To Open / When Using Krusader In Root Mode

Apr 8, 2010

In krusader (root mode), I want to edit a plain text file that can only be edited as su. When clicking on the file opened kwrite before, now I get this krusader error message: "KDEInit couldn't launch 'usr/bin/kwrite' OK"

Why is this happening? What's wrong? I've found that this problem begins on the second try to open the file-- for the first time clicking on it, kwrite opens it for editing but not on tries following the first one made in the same computer session. Rebooting fixes the problem but only for the first new opening of the file.

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Ubuntu :: How To Set Default Window Manager

Mar 25, 2011

I have a pretty vanilla install of Ubuntu Lucid. I would like to change my default WM to sawfish. I have it installed, and it works routinely, I would just like to have it start automatically on log-in, rather than Lucid. A few sources have suggested that the way to do this is during log-in. They refer to a "session" I could choose, which would allow me to set the WM. I remember doing this in the past, but can't find such an option on the login page, now.

I have also experimented with changing .gconf/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/ using both gconf-editor and emacs. However, when I change "/usr/bin/compiz" to "/usr/bin/sawfish", log out, and log back in, I find that compiz starts anyway, and the setting in that file has been restored to compiz. Clearly, the gconf mechanism is getting the information from some other source.

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Software :: Default Window Manager Fed 12

Apr 2, 2010

Where is the default window manager set in Fed 12?After having trouble with compiz, mine is not set for one user. How do I set it?

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General :: Edit An Existing Nautilus (file Manager) Bookmark?

Mar 4, 2010

Is there a way to edit an existing nautilus (fie manager) bookmark?

Invoke from Linux command line:

$ nautilus

Activate connection editor: File>Connect To Server...>

Complete entries in the pop up:

Service Type: [WebDAV (HTTP)]
Server: [localhost]
Port: [8001]
Folder [webdav]


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