Ubuntu :: PC Won't Access Mac On Network / Get That To Work?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a heterogenous home network with a Windows XP PC, two Ubuntu PCs (Lucid Lynx), and a Power Mac G5 (pre-Intel, Mac OS X 10.4.11). They operate with a Linksys WRT54GS router.

Evidently, the Ubuntu boxes can "see" the Mac on the network, but when I open it, it's empty. Likewise, its "Properties" are full of stuff like "nothing," "unknown," and "could not be determined."

The Mac, on the other hand, can access all the shared files on the Ubuntu boxes without question. I don't get it.

For once, ironically, the Windows machine is peachy. It shares with everyone, everyone shares with it. It's just full of love and happiness. Call Guinness.

Any idea what's going on here? I must me missing something.

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Ubuntu :: Write Access On Raid5 Mount And Network Access

Apr 22, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 9.10, and created a softraid5 with no problems. Now i need it to automount with user read/write access, and i need to make some network share folders. My fstab has the following line for the raid:

/dev/md0 /media/raid auto rw,user,auto,exec 0 0
After i mounted it, i changed the permission with:

sudo chmod 777 /media/raid/
So now i can create folders and files on it.
Then i created some shares, one with guest access and other with no guest access.

Now the questions:

1) If i access the guest shared folder via WinXP, i create files and folders, but they appear locked on ubuntu, so i cant access them until i change the permissions. If i go to proprieties/Permissions, the owner is "nobody".

2) What password do i need to use on WinXP, and i try to access the non-guest shared folded? Do i need to create a user just for that?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 Amd64 - Having Internet Access But Cannot Access Repos - IPV6?

Aug 26, 2010

I installed 11.3amd64 as a VM under Vista/VMWare Player - all worked fine. I have now installed it as a physical system. It nstalled cleanly BUT during first boot it could not access the repos. With each repo it gave the message

- download (curl) error for (repo)
- error code connection failed
- error message could not resolve host (repo)

This was followed by a message box containing

- UI syntax error
- no widget with ID 'contents

Firefox could not access the internet (cannot find server) until I disabled IPV6 (I used about:config), now it works fine. I think the repos problem is because of IPV6 - I usually have trouble with IPV6. I tried disabling IPV6 with the following (How To Disable ipv6 on SuSE Linux | Linux Poison)


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Networking :: Not Able To Access Network Printer Access Denied?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a linux domain (FEDORA CORE 1) and two laptop's which are part of my domain with windows xp pro service pack 2.I have given two ip's to both the laptop's being primary as global and secondary as local.I have configured printer in one laptop and shared.Till last week i was accessing that shared printer from my other laptop and every thing was working fine.Last week i formatted one laptop,(which dose not have shared printer) from then onwards i am not able to access my other laptop. I get the following message when i try to accessmy other Laptop,"you might not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission there are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request"P.S : If i have only local IP i am able to see both the systems and i am able to access my printer, this problem comes only when i add global IP to both the machines.And also i have stopped the firewall and other things.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Two Network Cards / Can't Access Internal Network

Feb 25, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 with two network cards. One for external, and one internal.My problem is that as soon as i activate eth1 (external), i can't access the server from the internal network (eth0)

With these settings i can't reach the internal network from inside.If i disable the gateway on eth1 and enable the gateway on eth0, it works.

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General :: Networking - Network Card - Connected To Network - Given Access Point - No Connection?

Apr 3, 2010

I installed the driver for my network card. iwconfig and ifconfig are all responsive to connecting to the network, I'm given an access point address. Then, I try to connect to a website and no dice. ping www.google.com yields no result. What gives?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Security Update / Lost Access To Network

Mar 25, 2010

Installed a security update for samba tonight via Opensuse updater.Now, when trying to access my home network an authentication box pops up (never used to)Asks me to enter authentication for my home network.I enter my username and password and hit enter. After a few seconds the authentication box pops up again askingfor the same indicating I have entered the wrong username / password combination (which I know I have not).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Two Network Cards With Different Settings For Internet Access

Feb 9, 2010

I have a desktop computer running OpenSUSE 11.2 with two network cards installed. I would like to use both cards for connecting to the internet using different networks. The setting would be the following: eth0 is the main (default) card, almost all programs should use this NIC for connecting to the internet. eth1 is used only by a few programs, which have setting for selecting which network interface to use. The two NIC's are connected to different networks, so the IP address of the NIC's, the related subnet masks and gateways are also different.

Saying short, I would like to have the two NIC's as they would be in two separate computers. I can set the IP address and subnet mask of the NIC's. The main problem is that I can only declare one gateway. How can i setup this? I do not use network manager, I configure network cards using yast, but if needed I can of course use ifconfig directly.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network / DNS - Can't Access Any Internet Resources Or Router

Jul 30, 2010

I'm having a strange problem with my network connection/DNS. I turn computer the on and it recognizes and connects to wireless or wired but I can't access any Internet resources or my router. If I ping the default gateway, I get no response and I get DNS errors from any network services that run at start up. If I stop and start the network daemon then it all works fine until the next time I turn on my laptop. It does this for both wireless and wired connection.

I've tried to edit the network interface information in YaST but it says that configuration is handled by knetworkmanager and I have no idea where that information is accessed. I should point out that it all worked fine until I tried to connect to open WAP at my school and couldn't so I connected to the wired network. Next morning I had this problem when connecting to my home network. My questions are 1. What could be the cause of this error and 2. where does one configure the network interfaces when using knetworkmanager

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OpenSUSE Network :: Share Files Across The Network Or Access The Printer?

Feb 22, 2011

i have 3 comps(running suse 11.3) and a laptop(running vista sp2). i have installed samba on all suse comps. i have a printer attached to one of the comps and it has been shared also the internet connection on that comp has been shared. all the computers are connected using lan cables through an ethernet switch. i also have a wireless router which is connected to the ethernet switch.

I am able to view all the comps on the network except the laptop running vista. all the desktops are visible on the network and are able to print and share files on the network and also connect to the internet. the laptop running vista can connect to the internet but its not visible on the network and nor can it share files across the network or access the printer.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SUSE 11.3 No Network Access With Static IP

Aug 20, 2010

New SUSE 11.3 install connects to network/internet etc OK with DHCP-assigned IP address. When I switch to static IP, I can no longer ping internal network, or anything else. This works OK with SUSE 11.2 on same hardware and (as far as I can see) same setup. Some diagnostics are shown below.

Disabling the firewall makes no difference.

Not using a network manager (can't see how to assign fixed address if I do - all greyed out).

ifup eth0:
eth0 device: Intel Corporation 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)
SuSEfirewall2: Warning: no default firewall zone defined, assuming 'ext'
(not sure why the warning - eth0 is assigned to external in the firewall setup).


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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Access Network Settings?

Apr 20, 2011

I can't access any of the wired network settings and theres a red square with an X through it. Here are some snap shots. This is really funky.Is this red box with the X suppose to be here?

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Networking :: Access Pvt. Network From Public Network

Jul 13, 2009

Can any outsider(from Public N/w) access my pvt. network.i.e. my clients of my subnet? If yes how ??and if no why?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network - Browsing The Internet With Domain Names Does Not Work

Jun 25, 2010

In short: browsing the internet with domain names does not work. The long version: I've configured my network with DHCP and ifup. Ping works on my internal net and with servers in the internet. Dig work's too! I get the right IP to the requested domain. When i try to access the internet using firefox or even wget i get an DNS error. For example wget is showing the following error: Resolving heise.de... failed: Name or service not known. wget: unable to resolve host address 'heise.de'

Again dig show me the right IP and if i add the entry to /etc/hosts it work's too! I've even tried it with manually setup of ip address, nameserver and default gateway but with the same result. Switching off the firewall has no effect on this problem, too.

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Network Connection After Firwall Settings Changed / Get It To Work?

Nov 17, 2010

I deleted the firewall files "K09SuSEfirewall2_init", "K01SuSEfirewall2_setup", "S11SuSEfirewall2_setup" and "S01SuSEfirewall2_init" from "/etc/rc.d/rc5.d" in order to disable the firewall when rebooting.

As a consequence all network services are not working. I can't connect to any other machine nor to the internet.

I rebuilt the symbolic files based on the ones for runlevel 3, but still no network services are available.

Any suggestions how to make it work again? I'm using Suse 11.3.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Not Work \ After Install All Packet On Test Internet / Update Was Error?

Jan 5, 2011

I install from openSUSE-11.3-NET-x86_64.iso. Installation was succesfull, but after install all packet on test internet / update was error. And after log in in installed system internet not work. I use router with DHCP

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Fedora Networking :: Connecting Home Network To Work Network

Sep 20, 2010

Currently my office use a Cisco Firewall which will only allow the ANYCONNECT utility to do the vpn connection. I found a Linux utility (OpenConnect) which will do the same thing, but allow me more flexibility with my networking needs.What I ultimately would like to have is to have a switch that I can connect any network device into it and be connected to the office. IE (my IP Work Phone and Computer) Currently I have is a computer with fedora 13 and two network cards eth0 (home network - connected to a router) and eth1 which I would like to connect a switch to. OpenConnect communicates fine and I can see the work network from the Fedora machine. It creates a vpn0 tun/tap device and I don't know how to pass communication to/from the eth1 device.

Do I try to iptables the ports for the phone and services I need on the computer? Or do I build bridge; and If I do what am I bridging. I have tried making a bridge from eth1 to vpn0 which reply's with unsupported device or something like that.Unfortunately my network skills are bit limited and my office says "it can't be done". Their solution is for me to buy a ASA5505 (or something device) and have a static IP. I would have to make it work as my router and even then it will only DHCP 10 ip addresses; which will cause a shortage of IP addresses in the house.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Literally ODD - Network Services Don't Work Every Second Boot?

Sep 14, 2010

I have an OpenSuSE 11.1 in vmWare ESX and every other boot I can't access any running network services (ssh, webmin, qmail, mysql, ...) from outside. I just need to login, reboot and voila - network services are working.I gradually updated to 11.2 and 11.3 by following the wiki with success but this problem remained. So I reverted to snapshot of 11.1 and now I would like to identify and solve the problem here first.I also looked at /var/log/messages /var/log/boot.msg /var/log/lastlog but can't find anything usefull. I will now compare those files from the working and non-working boot but meanwhile someone already has an idea or experience what could be wrong?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 - No Network Connectivity - Audio To Work On Skype

Oct 16, 2010

I had Kubuntu 64-bit installed and decided to try OpenSUSE instead as I was having problems getting the audio to work on Skype. After installing OpenSUSE 11.3 (64-bit), I do not have network connectivity (Ethernet or Wireless)? Neither adapter can be detected? I thought the install would be fairly straightforward as Kubuntu 64-bit detected all the hardware.

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Debian Configuration :: Network Not Work When Use 2 Network Cards

Oct 24, 2010

I'm planning to use Debian as the OS for a firewall machine, which will sit between my internet connection and the rest of my computers. Now my network is all wired, no wireless whatsoever. I'm using the onboard the motherboards cat5 socket which seems to be using the VIA rhine driver and I'm also using a 3com 100MBps card.

I can list the machine spec if you want but it's nothing special, an old Athlon 64 rig with 1gb ram and an OEM motherboard, it all seems to work ok apart from the internet doesn't' seem to work. Lenny seems to detect both cards ok and I even used the net install CD and it managed to download everything using the 3com card.

The strange thing is when I'm in Lenny, I can't seem to connect. I can ping google, but when I try and view a webpage, the browser just sits there with a while screen... Could it be that using 2 network cards is confusing Debian? Right now I've only got the modem hooked up the the 3com card, and nothing connected to the onboard network card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Access Does Not Work At All

Jun 21, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 and it appears to be working fine except for one problem: the internet access does not work at all. It is supposed to connect through a wired LAN and can talk to the router but when it comes to opening a webpage or pinging a server it doesn't work. Firefox says that it can't connect and the ping does nothing.

The computer can connect fine when booting Windows XP, but on Ubuntu it can't. Here are some details about the two OSes:
XP: Connects to network and internet
Ubuntu: Connects to network but can't mount the 'Windows Network' folder which is the only thing in the Network directory. Can't connect to internet.
I'm on a Dell Dimension 2400.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Access "Your Desktop Is Only Reachable Over The Local Network. Others Can Access Your Computer Using The Address Or Tabatha.local"

Feb 19, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10. In the Remote Desktop config dialog I get: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address or tabatha.local." I understand this means only the loopback ip address is available. All my other machines show their true local ip address (e.g., in this dialog. Thus I cannot log on to this desktop from other machines.

When I try to do a remote logon from another Ubuntu 9.10 box (or from an XP box using a VNC viewer), I get: "Connection to has been closed." What steps are needed to make this machine show its actual ip address? All file sharing between the various machines is working properly and all windows shares back and forth between XP and 'nix, and among the the vaious XP boxes and linux boxes are available as designed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Not Access Web Based Email / Get It To Work?

Jan 12, 2011

I can connect to the Internet. I can not access gmail or yahoo mail. It doesn't matter what browser I use.

If I switch to a wired connection, I can access gmail. Other wireless networks work fine.

MY router is a Belkin N, but it allows me to access other sites. The settings seem pretty vanilla, not different than wireless routers where I can access gmail.

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Ubuntu :: Work Laptop And Have Access To VMs Via The Control Center?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a personal laptop and a work laptop. personal is running ubuntu 10.4(which im planning upgrade to 10.10 soon) and Win-Xp on work laptop. I would like to run ubuntu on work machine, but i need to use vmware vsphere client regularly as half my work is related to it.

Is there an alternative available for vmware vsphere client? How can i have ubuntu on work laptop and have access to VMs via the control center? Is running Windows-XP on ubuntu via vitual box a resolution? If yes, I have 3GB of RAM on my work laptop, is that enough?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Access Outside Network

Mar 10, 2010

I setup this ubuntu 9.10 server (32bit), at first I did DHCP and it gave me an address, I updated and downloaded most of the packages I needed at that time.

I switched the IP from DHCP to static IP and now I cant access outside my network. with ping or to download packages. I can however login via ssh over my network.

The only changes I made were the hostname and the static IP

This is my /etc/network/interfaces

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Access On 10.04?

Aug 18, 2010

I purchased an Acer Aspire 7745G yesterday and installed Ubuntu as soon as I opened up the computer.

There appears to be a big problem however. Neither the wireless nor the LAN / ethernet are working.

'ifconfig -a' gives two items: lo and pan0. I believe pan0 is the bluetooth.

The wireless icon at the top right says "No network devices available". Network Tools shows the same results.

If I plug in an ethernet cord, nothing happens.

This is a fresh Ubuntu 10.04.1 downloaded this morning from ubuntu.com. I tried installing three times (USB, CD, DVD) including data checks on the disks. Same problem all three times.

I am guessing this is some kind of driver issue, but since I have no Internet access, I cannot do a Ubuntu Update and have Ubuntu find the drivers for me.

EDIT: The wireless and ethernet are working in Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Network Outside LAN?

Jan 8, 2011

I am currently connected in a LAN, where naturally I can see in the network folder the machines connected to the LAN. Yet I need to access the LAN that exists at the WAN side of my router, see the machnes connected at it, etc. Is there a away to do it?

What I need to do is use a shared printer outside my lan, yet I need to see what IP it has in order to add it in my printer list

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Windows PC In The Network

Jul 1, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 9.10 on my Laptop and i want to copy my important data from my Desktop PC to my Laptop.My Desktop PC have windows 7.some days back, I am accessing all the files from windows PC but now this problem is very hectic for me.i have attached a snapshot of an error.this error popped when i try to access my windows PC through smb.

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Debian :: How Does File/io Access Work

Aug 26, 2011

I'm trying to understand how file/io access works.

If I have this:

Filesystem            Mounted on
/dev/sda1             /
/dev/sdc5             /backup
/dev/sdb1             /database

And I access a file in /database, does the system access the disk containing /database directly, or does it go to /dev/sda1 disk for access to /, then finds a pointer to /dev/sdb1 for /database and then moves on to the correct disk?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Access Windows Shared Network?

Jan 20, 2010

When i first installed ubuntu on my laptop i could access the shared folders i had put on the network with windows through ubuntu, read and write files, copy and paste them etc. I tried recently going to Places>Network and i get this error: failed to retrieve share list from server

It never used to do this, in fact when i went to places the network was not called "network", it was my own title. i can connect to the server with the ip address, but that only lets me take files from the windows network, and not the other way around. I really have two issues

1. cannot place files on the network from my ubuntu laptop
2. cannot connect to shared folder network from places like i could before

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