Debian :: How Does File/io Access Work

Aug 26, 2011

I'm trying to understand how file/io access works.

If I have this:

Filesystem            Mounted on
/dev/sda1             /
/dev/sdc5             /backup
/dev/sdb1             /database

And I access a file in /database, does the system access the disk containing /database directly, or does it go to /dev/sda1 disk for access to /, then finds a pointer to /dev/sdb1 for /database and then moves on to the correct disk?

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Debian Multimedia :: Bluetooth Phone File Browser / Cant See Or Access To Any File Or Folder Into The Phone?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a dell precision m4300 laptop with a 360 wireless bluetooth dell adapter On my system there is a debian lenny with kde3 and backported enable(everythings is p to date except bluez-utils and bluetooth holded at version 3.36-3)

Nowadays bluetooth more less works fine, I can send and receive single file to/from my phone (nokia n70)

The hell begin when I try to browse my phone files from konqueror...with bluetooth:/ I can see the list of all the device near me with sdp://[address]/ i can see two icons (obex file transfer & obex object push)
but I cant see or access to any file or folder into the phone.

I also try to update my bluez-utils to 4.60-1~bpo50+1 but in this case kbluetooth totally fail and a see the contextual menu of the system tray icon all disaled.

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Server :: Debian File Access Monitoring

Sep 16, 2010

I'm running a Debian/Samba PDC on a Windows network. We desire to monitor a few network shares, so that whenever a change is made to a file in those, we have a log of who did it and when. Some capability of seeing what the change was, or a way of reverting it, would be nice luxuries. But username and timestamp are most important, if possible.

On the debian forums, someone advised using Tripwire for this purpose. didn't give much other advice about it so I kind of struck out on my own researching tripwire. got it installed, played wth it, and found it problematic, to say the least. It seems a bit much on the complexity and security side, and it seems more oriented towards maintaining system integrity, than monitoring documents. So far I've not managed to get a policy update working on account of a cascade of errors about a few hundred files under /proc disappearing, despite no changes to the I'm wondering if anyone here has advice.

1. Does debian have this sort of functionality built in? is there a system log I can parse to get this information?
2. Is tripwire the right application for our purpose?
3. Is there anything better suited, more user-friendly or more parsimonious. I don't need something to monitor all system files, guard against intrusion, and make me cups of tea, just to monitor a few folders that I specify

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Debian Installation :: File System Errors - Cant Access Logs

May 7, 2011

i get file system errors on boot up. found logs in /var/logs but cant access them. second best thing i can do is to re-install debian but no one seems to want to say how thats done. my disk wont run in wine (some error i dont remember) so i cant use my CD /flashdrive to re-install.

1) i need to read the log files and try to fix the install
2) if i cant fix i need to know how to wipe the OS and do a fresh install

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Debian Configuration :: File Access Logs - Functionality Like Already Built Into Samba?

Sep 7, 2010

wants some sort of logging capability on the system. to have a log of every change to every file, although that might be a bit unwieldy. perhaps a simpler compromise would be some way of monitoring a few specific folders, and tracking all changes to them, including the user that did so. Particularly important is that it should be possible to work with access through samba, as we want to track what users on the network are creating or changing files. Is there functionality like this already built into debian or samba? is there a useful additional app to gather this information? or am I going to need to be grep'ing log files to present something useable?

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Debian :: Error Processing AdobeReader Cannot Access Archive - No Such File Or Directory

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to install Adobe Reader 8 and the command #dpkg -1 AdobeReader_enu-8.1.3-1.i386.deb comes up with the message error processing AdobeReader Cannot access archive. No such file or directory. Error was encountered while processing.

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Debian :: 64 Stable Work With Ext4 File System?

Aug 23, 2010

Does latest Debian64 stable work with ext4 filesystem?can its root partition be ext4?

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Debian :: Backspace Doesn't Work With Nautilus File Manager

Nov 28, 2015

Backspace doesn't work with nautilus file manager, what to do?

If i press backspace, it doesn't redirect to the previous location.

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Debian :: Download Source - ISO File Burn And Load On Main Work Pc

May 31, 2010

I have a touchscreen panel pc that boots a version of Debian. I have very little experience with Linux in general. I need to quickly get up to speed with this operating system and Debian in general. The panel pc uses an ARM 9 processor, which I need to program to control a lighting system. I have a good back ground in C programming and embedded control. send me a link to an ISO file of Debian that I can burn and load on my main work pc.

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Debian :: Limit User Access - Download And Upload To His Home File "browser By Firefox"?

Jul 30, 2011

i have VPS server and i installed Xserver on it and all ok i created new user for my client but i need to limit his access to the following

he can download and upload to his home file " browser by Firefox"
he can't install or use any application "just the one i installed it"
he can't see the file system or browser it !! if i can give him specific space on harddisk would be better
he can extract and compress files
he can't edit the settings ....

i have another sensitive folder and setting i don't want him to see it so how to limit his access?

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Fedora Installation :: Import An X11 Xorg.conf File From Debian To Fedora And Have It Work?

Feb 26, 2009

Is it possible to import an xorg.conf file from Debian to Fedora and have it work? The reason for this is that I have an older monitor that only offers 800x600 as the maximum resolution.

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General :: Unable To Access File /home/username/.iceauthority: No Such File Or Directory

Apr 21, 2011

Can't log into my XFCE desktop like I normaly do. all the sudden I get notified that my xsession lasted less then 10 secondsLooking at the error I can see this:

Unable to access file /home/username/.iceauthority: No such file or directory

Using failsafe I can start a terminal. From terminal I tried to start X

Code: sudo startx Result: Running on desplay:0

So I tried to run this;

Code: sudo startxfce4 And I get up a graphical desktop.

So this is not a critical situation as I easily can use this method to log on, but as there has been something causing this I would like to be able to resolve this nonetheless. Btw it is not the old chmod trick in play here, cause my .iceauthority file is gone alltogheter.

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Programming :: File Access Alert \ Only Gives The Processes Accessing The File At That Particular Moment?

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to check what all processes are accessing a particular file (a UDP socket in my case) on a filesystem.I am using 'fuser' for that.But, it seems, it only gives the processes accessing the file at that particular moment.Is there any way to continuously run 'fuser' (or some other command) which will give all processes accessing the file during its run?OR is it possible to generate a filesystem alert when a particular process accesses the file?

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General :: Convert Batch File Into A .sh File Will Not Work

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to convert my batch file into a .sh file and i think i have it perfect but it just will not work, so obviously not perfect. This is the code for my batch file.


This works perfectly on my own computer without any problems. I want to host this on my Linux VPS (CentOS 5) and need it to be converted into This is the code for my


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Ubuntu :: PC Won't Access Mac On Network / Get That To Work?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a heterogenous home network with a Windows XP PC, two Ubuntu PCs (Lucid Lynx), and a Power Mac G5 (pre-Intel, Mac OS X 10.4.11). They operate with a Linksys WRT54GS router.

Evidently, the Ubuntu boxes can "see" the Mac on the network, but when I open it, it's empty. Likewise, its "Properties" are full of stuff like "nothing," "unknown," and "could not be determined."

The Mac, on the other hand, can access all the shared files on the Ubuntu boxes without question. I don't get it.

For once, ironically, the Windows machine is peachy. It shares with everyone, everyone shares with it. It's just full of love and happiness. Call Guinness.

Any idea what's going on here? I must me missing something.

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General :: Windows Access The File From Ubuntu Got Read Only Even Though Have A Full Permission To Read, Write And Execute The File?

Feb 4, 2010

What are the possible problem when Windows access the file from Ubuntu got Read Only even though have a full permission to read, write and execute the file? Ubuntu to Ubuntu accessing the file there is no problem only Windows got a problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Access Does Not Work At All

Jun 21, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 and it appears to be working fine except for one problem: the internet access does not work at all. It is supposed to connect through a wired LAN and can talk to the router but when it comes to opening a webpage or pinging a server it doesn't work. Firefox says that it can't connect and the ping does nothing.

The computer can connect fine when booting Windows XP, but on Ubuntu it can't. Here are some details about the two OSes:
XP: Connects to network and internet
Ubuntu: Connects to network but can't mount the 'Windows Network' folder which is the only thing in the Network directory. Can't connect to internet.
I'm on a Dell Dimension 2400.

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General :: Group Access To Directory Not Seeming To Work?

Jun 13, 2011


# Create a directory, and user, assign ownership of dir to that user and usergroup.
sudo mkdir /mysecureddir
sudo useradd mysecureduser
sudo chown mysecureduser:mysecureduser /mysecureddir


I've read some similar issues dealing with apache, but its still not clicking for me. Group has rwx access to directory and everything in it. I'm in the group.

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Debian :: Usb Stick Don't Work - How To Make It Work

Jan 14, 2011

I just installed Squeeze_di_rc1, whit gnome, when i insert any usb stick i recive how can i solve it?At the same times i tried to format in fat 16 with gparted but the result is the same.

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Fedora :: Unable To Access My Home Folder / Get That To Work?

Oct 8, 2009

I can't access my home folder using nautilus ( and everything that using gui), but I easily can access to subfolders e.g. "Music", "Downloads" and others. What can cause this trouble?
Also I can retrieve directory listing using terminal.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Not Access Web Based Email / Get It To Work?

Jan 12, 2011

I can connect to the Internet. I can not access gmail or yahoo mail. It doesn't matter what browser I use.

If I switch to a wired connection, I can access gmail. Other wireless networks work fine.

MY router is a Belkin N, but it allows me to access other sites. The settings seem pretty vanilla, not different than wireless routers where I can access gmail.

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General :: Access Registers - Mmap Doesn't Work

Jun 16, 2010

I will try to write correctly but be indulgent... so as describe in the title I have a CPU ARM and I want to access a register. i tried with mmap but it doesn't work. i attach my program if someone see the problem... so when I run the program there isn't any error, all works (open, mmap ...) but I know that my program do nothing because i have ask to read something that i know and there is nothing...

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Ubuntu :: Work Laptop And Have Access To VMs Via The Control Center?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a personal laptop and a work laptop. personal is running ubuntu 10.4(which im planning upgrade to 10.10 soon) and Win-Xp on work laptop. I would like to run ubuntu on work machine, but i need to use vmware vsphere client regularly as half my work is related to it.

Is there an alternative available for vmware vsphere client? How can i have ubuntu on work laptop and have access to VMs via the control center? Is running Windows-XP on ubuntu via vitual box a resolution? If yes, I have 3GB of RAM on my work laptop, is that enough?

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General :: Access System Server At Home From Work?

Apr 28, 2010

At home - Ubuntu, running vnc, dhcp,

At work - windows 7, running vnc, dhcp.

How would I be able to access a home ubuntu workstation from my work's laptop ?

Any ideas on what is the best set up ?

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Programming :: Script To Flash All Access Points Does Not Work

Jan 8, 2010

I'm going to write a script that flashes all AccessPoints in our network, with an expect script. Unfortunately the following code doesn't work.
spawn cat <file> | ssh root@$ip mtd -r -e linux write - linux
cat: invalid option -- o
Try `cat --help' for more information.
So it doesn't understand the pipe thing anymore. Is there a way to get this command working?

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Debian :: Way To Create Wireless Access Point In Debian

May 30, 2011

i keep reading about hostapd but i never figured out how to get the daemon working properly, heck i haven't figured out how to get the ethernet card ti bridge to the wlan card through command line

ps the wireless interface i want to set up as an access point is an SMC usb card that uses the zd1211rw firmware, i checked and it supports AP mode.i was told that you don't have to put the card into master mode all you have to do is configure the hostapd.conf daemon correctly and start the daemon, it will automatically brodcast an ap without an further configurations.

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Doesnt Work In 12 - Not Allowed To Access

Mar 29, 2010

I am fairly new to Fedora or rather use it only for some school exercises I get. I have to setup a Samba server with some basic settings and it doesn't want to work. I first tried it on the Fedora VM I got from school (version 11). It somehow worked, but extremely bad ... the Windows client had to wait for over a minute to get either access or an errormessage, that the server was not found (but when entered the ip in the adressfield on top it worked (with a minute or more to wait)). I tried updating the VM - no improvement. So I decided to download Fedora 12, installed it and the Windows client gains instant access on first glance. But when I try to get access to a specific share, it only tells me, that I am not allowed to access it Oo.

Here is my config:


I even turned off iptables and Windows firewall.

The funny thing is: I tried exactly the same config on my homeserver (copy and paste), which runs Arch, and it works with no problem. But on Fedora I cant access it from nowhere. Not from WinXP, Win7 or any Linux. Simply won't work.

I dont have any gui on Fedora

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Fedora :: Way To Remotely Access Work Station Running Windows XP

Oct 5, 2010

I run Fedora 13 on my HP dv6000 Pavillion. I am looking for a way to remotely access my work station running Windows XP from my Fedora machine. Most of the information I found explained how to access a Linux box from a Windows environment, and the one place I found that showed the other way around was incomprehensible.

Our company servers run Windows XP, and we have successfully installed remote desktops on other laptops running Windows.I thought of running the remote desktop from a Virtual Machine Windows session, but it seems a cumbersome way to do it.

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CentOS 5 Server :: MySQL Shell Access Denied / Get It To Work?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm having a hard time to access MySQL from the local or remote shell.
If I try to access MySQL, using mysql -u root -pxxxx I get the error 1045 Access denied...

MySQL is running and I can access it, using phpmyadmin.

There must be something blocking shell access. Can anybody confirm and tell me how to check/configure for shell access?
I'm using ca preconfigured CenOS from PBX in a flash and it seems they did some security settings - but I can't find any further information.
I know I should probably post there, but the Mods didn't activate my account yet. And you know how it is if you try to figure something out. You won't stop.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access And Other Problems LiveCDs Work Fine?

Dec 21, 2009

I originally posted this in I kind of feel like no one is going to answer... is it because I mentioned Fedora? Since I'm trying out Fedora 12...maybe someone here can help me figure out why I have the problem in Ubuntu, but not Fedora?Here's the situation:I've been having very strange problems on Firefox in Ubuntu 9.10 for a few weeks now.haven't been able to, except for a few minutes....once..... and it never came back. This was when these problems had already been happening and after several tries to reach Fedora's site.

Other problems are just as strange but not so bad or consistent: Pages sometimes seem to randomly not be found or they are found on the wrong server or something. After several minutes, though, they usually go away after refreshing the page.One of the strange examples from the "not found" or error pages I got was when I tried reading and it told me it "could not be found on this server," but....the server and URL it listed were from! The address bar showed that it was trying to find the page on Google! No, I didn't copy and paste or type the address, I was in an already-working Wikipedia page that stopped working and thought it was on Google's servers! Isn't that weird? (I might have screenshots somewhere...)

Anyway, any ideas? I have tried creating new, empty profiles on Firefox, but they still cannot access Fedora's sites. LiveCDs work fine, though. Also, I copied and used a profile from my Laptop to here and it also cannot access it.I even tried System > Administration > Network tools and tried Fedora's site in the Ping tab and it usually works just fine (sometimes it gets nothing, though).Also, I'm not using wireless or dial-up.By the way, I've only been using Linux a couple of months now, so sorry if I don't know stuff

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