Ubuntu Networking :: Access Network Outside LAN?

Jan 8, 2011

I am currently connected in a LAN, where naturally I can see in the network folder the machines connected to the LAN. Yet I need to access the LAN that exists at the WAN side of my router, see the machnes connected at it, etc. Is there a away to do it?

What I need to do is use a shared printer outside my lan, yet I need to see what IP it has in order to add it in my printer list

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Networking :: Not Able To Access Network Printer Access Denied?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a linux domain (FEDORA CORE 1) and two laptop's which are part of my domain with windows xp pro service pack 2.I have given two ip's to both the laptop's being primary as global and secondary as local.I have configured printer in one laptop and shared.Till last week i was accessing that shared printer from my other laptop and every thing was working fine.Last week i formatted one laptop,(which dose not have shared printer) from then onwards i am not able to access my other laptop. I get the following message when i try to accessmy other Laptop,"you might not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission there are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request"P.S : If i have only local IP i am able to see both the systems and i am able to access my printer, this problem comes only when i add global IP to both the machines.And also i have stopped the firewall and other things.

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General :: Networking - Network Card - Connected To Network - Given Access Point - No Connection?

Apr 3, 2010

I installed the driver for my network card. iwconfig and ifconfig are all responsive to connecting to the network, I'm given an access point address. Then, I try to connect to a website and no dice. ping www.google.com yields no result. What gives?

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Networking :: Access Pvt. Network From Public Network

Jul 13, 2009

Can any outsider(from Public N/w) access my pvt. network.i.e. my clients of my subnet? If yes how ??and if no why?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Access Outside Network

Mar 10, 2010

I setup this ubuntu 9.10 server (32bit), at first I did DHCP and it gave me an address, I updated and downloaded most of the packages I needed at that time.

I switched the IP from DHCP to static IP and now I cant access outside my network. with ping or to download packages. I can however login via ssh over my network.

The only changes I made were the hostname and the static IP

This is my /etc/network/interfaces

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Access On 10.04?

Aug 18, 2010

I purchased an Acer Aspire 7745G yesterday and installed Ubuntu as soon as I opened up the computer.

There appears to be a big problem however. Neither the wireless nor the LAN / ethernet are working.

'ifconfig -a' gives two items: lo and pan0. I believe pan0 is the bluetooth.

The wireless icon at the top right says "No network devices available". Network Tools shows the same results.

If I plug in an ethernet cord, nothing happens.

This is a fresh Ubuntu 10.04.1 downloaded this morning from ubuntu.com. I tried installing three times (USB, CD, DVD) including data checks on the disks. Same problem all three times.

I am guessing this is some kind of driver issue, but since I have no Internet access, I cannot do a Ubuntu Update and have Ubuntu find the drivers for me.

EDIT: The wireless and ethernet are working in Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Network Printer?

Jan 23, 2011

I recently installed Xubuntu 10.04 on a desktop computer. Everything works fine aside from the fact that I can't access my Dell 3010cn network printer. The printeis accessible and work flawlessly with every other computers running XP, Vista and Ubuntu 9.10I installed the drivers and configured the printer with the exact same parameters as on my 9.10 laptop. The thing is that the printer is always "offline" as if my computer could not connect to it. Also, when I try to acces its options via its fixed IP adress ( through Firefox, I cannot reach the printer. However, the printer responds to every other computer in the house.What am I doing wrong? Is there a firewall in 10.04 that keeps me from accessing to the printer?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Network - Can't Access Any Other PC

Apr 23, 2011

I can communicate to Windows perfectly (Internet sharing, file sharing, printer sharing, etc), but Windows controls everything, and I can't access any other Ubuntu PC, or host a printer or Internet connection. I have been fighting Samba for quite a long time, and I finally am able to access Windows shares from Ubuntu, but I want to host the shared folders (and everything else) on Ubuntu instead, because I have a bigger HD on it, and it is just a faster computer.

I tried personal file sharing and shared folders, but it doesn't work. I am also not able to access other Ubuntu PCs in the network, for printing, remote desktop, or file-sharing. All the computer are connected to the same Ethernet router. I'm using XP Home SP3, Ubuntu 10.04 x64, and a laptop running 11.04 beta 2.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Internet Via Ad Hoc Network

Jun 13, 2011

I want to connect to a wireless open ad-hoc network to have internet access. It worked a while ago (1/2 year or something) but some update must have messed something up so it doesn't work any longer. Situation: There is a laptop that is running windows 7 and is connected to the internet via cabel. A open ad-hoc network is configuered with sharing of internet connection, status of the ad-hoc network is "waiting for users to connect". I want to connect with a second laptop that is running ubuntu 11.04. I can find the network and connect to it.

Problem: I cannot get any internet access while being connected to the ad-hoc network. So my questions are: how can i find out if what causes the Problem? I suspect a driver issue, but I'm not sure. required information from Howto post a wireless issue:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Connection But No Internet Access

Feb 5, 2010

I am attempting to connect Ubuntu 9.10 to the Internet.I have a network connection, and Karmic detects it fine. I can ping addresses within our network (e.g. the Windows computer in the next room), and I can ping the router, but if I ping, say www.google.com, it says "Destination Net Unreachable". Previously, in Jaunty, I had a similar problem.I found a workaround: launch Pidgin. Somehow, launching Pidgin temporarily edits my configuration. However, in Karmic, I have no access to Pidgin, however, and Empathy does not do the same thing. Since I have no Internet, I cannot "sudo apt-get install" anything.How can I get the Internet working?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows Can't Access Computer Through Network?

Mar 26, 2010

So, I'm trying to set up a network with my windows netbook so the Ubuntu comp can access the internet through the netbook's wireless. Finally got the network set up, but can't access the internet on the Ubuntu comp. Also, the Ubuntu machine can recognize and access the files on the netbook, but the netbook only sees a computer named Owner-a6012abd6 which asks for a password.

The netbook is running Windows XP SP3, with an Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network adapter(internet) and an Atheros AR8132 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller. The Ubuntu comp is running Ubuntu 9.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Thinkpad T410, 10.04.01, Can Not Access Network?

Oct 21, 2010

Thinkpad t410, ubuntu 10.04.01 64 bit, can not access internet suddenly by wireless router(Netgear WGR612) today.
I can get ip address from rounter, and can ping, but can not access url, telnet 80 showed me connection refused error, the weired thing is my another windows xp laptop can access internet through the same wireless router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Home Wireless Network

Nov 11, 2010

So I finally successfully installed Ubuntu 10.10, but I can't access my home wireless network. I dual booted with Windows 7, and it detects my local wireless network, asks for the key and connects correctly. In Ubuntu, I have to plug in an ethernet cable to access the internet (like I am now). Ubuntu doesn't detect the network, and I tried "Create New Wireless Network..." up the top right, but it doesn't connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Windows7 Network Shares?

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to access my win7 networks shares with pcmanfm. (I have done sudo apt-get install gvfs-backends). I dont have any pw on my win7 and i dont want one. So every time i try to connect, pcman ask me for pw. How to configure pcman to dont ask me for pw? I have tried linux mint live usb and ubuntu live usb with same result.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Allow Client Users To Access The Network?

Dec 30, 2010

The question is related to one single desktop machine, with 3 users.

1) the superuser (me)
2) My elder son
3) My younger son.

As superuser, I can access the network (internet router) via "Wicd" perfectly well.

Both Client users can't.

Do I have to give them special user priviledges? If yes, which ones?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Company Network Form Outside?

Jan 13, 2011

we hav one of our client want access our company computer from outside network and all our computers are under proxy server therefore all computers have limited access so one of the limited access computer, client has to access from outside. so we want this computer should remain under proxy server as well as accessible from outside network

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Access Disabled After?

Apr 18, 2011

I am working on ubuntu 10.10 in a VM. I went ahead and did updated the system when prompted. That has disabled my wired network connection. I am not sure what is the reason. If it is a device driver or any network service. I guess device driver is not an issue as I can detect my network card from ubuntu.
Does any one know the solution?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Boot Into Windows And Access The Network From There

May 3, 2011

I have two machines running ubuntu connected through a BiPAC 7401VGPR3 (Billion modem/router). One is a new notebook running Ubuntu 11.04 and the other desktop computer is running 10.04 connected to the printer and external hdd.

I can't find the right documentation to network them so that I can share HDD, printers, devices, etc. I can't get either computer to see each other via network searches.

Also may need to boot into Windows from time to time and access the network from there.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 11.04 / Cisco VPN - Cannot Access Remote Network IPs

Jul 8, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and the Cisco VPN client with :
apt-get install network-manager-vpnc

I have imported the PCF provided by my employer into the GUI. The group password also seems ok, when I login to the VPN server, I am provided with the "VPN Login message". (On Windoze, I get an Ok/Cancel popup with the same message). In Ubuntu, I don't get to click "Ok" but it looks like I'm connected properly. The /var/log/syslog file contains numerous static routes added, 30 or so. After the Login Message, I see the couple of line:

Jul 8 12:40:51 ubuntu02 vpnc[1613]: can't open pidfile /var/run/vpnc/pid for writing
Jul 8 12:40:52 ubuntu02 NetworkManager[630]: <info> VPN connection 'VPN to my network' (IP Config Get) complete.

I get an IP from the external network correctly as well:

tun0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:

However, I cannot ping any of the machine on the remote network. None of the network services seems to be accessible. Why the machines on the VPN are not accessible?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Access Due To WLAN0:AVAHI

Jul 24, 2011

I have a laptop with Ubuntu 11.04. Failed to connect my home wireless network, which is composed of a modem and a Netgear router.

ifconfig showing:
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:d6:07:2b:a2
RX packets:30238 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:24005 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


I do not quite understand how the virtual interface wlan0:avahi appeared. My guess was, my request "sudo dhclient wlan0" failed to get a valid ip, although I did not get any error message from running that command. I executed "sudo dhclient wlan0" again, but still no error message or network connection.

Later today, I tried to connect to a public wireless network. Still got the same error. But when I reboot my machine, no such problems.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To Wireless Network - But No Access

Aug 7, 2011

I have a fairly new install of 10.04 on a Dell laptop (about a week). Everything was running well, connecting wirelessly to the interneet through my home router (WPA/WPA2). Today, for some reason, I lost my connection to the internet. The network manager tells me I'm connected to my router, but all the lines on the wifi indicator are gray and there is no internet access. I reinstalled the 2 sets of packets for my BCN4312 (bcmwl-kernel-source and b43-fwcutter ), but no change.

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Networking :: Can't Access Second Network Interface?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm having all sorts of problems connecting an access point to my computer, but here is one piece that I hope will get me going, if I can get it solved.My computer has two network interfaces, eth0 and eth1. eth1 connects to the cable modem and thence the world, and works fine. eth0 is supposed to connect to the access point over a private network. Here is the output from route with my IP address blotted out:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface


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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - How To Access Network Drives On VirtualBox Guest OS

Feb 13, 2010

I currently have VirtualBox installed on my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop. I have windows xp as a guest os and it has network shares on it. My question is, is there a way for another computer to access those network drives on the guest os in virtualbox? I don't want to search for hours on end on google, a simple no would be fine - however if it is possible let me know because when I am in windows on another computer that has windows as a host os it sees it in the windows network folder but it says "....network location not found" or something similar but it still shows a pc picture of the virtual os of the virtual box program running in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Connected, But No Internet Access?

Mar 24, 2010

Background infoMy laptop (MySN MG6.c) is dual-booted with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10, and connected to the internet through a router (Digitus DN-11004-O), which is set-up to use DHCP. The internet connection works fine under Windows, and my previous laptop, which also ran Ubuntu 9.10, had no problems connecting to the internet through that router.The network adapter is an Atheros AR8131 PCI-E (also detected as Attansic under Ubuntu)stem infoResults from running various diagnostics (I have removed the output that relate to the wireless connection, as I don't use it):

$ uname -a
Linux valyria 2.6.31-14-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 15:22:42 UTC 2009 i686


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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Denied To Network Drive Folder

Mar 31, 2010

I have a network drive setup on windows to a samba share that is on ubuntu 9.1. The folder im connecting to has a couple symbolic links setup and all of them give me an Access denied error when I try to open them. I have dont everything I can think off including chowning all the folders to the user that Im logged in as and doing chmod 777 on all folders and files. I have tried deleting the link and recreating it and nothing works. This was working fine a few days ago and now it doesn't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure Internet Access Using KDE Network Manager?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to configure internet access using KDE network manager. Added new VPN pptp connection, set gateway and other options but manager tries to connect for about a minute and breaks then. Here is /var/log/daemon.log

Jul 1 17:35:22 dvinokurov-desktop NetworkManager: <info> Starting VPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp'...
Jul 1 17:35:22 dvinokurov-desktop NetworkManager: <info> VPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp' started


As I understand the main problem is in "(IP Config Get) timeout exceeded".

Configuration: Kubuntu 10.04 x86, VPN server with MSCHAPV2 auth, no compression, no encrypting.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Connect To Wireless Network But No Internet Access

Jan 20, 2011

I have had a heck of a time trying to get my laptop running ubuntu to connect to my home network. I have managed to get it to work at my university which would seemingly be more difficult than getting it to work at home, so I know for a fact it isn't a hardware or driver issue. If I try to connect via ethernet cable from my router, it detects that I connected the cable but says "disconnected" and never lets me connect. If I SKIP the router and go from my modem directly to my laptop via ethernet cable it works great.

Using the wireless network tool I can see all of the wireless connections in my area. When I go to connect to my network it prompts me for the WEP key and when I enter it and hit connect it just keeps cycling and eventually times out and finally again prompts me for my WEP key. I know this network works as it works just fine on my Windows 7 partition. Another interesting note - both my wireless and ethernet connections both worked flawlessly and stoopid easily on the live cd but don't after the full install.

If I manually enter in the information for my wireless through IPv4 settings and enter in the Address,Netmask and gateway I can connect to my network - but then I have no active internet connection. Same deal with my wired connection. Is this because choosing this manual method grays out the DHCP?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Access Through Wireless Campus Network?

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to connect to the college campus wifi network, but having difficulties in Linux.I am dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10, and I use Google Chrome web browser on both. When I boot into Windows, my laptop connects to the network (as I can see from the taskbar icon) and I can (and currently am) connect in Chrome.However, in Ubuntu, it connects (or so the icon indicates) but Chrome doesn't load any pages.The campus network is unsecured, but once you open the browser, you are prompted with a log-in page (student ID and password) to actually connect.Here is my output for iwconfig:


wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"sjsu_campus"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: 00:24:6C:BC:D3:E0
Bit Rate=54 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network With Internet Connection But No Access

Mar 28, 2011

Okay, a couple of weeks ago I was running 10.04, got an auto update that needed a firefox restart, so rather than restart, I just shutdown the computer for the weekend. When I booted the computer on Monday it would find sites (www.google.com, start.ubuntu.com) but it wouldn't download the necessary items to load the page. Now I have a windows laptop sitting next to the ubuntu box and it was online with no issues, so I know it wasn't the connection itself. So I decided that the update messed up the system so I downloaded 10.10 and installed that and ran that all last week.

On Friday I got a system update that required a firefox restart, so I ran firefox for the day and decided that since it was friday, I would just shutdown the computer and reboot on Monday.Well now Monday is here and now I again have sloooowww internet, to the point that URL.. times out and won't come up. I have tried doing a traceroute on both machines and the windows box gets all the way to www.google.com, but the ubuntu box gets about halfway there and then gets no response. I am at a loss, I don't want to reinstall every week. I did try to reboot and run the previous version of 10.10 that shows in the boot menu, but that does the same thing. One thing I did notice is that the broadcast ip is different than the machine IP, don't know enough to know if this is a problem.

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Access School's Network

Feb 14, 2009

i hav 2 laptops but there is only one LAN port and i recently splitted them with my own router, the problem is the internet works fine, but i cannot access the schools's network e.g. my friend's shared folder in another room, the school's shared folder, etc. i can only access my own local router network.

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