Ubuntu :: No Boot Up Choice Option After Win 7 Install

Jul 7, 2010

I put windows 7 on my desktop which is a dell E521. I had windows vista on their previously and had a dual boot setup on it. When I installed win 7 on I just did the upgrade so I wouldn't have to reformat my hardrive and now when I boot up it will not show the option to boot into windows or ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Won't Boot - How To Change GRUB Default Boot Choice

Jan 5, 2010

I tried to do my parents a favor by installing Ubuntu 9.10 alongside WinXP on their PC -- same configuration I have on my desktop at home. The install went fine, but since I made a poor buying decision on purchasing a MSI motherboard in the past, Ubuntu immediately crashes after boot (other MSI board users having the same issue, no help from MSI).

The computer tries to boot Ubuntu by default unless something else is selected from the boot menu. How do I change the boot preference from default (choice 0) to WinXP? I tried manually changing this (editing the grub.cfg file), but the file said not to edit, that it's generated by something else...How do I have WinXP load by default instead of the broken Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - No Option To Boot After Install / Fix This?

May 3, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 alongside Windows 7. Once the install was complete it asked me to restart and when it went to boot i never got the choice in which OS i wanted to start. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Choice For Which One To Boot Up With Windows 7?

Jan 22, 2011

When Starting Up My Computer It Automatically starts up Windows 7 Home Premium I didn't see a choice for which one to boot up with. I have it fully installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Dual Boot Install Option

Dec 28, 2010

No option to install alongside another OS. I have Win7 Starter on this new netbook and need to install Ubuntu 10.10 netbook addition. Disk Management shows 4 partitions, one is C:, one is D:, and two I've never seen before they're so small. Is it safe to delete these or do they have a purpose for the current Win OS? I would gladly install the 10.10 to my D: drive which seems to be SDA2, the 131GB partition. What's the right sequence of partitioning and formatting to give Ubuntu the full install it needs manually? And what needs to be taken care of for a Swap drive?

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Installation :: Create Boot Choice Xp And Ubuntu?

Mar 25, 2010

I tried searching forums before posting, but it was hard to search due to the specific nature of what I want to do.

I have one hard drive with windows XP on it. Another with Ubuntu. As it stands there is no link between them. Is it possible to create a dual boot using these disks? - I do not want to reinstall any of them.
Preferably, I would like the boot choice (or booter? - not really sure what I'm talking about) to be on the newer Ubuntu drive.

It is on an old machine with 256MB Ram. So slow in fact, I'm going to change the desktop environment to Xubuntu - but that's mostly irrelevant.

As I understand it, I should make the Ubuntu drive master, XP as slave... but then what?

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General :: No 'Alongside' Option When Trying To Install Ubuntu 11.04 To Dual Boot / Fix It?

Jul 6, 2011

Basically what it says in the subject. In the Allocate Drive Space part of installation theres 'replace Windows 7 with Ubuntu' and 'Something else' but nothing for installing them alongside each other, which I want to do.

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OpenSUSE Install :: No USB Boot Option In BIOS?

Aug 29, 2010

Under Windows XP in the C Drive, I've downloaded PLoP boot manager to force the USB boot. I've tried about a thousand things and I get a different error message at different times from each attempt. I've got all of those documented, and I imagine I'll need to post them. I'm just not doing it quite yet as sometimes I give too much information and I really feel that I'm being an idiot here, missing something simple.

I'd like to install openSUSE onto the D Drive, using the USB and PLoP to boot it. I've downloaded openSUSE's torrents for all iso's (Net, DVD and LiveKDE). In order to get those files onto the USB, I first format to FAT32. I've tried UNetBootIn, LiLi, and mounting the iso on Daemon Tools and then copy-paste into the hard drive. None of these work and they all give different errors.Is this even possible, am I wasting my time? This is getting incredibly frustrating as I've been at it for nearly a week.

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General :: Edit Boot Option For 2 OS Install?

Apr 19, 2011

how to edit boot option. I had install Win7 and Ubuntu in my laptop. I want to change boot order win7 at up and ubuntu at down. so if i turn on laptop in 8sec if i not choose which OS to enter, by default it will choose win7 to boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Get A Choice To Boot On Start-up?

May 16, 2011

So I'm currently On Windows XP professional and want to dual-boot with Ubuntu....

Right, so I downloaded first the ISO for ubuntu here: [URL]

And then proceeded to downloading the windows installer here: [URL]

However after "Successfully" Installing, I do not get a choice to boot from ubuntu on start-up...

I have tried several things;

Re-installing - To no effect Downloading EasyBCD, which tells me that I have No BCD file, and when I opened my Boot.ini file, it was blank... Also, there is no folder C:Boot....

Now I don't know what to do and am scared to re-start just incase it doesn't boot to anything...

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot Choice Screen After Windows

Jun 20, 2011

Ubuntu and windows 7 were running in harmony prior to a reinstallation of windows 7. Earlier i would get a screen where i could select either windows or ubuntu to boot from. Now, however, my system seems to bypass that completely.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Install Option On Boot Custom Usb Live?

Jul 15, 2010

I used Ubuntu customization kit to "build" my own Ubuntu. It works as a charm. Completely recommended.

I install that custom ubuntu 10.04 on a 2gb pendrive, using usb-creator-gtk and it worked also good.

The only thing is bodering me, is when I boot that pendrive, it appear a window asking if I want to install the OS or if I want to use it live.

How can I remove that window on boot?

I want to boot directly on desktop...that way will be perfect!

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Option To Install Boot Loader (grub) To /dev/sda3 - Fix It?

Nov 28, 2010

Dual-Boot: Mac OSX and Ubuntu

Want to dual boot 10.04LTS and OS X 10.6.5
But there is no option to install the boot loader (grub) to /dev/sda3 as per the following
using Bootcamp


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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Default Boot Option?

Jan 4, 2010

I have openSuse 11.2 along with Windows, I get an option on boot to choose between the two OS, but the default is suse. How can I change the default load to Windows

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Not Using Saved Boot Option?

Jun 21, 2010

After giving it my best shot, I had to give up and finally decide that I need "acpi=off" added to the kernel line in grub. I have done so, saved it:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST950212A_5LE02797-part1

I have tried "acpi=off" "pci=noacpi". But on boot the system totally ignores this and loads the acpi support from the kernal, which shut down the USB ports. Where is this option used in Suse so that the kernel will recognize on each boot?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Bring Boot Option Back

Jan 29, 2011

I lost boot option for Opensuse. I am sure it is still installed, only thing I want to know is how to bring the boot option back. I had duel boot option for vista and opensuse now after switching on vista starts by default and I am not having any option for choosing one of them as I had before.

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Ubuntu :: Choice Of File System For Dual Boot With Win7.

Jul 4, 2010

I'm gonna setup a dual boot with Windows 7 on my system. My partition layout will be something like this:

Win7 -> ntfs
Ubuntu (root + home) -> ext4
Data (media & documents) -> ?

What file system should I choose for the data partition? If I go with ext3/4 it seems I can access them from Win7 using a file system driver, but it seems far from safe, from what google tells me. The driver installers aren't for Win7, and I need Ext4 without extents or an ext3-fs with an inode size of 128 to make it work at all. It saddens me to ask, but should I just go with NTFS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upon Upgrade Faced With Choice Of Which Kernel To Boot

Nov 20, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.10 and now I am faced with a choice at boot up of which kernel I would like to boot (or recovery mode, or memtest).I am wondering how to default to the newest kernel without this prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Start The PC And Boot From The CD, Getting A LOGIN Screen Instead Of The Regular Option To Install From CD?

Jul 21, 2010

Got it on a CD and was using it as "Try Ubuntu" instead of installing it for good (I still wanted to see if there were memory issues or HDD issues with my desktop, before I installed it for good).Anyway, I would shut down the pc after about 2 or 3 days and redo the CD install (try ubuntu option) again and add all the plugins etc.Kids used this for playing some games on friv or nickjr.The real issue - of late, when I try to start the PC and boot from the CD, I am getting a LOGIN screen instead of the regular option to install from CD or Try the Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Option To Continue Boot When Something In Fstab Failed?

Jul 13, 2009

I have already started a thred here about RAID failure: RAID5 failed, system drops into limited single mode - openSUSE Forums

I was not able to boot the system until I commented /dev/md0 in fstab

Why is it so?
This is just a files sharing partition, it is not a system partition.

Is there any option to always ignore any errors and continue boot?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Lost Windows Option From Boot Menu?

Dec 5, 2009

I already had windows installed on the c drive so linux suse 11.2 has been installed onto d. There was a problem after I finished the install - after I rebooted no menu appeared, the pc just hung on a black screen with flashing cursor, so I put the linux DVD in again and rain a repair. It repaired the boot menu but now there is no option to boot into windows.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Retaining Previous Kernel Boot Option?

Sep 28, 2010

Is it possible using YAST to make it possible to be given the option to boot the previous kernel when a new one is installed during an update?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot After Online Update Option?

Dec 17, 2010

I've installed opensuse 11.3 on my computer (well actually Ive done it twice, once with full DVD image and once with network install). Everything was OK until Ive made update (yast/software/online update <-- BTW kupdate applet isn't working, just update bar appear and stuck on 0%). i haven't installed any additional packages, only the defaults (KDE desktop). after update only fail safe option is working (booting normally and looks like normal desktop, no visual differences between normal and fail safe booting, if there should been any). When I've tried to find solution for this problem, very ofter answers were -> graphic drivers problem (im using ati hd 4670 AGP <-- yea, AGP . well when i start normal boot green screen with lizard logo appear, then screen goes black for a second or two, then the green screen come again, and after another few second screen goes black permanently with working hdd for 30-40 second (hdd led blinking) BTW i have windows7 pro (booting fine) on this machine too, it was installed as first system on hd0,0. opensuse was installed on stand alone PATA disk (secondary EIDE master, ODD on slave). how to gather info which u all need to get this problem more detailed. PS> sorry for my English, its not my native language.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Fail - Don't See Grub Or A O/s Selection Choice

Jan 2, 2010

I just attempted to install ubuntu for the 4th and 5th time and have yet again had a fail. This time it actually completed the installation, which is a first. however upon reboot it takes me directly to Vista - I don't see grub or a o/s selection choice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Does Not Display Normal Boot Menu Choice

Dec 8, 2010

machine boots straight to Windows, Grub2 does not display the normal boot menu choices. Therefore, not able to boot into Ubuntu 9.10.Perhaps someone could look at this Results.txt file and shed some light on what went wrong.This machine was working fine for a long time, then all of a sudden, it starting booting straight to Windows.

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Fedora Installation :: Live CD Hangs After Boot Choice?

Jan 1, 2010

I was using Ubuntu 9.10, until I got a new graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT). After I got that upgrade, Ubuntu no longer supported that card for some reason, so I decided to try Linux Mint since it was a close relative to Ubuntu. Still no support for the video card.

I've always wanted to try Fedora so I decided to grab the x86_64 live cd and burn it. I stick it into my disk drive and it boots where it shows me the options to "Boot" "Verify and Boot" "Boot from Hard Disk" and one other option.

I tried the Boot option, and after selecting that, everything stalls, and my display turns off (not the entire monitor, just the display). I tried Verify and Boot, and still no luck.

I have also tried the i686 live cd and the same issue. It can not be the way I am burning it, cause I've gotten other live cd's to work with the same method of burning. Is it that Fedora does not support the card?

I am trying to get the GNOME version up and running.

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General :: Can't Boot To A Choice Of Guis In OpenSuse 11.3 / Resolve This?

Sep 24, 2010

I can't boot to a choice of guis in OpenSuse 11.3

can anyone advise me on my next move? code...

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General :: Install Backtrack 3 But Can't See Windows Option Anywhere In Lilo Boot Loader

Apr 30, 2010

i successfully install backtrack 3 but i cant see windows option anywhere in my lilo boot loader

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Software :: OS Install Via Pxe - No USB Boot Option And A Broken Scsi Cdrom Drive

Aug 12, 2010

I have successfully setup a FOG server to image my Windows clients, so I have tftp, pxe and anything else related to booting to a pxe server setup and rocking. What I'm trying to do now, is use the CentOS net install files to setup CentOS on an old server with no USB boot option, and a broken scsi cdrom drive (it's a Dell PowerEdge 2400, with a single PIII 733 and 1.25GB ram).

Using the FOG Projects gparted wiki entry (adding gparted to the pxe boot menu) I was actually successfully able to pull the net install files over to the PE, and install CentOS 5.5 via local ftp server. At first it kept erroring out (I kept picking and choosing individual packages from the package groups), so I thought it may be an issue with the GUI install (the python script kept spitting back errors forcing a reboot). In any case, I finally got through the GUI install, but now I need / want to know how to force a text mode install.


the bolded "append" line is where I thought I could force the text mode install script, but that didn't work. The vmlinuz and initrd.img files were both pulled form the net install iso, NOT the livecd. Would that have made a difference? If not, what / where / how should I force the text mode install script?

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Ubuntu Installation :: When The GRUB Boot Menu Starts Up There Is An Option For Win 7 Boot But It Will Not Boot Windows?

May 2, 2011

I installed 11.04 after Windows 7. when the GRUB boot menu starts up there is an option for Win 7 boot but it will not boot windows. When that option is selected the screen changes colour for 2 seconds and then reverts to the GRUB menu. Ubuntu boots fine.I downloaded the Boot Info Script and ran it, the results are

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================[code].....

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