Ubuntu Installation :: Upon Upgrade Faced With Choice Of Which Kernel To Boot

Nov 20, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.10 and now I am faced with a choice at boot up of which kernel I would like to boot (or recovery mode, or memtest).I am wondering how to default to the newest kernel without this prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel Panic On Boot After Upgrade

Jan 25, 2011

I've been trying to get Ubuntu on my beloved 4 year old Acer desktop that's been chugging like a tank. However, after either a fresh install or upgrade, I would get the following error:"Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount to root FS on unknown-block(0,0)".I've looked here and there, and one of the issues it would seem is the kernel not recognizing my hard drive if I'm correct. One of the suggestions was to upgrade the kernel however, I have no idea how to do such a thing if I can't get into the OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Kernel Upgrade

Feb 13, 2011

I had problems with booting my PC after kernel updates several times. In the past I just reinstalled Ubuntu and after several tries with running Update Manager things were working again.This time I applied another recommended set of updates, including a kernel upgrade and got the usual "Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(0,0)"After booting from a LiveCD and running boot_info_script I rebooted again and this time I am getting tons of errors which seem to be generated while running grub. After a few minutes of 'error: syntax error' and 'error: Incorrect command' scrolling through my screen, grub gives my a grub> prompt... Not what I expected!Here is the output of the boot_info_script:


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for (,msdos1)/boot/grub.
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/mapper/isw_cagifdjehe_Volume0 and


I have two RAIDed disks (mirrored and showing OK during POST). The disk shows above as a6071eb5-6fc6-45b3-babb-c1a2156278d7. Ubuntu 10.10 installs fine from a LiveCD, but gets broken by kernel updates. I can see the original 1 TB disk when I start with the LiveCD and I can access all the files.

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Installation :: Create Boot Choice Xp And Ubuntu?

Mar 25, 2010

I tried searching forums before posting, but it was hard to search due to the specific nature of what I want to do.

I have one hard drive with windows XP on it. Another with Ubuntu. As it stands there is no link between them. Is it possible to create a dual boot using these disks? - I do not want to reinstall any of them.
Preferably, I would like the boot choice (or booter? - not really sure what I'm talking about) to be on the newer Ubuntu drive.

It is on an old machine with 256MB Ram. So slow in fact, I'm going to change the desktop environment to Xubuntu - but that's mostly irrelevant.

As I understand it, I should make the Ubuntu drive master, XP as slave... but then what?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Boot Failure After Kernel Upgrade

Nov 27, 2010

I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 AMD64 on our home theater PC through a wubi installation. Yesterday the system update installed a new kernel and today there is a problem booting the computer so I'm reluctantly using Windoze to type this. there isn't much information: the computer has always booted fine before the kernel update. When I select Ubuntu in the boot menu the screen goes black and the computer restarts. No error messages, no GRUB menu, just a blank screen before restart.

Computer: Dell Hybrid 140G, Intel Core 2 Duo T5800, 4GB RAM

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Get A Choice To Boot On Start-up?

May 16, 2011

So I'm currently On Windows XP professional and want to dual-boot with Ubuntu....

Right, so I downloaded first the ISO for ubuntu here: [URL]

And then proceeded to downloading the windows installer here: [URL]

However after "Successfully" Installing, I do not get a choice to boot from ubuntu on start-up...

I have tried several things;

Re-installing - To no effect Downloading EasyBCD, which tells me that I have No BCD file, and when I opened my Boot.ini file, it was blank... Also, there is no folder C:Boot....

Now I don't know what to do and am scared to re-start just incase it doesn't boot to anything...

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot Choice Screen After Windows

Jun 20, 2011

Ubuntu and windows 7 were running in harmony prior to a reinstallation of windows 7. Earlier i would get a screen where i could select either windows or ubuntu to boot from. Now, however, my system seems to bypass that completely.

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Fedora Installation :: Live CD Hangs After Boot Choice?

Jan 1, 2010

I was using Ubuntu 9.10, until I got a new graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT). After I got that upgrade, Ubuntu no longer supported that card for some reason, so I decided to try Linux Mint since it was a close relative to Ubuntu. Still no support for the video card.

I've always wanted to try Fedora so I decided to grab the x86_64 live cd and burn it. I stick it into my disk drive and it boots where it shows me the options to "Boot" "Verify and Boot" "Boot from Hard Disk" and one other option.

I tried the Boot option, and after selecting that, everything stalls, and my display turns off (not the entire monitor, just the display). I tried Verify and Boot, and still no luck.

I have also tried the i686 live cd and the same issue. It can not be the way I am burning it, cause I've gotten other live cd's to work with the same method of burning. Is it that Fedora does not support the card?

I am trying to get the GNOME version up and running.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Fail - Don't See Grub Or A O/s Selection Choice

Jan 2, 2010

I just attempted to install ubuntu for the 4th and 5th time and have yet again had a fail. This time it actually completed the installation, which is a first. however upon reboot it takes me directly to Vista - I don't see grub or a o/s selection choice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Does Not Display Normal Boot Menu Choice

Dec 8, 2010

machine boots straight to Windows, Grub2 does not display the normal boot menu choices. Therefore, not able to boot into Ubuntu 9.10.Perhaps someone could look at this Results.txt file and shed some light on what went wrong.This machine was working fine for a long time, then all of a sudden, it starting booting straight to Windows.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Won't Boot - How To Change GRUB Default Boot Choice

Jan 5, 2010

I tried to do my parents a favor by installing Ubuntu 9.10 alongside WinXP on their PC -- same configuration I have on my desktop at home. The install went fine, but since I made a poor buying decision on purchasing a MSI motherboard in the past, Ubuntu immediately crashes after boot (other MSI board users having the same issue, no help from MSI).

The computer tries to boot Ubuntu by default unless something else is selected from the boot menu. How do I change the boot preference from default (choice 0) to WinXP? I tried manually changing this (editing the grub.cfg file), but the file said not to edit, that it's generated by something else...How do I have WinXP load by default instead of the broken Ubuntu?

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Software :: Errors Faced While Trying To Install Fred-Client-2.2.3 On Ubuntu 8.04

Jul 19, 2010

I apologize in advance if the following problems I am facing seem 'basic'.I am a newbie to Unix systems and trying to learn and adapt. I am trying to install fred-client-2.2.3 on Ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron.

So I first downloaded the .tar.gz file from
Then using the terminal I entered:
tar -xf Fred-Client-2.2.3.tar.gz
cd Fred-Client-2.2.3
sudo ./install.sh


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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot After Upgrade To 2.6.31-19 Kernel / Solve This?

Feb 6, 2010

Can't boot after upgrade to 2.6.31-19 kernel. Boot procedure stops on "Mounting root file system..." stage with message:
/init: line 218: syntax error: 0xhda1.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Can't Boot After Kernel Upgrade

Dec 2, 2010

I updated ubuntu and installed the latest linux kernel. I rebooted back into ubuntu, then finished up some work and went to reboot into windows 7. The "starting windows" logo comes up then it blue screens and says "cannot boot %hs missing" (hard to read because it flashed on the screen then reboots).I ran startup recovery but that didnt do anything. I also tried downgrading the kernel but that didnt change anything.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade F 12 Kernel- To Kernel- Only?

Jul 26, 2010

If i use yum update option it upgrades to latest kernel but i only want to upgrade to kernel-

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CentOS 5 :: New Kernel Cannot Boot After Upgrade

Jan 2, 2010

vmware virtual machine, the system is centos 5.4 want to upgrade the kernel 2.6.32. make menuconfig is based on the default. make; make modules_install; make install no problem, reboot the system to choose a new kernel, new kernel can not boot, the following is vastly map, right in the / boot directory, there is no 2.6.32 of the config files, do not know how the matter , in the compilation before I put / boot directory of the original system config files to the source directory cp The following is the contents of the screenshot


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Ubuntu :: Choice For Which One To Boot Up With Windows 7?

Jan 22, 2011

When Starting Up My Computer It Automatically starts up Windows 7 Home Premium I didn't see a choice for which one to boot up with. I have it fully installed.

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Ubuntu :: No Boot Up Choice Option After Win 7 Install

Jul 7, 2010

I put windows 7 on my desktop which is a dell E521. I had windows vista on their previously and had a dual boot setup on it. When I installed win 7 on I just did the upgrade so I wouldn't have to reformat my hardrive and now when I boot up it will not show the option to boot into windows or ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Can't Boot After New Kernel Upgrade / Make It Possibla?

Oct 14, 2009

I cant boot into Fedora 10 using the latest kernel. It just hangs after grub, I can still boot into an older kernel. The problem is its a fresh install that I ran a full update on straight away, and now I cant install videoaudio drivers because the kernel-header packages (and others) are installed for the latest kernel. Is there any boot parameters I can try to add when booting that might help?

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Software :: Cannot Boot Grub / Freeze During A Kernel Upgrade?

Jan 11, 2010

I had a total freeze during a kernel upgrade, and reinstalled my system(kubuntu karmic) but still cannot boot.

when I try, I get this sequence of text on my screen:

GRUB loading stage 1.5
GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 15

I know that error 15 means "file not found", but not how to figure out which file it is or how to point correctly to it.

I have tried to install the system on partitions on two separate disks, with the same end result. on the original disk I had some trouble getting through grub install, but on the other disk there were no indications of trouble during setup. can this a problem with the MBR on the first drive?

I have one drive connected by PATA, the rest by SATA, will SATA1 be (hd0)[grub] and /dev/sda [linux], is it the PATA drive, or some other means to determine this without examining the make and model of each drive?

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Fedora Installation :: Xen-kernel - Unable To Boot In Normal Kernel

Feb 11, 2010

I use a pretty fresh installed RHEL 5.4, which should be very similar to Fedora. After the basic installation I installed xen and xen-kernel via yum with no errors. I can select the xen-kernel at boot time. But after booting the normal kernel shows up.

[root@noname boot]# uname -r

My /boot/grub/menu.lst looks like:



I can't see anything wrong and I did not change/try anything.

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Debian :: Can't Boot Squeeze - Messed Up The Upgrade Of The Kernel Images

Jul 2, 2010

I messed up my install so now I can't boot it. I get errors. I doubt I'll be able to fix it. I messed up the upgrade of the kernel images... I'm not sure whether there's something I could do in the Grub config file... I have one other Linux OS I can use in the meantime (plus Windows OS) so I thought maybe boot that up and check the Debian partition in case there's any files I want to save/keep. If I re-install, is Debian Squeeze LXDE still a good choice? I'm going to install something different in the partition where the other Linux OS is. Right now, it's grub is handling the boot loader. The computer is an old laptop, a Thinkpad T41. The HDD is 160GB.

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Debian Configuration :: Boot Kernel Panic After Upgrade To Backport 2.6.39

Aug 21, 2011

I am running Debian squeeze. A while ago I upgraded my kernel to 2.6.38 from backports. Just now I thought it would be good to upgrade to 2.6.39 from backports. Upgrade went fine, but after rebooting I get a kernel panics rightaway.

"No filesystem could mount root, tried:"
"Kernel panics = not syncing: VFA: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(0,0)."

This is the first time one of Linux installations halts/panics on booting, so I don't know what to do now. I tried booting the recovery entry from the grub boot menu, but same result.

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Ubuntu :: Choice Of File System For Dual Boot With Win7.

Jul 4, 2010

I'm gonna setup a dual boot with Windows 7 on my system. My partition layout will be something like this:

Win7 -> ntfs
Ubuntu (root + home) -> ext4
Data (media & documents) -> ?

What file system should I choose for the data partition? If I go with ext3/4 it seems I can access them from Win7 using a file system driver, but it seems far from safe, from what google tells me. The driver installers aren't for Win7, and I need Ext4 without extents or an ext3-fs with an inode size of 128 to make it work at all. It saddens me to ask, but should I just go with NTFS?

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General :: Can't Boot To A Choice Of Guis In OpenSuse 11.3 / Resolve This?

Sep 24, 2010

I can't boot to a choice of guis in OpenSuse 11.3

can anyone advise me on my next move? code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Upgrade Kernel To

Feb 11, 2010

my os is ubuntu 9.10 i need steps

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 10.04 Kernel To 2.6.34?

Aug 2, 2010

The new kernel has some features I think would be useful for me, especially the power management of ATI gaphics cores (I run crossfire 2870).

how I upgrade the kernel? I just wanted to check that I am doing the right thing. I had intended updating with apt-get using the age old instructions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No GUI After Kernel Upgrade?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm running 10.10 with an NVIDIA card which has a customised xconfig file (to allow use of an EDID file). This was working OK until I ran a set of security updates which included a kernel upgrade. Now when I try to boot the machine, it goes straight to terminal mode and will not run the GUI.

I recall seeing something about this before, but can't find the thread. It's a fairly simple fix to get the graphics running again, but I can't remember what the solution is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 10.04 - LTS - Kernel

Aug 10, 2011

I want to upgrade Lucid kernel to enable TRIM.

I tried this guide but no dice:


Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies. linux-headers-generic-lts-backport-maverick: Depends: linux-headers-2.6.35-30-generic but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel Upgrade Failure

Feb 13, 2010

I'm running the 64 bit version of Ubuntu 9.10 on an AMD64 dual core platform with all the most recent upgrades installed. After the most recent Kernel upgrade version the computer failed to boot correctly. Extremely slow getting to the desktop and a general failure to preload any programs that I load on boot. I had to uninstall and revert back to the previous Linux headers which solved the problem. If it makes any difference I have the machine setup as an apache2 server along with my standard desktop environment.

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