Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Configure Sun JDK On 9.10

Jan 7, 2010

Installed SUN JDK usnig the following command on Ubuntu[ 9.10 Karmic Koala]. It seems already there is a default version(open jdk) but i want to use SUN JDK for Android development.

when i run a simple program i get the following error
# javac HelloWorld.java
The program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:
* openjdk-6-jdk
* ecj
* gcj-4.4-jdk


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Realtek NIC Installation - Unable To Configure The Network Card Because Kernel Device (eth0, Wlan0) Is Not Present

Nov 30, 2010

Installed a TP-Link TG-3269 Gigabit card in a machine running OS 11.3 32 bit, when I go into Yast, Network Devices, Network to try configuring the card I get this errormsg: Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details. Couldn't find any mention of the card in dmesg's output, (though the 8139 onboard card is in there) there is some stuff about pci host bridge but I don't know whether they would be relevant or not

The chip on the card says it's rtl8169sc but lspci lists it as being 00:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8369 (rev 10) Done some googling and there don't seem be any drivers for a Realtek 8639 and it returns no matches from a search on realtek's site, but there is a driver there for rtl8169sc chips, which I downloaded and installed, no errors when installing it Even after a reboot I still get the same error in Yast's Network Settings screen, lspci still lists it as 8369 and the device isn't listed at all if I run ifconfig

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Networks And Unable To Configure Network

Jul 27, 2010

I just switched from Ubuntu to Fedora 13 because I was unable to get Ubuntu to connect to wireless networks. I tried everything suggested in help and forums, and kept getting "Bad Password" with WICD and Network Manager. Now, with Fedora...I still can't connect.

Problem #1: The guide says to "...make sure that the relevant wireless interface (usually eth0 or eth1) is controlled by NetworkManager," and that I do this via: System>Administration>Network

However, there is no Network option under System>Administration.

Problem #2: I open Network Manager, which displays a list of networks. I click on mine, configure it with WPA and the right password, and it fails to connect: "The network connection has been disconnected."

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Autoclicker In The Terminal - "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory?

Mar 19, 2011

I found a tool made for Ubuntu called Xautoclick. I downloaded it and it is called "xautoclick-0.30.tar.gz" The installation notes say "tallatBe sure you have the proper development packages for your distribution installed (i.e. something like xserver-xorg-dev, gtk2-dev, et cetera). After that, run:

./configure make sudo make install" I have no clue what to do... I typed in "./configure" in the terminal and it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Of Tar.gz - Get To The ./configure Step It Says "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory"?

Jun 5, 2011

I want to install a program from this website http:[url].... and i download the option " hydra-6.3-src.tar.gz".i tried following the instructions on this page: https:[url].... but when i get to the ./configure step it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Internet

May 27, 2010

I am using ubuntu 8.10 ....

i am unable to configure my internet on it ..i have tried a lot of things, which i have are as follows...

1. i used these commands but unfortunately no result... sudo ifconfig eth0 $ sudo route add default gw$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf this file is edited to enter ipadd etc....

2.Setting the ipaddress in system>admininstrator>network config

there i edited the properties of "Auto eth0" for my ip address, mask, and default gateway....

P.S: My internet connection is perfectly working fine in windows xp. Details shown in windows are :

ip address :
mask :
gateway :
dns :

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Evolution

Jun 15, 2010

I am unable to configure evolution,i am using ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Configure Internet On 9.10?

Apr 14, 2010

I have install ubuntu 9.10 on my Dell studio, I have local broadband connection with its user name and password which i use to connect internet everytime i need along with its IP Address, subnet mask, Default gateway, Preferred DNS server. Where should i put all this details to connect internet, i have already tried with Network connection in System -> Preference . It all work well in window

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Quota System?

Sep 2, 2010

I am trying to enable quota on my /home directory for understanding how quota works. I have not made a separate partition for my /home. The logical name of the directory "/" is /dev/sda5 on my machine


I tried to search this on Google as well but didn't get any satisfactory results. I usually post questions only when I have do not get results by checking earlier threads on various forums. If you find I am going the wrong way then please show me the right track.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Tff-mscorefonts-installer

Feb 2, 2011

I recently attempted to install the ubuntu restricted extras package, and it eventually led me to a certain screen (screenshot attached.) It seems I need to agree to the terms of use, but I can't seem to actually agree to it. I can't click <Ok>, I've tried pressing enter, pressing y then enter, pressing ok then enter, and a few other things.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Openbox Settings ?

Aug 4, 2011

I have just installed Lubuntu (from Ubuntu). I would like to add a few items to the right-click menu. I tried doing it using ObMenu as well as directly by editing the configuration files in /home/{user}/.config/openbox, but the default remains unchanged (even after reloading the configurations from the right-click menu or rebooting). Could someone give detailed instructions (e.g. where should I add some apps so as to see on the right click applications list?). The default on my right-click are a file manager, a browser and a terminal.

Also, I dont see a way to edit the main menu (the one at the lower left corner of my screen) anymore, although I remember to have accessed it from the main menu somewhere.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Configure The Internet Connection

Jan 25, 2010

My father recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my new AMD dualcore, but we have not been able to access the net.we tried resetting the modem/router. Windows XP had no problem getting us online - why is it such an issue with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Configure Internet Connection

Mar 13, 2010

I cant configure internet connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Firewall Settings : Unable To Configure For Apt-get And Dns?

Mar 28, 2010

I have tried various rules, like opening port 53 for the DNS with little success. I finally figured that you need to set the source port to 53 and NOT the destination port.However, I have been unable to figure out what ports apt-get requires. The only way I get it to work is to accept everything in iptables.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Log In - Gnome Didn't Configure Properly

May 18, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu this afternoon, and it has been working perfectly until i tried to install the flash plugin. My laptop froze and i had to unplug it to restart. Since then, whenever i try to log on, an error message appears saying that Gnome Communications (? i think thats what it said) center didn't configure properly and to contact the computer administrator.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadband Connection / Unable To Configure?

Jun 6, 2010

I have attached the screenshot of the option which I select in Windows for making the same internet broadband connection. I am unable to find the same option in Ubuntu 10.04. Till now I was using the Pppoe Dialup. But now I am unable to configure this one.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Ip Address - Unknown Host.

Aug 10, 2010

this issue which has suddenly occurred on both my Desktop and my Laptop. When I try to configure an IP address to any interface I get the following error....

uadmin@Ubuntu:~$ ifconfig br0 addr
addr: Unknown host
ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.

I get this for ethernet interfaces as well. I do not understand what is different as I was able to configure the ip address only the day before yesterday on the laptop..? The Desktop has had this issue for about 3 weeks now.

br0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 32:70:40:91:06:25
inet6 addr: fe80::3070:40ff:fe91:625/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Display / Can't Choose 1600x900 On Either One?

Oct 7, 2010

Karmic 9.10 latest updates
Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
Nvidia driver 185.18.36

Monitor Acer P205H - 1600x900 native

I can't configure the monitor. and the display.

I've tried with both the built in display configure and the Nvidia one. Can't choose 1600x900 on either one.

I either can't see all the display on the monitor, or it takes on some weird panning mode and looks like the display is about 2500x1500 or something.

Here's the xorg.conf file. Clearly it does not see the new monitor and the modes are wrong. These settings are for the previous monitor. How Can I fix this so that my display works properly? Thanks.


# xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Configure All Effects ?

Apr 1, 2010

I keep Resuming Compositing enabled in Desktop System settings , next time when i see the settings it says "Compositing is disabled"

What's the reason for this?

How does one enable All effects in Desktop system settings -> Desktop Effects?

Observation: Selecting any of the options and apply(save) will say

Following effects could not be affected.....

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General :: Unable To Configure HTTP With NIS ?

Feb 10, 2010

I was using LDAP authentication for my http shares access. But I screwed but the LDAP server and now I wanted to configure my http shares against NIS authentication.

I followed the procedure to setup NIS client, added:

Though I am able to ssh to my machine using NIS user, the http is still not authenticating the users

It fails with the following message in /var/log/secure

httpd: pam_unix(httpd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=48 euid=48 tty= ruser= rhost= user=nisuser
48 is the default apache user in my /etc/passwd

I don't have any pam_ldap.so in my httpd pam file since I had to remove LDAP configurations and I can't switch back to LDAP.

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General :: Unable To Configure Pygobject-2.21.0

Feb 10, 2010

I've installed glib-2.2.1 on ubuntu 8.04 with the typical ./configure --prefix=/usr/; make ; make install process ,everything appeared to go fine. When running the configure script in the pygobject-2.21.0 , it stops on an error looking for glib.

checking for GLIB - version >= 2.22.4... no

-Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...

-The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the

-exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.

configure: error: maybe you want the pygobject-2-4 branch?

How should glib be installed. I have already installed older version of glib. Will it be overwrited with new version ?

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Software :: Unable To Configure Thunderbird ?

Mar 3, 2010

I am using RHEL 5.3 , i want to configure my comapny email account in thunderbird 3.0.3 . i am unable to connect my server. my server is pop.bizmail.yahoo.com. what should i do , shall i need to do any more settings apart from thundermail...

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Wacom/bamboo Tablets And Xorg

Jan 31, 2011

A few weeks ago, I was configuring my wacom tablet with the Wacom Control Panel by QB89Dragon, and suddenly xorg crashed. I remember specifically that I was modifying the pressure curve of the pen when it crashed. The screen went black, but the computer stayed on. Since then, every time I start up ubuntu normally, it would show the splash screen, but would then drop me to a black screen. But if I boot up under recovery mode, failsafeX, and generate a new x configuration, and restart X, it will work fine until I restart.

I've tried looking for an xorg.conf, but since I'm running 10.04, I guess it doesn't use an xorg.conf anymore. I tried uninstalling the program I used to configure it, but no go. I tried generating a new configuration with the tablet unplugged, with the tablet plugged in, even with a different tablet. And, since nothing is ever that simple when I do something wrong, nothing so far has worked.

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SUSE :: Unable To Configure Network Card ?

Sep 24, 2010

We have several new DELL STUDIO-XPS machines pre-packaged with Win7 onto which we intend to load 10.3 the kernel as a dual boot.

The first test machine however is showing reluctance to reveal its NIC under SuSE. The card in question is a Broadcom Netlink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet with driver version under Windows.

The error message I recieve under SuSE is "Unable to configure network card because kernel device is not present".

ifconfig confirms this showing only the loopback device.

The tg3.ko driver seems to be OK (although I am not sure how to interogate this file for its vesion?). It is listed under /sbin/lsmod and I have attempted a rmmod followed by an insmod but thsi seems to have no effect.

Talk on the net suggests Windows will not 'let go' of the card on a dual boot machine but this seems unlikely and I have attempted the various power down options without success.

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Networking :: Unable To Configure Filezilla Ftp Server?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a dynamic IP connection. so i got hostname on [URL]. Now i want to configure a ftp server with that. I am choosing following options in the network configuration wizard:

1. default transer mode: passive
2. use server's external ip instead
3. get external ip address from the following address: XXXXXX.dyndns.org
4. ask opearting system for a port
5. test result:


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General :: Unable To Configure Broadband Connection?

Mar 6, 2010

I have installed debian in my machine. I have a bsnl broadband connection. But I am unable to configure the broadband connection in my system.

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General :: Unable To Configure Wireless Network On Red Hat 5.0?

Oct 8, 2010


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Software :: Unable To Run Configure Script For Libptp?

Jun 25, 2010

I have issues with running the configure script for libptp2. I have tried three different versions, including the latest. The problem is that the configure script halts due to an infinite stat64() of the /etc/localtime at this point:

checking for inline... inline
checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h
checking for error_at_line... yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for GNU libc compatible malloc... yes


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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Configure PostGreSQL For Internal Network Access?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a problem configuring my PostGreSQL server for internal network access.

I want to be able to access my postgre server from

It works when I set listen_address to *, but if I input, or any other IP address, I always get:


WARNING: could not create listen socket for ""
FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
postgresql.conf section


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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Configure Virtual Hosts File Properly

Jun 28, 2011

I'm having problems configuring my virtual hosts file properly The site [URL]... opens on http and https The site works
I am trying to redirect all traffic from [URL].... to [URL].... while maintaining access to [URL]....


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