OpenSUSE :: Unable To Configure All Effects ?

Apr 1, 2010

I keep Resuming Compositing enabled in Desktop System settings , next time when i see the settings it says "Compositing is disabled"

What's the reason for this?

How does one enable All effects in Desktop system settings -> Desktop Effects?

Observation: Selecting any of the options and apply(save) will say

Following effects could not be affected.....

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Login To Genome Desktop - Disable Effects By Command?

Dec 5, 2010

i enabled gnome desktop effects ignor the warning and now i am not able to login to genome dektop. to disable desktop effects by commands. ALSO sometimes i get this error could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority. 2. how to solve this bug.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Find A Way To Configure Nouveau Drivers

Jul 16, 2010

I had dual screen config (large desktop) going on 11.2 with proprietary nvidia driver without problems. After upgrade to 11.3 this didin't work. I was not able to find a way to configure nouveau drivers, and it was stuck in the 'twinview' mode, so decided to install binary nvidia instead (the 'hard way'). Took me a while to figure out 'nomodeset' thing, but in the end drivers were installed successfully. The problem now is that only monitor displays anything, and I can't find the nvidia control panel to activate second monitor and extend the desktop there.

Used to be able to install nvidia control panel easily in 11.2 with one-click install, but for 11.3 the page says that the one-click install buttons aren't ready yet (SDB:NVIDIA drivers - openSUSE) So my question is 'how to get dual screen going and extend my desktop to second screen using 11.3 and nvidia 210 card' ? And I don't care whether it's nouveau or proprietary drivers, as long as it's easy to configure and it works.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Configure Synaptic Touchpad On Acer Notebook For 11.3

Dec 23, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire 5740 with a synaptics touchpad. I have tried using the ksynaptics program as well as the touchpad settings under System Settings >> Computer Administration. My touchpad works, but it is driving me crazy with how sensitive the tap to click feature is. I want to disable it altogether so I can actually work on my computer. When I go to the touchpad section in System Settings >> Computer Administration >> Keyboard & Mouse, the tab says "Warning: Touchpad configuration is not supported on this system. The synaptics driver is either not loaded or too old. Refer to doumentation for information about the required driver version."

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Realtek NIC Installation - Unable To Configure The Network Card Because Kernel Device (eth0, Wlan0) Is Not Present

Nov 30, 2010

Installed a TP-Link TG-3269 Gigabit card in a machine running OS 11.3 32 bit, when I go into Yast, Network Devices, Network to try configuring the card I get this errormsg: Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details. Couldn't find any mention of the card in dmesg's output, (though the 8139 onboard card is in there) there is some stuff about pci host bridge but I don't know whether they would be relevant or not

The chip on the card says it's rtl8169sc but lspci lists it as being 00:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8369 (rev 10) Done some googling and there don't seem be any drivers for a Realtek 8639 and it returns no matches from a search on realtek's site, but there is a driver there for rtl8169sc chips, which I downloaded and installed, no errors when installing it Even after a reboot I still get the same error in Yast's Network Settings screen, lspci still lists it as 8369 and the device isn't listed at all if I run ifconfig

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Fedora :: Unable To Enable Desktop Effects

Nov 8, 2009

I am running F11 and want to spanky up my Gnome desktop a little by adding the desktop effects. When I try to enable it, my screen flickers then returns simply "unable to enable effects".I don't know where to go from here, I tried to google this but the 15 billions hits made me weep.One link seemed to provide some hope but after following the instructions, things went totally wrong and screwed up my X server; this could be because at first I didn't realise but a default install of F11 puts the PAE kernel on.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Enable Visual Effects

Oct 31, 2010

I have downloaded and installed all the required packages but still I am not able to enable the visual effects. Following are my Video Graphics Card details:-


Whether any drivers need to be installed for this video card or ders any other thing to be done?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Start Desktop Effects?

Dec 12, 2010

I can't start the desktop effects.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Enable Effects In Maverick

Mar 20, 2011

Everything seems up to date but whenever I try to enable effects my system refuses, says the driver is missing. I check my drivers and they are all working properly.

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Ubuntu :: Unable Visual Effects And/or Unity?

Apr 29, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop. Default installation, nothing special or fancy. It has a QuadroNVS 110M video chip, iirc. On Ubuntu 9, the visual effects were there to be enabled. When I enabled them it would ask if the proprietary drivers may be enabled. If I choose yes, they did and there were the visual effects that we all adore so much.

Now I'm trying Ubuntu 11.04, and the visual effects are nowhere to be found. The funny thing is, right after installation, the very first time the desktop was supposed to be loaded, I got a message telling my that my hardware is not capable of Unity. So alright, let's just only have the visual effects then. But how/where? It seems as if all references to effects and to unity have been wiped clean, because I can't find it *anywhere*.

Also, in the "additional drivers" I have activated the "[recommended]" nvidia accelerated driver, but after that (and rebooting) it is "activated but not currently in use". I have no idea what that means.

Note that I'm a Windows user really. I have next to no knowledge about linux. So great if I have to do some clicks or some packages to be installed, not so great to muddle in config files. I have also already scouted google, and I did find the obvious links, and no solution.

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General :: Unable To Enable My Desktop Effects / What To Do?

Jul 7, 2011

I installed mint 10 gnome when am trying to enable the desktop effects it says "desktop effect cannot be enabled and something like cant find window manager".

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Networks And Unable To Configure Network

Jul 27, 2010

I just switched from Ubuntu to Fedora 13 because I was unable to get Ubuntu to connect to wireless networks. I tried everything suggested in help and forums, and kept getting "Bad Password" with WICD and Network Manager. Now, with Fedora...I still can't connect.

Problem #1: The guide says to "...make sure that the relevant wireless interface (usually eth0 or eth1) is controlled by NetworkManager," and that I do this via: System>Administration>Network

However, there is no Network option under System>Administration.

Problem #2: I open Network Manager, which displays a list of networks. I click on mine, configure it with WPA and the right password, and it fails to connect: "The network connection has been disconnected."

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Configure Network / NICs Not Being Detected?

Sep 6, 2011

I'm going to come right out and say I am a complete novice with Linux/SUSE. The equipment I'm having a problem with is a little web-server that was purchased by my employer that has, quite suddenly, stopped functioning. I was changing the IP address within YaST, at which point the device offered to update itself, which I saw no harm in. Post-update, however, I was unable to so much as ping the device.

I tried "ifconfig eth0": "Error fetching interface information: Device not found." I went into network settings via YaST and found that there are two cards now listed as: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller Both IP addresses are "Not configured". The information pane, for both cards, cites:

RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controllerBusID : 0000:02:00.0 Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details. The only difference in either of the cards is the BusID (0000:02:00.0 and 0000:03.00.0)

I can neither edit nor delete either of these cards. As I mentioned, I am a total Linux novice, and am at a total loss for what to do next, or even how to find critical information about the system itself. I know enough to check dmesg, but not enough to have any clue what to look for in the output.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Enable Desktop Effects On Aspire One?

Feb 27, 2010

After a bit of a mess up i ended up reinstalling UNR on my acer aspire one. Have everything running as it was before except that i can't enable desktop effects. I don't know why this is as i had them working before. I am running the exact same version (9.04) and the desktop effects worked out of the box the last time. I don't know why i'm having a problem this time.

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade - Unable To Run Effects Or Unity (fglrx - ATI)

May 2, 2011

When I first did the upgrade to Natty, no desktop at all would start. I could only get a text terminal login prompt. Log showed a segfault in fglrx module: "firegl_SetSuspendResumeState" I found instructions to remove the fglrx module and install the default ATI driver. Now I get a graphical login screen. But I must only login with "Ubuntu Classic (No effects)" in order to get a desktop. If I select Unity or Ubuntu Classic, I never get taskbars or menus and can't run any apps. So Natty Narwahl is a big step backwards for me. What is the relevant information to provide? The display driver is listed as RV710 [Radeon HD 4550] from ATI Technologies Inc.

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Software :: Unable To Enable Visual Effects In Ubuntu 9.10 / Fix It?

Dec 9, 2009

I recently migrated from windows to linux .i installed ubuntu 9.10 on my 32 bit system i faced this pblm .when i tried to enable visual effects
error occurs and it says 'visual effects cant be enabled.i tried this
System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.But window appeared saying ''no proprietary drivers are in use on this system''..If i have to install them what i need to do .
my graphic card info is as code...

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General :: Unable To Set Desktop Effects On Acer Aspire 3000

Mar 18, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu 10.10 on my aspire 3000 and everything seemed to work just fine... until I tried to activate desktop effects. tu put it simple, it just don't work. I checked and doubled-checked the lsmod | head to make sure that my drivers (sisfb / were installed and loaded. they were. I then made sure that my pc was opengl-supporting (Glxinfo | grep "direct rendering". The answer was positive. With that in mind, I tried many different ways to run compiz(compiz --replace, appearance-desktop effect, run app-compiz) but neither if these gave any results.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Turn On Visual Effects After Performing Update / Enable It?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm running Karmic on an Acer Aspire AO751h and very aware of the issues regarding the GMA500 ans psb drivers, and after reading all the forums I've finally accomplished to make it work just fine. Last week it performed an update via the update manager and since then I haven't been able to restore/run any of the compiz settings and found out that the problem is that it doesn't let me turn on my visual effects under the appearance settings. When I attempt to set them as normal or extra, it starts "searching for available drivers" then the screen blinks several times, goes black, hides every window and just shows me my desktop background and then come back again and displays "Desktop effects could not be enabled". As I mentioned before, Compiz was running fine and I had no issues with the visual effects prior to the last update perfomed a week ago. Can you help me please?? If you need further information I'll be more than glad to provide them tou you, this is driving me nuts!

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OpenSUSE :: 3d Effects Not Working In KDE

Aug 1, 2010

The 3d effects are working in Gnome but not in KDE.

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OpenSUSE :: Desktop Effects Can't Be Activated?

Feb 2, 2010

im using opensuse 11.2 with kde and im having problems to use desktop effects differents from those default ones. For exemple, I cant enable the desktop cube! i check the box and click apply.... but nothing changes, even restarting the system. Maybe my graphics card is not working well..

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OpenSUSE :: 3D Effects No Longer Working

Sep 15, 2010

I did an update to KDE 4.5 recently, and afterwards noticed that 3D effects were no longer enabled. When I try to enable them from desktop settings, I get a pop up in the panel that says another application is preventing compositing (or something like that).

I have the nvidia 256.53 drivers installed and 'glxinfo' says direct rendering is on. I'm also using X server 1.9, but compositing was working with the new X server before I did the update to 4.5.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Effects In Upgrading To 11.4

Jun 5, 2011

I have always paid for new versions of SuSE, but I have just picked up 11.4 Open on a "Linux Format" magazine. Thought I might try it. Can I "upgrade" from a full-paid-for SuSE 11.1 to Open 11.4? And What are the effects? e.g. Do I lose any software? Am I likely to lose my e-mail (KMail)?I read in the forums that people have had trouble with devices (memory stick, hard drives)and with booting. Having used 11.1 for so long I have forgotten all of the "configuration" changes I have made over the years. PS: All 64 bit.

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OpenSUSE :: Configure / Syncing The Conduits Through The "Configure Kpilot" Menu Item

Feb 8, 2010

kpilot worked just fine with my Palm Tungsten T3 on OpenSuse 10.3. I recently upgraded to 11.2 and have had numerous problems. It took me a while to get the hardware talking (documented in another thread), but now the sync is proving to be problematic. A hotsync happens - and I can also sync fully with jpilot, but the sync isn't going anywhere. I'm hoping to sync with kontact, but it's impossible to tell as kpilot hangs whenever I try to configure the conduits through the "Configure kpilot" menu item. When syncing, the log complains of missing conduits:

Version: KPilot 5.3.0 (KDE 4.3.0)
Version: pilot-link 0.12.3
Version: KDE 4.3.1 (KDE 4.3.1) "release 6"
Version: Qt 4.5.3

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OpenSUSE :: KDE Desktop Effects Cannot Revert To OpenGL

Jan 27, 2011

Last night I was playing around with Desktop Effects and set the composting engine to Xrender, it was openGL. And things started to slow down tremendously. There is now lag on Alt+F1, lag when mousing over hidden taskbar, lag when moving windows, etc. I was trying to get rid of a trail of images when moving windows around. I created more problems. Things got even better when I tried to change back to openGL:

"Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Setting will be reverted back to previous values. Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advancde options, especially changing the composting type." The same thing happens when I click on "Default", the default options disable desktop effects.

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OpenSUSE :: Directly Enable 11.3 X64 KDE Desktop Effects

Feb 13, 2011

I've a question about KDE desktop effects. How do I directly enable KDE desktop effects in KDE? Now I have to enable Gnome desktop effects, then KDE desktop effects will be enabled. When I select "enable desktop effects" and press "OK" in KDE, it will tell me "... X configuration ..." something. What the hell is that? I never met this problem in Gnome. Is it a KDE's bug?

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OpenSUSE :: Distorted Fonts With Desktop Effects?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm getting this weird behavior when I have Desktop Effects enabled. When it is on, it's like there are two or three vertical and horizontal lines running across my screen that distort any of certain font characters that are under them. In some cases these characters are trimmed slightly, in others they have an odd skew to them, and in still others the letters are completely removed/missing/invisible. With Desktop Effects disabled, everything appears as normal. I have attached a screenshot in which you can see there are at least three letters missing from the left side (Desktop Effects enabled) and not from the right side (Desktop Effects disabled). There is a missing 'l,' a trimmed 't,' and a distorted 'p.' I'm on a one-week-old 11.4 install with nVidia drivers installed from that repo.

As far as I can tell, Desktop Effects works with few other issues, although there are some aggravating ones (having to click task tray items multiple times to get a response, multiple windows highlighted in the menu bar as though they all had focus, etc) that I will look into once I get this one key issue taken care of.If any other diagnostic information might be useful, please let me know and I will provide ASAP.

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OpenSUSE :: Lost KDE Desktop Effects After Updates

Aug 27, 2011

I am Running opensuse 11.4 (64 bit) KDE desktop with all the updates & proprietary ATI driver installed. My processor is Athlon II X2 250 & motherboard is gigabyte MA785GPM-UD2H. I have 4 GB (2 +2) of DDR 2 RAM installed. I have turned off automatic updating & usually update my machine once a week. But just couple of days ago I had just updated my system and KDE desktop effects stopped working!!

I went to the Application launcher -> Configure Desktop -> Desktop Effects and everything was grayed out!! except for the following message Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues:"

But, what technical Issue?? there was nothing else written! Googling for the issue has actually left me more confused; but I am still posting the content of my ~/.kde4/share/config/kwinrc file


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Enable Desktop Effects

Apr 7, 2010

When I first installed OpenSuse, the sound and video drivers worked fine. But now, even after a new install and some basic driver-installation procedures, I can't get either one to work properly: I can't enable desktop effects (and when I try, metacity window decorations become invisible), and sound doesn't play through my headphones. I know the headphones are fine because they work on my Sansa, and I know general sound is fine because sounds work when I just use my laptop's speakers, but both combined somehow simply don't work.

I have a Dell Studio 15, and my output of lspci:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 PCI Express Root Port (rev 03)
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 04)


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Getting Desktop Effects To Work In 11.3

Jul 24, 2010

I've installed 11.3 KDE 64bit and it runs great.I tried setting enable desktop effects and nvidia drivers have to be installed. I have Geforce 7100.Seems like many are having trouble getting effects to work. should I install drivers from here:1-click-collection - openSUSE Community Wiki.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Get Desktop Effects To Work

Jan 3, 2011

I have tried just about every thing I can find to get this to work on my laptop but have had no luck.Now this is the weird thing I can boot a Live CD of openSUSE 11 Gnome and make the Desktop Effects work no problem, but installing ATI drivers and unstalling ATI drivers still will not let the Desktop Effects work. I have tried all that I know and here are the xorg confs from both.

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