Ubuntu :: Cannot Get To Install On Windows7 ?

Jan 16, 2011

I am new to installing Ubuntu and cannot get it to install on my desktop windows7 and can't see any obvious reasons why it won't work.

The Ubuntu home page led me to believe that the wubu download would be the easiest way to download and install ubuntu side-by-side with my windows7, but I'm not finding that to be true. Know I have now tried to download that windows ubuntu installer 3 times now and it fails every time.

I have complete admin rights to my desktop. After over an hour of dowloading I keep getting message "Permission denied" and it refers me to the log file.

The last few lines of the log files states:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Go In Windows7?

Nov 6, 2010

i have installed opensuse 11.3 but i have installed it 2 times . now i can't get in windows 7. can i uninstall opensuse to get other opensuse and windows? and how i can uninstall if i need?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Want To Boot Windows7 - Ubuntu - Possible To Run All 3 OS In My Computer

Mar 23, 2010

In my computer I already installed Windows7 and Ubuntu.

when I start my computer then my computer want which OS I want to start with.

Now I'm want to install opensuse in my computer. But I want to know is it possible to run all 3 OS in my computer and when I start my computer it will ask that which OS now want to boot

1) Windows7
2) Opensuse
3) Ubuntu

I will enter my choice and If I enter choice 2 then I will work on "Opensuse" if I enter choice 3 then I will work on "Ubuntu" if I enter choice 1 then I will work on "Windows7"

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.04 On A Second Partition Without Overwriting The Windows7 Bootloader

Jun 9, 2010

Is it possible to install ubuntu 10.04 on a second partition without overwriting the windows7 bootloader and boot it using grub on a usb stick?

I would be happy with just the second option as I could fix mbr if I have to, I just don't want it to easily visible that linux is installed as well as windows.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Windows7 After Install 12

Dec 31, 2009

I have a laptop that has multiple partitions and was running Windows 7. I installed Fedora in a area of free space in the extended area, thus in a logical partition. Fedora is now running on the laptop. But, at boot time, there is NO BOOT MANAGER. The laptop just boots straight away to Fedora.

I know this has probably been covered, but is there an "official" procedure or document available to us newbies that I can use to recover my system such that it boots all of my installed bootable partitions (including Windows7)?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 On HP Pavilion Preloaded With Windows7?

Apr 23, 2010

Recently I tried to install openSUSE 11.2 on my HP Pavilion dv6-2125tx notebook PC which comes preloaded with Windows7. I used a DVD to install the openSUSE. Before installation, I created partitions on my hard drive for root, /home and swap by shrinking the C volume. This is the only way to create partitions on my laptop. I used NTFS filesystem during format of these partitions. During installation, the first error message that appeared was YaST error saying that it could not format the partitions though it was allowing me to set mount points and filesystems for the partitions I had created. The next problem was swap. I was not able to see the mount point and F (for format) for the swap partition. However when I continued by ignoring the warning for swap there was a partition for swap and it was the same partition I wanted to have for swap. So, I clicked the Install button. The next problem was grub error 17: cannot mount the partition. And then when I continued ignoring this too, the computer did not get any of the OSes saying that BOOTMGR (BOOT MANAGER) is missing. I had no options left but to recover it using recovery disks of my laptop.I searched a bit on the internet and found that grub error 17 happens if the corresponding partition exists but the filesystem is not recognized by the GRUB.

I concluded that it was happening bacause YaST was unable to format any of partitions with the filesystem selected. So in my next attempt, I formatted the partitions in FAT32 filesystem in Windows which I think GRUB can recognize. I did that because even if YAST would be unable to format the partition the filesystem could be recognized by GRUB.And I think that happened but I got a new error this time.The grub error 22.Now I don't know what to do. One thing that I am expecting is that my hard drive cannot be partitioned in the correct way for linux. I can only shrink the volume and create logical partitions only from one dynamic partition c. And that may be the reason YaST could not format the partitions in the correct filesystem and inturn the grub error is happening.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Access Windows7 Partition On 11.4?

Jul 29, 2011

I just installed it. On the dual boot screen my windows7 partitions show up but nowhere on openSUSEI haven't checked if my windows7 partition boots though,

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Fedora Installation :: 12 Install Failures On Windows7 64-bit Laptop

Apr 30, 2010

my laptop windows 7 64-bit intel core i5,4GB ddr3 RAM 500GB HDD. hard Drive partion -- c-drive:150GB D-Drive:150 GB remaing 160 GB not allocated but when i install fedora 12 . it says create boot/efi partion, root partion i dont get it

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows7' Is Not Given

May 26, 2011

While istalling Ubuntu, after choosing the language, I do not have an option 'Install Ubuntu alongside Windows7'.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing With Windows7 ?

Jan 30, 2010

Today I downloaded the newest version of ubuntu. We have got two laptops, one with vista, one with windows7. Ubuntu did properly install only with Vista. What can I do with the Windows7-one?

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Ubuntu :: VNC From Windows7 - Via A Local Network ?

Aug 11, 2010

I am trying to VNC into Ubuntu via a local network and not sure if i am doing this correctly and securely.

Currently i have TightVNC viewer and Putty installed on my Windows machine. i use Putty to log into Ubuntu and start VNC server (i think its X11). I then start VNC viewer on the windows machine and log into Ubuntu as normal, however this is really slow and it takes a long time to refresh.

My local network is connected to the internet so i want to be sure that this is all secure even thought my router has a firewall.

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning For Dualboot With Windows7?

Mar 4, 2011

I've got a new box (i.e. I can blow away everything on it) with

CPU=Atom 330
nVidia GeForce 9400M
single drive, single partition=250 GB
Ubuntu 10.10 installed

The box will primarily be used for ubuntu, but my GF also wants to stream Netflix on it. (I have not been able to sell her on the Amazon Instant Video--yet, anyway.) Since Netflix doesn't run on Linux, I need to install a Windows or OSX. I have media for w7 and wXP. I'm planning to install w7 on it, just because that's newer. Is there a reason to install wXP instead for this usecase?

Given w7, I can choose to dualboot or virtualize. I'm told the Atom doesn't virtualize well, so I'm planning to dualboot. I'm told that, when dualbooting linux and windows, one wants to partition first, then install windows, then install linux, so I'm planning to do that.

how to partition for this? My plan is currently to make 5 partitions: 2 primary partitions (one for each OS) and 1 extended partition (to hold linux swap and the homes for w7 and ubuntu)


primary partitions:
system (c:) for w7 = 20 GB
root for ubuntu = 20 GB
extended partition:


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Ubuntu :: How To Access Files From Windows7

Aug 9, 2011

I am trying to access my ubuntu (11.04) partition (ext4) from windows 7. I have tried explore2fs but it works only with ext2 ad ext3 partitions. I have downloaded samba for sharing but as I suppose it doesn't work that way.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Bootable Windows7 Usb Drive?

Jul 3, 2010

How to make a bootable Windows7 usb drive from Ubuntu? I have a netbook, so there is no dvdrom drive, and need to reinstall on it Windows 7 how to make a bootable usb drive with windows 7 if i have Windows 7 ISO on my computer with Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From Windows XP To Windows7?

Oct 9, 2010

upgrade from windows XP to windows7?

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Ubuntu :: Installed After Windows7 - Can't Return To Windows 7

Oct 16, 2010

I have a Asus EEE PC 1005HA netbook, which I use with Windows 7. I've been abroad for the last 2 weeks, and when I came back I found out my younger brother has installed Ubuntu on it.

When I asked him he told me it's no problem, and he didn't overwrite Windows, just installed on another partition.

However, I'm trying to get back to my original operating system and I have no idea how. Obviously, he has none either as he is just an impulsive 15 year old.

I'd like to either uninstall ubuntu and return to my windows OS, or just choose at boot time which OS I want to access (I don't really mind having a linux onboard, I assume it has it's merits).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Does Not Recognize Windows7?

Jun 3, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 11.4 and I want dual-boot machine. Before Ubuntu on machine was installed only windows7. Since I install Ubuntu I do not see Grub(or any other) boot loader. When I start computer it automatically boot Ubuntu without prompting choose OS menu.

How can I set grub2 to ask me this question?

Here is my partition configuration

Boot Info Script 0.60 from 17 May 2011
============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda.


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Ubuntu Installation :: SSD With Windows7 Won't Dual Boot?

Jun 22, 2011

I built this computer with a Gigabyte motherboard, i3 processor, 8Gb ram, 64Gb SSD, and 1.5Tb HDD. Loaded Windows 7 to the SSD... repartitioned the drives and loaded Ubuntu 11.04.The start menu comes up to select Windows 7 or Ubuntu... when I select Ubuntu I get a screen which reads:Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To Fix the problem:1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.2. Choose your language settings, and the click "Next"3. Click "Repair your computer."if you do not have this disc, contact your sys admin or manufacturer for assistance. File: ubuntuwinbootwubildr.mbrStatus: 0xc0000098Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

This screen continues to come up. I tried to load Ubuntu with Wubi but it would not install... I have now installed it from a DVD but the load screen keeps putting me back to the screen above. I can't load from the Windows CD it won't recognize it even if I change the bios setting.Windows 7 seems to be running fine... and Ubuntu seems to have loaded fine... so how can I get my Windows boot screen to go and load Ubuntu as my OS?

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Ubuntu :: Recover Grub2 After Windows7 Installation?

Nov 6, 2010

How to recover grub2 after windows7 installation ?

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Ubuntu :: Triple Boot/Windows7/WindowsXP ?

Jan 2, 2011

I have been running dual boot Windows XP and Slackware for years but I recently changed things up a bit a "broke" something.

Windows XP is on it's own 250GB HDD. I installed Windows 7 on a seperate 74GB HDD but it appears that it installed the bootloader over top of the Windows XP bootloader on the 250GB HDD. Both OS's booted fine and that point. Then I partitioned the 250GB HDD into 150GB and 100GB leaving me 100GB to install Ubuntu. I told Ubuntu to stick it's bootloader on the 250GB HDD thinking everything would work like magic although there appears to have been a little bit too much magic. Normally Slackware will allow you to manually edit your Lilo config file during installation and add all your OS's but this didn't happen with the Ubuntu install.

After the install there were 5 options in the bootloader menu (at this point I am not even sure what bootloader it was using). Ubuntu, Ubuntu ("safe mode?"), memtest, more memtest, and Windows 7 (bootloader? it wasn't just called windows 7 but something like Windows 7 bootloader, I have only booted once and I am writing this from Ubuntu right now). I tried selecting Windows 7 at that point hoping that it would bring me to the Windows bootloader which would allow me to select from Windows 7 and Windows XP but the screen just went blank for a second or two and then sent me back to the same screen I was just at.

So a quick Google of Ubuntu bootloader led me to believe I was using Grub and I needed to look for the /boot/grub/menu.lst file and edit that but the file wasn't there. Then I tried running grub but I was informed it wasn't even installed. I thought maybe I would have better luck with Lilo but that wasn't installed either. So I installed Lilo and ran liloconfig but I was told that fstab gave a UUID that led Lilo to belive I wasn't using an ordinary block device and I should go fix that and come back afterwards. In fact the only thing in fstab was the ext4 partition with Ubuntu and the swap partition even though I have 4 sata drives installed with 6 separate partitions.

At this point I am pretty lost. Most of my Linux work is done in Parallels now on a Macbook so I haven't had to mess with the bootloader in years and when I did it was all on Slackware which to me is set up quite a bit differently than Ubuntu. I would be pretty sick if I screwed up and took out 3 OS's with it.

How Grub will handle booting both Windows OS's when Windows appears to be doing it with one bootloader.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fix Non Booting Windows7 Partition After I Installed 10.04?

Apr 17, 2010

I installed 10.04 and Grub won't boot into Windows7. I attempted to fix the problem through several different methods and nothing worked and I fear I made the booting problem worse than it was to begin with. I can boot into Ubuntu just fine, just not Windows7. Black screen with a cursor upper left hand. Windows7 repair disk does not help and using Windows7 command line repairs did nothing.

So here is an idea I came up with: Is there any way I can back up the Windows partition exactly the way it is, reinstall Windows7, and then somehow lay down all that information directly over the install to make it exactly like it was?

I doubt it is that simple, but is that possible? Like basically unhiding all the hidden files, copying them into a folder on my Ubuntu installation, reinstalling Windows7 and just copying them all back?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Triple Boot Xp - Windows7

Nov 10, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my dual boot system which had XP and Windows 7 installed, and after installing ubuntu I was able to boot windows 7 and ubuntu, but unable to boot XP it says some dll file is missing, now I think if try to repair xp with installation disk it might ruin my ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Use HDMI To Connect To Lcd TV It Works Fine In Windows7?

Nov 14, 2010

Though I had solved this but I was premature. Here are the details. When I use HDMI to connect to my lcd TV it works fine in Windows7. (I have dual partitions W7/Ubuntu),but when I boot into Ubuntu and use HDMI, nothing happens.

lori@lori-laptop:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


also when I open the Gnome Alsa Mixer, under the HDMI tab, there is just a blank screen. I believe I have the latest Alsa releases.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Only Booting Windows7 - Configure Grub

Nov 21, 2010

My system set-up is one HDD that is partitioned having two Windows7 bootable partitions, and Ubuntu. I originally had Windows7 and Ubuntu, but I wanted to have another Windows7 OS to keep clean for gaming. Of course, when installing Windows7 it wiped out Grub2. I've reinstalled Grub2, but now I'm having a problem in that when I choose Windows7 in the Grub menu, it directs me to the windows boot manager to choose one of my Windows7 partitions to boot. I'd like to configure Grub so I can choose which Windows7 installation I'd like to boot from there. I've tried added custom scripts to point grub directly at the partition where each installation is located, but it always directs me to the windows boot manager. How can I bypass that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Windows7 Network Shares?

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to access my win7 networks shares with pcmanfm. (I have done sudo apt-get install gvfs-backends). I dont have any pw on my win7 and i dont want one. So every time i try to connect, pcman ask me for pw. How to configure pcman to dont ask me for pw? I have tried linux mint live usb and ubuntu live usb with same result.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use The 72.15Gb Unallocated Space For Windows7?

Mar 15, 2011

I've been trying to install Windows7 along side of Ubuntu 10.10, but trying to sort out the partitioning is a little difficult to figure out.

I have Ubuntu already installed Here is the screen shot for you from Gparted. gparted.jpg

I want to use the 72.15Gb unallocated space for Windows7, and I believe that that (Windows) needs to be on it's own partition. I just can't figure out how to get it to its own partition.

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Ubuntu :: New Dual-boot But Cannot Load Windows7(grub)?

Apr 12, 2011

Finally made the switch over to ubuntu, but I needed to keep my windows7 for several reasons. Let just start by saying I have two hard drives, a 200gig(which holds my windows7 partition) and a 500gig(has a 100gig partition which has ubuntu on it). After finally getting 10.04 to install on the 100gig partition and everything running right, I tried to load up windows7 and got an error.

Something along to lines of "the partition does not exist". I believe I messed up on the last step on the install, as I might of just been careless. I remember reading somewhere that if using multiple hard drives grub may get messed up in one way or another. IS there a way to fix this and make grub realize that window7 is on another partition, or am I out of luck?edit: Id like to add that grub is recognizing windows7, it just will not load off the other partition(I think)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Windows7 11.04 Reinstall?

May 14, 2011

I have done some commands in ubuntu 11.04 and got problems, thinking of reinstall it. (laptop acer 5738zg)

Previously when i have dual booted win7 and ubuntu10 and linux mint i always get "grub rescue" when i try reinstall my linux partition, and it ends with i have to do clean reinstall of both windows and linux, which is a major pain in the rectum area

Is there a way to make my linux go back to original state without reinstall, and if i reinstall, how can I do this without loosing win7 partition and get this awful grub rescue message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot: Windows7 Will Not Load?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a laptop that has a dual boot of Windows7/Ubuntu10.04. Ubuntu loads fine, but Windows 7 does not. It shows up in the Grub, but it will not load. I assume that the boot loader was messed up somehow, but I am not experienced at deciphering the boot info file. I was hoping someone might be able to take a look at the file and tell me what the issue might be, and also which part of the text indicates the problemBoot File:

Boot Info Script 0.60 from 17 May 2011
============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================


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Fedora :: Temp 10′C Warmer In F15 Than Windows7

Jun 14, 2011

using acpi -t I noticed that my CPU temperatur is at around 60C while just using Google Chrome in Fedora 15.
In Windows7 doing the same thing, my CPU is at 50C.

Do you know maybe a little trick to lower the CPU load or how I can detect which background apps are not needed in F15/Gnome3?

In fact, F15 is running much much faster than Windows on my UL30V Laptop...

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