OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 On HP Pavilion Preloaded With Windows7?

Apr 23, 2010

Recently I tried to install openSUSE 11.2 on my HP Pavilion dv6-2125tx notebook PC which comes preloaded with Windows7. I used a DVD to install the openSUSE. Before installation, I created partitions on my hard drive for root, /home and swap by shrinking the C volume. This is the only way to create partitions on my laptop. I used NTFS filesystem during format of these partitions. During installation, the first error message that appeared was YaST error saying that it could not format the partitions though it was allowing me to set mount points and filesystems for the partitions I had created. The next problem was swap. I was not able to see the mount point and F (for format) for the swap partition. However when I continued by ignoring the warning for swap there was a partition for swap and it was the same partition I wanted to have for swap. So, I clicked the Install button. The next problem was grub error 17: cannot mount the partition. And then when I continued ignoring this too, the computer did not get any of the OSes saying that BOOTMGR (BOOT MANAGER) is missing. I had no options left but to recover it using recovery disks of my laptop.I searched a bit on the internet and found that grub error 17 happens if the corresponding partition exists but the filesystem is not recognized by the GRUB.

I concluded that it was happening bacause YaST was unable to format any of partitions with the filesystem selected. So in my next attempt, I formatted the partitions in FAT32 filesystem in Windows which I think GRUB can recognize. I did that because even if YAST would be unable to format the partition the filesystem could be recognized by GRUB.And I think that happened but I got a new error this time.The grub error 22.Now I don't know what to do. One thing that I am expecting is that my hard drive cannot be partitioned in the correct way for linux. I can only shrink the volume and create logical partitions only from one dynamic partition c. And that may be the reason YaST could not format the partitions in the correct filesystem and inturn the grub error is happening.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Go In Windows7?

Nov 6, 2010

i have installed opensuse 11.3 but i have installed it 2 times . now i can't get in windows 7. can i uninstall opensuse to get other opensuse and windows? and how i can uninstall if i need?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Access Windows7 Partition On 11.4?

Jul 29, 2011

I just installed it. On the dual boot screen my windows7 partitions show up but nowhere on openSUSEI haven't checked if my windows7 partition boots though,

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OpenSUSE Install :: Want To Boot Windows7 - Ubuntu - Possible To Run All 3 OS In My Computer

Mar 23, 2010

In my computer I already installed Windows7 and Ubuntu.

when I start my computer then my computer want which OS I want to start with.

Now I'm want to install opensuse in my computer. But I want to know is it possible to run all 3 OS in my computer and when I start my computer it will ask that which OS now want to boot

1) Windows7
2) Opensuse
3) Ubuntu

I will enter my choice and If I enter choice 2 then I will work on "Opensuse" if I enter choice 3 then I will work on "Ubuntu" if I enter choice 1 then I will work on "Windows7"

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OpenSUSE Install :: X11 Fails On HP Pavilion Dv7?

Mar 22, 2011

I did a clean install, replacing 11.3 with 11.4 (BTW, why couldn't 11.4 recognize a ext4 partition??). When I boot, the cursor is a garbage block in the center of the screen. When I move, the cursor disappears. The display never progresses past the splash and no progress bar appears. When I boot in safemode, it works, but the display is slow and jerky. This is such a show stopper for me that I had to revert to 11.3 which does not like my touchpad.

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Software :: Install PCLOS On Laptop Preloaded With Xp?

Jun 10, 2010

have a fujitsu 2030 laptop. Works well, but dont like XP, have tried several of the Linux OS, and found that PCLOS was what I wanted, trouble is that it keeps freezing, have downloaded two CDs just incase one was a problem.

It appears to be loading, select install icon, last time took 10 minutes before realised system had frozen. Rebooted, then get as far as the box saying now going to install, did not. Rebooted, then worked ok, until I tried to change the time zone.

Would it be better if I kept XP (removed it before, as first time I put in PCLOS it over wrote XP),and use part of hard drive for PCLOS. Sorry if long winded,but would dearly love to have Linux, will then dispose of XP when confident not going to have same problems.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Install Suse On Hp Pavilion Dv6 1386et?

Feb 8, 2010

I want to install suse on hp pavilion dv6 1386et. Hardware Specifications: Microprocessor: 2.66 GHz Intel Core2 Duo processor P8800 Microprocessor CacheLevel 2 cache 3 MB


I have tried suse 10.3, 11.2 and also redhat 5 enterprise, fedore 12 and all of them gave ACPI error. I can not install linux. only suse 11.2 had given some hopeful progress. nevertheless suse default session does not work.In all attempts screen freezes.can anyone help me? and sorry for my bad english

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OpenSUSE Install :: HP Pavilion Dv6 - Driver For Laptop Graphics Card?

Mar 18, 2010

I have an HP Pavilion dv6-2120ca and I'd like to find out where to find the graphics driver. This is the card: TI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Graphics I plugged in my MP3 player in and it worked with Opensuse.

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General :: Ubuntu And XP Install On Sony Vaio Laptop (Vista Preloaded)

Jun 21, 2010

I have sony vaio laptop which is vista preloaded. But I don't want windows vista and want to install ubuntu and windows xp on complete hard disk. Can I remove window vista completely? Will be any problem in future if I remove vista completely? And at last, is my laptop hardware vista completable and may give problem? I urgently want ubuntu and don't want virtual os as ubuntu...

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Get To Install On Windows7 ?

Jan 16, 2011

I am new to installing Ubuntu and cannot get it to install on my desktop windows7 and can't see any obvious reasons why it won't work.

The Ubuntu home page led me to believe that the wubu download would be the easiest way to download and install ubuntu side-by-side with my windows7, but I'm not finding that to be true. Know I have now tried to download that windows ubuntu installer 3 times now and it fails every time.

I have complete admin rights to my desktop. After over an hour of dowloading I keep getting message "Permission denied" and it refers me to the log file.

The last few lines of the log files states:

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Windows7 After Install 12

Dec 31, 2009

I have a laptop that has multiple partitions and was running Windows 7. I installed Fedora in a area of free space in the extended area, thus in a logical partition. Fedora is now running on the laptop. But, at boot time, there is NO BOOT MANAGER. The laptop just boots straight away to Fedora.

I know this has probably been covered, but is there an "official" procedure or document available to us newbies that I can use to recover my system such that it boots all of my installed bootable partitions (including Windows7)?

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General :: ERROR: LD_PRELOAD Cannot Be Preloaded?

May 12, 2011

I am getting this error while compiling in linix

ERROR: object '/../../../../tools/compilers/linux/jdk/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.


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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Install On HP Pavilion Dv6

May 21, 2010

Does anyone have experience installing CentOS on this machine (dual boot with win7)? It is Intel Core i3, 4G RAM, 500GB HDD. After starting from installation CD, when hit enter to install CentOS, a bunch of text was thrown onto the screen, the last message was: Kernel panic, can not sync ...

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Fedora Installation :: 12 Install Failures On Windows7 64-bit Laptop

Apr 30, 2010

my laptop windows 7 64-bit intel core i5,4GB ddr3 RAM 500GB HDD. hard Drive partion -- c-drive:150GB D-Drive:150 GB remaing 160 GB not allocated but when i install fedora 12 . it says create boot/efi partion, root partion i dont get it

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.04 On A Second Partition Without Overwriting The Windows7 Bootloader

Jun 9, 2010

Is it possible to install ubuntu 10.04 on a second partition without overwriting the windows7 bootloader and boot it using grub on a usb stick?

I would be happy with just the second option as I could fix mbr if I have to, I just don't want it to easily visible that linux is installed as well as windows.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Can Make Recovery Disc For Preloaded OS

Aug 13, 2010

I have installed RHEL5 in My Pc. Is it possible to create Recovery Disc's for my Loaded OS? If Yes, are there any tools to create Recovery Discs or any other methods?

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Ubuntu :: No Sound On HP Pavilion Dv6 After Install Of 10.04

May 1, 2010

I had a similar problem with previous ubuntu release on the same machine: and again, I have no sound at all.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up Wireless On HP Pavilion Dv5?

Jan 25, 2010

I've just installed OpenSUSE 11.2 w/KDE interface on a HP Pavilion dv5-1010us laptop.Now we're trying to get the wireless to work. It's got a built-in wireless adapter, but we're not sure what kind of adapter it is. HP's Website is no help there. According to another site, it's an Intel WifiLink 5100. I did download the wireless driver from the HP site, but it's a .exe file. Anyone had any luck setting up this or a similar HP laptop. I couldn't find this model on the HCL/Laptops/HP - openSUSE page, but it seems OpenSUSE supports wireless other HP Pavilion models.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 - Windows7 - Clear Internet Service And Use A USB Modem To Connect

Jan 9, 2011

I have a lenovo desktop pc (WIN7) that I connect to the interrnet with. I have a custom built box (SuSE11.3). I have clear internet service and use a USB modem to connect to the internet. Clear does not make a Linux driver yet... I can connect to the Internet through VMware desktop with SuSE as the guest OS. However, I want to connect my other system to a router and my other PC. Would I be able to access the web with the linux box? I have a free NIC card on both pc's, I'm just not savvy enough to network them so if anyone could explain or tell me if it is even posssible to network the 2, My goal is to run SuSE on one, WIN7 on the other and access the internet from both.

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Fedora :: Error: Object '' From LD_PRELOAD Cannot Be Preloaded: Ignored

Jun 26, 2010

I cannot run Opera. I am running a fresh install of Fedora 13 (everything updated). When I try to run Opera, it fails with this error message:


[ore@spectrum ~]$ opera
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
/usr/lib/opera/opera: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[ore@spectrum ~]$

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On HP Pavilion Dv6-2044el

Jun 26, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, a rather new HP Pavilion dv6-2044el. Windows 7 is already installed, so I've tried "installation inside Windows". I have been using Ubuntu for at least a couple of years, and this is the first time there is no way to complete an installation : The process halts after restarting the system. A few months ago I managed to install Ubuntu 9.10 on this laptop without any trouble, before disinstalling it. I have tried:

ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso both from a CD and an USB flash drive, always with the same frustrating result. I tried also to install 9.10 first and then upgrade to 10.4, but the upgrade didn't work either. Today I even tried Maverick Meerkat (maverick-desktop-i386.iso) from a USB flash drive, but it also halted during the process. [tags: HP, Hewlett Packard, Pavilion, 2044el, Lucid Lynx, Maverick Meerkat]

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install 10.4 On An HP Pavilion Dv6000

Sep 12, 2010

Whenever I try to install 10.4 on my daughter's HP Pavilion dv6000 the installation screens show up as stripes, three of them, on the page.I don't ever see a full screen so I can't run the install. I've tried the 32bit, the 64 bit, and the dual boot for Windows options.

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General :: How To Install Ubuntu On A Hp Pavilion 753n

Aug 5, 2011

I create a Ubuntu boot disk 11.4 and selected Install all I got was a little white box near the bottom right of the screen. I got a new hard drive and wanted to try the linux operating system. With the boot disk the computer does boot from the cdrom drive, but I can't get it to install. After hitting forward on the screen preparing to install ubuntu the screen it says installing and gets stuck at that point. Booted from cdrom got as far as the "Who are you?"screen then the screen went blank but I can still see hard drive activity. Is it formating the drive?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: OS 11.3 On HP Pavilion Dv7t Works Great?

Jul 21, 2010

I tried visiting the link in the sticky, to report this, but it was empty.

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OpenSUSE Network :: HP Pavilion DV7-1261wm Wireless Not Working?

Aug 26, 2010

I just installed OpenSuse 11.3 on my HP Pavilion DV7-1261wm and cannot get the wireless to work.

The YaST control center shows the card as:

AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
MAC : 00:25:56:69:2f:24
BusID : 0000:09:00.0

When I press the red LED touch button below the screen to turn it on, nothing happens. Also the LED that indicates that the wireless is on stays red and does not turn blue. I have dual boot on and tested it under Windows 7 where everything works fine, so I know the internal wireless card and touch key is working. Just not in OpenSuse. I am using the KDE plasma desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After True Install On HP Pavilion - 11.4 Not Booting

May 2, 2011

I completely deleted NTFS as having a boring windows doesn't make any sense today, installed it with ext4:
/boot = 200MB
/swap = 1GB
/ = space left
After successful install, the BIOS screen with HP logo remains stuck, it won't boot anything in another words. I can't get the boot loader, nothing as if it awkwardly trying to boot from external data drive. Did my hard drive go poof? or did I miss something during install? How can I get my hd to read?

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General :: Install System On My HP Pavilion Dv5-1125nr Laptop?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a Hewlett Packard Pavilion dv5-1125nr laptop containing factory loaded Windows Vista. I have a lot of hard disk space on it and I wanna install Linux. But I don't know which version/distribution will work on this laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: HP Pavilion, A6600f,Fresh Install, No Network Noob?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm clueless about this format I need to use for starting this threadI am trying to connect to the internet but have no network connections available and it says my wireless is disabled. (Ubuntu Studio 10.04)How do I turn it on?

1 ) Machine Brand and Model (PC/Laptop):
HP Pavilion, a6600f


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Ubuntu Installation :: No Dual Boot - 10.10 Install Beside Vista On HP Pavilion Laptop

Oct 11, 2010

Installing Ubuntu on the laptop said it succeeded and required a restart, then before shutting down and after the cd popped out a string of

end_request: I/O error dev sr0, sector 2xxxxxx...
end_request: I/O error dev sr0, sector
end_request: I/O error dev sr0, sector

Thing is, grub didn't install! I'm pretty sure a full install of ubuntu 10.10 in on a partition that I can't access. To complicate matters further, loading Vista necessitated a restart when it installed a "generic volume driver" by itself. Restarting vista doesn't show any difference (obviously since vista can't see linux formatted partitions).

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows7' Is Not Given

May 26, 2011

While istalling Ubuntu, after choosing the language, I do not have an option 'Install Ubuntu alongside Windows7'.

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