OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.3 - Complete Lockup On KDE Login?

Jul 16, 2010

I have been running 11.2 32bit on my IBM T43 laptop without issue. Tonight I downloaded 11.3 32bit and installed to HDD. On reboot into new system laptop has complete freeze. Can not do anything but power off to reboot. I also found the same situation if I try to run KDE live off the cd. Oh yes, I downloaded the openSUSE 11.3 KDE Live CD version.

So here is what I found. On bootup (either HDD install or Live CD desktop) I will goto to tty1 or tty4 to see the boot up process messages. And it get right up to the login prompt without issue. If I then switch back to tty7 (the normal bootup display) after a few seconds the screen and laptop itself completely lockup (freeze). So I power off to reboot.

this time I boot up in tty1 again until login prompt but this time I type root to login. Then I switch to tty7 and now I can see the desktop. I goto the menu to search and load up Kinfocenter but then its freezes again.

So its very frustrating as I can not use this new version of openSUSE on my laptop. It just keeps freezing. Whats worse is I cant see any logs or screen message in tty1 because once it starts to login to desktop it freezes. So I am not even sure how to troubleshoot any further what the issue is. I assume its KDE4 or XOrg server.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Complete Lockup During Boot From Encrypted Volume

Aug 1, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a Fujitsu Esprimo E900. During installation, I've used the guided encryption setting because neither GRUB nor LILO would ever install on the LVM configurations I created myself. So after installing Ubuntu 11.04, when I boot regularly, the computer freezes completely. When I try to launch the recovery mode kernel, I get this far and then the computer locks up, too. Ubuntu lockup during boot by germanium, on Flickr

You can see the label is sdb5_crypt which is a bit odd since the partition is on /dev/sda. However, I already tried changing grub.cfg to /dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb but that didn't do anything. This is all a bit odd to be. The funny thing is I've been trying to set this computer up for a month and I'm a professional programmer (Java, JavaScript, Groovy) with 20 years of programming experience and I never thought Ubuntu would be this hard to install on a more-or-less stock Intel box.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Soft Lockup: CPU# Stuck - 11.4

Mar 23, 2011

11.4 Boot Freeze That is there is a BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck message and the boot hangs.The modprobe/migration codes are not identical with the linked thread. I'm stuck with CPU#0 at [modprobe:138] and #1 stuck at [migration1:8]. Generally after 61 or 63s.

This is a zypper dup from latest 11.3.The machine boots with acpi=off, luckily. But I'd like to have it all working.The forum says I can't post attachments; hwinfo output seems a bit copious to quote inline. But I'd be happy to provide any additional info obviously.

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE Login On 11.4 Fails (after Installing Patches)

May 22, 2011

I m try to explain the structure I tried to use here:Symptoms: Describes what is happening right now What happened: Describes the history leading to the problem My tries so far: Describes, what I did (so far in vain) to clean up the problem Questions: I already searched the forum (see "My tries so far") but missed to write down the URLs for the threads. (So they aren't mentioned under "My tries so far")

Symptoms: The system boots up ok, I get to the KDE login, but for both my user account and the root account, the login fails. After entering username and password a progressbar comes up. This gets to 3/4 (if I counted the steps correctly) then stops. If I wait for several minutes, the screen will finally just turn black. (It is *not* switched to suspend or somesuch by DPMS; I didn't wait for that turning black in all tries described below) I can login on a console into the system.

System Intel CPU Core2, E6750 Suse 11.4, 64 Bit (both original and backup system) Kernel: Linux x86_64 (backup system) / vmlinuz- (original system) KDE: 4.6.00 (4.6.0) "release 6" (on the the backup system, because I don't know how it get the info as long as I can't login to KDE)


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CentOS 5 :: Lockup At Gnome Login

Dec 16, 2010

Running 5.5 64bit. Same machine has been running since release of 5.0. Normally the machine runs the nvidia driver from elrepo but I switched back to vesa (thinking the Nvidia driver was the problem, no go). Machine starts up normally and everything is fine until when the login screen should appear. Instead of the normal login screen I have a black screen with the mouse swirly going round and round(which normally occurs for a second or so). This all started when I went out for dinner. When I came back and wiggled the mouse all I got was the swirly. Rebooted, same thing. I can switch to a tty and log in normally. xorg log looks clean. Both drives are accessible via cli (/home is on a separate drive).

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OpenSUSE :: Restore Root Without A Complete Re-install?

Jun 2, 2011

In the past month my root folder has become corrupted 3 times. General system restore doesn't help and installing the default kernel doesn't help. I don't expect a forum to be able to help with the corruption issus but is there any way to restore root without a complete re-install? It's a little time consuming.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Concerns Use Of Complete 16 GB Memory?

Dec 17, 2010

I am going to install 11.3 on a system with a Phenom X6 and 16 GB memory.I'm now unsure whether to set up a 64 bit system or a 32 bit system with pae.Are they equivalent what concerns use of the complete 16 GB memory? I assume 64 would be more effective?On the other hand there seem to be less problems with the availability and/or installation of applications on a 32 bit system.

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OpenSUSE :: Install A Complete Bugzilla System For Internal Use?

Apr 16, 2010

I am running an openSuse 11.1 server.

How easy is it to install a complete Bugzilla system for my own internal use?

Is there an rpm that will set it up automatically?

Is it part of the distro? Or 11.2 or 11.3?

What is the easiest way to install it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Booting Suse 11.2 Getting Complete White Screen?

Aug 26, 2010

I have installed openSuse 11.2 in vmware that is a virtual box on win7 ,last time when I logged in I tried to change some desktop effects. [COLOR="rgb(0, 0, 0)"]When I again started suse , up to login screen everything was working fine. but after logging in I am getting a COMPLETE WHITE SCREEN and everything gets stuck ...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Latest Update To 11.3 A Complete Failure Afterwards On Reboot?

Oct 15, 2010

latest update to 11.3 a complete failure afterwards on reboot I'm instructed that I must first install kernel and to strike any key to exit which return me to grub menu. thats it for me and Osuse. 11.3 has been one bug after another and to much for me overcome. I will return once a day to see if anyone can fix this/

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Opensuse 11.3 Lockup With KWin / Everything Will Freeze Except Mouse Pointer

Aug 30, 2010

I'm experiencing random lockups. There are 2 types.1st time this happened when I enabled Kwin compositing effects. The screen turned black and it froze, the mouse pointer froze. Nothing would move. 5 Minutes later I just hard reset the Laptop. I was afraid something could be corrupted as it was shutdown in a bad way. On boot up Kwin's compositing effects were in place.Randomly working on the laptop, everything will freeze except the mouse pointer. This happens like once in a while though.I have a feeling this has something to do with my Dell Studio 1555 Intel GM4500 MHD graphics.

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OpenSUSE :: Intermittent Lockup / System Freeze With 11.3?

Jul 19, 2010

I've just installed OpenSuse 11.3 on my two Sony Vaio VPCF11Z1E machines (which have a Geforce GT 330M graphics card).Both machines appear to setup correctly and behave normally, but at seemingly random intervals (of the order of magnitude of 15-30 minutes) the whole system locks up for no readily apparent reason. I can still move the mouse pointer around the screen, but I cannot click on anything, and the whole keyboard is unresponsive (including any reasonable ctrl-alt-xxx which might normally help). The only way to get out of this seems to be to press and hold the power button to shut the whole machine off (which is not ideal!)

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OpenSUSE :: LibreOffice Causes Very Severe System Lockup

Jul 2, 2011

I am not sure of which LibreOffice version I am using because I can't open the ****ed program. So here's what's happening: I start LibreOffice, my screen looks unusual (it tiles a section of the screen that is the same size as the LibreOffice window (I think) across both of my monitors) and my system locks up. I am unable to use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+Alt+Delete, Ctrl+Alt+F1-F8, or any other keyboard combination. No mouse click registers and the cursor acts as if the mouse is in one location (if the system locked up with my cursor over a link, the cursor stays like that) BUT the mouse still moves. Also, if I am playing music when it locks up, I can continue to hear the music and the music continues to shuffle through my playlist.

I am able to access my machine normally through ssh and the only way I've been able to fix this is to hold down the power button or pull the power. I have not identified what action causes the system to lock up, the only thing I've noticed is that LibreOffice is open every time this happens (It's happened no matter if Writer or Calc is open). The system almost always locks up upon startup of LibreOffice if the recovery window pops up, otherwise it locks up at some point during my LibreOffice session no matter what. I have not touched LibreOffice on my other machine's openSUSE installation, so I don't know how reproducible the problem is. Let me know if you need any extra information or if there are any diagnostic commands I could run.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Complete Appearance Of The Login In 11.04?

Jul 3, 2011

changing the style, box, everything in the login screen. I know how to change the login background. changing the entire style of its appearance or like installing a theme for the login screen.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At KDM (KDE4), The Monitor Goes Black And Returns To The Login Screen?

Nov 17, 2009

My OpenSUSE 11.2 is working fine as samba server, no problems, but I have a problem with KDM.My default init runlevel is set to 5 and every time I try to login at KDM (KDE4), the monitor goes black and returns to the login screen.If I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go to console and start /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon manually, press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to KDM login, everything is fine.What do I have to do to fix this issue?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At The Main Login In Prompt After Boot - Just Returns Back ?

Jan 6, 2010

When I try and login at the main login in prompt after boot, it just returns me back to the prompt again.

If I login as root it's fine...OpenSuse: 11.3 Kde: Latest

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login / Get To Login Screen Type In Password It Begins To Load Desktop?

Jun 18, 2010

been using 11.2 with KDE on a Sony laptop since 11.2 was released always ran perfect suddenly I can't login, I get to the login screen type in password it begins to load my desktop, then fails and dumps me back to the login screen I can login as root, all my stuff is there (under /home/me) I tried changing my password, no luck I went to run level 3 and there I can login just fine seems to be something with my KDE profile
any ideas where I might find some error messages telling me what's going on?

this seemed to happen when I was running "blender" and making the machine do some heavy number crunching, it actually locked up.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Boot Restored Defaults In Login Screen Themes / Login Theme Not Working?

Jun 3, 2011

i am having a boot problem with opensuse.i installed a theme named suse-elegant under personal settings(configure desktop)-system administration-login screen.

i had also added vbox users(i ticked vboxusers) under yast-security and users-user and group management-edit-details to make virtual box work.

i want to check that installed theme so i restarted my laptop.after the restart opensuse taking too long time to boot

note:the login theme also not working.

after the boot i restored defaults in login screen is also not working.

i don't know which cause this problem(vboxusers or login theme).i am also seeing a root user has been added in my login area.i tried opensuse failsafe also.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login - Gnome - Background And The Login Box In The Middle Of The Page Just Turns Whole White And Keeps Flashing

Jun 23, 2011

when I get into the login page, I can only see the background and the login box in the middle of the page just turns whole white and keeps flashing. no response for any clicks. I was force to ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to init 1 to do my work. But I still want to use my graphical desktop either KDE or Gnome is ok. I am using gnome.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A Login In Screen With The Option To Login As Root?

Dec 8, 2009

I want, when I boot up, to load and log-in automatically a default user. I get a login in screen with the option to login as root, I do not want this. How do disable the option to login to X as root and just load as me/default user?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Login - Just Cycles Back To The Login Screen ?

Jan 4, 2010

Every account every option I try. when I login, it just cycles back to the login screen. I have attempted to do a repair install, but to no avail. it happens when I try to boot normally or if I boot into failsafe.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash Back To Login Screen After Login?

Feb 3, 2010

The graphical login screen is loaded just fine. Though very shortly after (a moment after the loading screen could be seen) it crashes back to the graphical login. And that happens no matter what wm I'm trying - gnome, kde3, kde4, e16, e17, even twm.

It happened after the logout after a zypper up yesterday morning. Looking through the list of what packages were upgraded (two machines, both last zypper up'ed last Sunday, checked on the second one after the problem with the first one), the only packages which might be responsible are kwin or qt4.

The graphics card seems to be fine (NVidia 9600), as it happens whether or not I use nv or the propietary driver. Also tried reinstalling it from the repo as well as using the binary blob from NVidia. Has been tested on Windows and games are running fine there, so it shouldn't be the card.

What is strange, is that when calling upon sax2 -r from runlevel three, the initial screen loads nicely, but sax2 crashes back to the cli once one presses 'Change Configuration'. No error messages are being printed.

Any pointers on how I can narrow down the cause (and get it fixed)?

OpenSuSE 11.2 + KDE 4 factory & enlightenment & qt 4.6 repos
X.Org 7.4-35.3
Kwin 4.3.98-406.6
libqt4 4.6.1+4.6.20100202-1.1


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OpenSUSE Install :: Anyway To Set Remote Login As Default Login Method

Jun 2, 2010

i'm using OpenSuSE 11.2 and was wondering if there is anyway to set remote login as the default login method.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Window Named Login Keyring Appears Asks Root Password Everytime When Login

Jun 13, 2011

when i login to openSUSE a window named login keyring appears and it asks me root password. it happens everytime when i login. how to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Broken Path To User Shell - Can't Complete Login

Jun 9, 2011

I inadvertently typed the wrong path when changing my user login shell and now every time I log in I get a message stating that it can't find the shell and boots me off the system. It will then redisplay the login prompt. I'm running Ubuntu Server x64 in VMware Workstation.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: After Adding RAM Modules - Random Screen Freeze/lockup

Jan 11, 2011

Basically when I add more than a single 2gb RAM module, my computer starts randomly crashing every half hour or so, the screen freezes with no response. I have tested the RAM with memtest 86+, it only happens when there is more than one module. The system is openSuse 11.2 64bit and it had a single 2gb RAM module when I first installed it, and removing all but this seemingly fixes the issue. The following is the error message I get when the system crashes, It seems to continue messaging after the initial visual lockup.

Jan 11 16:34:50 eddie kernel: [ 3129.580690] SysRq : HELP : loglevel(0-9) reBoot Crash terminate-all-tasks(E) memory-full-oom-kill(F) fGldbg kill-all-tasks(I) thaw-filesystems(J) saK show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(L) show-memory-usage(M) nice-all-RT-tasks(N) powerOff show-registers(P) show-all-timers(Q) unRaw Sync show-task-states(T) Unmount show-blocked-tasks(W) dump-ftrace-buffer(Z)


I don't know what the problem is, but from searching the web it could be a number of problems, the memory is not being allocated correctly or it maybe there's some conflict no between my ATI HD card/driver (latest driver from ATI repo).

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Debian :: Soft Lockup On Fresh 8.3 Install On Acer Aspire S7-391 Laptop

Feb 11, 2016

Acer Aspire S7-391 laptop, 64 bit install
Previous was Debian 7.6, no issues.

Not doing anything special, just browsing the web and I get a few of these soft lockups. Cannot reboot, have to power it off and on when it happens. USB stops working also.

Code: Select all[ 7002.597774] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 22s! [khubd:93]
[ 7002.597777] Modules linked in: tun hid_generic hidp rfcomm bnep pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) vboxdrv(O) cfg80211 cpufreq_powersave cpufreq_conservative cpufreq_stats cpufreq_userspace 8812au(O) ecb uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core v4l2_common videodev joydev media x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp intel_rapl acer_wmi sparse_keymap coretemp iTCO_wdt

[Code] ....

lspci output:
Code: Select all00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor DRAM Controller (rev 09)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI Host Controller (rev 04)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family MEI Controller #1 (rev 04)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)

[Code] ....

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Login Screen Lost After Installing Nvidia Drivers?

Feb 13, 2011

This is my first time with openSuse as I have heard that openSuse is better forlaptops then ubuntu is. On this laptop, I had already installed ubuntu but decided I no longer liked ubuntu very much, but for no real reason. I encountered almost the exact same problem using both ubuntu and kubuntu, but I had more problems on top of the graphical problem - so I decided to give openSuse a try. I love it so far!Anyway, to the point - I have an Nvidia GeForce GT330M. I have tried installing the drivers the "easy way" and the "hard way" and I have even used the script lnvhw, all to no avail.

What seems to happen is that, after I install the drivers (from runlevel 3, of course), as soon as I restart my computer it initially loads just fine. However, after the loading bar shows up, I get dropped into a console login (tty1), and tty7 & 8 show absolutely nothing, except a blinking cursor.I have two graphic cards in my computer -- an Intel HD card. This is loaded normally and, from "My Computer" it is the graphics card in use, as far as I can tell. The other, as I said, is the nVidia GeForce GT 330M. I'm not much of a "power" user, so I'm not really sure where to start with finding the issue

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Screen Keeps Bouncing Back To Login Screen

Sep 17, 2010

I have installed VirtualBox and setup a Windows Vista host, initially with a .vdi of 10gb. That filled up quickly, so I added another 20gb secondary partition, after first trying to allocate a .vdi to a SCSI controller. Configured the drive in Windows (Computer Management), and all seemed ok. I shutdown VB, and rebooted my Linux host (openSuse 11.3). Now I keep bouncing back to the login screen, and can't login to Linux KDE, but can login to a console.I do have the following info:

/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part6 / ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 1


I did see a message before, that I don't see anymore, that said it could not start NFS services due to missing entry in fstab. Another I'm seeing now is it couldn't start the avahi-daemon, no space left on device. This is odd, since I have a 200GB drive, with half of it left, only max 30GB set to VB. Here's my df -k output:

/dev/sda6 Use% is 100%
devtmpfs Use% is 1%
tmpfs Use% is 1%
/dev/sda7 Use% is 46%

So root "/" is mounted on /dev/sda6, which looks like it could be a problem, but why would this suddenly be a problem after working with VirtualBox? Could this be a matter of just freeing up space on /dev/sda6? Like the /tmp folder that's under "/"?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Resolution Screen In LOGIN KDM Opensuse 11.3 Kde 4.6?

Feb 24, 2011

installation opensuse 11.3 and kde 4.4 after update to kde 4.6, work fine, but problem is login screen is low like 640x350...? i wanted to change from lowtion to high 1024x768?when i start opensuse and begin to login was low resolution and log in my user and it's low resolutiona dn i change screen from setting system (kde) after change high display is works fine and rebbot same low resolution for LOGIN MANAGER how i can change it??

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