CentOS 5 :: Lockup At Gnome Login

Dec 16, 2010

Running 5.5 64bit. Same machine has been running since release of 5.0. Normally the machine runs the nvidia driver from elrepo but I switched back to vesa (thinking the Nvidia driver was the problem, no go). Machine starts up normally and everything is fine until when the login screen should appear. Instead of the normal login screen I have a black screen with the mouse swirly going round and round(which normally occurs for a second or so). This all started when I went out for dinner. When I came back and wiggled the mouse all I got was the swirly. Rebooted, same thing. I can switch to a tty and log in normally. xorg log looks clean. Both drives are accessible via cli (/home is on a separate drive).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.3 - Complete Lockup On KDE Login?

Jul 16, 2010

I have been running 11.2 32bit on my IBM T43 laptop without issue. Tonight I downloaded 11.3 32bit and installed to HDD. On reboot into new system laptop has complete freeze. Can not do anything but power off to reboot. I also found the same situation if I try to run KDE live off the cd. Oh yes, I downloaded the openSUSE 11.3 KDE Live CD version.

So here is what I found. On bootup (either HDD install or Live CD desktop) I will goto to tty1 or tty4 to see the boot up process messages. And it get right up to the login prompt without issue. If I then switch back to tty7 (the normal bootup display) after a few seconds the screen and laptop itself completely lockup (freeze). So I power off to reboot.

this time I boot up in tty1 again until login prompt but this time I type root to login. Then I switch to tty7 and now I can see the desktop. I goto the menu to search and load up Kinfocenter but then its freezes again.

So its very frustrating as I can not use this new version of openSUSE on my laptop. It just keeps freezing. Whats worse is I cant see any logs or screen message in tty1 because once it starts to login to desktop it freezes. So I am not even sure how to troubleshoot any further what the issue is. I assume its KDE4 or XOrg server.

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CentOS 5 :: Samba Lockup External HDD?

Oct 28, 2010

I am running Centos 5.5 on a IBM Think Centre. I am using it for File sharing Samba and one moment it would be working find then the external 1TB HDD would lockup and I would have to reformat it in order for it to work. I don't really have and other information but that is basicallly what happen even if i manually go to the Centos server it would not allow and thing to be created.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Login As Root With Gnome?

May 23, 2009

Everything was fine yesterday, but today, the situation is the following:

When I try to login as root, using Gnome, after I enter username and password, it can do three things:

1- It brings me back to the GUI login screen again

2- Brings me to the prompt login screen (black)

3- It lets me in but I have no top or bottom navigation bars. (Sorry, cannot remember the actual names...) Sometimes I have access to a console screen, which allows me to reboot, and sometimes not, in which case I have to do a cold reboot. Not good.

The last attempt I made, I used the KDE interface and everything was fine.

I really don't understand what happened between yesterday and today, nobody but me uses this system at home and remote logins for root are disabled.

The systems is CentOS 5.3 with SELinux enforced.

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CentOS 5 :: Set A Startup Application After GNOME Login?

Sep 16, 2011

Centos 5.6 - I'm trying to lock the screen immediately after successful gnome user login. My steps...

System > Preferences > More Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs tab > Add

I've tried the following...

gnome-screensaver-command --lock
/usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command --lock

Neither of these seem to work from the Sessions gui. Although from terminal I can run gnome-screensaver-command --lock with no problems.

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CentOS 5 :: Branding Gnome - Add Own Logo To Login Screen?

Sep 24, 2009

We like the centos colour scheme but would like to add our own logo to the login screens and boot process of gnome. I have attached the two screens we would like to adjust in the install package. Where they are located and what the process of editing them will be?

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CentOS 5 :: Gnome-login Configuration - Restore User Profile?

Nov 20, 2009

Last night I started my computer and loaded my CentOS 5.2 partition (Windows 7 on the other partition). I was able to login to my account, but was given a gnome error that the panel buttons (i.e. weather, cpu monitor etc) could not be loaded. I then went to restart the computer (probably not the smartest thing to do) and was given some file errors upon shutdown that were related to /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00. After restart I was taken to a shell and ran fsck manually. It seemed to find a lot of bad blocks, so I repaired the /dev/VolGroup00 system and restarted. At this point CentOS seemed to boot normally, but upon loading of the login screen I get the error: Configuration not correct The configuration file contains an invalid command line for the login dialog, so running the default command. Please fix your configuration.

I cannot even log in as root. I get the error /usr/bin/gnome-session: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.2: cannot open shared objects file: no such file or directory. I then went to a shell and ran: sudo yum install libgnome-desktop-2.so.2, but the package was already installed and up to date, so there was nothing to do. I am therefore stuck at this login screen with pull-down menus and tabs where I can change the configuration, add/remove users etc. So, my question is this: How do I restore my user profile so I can login....and if anyone has some insight, what caused this to happen in the first place? I should also mention, this all happened after plugging the computer into a new internet connection. No clue if that's even relevant.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login - Gnome - Background And The Login Box In The Middle Of The Page Just Turns Whole White And Keeps Flashing

Jun 23, 2011

when I get into the login page, I can only see the background and the login box in the middle of the page just turns whole white and keeps flashing. no response for any clicks. I was force to ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to init 1 to do my work. But I still want to use my graphical desktop either KDE or Gnome is ok. I am using gnome.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Login On GNOME Or GNOME Fail Safe Mode

Mar 12, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my Dell GX240. I have severe difficulty logging in. If I try to login on GNOME or GNOME fail safe mode , I just cant get in . I keep getting the login screen again. I am able to go into terminal mode. Sometimes I have to try upto 100 times to login in GNOME or failsafe mode. Once I am in everything is fine. Is there a way to do some troublshooting? Also transfer to USB sticks is very slow - sometimes as slow as 1MB per min. Is this normal with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Security :: Bad Login Protocols - Graphical Login For Gnome Sizes Itself To Accommodate A User's Exact Password Length

Dec 14, 2010

I'm seeing really bad user login format under a standard installation and am wondering why ubuntu does this as default. I have noticed that the graphical login for gnome sizes itself to accommodate a user's exact password length. This indicates to me that somewhere on the unencrypted part of a standard installation with user encryption contains at least some indication of the content of the password length which seems a security flaw even if not a complete hole, it majorly reduces the number of attempts a cracker would have to cycle through.

And that's assuming that *only* the length is contained. Furthermore it seems that it would be MUCH better to simply display the number of characters entered into the pw field and allowing the gui to expand itself from an fixed size as the field is filled out so the the user still receives visual feedback for entering characters. Either a simple character count display should be entered into the field or a 10 dot to new line so that one can visually quickly count the number enter by multiplying from a 10base graphical observation.

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Ubuntu :: No Login Sound Checked At Startup Applications And Found GNOME Login Sound Is Enabled?

Aug 7, 2010

I hear no login sound when I login to my ubuntu. I checked at startup applications and found GNOME login sound is enabled. The command used there is

/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login"

Its not only this, but there is no other sounds enabled - for mouse clicks etc

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CentOS 5 :: 5.2 (native) - Gnome Dektop Munged Slightly Due To Attempted Gnome Upgrade

Mar 11, 2009

Against all advice in Centos docs, I built and installed several gnome packages in order to upgrade to the latest Gnumeric. Among them were: fontconfig, pango, gtk+, cairo, glib. goffice, pixman, tiff, and atk. Afterwards, I got missing fonts with some apps, but the biggest problem is interference with my Vmware Workstation GUIs. Yesterday I removed all the libraries I installed hoping to recover. Now things are better, but when I open a terminal on the desktop it opens jammed in the upper-left corner with the top grab bar out of reach of the mouse. Before I remove the ~/.gnome* directories, how to restore things?

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Ubuntu :: Openbox Allows Login To An Openbox Session, But GNOME/openbox Just Redirects To The Login Screen?

Jul 17, 2010

I have installed openbox on ubuntu 9.10 by this



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CentOS 5 :: Install Absolutely Minimal Gnome On Centos 5.5?

Apr 28, 2011

How to install absolutely minimal Gnome without gnome-games, any cdrecord, dvd rw-tools, dialup modem tools, gnome-screensaver, festival etc. on Centos 5.5? If I try to remove these software separately then Gnome is gone.

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CentOS 5 :: Error Login In VSFTPD. CentOS 5.5

Feb 3, 2011

I installed VSFTPD but when logging ( at command line or browser ) at any user always :

[root@srv vsftpd]# ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
Name ( system


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Fedora :: Cannot Login With KDE But Can With Gnome?

Feb 7, 2010

When I am at the login manager and enter the password and user and select KDE then the login manager just reloads itself and nothing happens.But when I select gnome, then I can login and everything works.I can start kde while logged in in gnome with "startkde", but then i have both desktop environments running

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login To Gnome / What To Do?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a very big problem. When the last time i logged in gnome my laptop freezed. After that i can't login to gnome and it shows me that my user is currently logged in. I created a new user and he can login ok, Any ideas how to fix it?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: GPU Lockup After Upgrade From 11 To 12

Nov 19, 2009

I just upgraded from F11 to F12 and get this error:

[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0 GPU lockup - switching to software fbcon

With Ctl-F2 I can switch to console and login, so the system is running.

"ps -ef | grep Xsession" shows constant changing pid for Xsession, so I guess Xsession is continuously being restarted for some reason.

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Fedora :: KVM/libvirtd Lockup Back In 13?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm not sure if this helps and I'm not sure how to tell anyone what I found, but was a problem in Fedora 10 and 11 were VM's running in KVM would lockup due to (disk or network) IO activity. The problem silently vanished as soon as I installed Fedora 12 as my VM. I upgraded my VM to Fedora 13 and the problem re-surfaced. Oddly, no other distributions seem to have this problem any more judging from Google. My configuration:Host = x86_64, 4 cores, Fedora 11VM = i686, 2 virtual cores, Fedora 10, 11, or 13 (Fedora 12 works)What worked for me was using only one core in my VM. Things have been stable for a few days now

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - CPU#0 Stuck For 61s?

Apr 30, 2010

I recently installed 10.4 on my laptop and I love it, so I wanted to install it on my desktop. It's a somewhat older computer, AMD3000+ nForce 2, 1.5 gigs of Ram and a Radeon x1650. Whenever I try to start the Live CD I get the error soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s and it doesn't continue.

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Ubuntu :: Application Lockup In OpenOffice?

Aug 2, 2010

There is a bad bug in OpenOffice that keeps giving me a hard lock. I can not even shut down the program, I need to force a reboot. I can make it happen repetitively. Anytime I am working on a presentation in OpenOffice Impress an am working with sound files this happens. If I am moving the sound file icon around on the slide it randomly locks up the file I have open. Another way is resizing the icon and it will also lock it up.

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Ubuntu :: Lockup When Moving Files?

Dec 17, 2010

After updating to 10.10, I started getting hard freezes on a regular (read: every 10 min.during use) basis. A bit of diagnosis showed me that it was only a problem during periods of intensive I/O activity (moving files, downloading, etc.).A bug report started with:BUG: soft lockup - CUP#0 stuck for 61s! [kswapd0:26]I reinstalled 9.04, and was able to successfully copy 15gb from one drive to another. I upgraded to 9.10, and copied it back.Upgraded to 10.04 and copied it again. 10.10, it copied a few mb and froze.

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - Cannot Boot At All

Jul 30, 2011

I cannot boot into Ubuntu at all. I have two kernels installed, 2.6.35-28 and 2.6.35-30. The first thing that happened today was that I wasn't able to boot into the latter. I was shown the (in)famous "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s". At this point I could still boot into the 2.6.35-28 kernel. But after shutting down and starting again an hour later, I got the same message when trying to boot into 2.6.35-28. I have tried leaving out the boot options "splash" and "quiet" on both kernels and also adding in "noapic". No combination helps. Needless to say, booting into recovery mode doesn't work either. Up until today, I have been able to boot into both kernels with no problems.

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Slackware :: How To Trace Sporadic Lockup

Mar 23, 2010

Slackware 12.2.0,,ibm thinkpad a21m, current patches, xfce 4.6 laptop runs continuously uptime 261 days once till power outage it was running, opened the lid, couldnt get any response from xfce, tried to ssh but couldnt, checked logs after reboot, couldnt see anything weird, message log set a mark a few minutes before i powered down and rebooted is there anything else i can check for possible lock up?

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Slackware :: Lockup On -current On Laptop

Jun 8, 2011

I've been running a Dell Latitude D600 laptop on -current for a couple of months. After the last kernel update, I needed to switch to the non-SMP huge kernel due to lack of pae instructions.Since then, I've seen 2 complete lockups. They've both happened when it was sitting idle, and in both cases, Xfce is gone, and the console is spewing kernel messages faster than I can possibly read.

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Fedora :: No Gnome Panels At Login (F12)

Jan 24, 2010

Intermittently I seem to have no panels when I login to Gnome on my F12 install.I can fix it by "pkill -USR1 gnome-panel", but there's got to be a root cause for it.I've found loads of results on Google, but no solutions, mostly Ubuntu users (you never seem to get solutions from Ubuntu users!)

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Fedora :: F13 - Cannot Login As NIS User By Using Gnome Or GUI

Sep 24, 2010

I have a problem concerning about NIS. I have set-up a NIS client, but I am not able to login as NIS-user by using GNOME or KDE login GUI. However, I was able to login as NIS-user by using a terminal that's open from a local account or root. Also the NFS seems working as well. This problem only occur on my new FC13 pc, and I don't have this problem on my FC10 pc. Both of my FC13 and FC10 PC have the same NFS and NIS setting.

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Fedora :: [F14] GNOME Crash On Login?

Dec 4, 2010

I've just installed F14 64bit on my desktop and I tried to run Open Office Writer. As a result, GNOME crashed and the rendering of the desktop was messed up. I had to force a reboot, and now everytime I login the Open Office recover dialog causes a crash again. I suppose it has something to do with the opensource nvdia drivers and OO.o's toolkit but I can't look at it with the crash-on-login thingy there (I suppose I can install the closed source drivers from a tty now that I am thinking it again....)

---------- Post added at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 PM ----------

Uh... actually I can't install the closed source drivers. Yum finds no mirrors for rpmfusion >(
...or the Fedora repos :

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Fedora :: Run Script After Gnome Login?

Jun 24, 2011

To get my external display working on my laptop I need to run these commands after logging into gnome. I've tried .xprofile, .xsession and .Xsession and none of them seem to run. I also tried putting it in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ however it didn't seem to respect the last command to set the external monitor as my primary output.


xrandr --newmode "1440x900_60.00" 106.50 1440 1528 1672 1904 900 903 909 934 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode VGA-1 1440x900_60.00


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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Login After Upgrading To Gnome 3

Apr 12, 2011

I added the repo Index of /repositories/GNOME:/STABLE:/3.0/openSUSE_11.4. Then did
zypper dup

After the installation completed I tried to logout (from Gnome 3 shell) but couldn't. A notification appeared saying "cannot find gnome save session" or something similar. Then pressed ctrl+alt+F2 then used the reboot command as root. After booting the new looking login screen appeared but after typing my password when I tried to login it said "something has gone wrong" and the only option which I see there is logout.

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