OpenSUSE Install :: Error ""Creating Device Modes With Udev 2.0436224] [drm: I915_diver_load]*ERROR*Detected Broken BIOS With 262140/2644kb Of Video Memory Stolen"
Aug 18, 2010
I tried to install OpenSuse 11.3 on my brand new pc, which already had Windows 7 proffessional in it, and I went step by step through the installation without changing anything. It didn't work. I tried for a second time and this error message kept popping up: "Creating device modes with udev 2.0436224] [drm: i915_diver_load]*ERROR*Detected broken BIOS with 262140/2644kb of video memory stolen. 2.0436224] [drm: i915_diver_load]*ERROR*Disabling GEM(try reducing stolen memory or updating the BIOS to fix)"
And then a lot of letters and numbers wich make no sense to me. Now the only way I can initiate OpenSuse is with the OSuse boot dvd and on failsafe mode.
...../etc/init.d/before.local...System Console Stolen at line: 266 This line of red warning consistently appears immediately after something that ended with /etc/init.d/before.localThis is during the boot.Have anyone see it before ?It appears both in kernel versions:
I have decided to load the OS on a old HP Compaq DX2000 MT to see if its for me before putting it on my main machine.
I loaded Ubuntu version 10.10 last night everything was fine except I could not get my wireless adapter to work, I decided to connect via ethernet to get the latest updates and drivers.
After the updates and restart I now get the non executable memory error. when I enter /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose
I am told I have NX capabilities and should go to the bios and enable it. There is nothing in the bios to enable as far as I can see. So I enter the command
I have a Linux server that runs the Sybase DB. Sybase suggests using character devices to access raw devices rather than O_DIRECT to block devices, or cooked FS's. So, I went ahead and configured /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices as such:
This works fine. I set 'chkconfig rawdevices on' and all is well. I read that this method is deprecated and went about trying to accomplish the same via Udev rules. I already use udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules to set permissions on these devices, i.e. ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="raw*", OWNER=="sybase", GROUP=="sybase", MODE=="0660"
That works fine. I even set symbolic links: KERNEL=="raw1", SYMLINK+="vg01/rtempdb" KERNEL=="raw2", SYMLINK+="vg01/rtestdb1" KERNEL=="raw3", SYMLINK+="vg01/rfakedb2"
But I cannot seem to get the actual device creation piece to work within udev (it only works using rawdevices). I've tried: ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="vg01/tempdb", RUN+="/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw1 %N"
No errors, but nothing happens. The device just doesn't create. I've also tried doing it by passing major and minor numbers. Is it possible to get all of this into udev rules or am I stuck with rawdevices? I'm also utterly confused as to the future of rawdevices... the raw man page said it was deprecated, and now at v5.5 it has that piece taken out. Also RHEL 5.3 dropped support for rawdevices in initscripts only to add itback in 5.4. I'm an admin, not a DBA, so I cannot say if this is a bad or good way, only that it is the way the vendor supports and recommends, so it is the way that I must go... just trying to make it work as "un-deprecated" and cleanly as possible.
I need to prevent udev from creating the /dev/v4l/by-path/* and /dev/v4l/by-id/* files upon connecting my webcam. The problem is that Kopete doesn't want to display the video if these files are present. It works fine if I remove them, but I'd rather not have them created in the first place, since they seem to be completely useless anyway.
I would like to add the option mem=4096M to make some software works. but as long as I try with more than 512M, I have the error: error 28 selected item cannot fit into memory.
When I deleted uninstalling and installing some packages in Yast2 I got this output:
Deleting mc Additional rpm output: rpmdb: PANIC: Invalid argument rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery error: db4 error(-30977) from dbcursor->c_put: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery error: error(-30977) storing record "4.0-1" into Requireversion rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery error: db4 error(-30977) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery error: error(-30977) setting "3.0.4-1" records from Requireversion index rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery error: db4 error(-30977) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery error: error(-30977) setting "" records from Requireversion index and on and on for 3 pages for every package.
I just recently upgraded from 11.3 to 11.4 (via zypper dup after adding the 11.4 repositories, no problems there besides the usual ATI HD2400XT video driver issues I _always_ have). I then installed VirtualBox. VirtualBox refused to start with the following error:
VirtualBox: Tip! It may help to reinstall VirtualBox. pk1048@img:~>
and the advice to reinstall VirtualBox seems misplaced. The problem appears to be an incomparability between the installed libcurl and libssh2 as follows:
So I cant seem to be able to install fedora 15. I think it is the disk. I have windows 7 already installed (and would like to keep it) It was installed on the end of the hard drive leaving a 100 GB chunk in the center of the drive open and unformatted (this may be the problem). Anyway I used the live cd and tried to format the unformatted partition to exf but it gives me this error
Code: Error creating partition: helper exited with exit code 1: In part_add_partition: device_file=/dev/sda, start=105906176, size=104752742400, type=EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 Entering MS-DOS parser (offset=0, size=500107862016) MSDOS_MAGIC found found partition type 0xee => protective MBR for GPT Exiting MS-DOS parser Entering EFI GPT parser GPT magic found partition_entry_lba=2 num_entries=128 size_of_entry=128 Leaving EFI GPT parser EFI GPT partition table detected containing partition table scheme = 3 got it got disk new partition added partition start=105905664 size=512 committed to disk Error doing BLKPG ioctl with BLKPG_ADD_PARTITION for partition 2 of size 105905664 at offset 512 on /dev/sda: Device or resource busy
Do I have to reinstall windows for this to work or is there something I can try to do.
I have been working on this for a while now and am absolutely stumped. Basically, what i am attempting to do is make my ubuntu box into a gateway for my network. I have everything working thru hard wire, but I simply cant get the wireless to work. No matter what I do, I cannot get my wireless card to transmit an essid and allow nodes to connect. I have tried assigning it in the interfaces file (shown below), and I have also tried manually modifying it using the iwconfig command. Here is the topology:
eth1: internet WAN eth2: ethernet out to LAN ra0: wireless out to LAN Here is a copy of my /etc/network/interfaces file: [CODE] auto lo
I had left a small windows partition for some programs like MS Office, (I'd failed to install it with wine :-( ) so I was dual booting OpenSUSE 11.3 & Vista. When I decided to replace Vista with Win 7, the grub was missing, I formated the Vista partition, then tried to boot into SUSE before installing win 7. there was some command line, that i tried the instructions I had found on the forums so I typed
grub find /boot/grub/menu.lst and I got (hd0,1) so I root (hd0,1)
I got an error about missing (hd0,1), when I pressed enter I got a menu not the one I was used to. When I chose to boot OpenSUSE 11.2 or the failsafe I got error 17 "cannot mount partition" so found a bit of assistance from the following page: How to fix GRUB after Windows breaks it, and how to edit the GRUB menu - Super User when I press "e" and change root (hd0,1) to (hd0,2) then boot by pressing b, I get the usual SUSE boot screen, then the bootup process stops with some text displayed on the screen. there was a lot of text but the following is what I jotted down: the superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2.
superblock corrupt e2fsck with an alternative superblock e2fsck -b 8193 fsck failed. Mounting root device read-only
Early in the boot process, system generates message "Creating nodes with udev." After a pause, CPU timeout dumps are listed on the display. Likely it is related to wthe display driver (Intel 845G) as the system can be brought up in failsafe mode. /etc/X11.conf is intact. The system was apparently successfully upgraded online from 11.3 using the zypper method. This issue has appeared a day following the upgrade, after restarting the 11.4 system.
Immediately after the grub menu disappears I get the following error msg: Error 18 Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS. Sometimes the grub options come up again (in Text mode) ...all works fine Sometimes just start via "Failsafe", reboot...all works fine. What is happening here and what would be the right procedure to avoid this happening again.
So I just recently got an HP pro 1005 all in one PC and tried to install Debian 8.2 on it through a bootable Uefi USB, however, when trying to install, there's always an error like this: "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in LVM VG debian-vg, LV root at /failed."
Also, no matter how many times I completely wipe every partition, there's always this message at the start of the installation saying Windows is already installed as BIOS compatibility mode, and asks me if i still want to install as Uefi, I was wondering if that had anything to do with my error.
I checked the drives health and there wasn't any kind of problems, passed all the tests.
I am trying to install a 11.3 virtual machine through Xen on a 11.3 installation. I am trying to install from the opensuse DVD. I get to this point, setting up everything (I can only do paravirtualization) Then the DVD spins for a little while and after that I am returned this error message "device 0 vif could not be connected opensuse....."
I tried a bunch of different settings in the previous screen and I always end up with this error I googled around and it seem to be a problem in different distros but I could not spot a solution at all
some days ago I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and now I have a problem with my webcam. I like to use chatroulette and mebeam, therefore I have to use programs like webcamstudio/flashcam... (Flash does not accept the normal cam device v4l2 and webcamstudio puts it to v4l loopback). The problem is that Ubuntu is detecting only v4l2 and not v4l, so that I don't have an output device in webcamstudio.
When I type: ls -l /dev/video* the answer is only: crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 2010-05-08 17:59 /dev/video0 and nothing more
Ubuntu 9.10 was set up to handle the booting selection - previously I thought it was xp but Ubuntu 9.10 "did" it. The system started out as a xp / ubuntu 9.10 dual boot on a 400gb drive. xp has 210gb, ub has 80 and their is a 100gb shared storage. Xp was installed first and then I followed a guide over at to get ub installed so that I could select which OS was wanted at boot. Ubuntu manages the boot up menu (Went back to look at my notes from the original setup) The owner tried to update to ub 11.04 and afterall was said and done the machine now boots to the message
error file not found grub rescue I can't say if 11.04 was properly installed or not. Ask whatever you like and I'll give the best answer I can. I think the xp install is okay but I can't say for certain as I don't know how to boot it outside the bootmanager at startup. Data has been saved so if I have to blow it all away and start over I can but I'm hoping I won't have to.
I need to flash my BIOS to get rid of an error: "Intel uCode loading error". On [URL] I have found a tutorial, that looks to be fine. I can even see in the comments, that somebody have done this with success from Ubuntu 9.04, the very same system, that I use. Nevertheless I cannot make this bootCD with my Ubuntu 9.04, as it doesn't know the loop option to mount the image.
In the tutorial it says: "Requirements for this step is that you have support for the vfat and loop file systems in the kernel. Or you can have those features compiled as modules. In the latter case you can load the modules before the next step, like this:
modprobe vfat modprobe loop"
loop doesn't seem to be present in my system, and the command modprobe loop returns an error that the module is not available. I tried to follow the tutorial anyway, but with no success. How can I get the module lopp? I also want to use it to make iso images bootsble from the harddisk.
Some files are generating in my Documents folder named hs_err_pid4214.log ........ different logs files are generated. I put the contents of one of them: Code: A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f1714b33e30, pid=4214, tid=139736470193920 JRE version: 6.0_24-b07 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (19.1-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) Problematic frame: C [] _ZN26SvNumberFormatsSupplierObj18SetNumberFormatterEP17SvNumberFormatter+0x0 # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit: [URL]. The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code. See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
I'd like to learn it. So I installed lenny & grub2, after that win7, reconfigured grub2, upgraded to squeeze. All is fine, but I cant start working in Debian as I can work only in Windows. So I decided to use qemu to emulate win7 booting. I have sda1, sda2 for squeeze; sda3 and sda4 for win7. If I try "qemu /dev/sda3" I get disk read error. If I try "qemu /dev/sda" I have grub 2 boot screen and when continue booting win7 I get "Ramdisk device creation failed due to insufficient memory" (as screen on [UR:]). I tried to use m -1024 parameter and got screen with "Windows load files" and reboot to grub2 screen/
Okay, so bear with me for the lack of detail, its 3:46am and I'm really a beginner at this. So here is my issue: I decided I wanted to try Linux, so i got a Disc Image of Opensuse 11.3. while burning this disc image to a DVD-R I had no issues. But after the Validation was done an error appeared stating the disc Image was not burnt due to some error (apologies for not paying too close attention here) although the entire burn completed without issue. So I closed it and figured I would try again with another Disk when i get one.
Well as it turns out I did burn the Disc Image, and decided to try the Install. I have previously installed Ubuntu a few times and figured it was just as easy.. so I restarted my computer and booted from the CD. went through the Installation up to the Partition part.. This kind of confused me at first but I eventually got that it wanted to shrink my existing windows partition in order to make room. so i went along with it and began the install. well about halfway through the installation error messages kept showing telling me there were missing Packs. after about 10 messages I aborted the install for fear of what would happen now i have a shrunken partition and i dont know how to fix or what to do. I would still like to install opensuse but i dont have anymore DVD-R's and my Flash drive is too small. I will try to provide any info i can upon request. Oh, I forgot to mention im Running windows 7. if that helps at all which I doubt it does. I can safely access windows, nothing happened to the information on my drive. Im just missing 50GB of space now.
Is the ubuntu keyserver broken? I am trying to install a package and every time I try to install the key I get a time out error.
apt-update give me Code: W: GPG error: [URL karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 932062C9CD30EE56
Then if I try to install the key I get this? Code: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys CD30EE56 Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver --recv-keys CD30EE56 gpg: requesting key CD30EE56 from hkp server gpg: keyserver timed out gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error
Can I tell ubuntu not to bother with the key. I know the package is good and safe to install. I should be the one to judge if its ok to install not ubuntu.
Greetings from Greece. I tried to install opensuse 11.3 in an empty disk . Unfortunately the installation progress stops in 88% and the message error says "error copy live image to the disk". I have burn two different cd but the result is always the same.Is it a hardware problem or the cd is not correct?I had the 11.2 version in the same pc without any problem for a long time.
So I've tried some hours ago to install the new kernel 2.6.38 and when I did the reboot, it prompted this error: "Error 11: Unrecognize device strong
Press any key to continue..." I know this is such a general question but how to install the new kernel with Fedora 14? I think I did compiled and configured it ok and did something that wasn't recognized by grub or perhaps when I ran the command to make the new initrd.