OpenSUSE :: Fatal Error Detected By Java Runtime Environment

Apr 8, 2011

Some files are generating in my Documents folder named hs_err_pid4214.log ........ different logs files are generated. I put the contents of one of them:
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f1714b33e30, pid=4214, tid=139736470193920
JRE version: 6.0_24-b07
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (19.1-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
Problematic frame:
C [] _ZN26SvNumberFormatsSupplierObj18SetNumberFormatterEP17SvNumberFormatter+0x0
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit: [URL]. The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code. See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

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Ubuntu :: A Fatal Error Has Been Detected By The Java Runtime Environment?

Mar 7, 2011

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Enable Java Runtime Environment

Jun 1, 2010

I tried a lot but I can' t enable java in firefox. I' ve installed java jre 1.6.20, I created symbolic shorcut to .mozilla/plugins directory but it doesn' t work. By the way /plugins directory wasn' esixt and i created it in .mozilla dir. I use opensuse 11.2 and firefox 3.6.3.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Java Runtime Environment For Windows 98 & Ies4linux-latest.t On IE6

Jan 10, 2009

I have installed IE6 [URL] On IE6 Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockwave Player 8.0 & Real Player 10.5 are working fine. When I tried to embed J2SE-Runtime Environment-1.5_17 by clicking 'Windows 98 & Windows ME Online'

---> 'open' ---> 'Modify'
---> 'Installation Completed' ---> 'Finish', i hoped that

everything will be fine. However, after closing the browser and restarting it I found that jre has not been installed on IE6. Incidentally the same thing occurred on debian-4.0r0-i386-netinstall.iso OS.

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General :: Matlab 7.5 Compiled Runtime Installation: Getting A "No Java Runtime Environment Was Found On This System"?

Oct 15, 2010

I am trying to install the Matlab 7.5 compiled runtime for 64-bit Linux (MCRInstaller.75.glnxa64.bin) and keep getting a "No Java Runtime Environment(JRE) was found on this system." error message.

I understand the JRE is bundled with MCRInstaller and will self-compile/install. However, I don't have admin access, could this be the source of the problem? If so, how could I fix it (not sure how to direct it to install locally without going into the source code)?

I got around this error before, but stupid me didn't write down what I did and I forgot.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Java Runtime Environment Flickers Black

Jan 2, 2011

Just did a fresh install of 8.04 on wifes laptop (Inspiron 1521) as it has been a nightmare getting things to work with it's hardware and 8.04 seems to have the least issues. Did the first section of the Comprehensive Multimedia and Video Howto stickied at the top of this forum, then dled minecraft to test things out. Heres the terminal readout


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CentOS 5 :: Firefox Can't Auto Install Java Runtime Environment (x64)

Jun 1, 2011

My firefox can't auto install java runtime evnviroment. I have try manual download at (Linux x64), and I have set up it follow intruction. But it is not effect. My contribution: Centos release 5.6(Final) Molliza: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110429 CentOS/3.6-1.el5.centos Firefox/3.6.17

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OpenSUSE :: YaST Install - Fatal Region Error Detected

Mar 2, 2010

When I deleted uninstalling and installing some packages in Yast2 I got this output:

Deleting mc
Additional rpm output:
rpmdb: PANIC: Invalid argument
rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
error: db4 error(-30977) from dbcursor->c_put: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: error(-30977) storing record "4.0-1" into Requireversion
rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
error: db4 error(-30977) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: error(-30977) setting "3.0.4-1" records from Requireversion index
rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
error: db4 error(-30977) from dbcursor->c_get: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: error(-30977) setting "" records from Requireversion index
and on and on for 3 pages for every package.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error "You Are Running VisualVM Using Java Runtime Envoronment (JRE)

Dec 3, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu10.10 (i had 9.10 before that). I am trying to run VisualVM (which was already installed) and i get the following error "You are running VisualVM using Java Runtime Envoronment (JRE). Please use Java Development Kit (JDK) to run VisualVM"

I have Sun JDK installed. How do I instruvt VisualVM to use the JDK?

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OpenSUSE :: Configure Sun Java Runtime As Default?

May 10, 2010

How do I configure Sun Java runtime to be the default. I'm trying to get rxtxSerial working and I think the problem might be that OpenJDK is my default...

Not sure why this isn't working:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo: update-alternatives: command not found

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OpenSUSE :: Installing Java Runtime And Enable In Firefox - Suse 11.2?

Nov 24, 2009

I have tried to install and enable java, follow the instructions of this link:[URL] when I try to enable de java, for firefox, I can't linked de java with the browser, because I can't find de folder "plugins" on the path --> /lib/usr/lib/firefox).

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Debian Multimedia :: Fatal Error Has Been Detected In Update-manager [sid]

Apr 12, 2010

I migrated to Debian sid, but since then I got this error everytime I launch Update Manager (whether it's in graphical mode or from a shell). Just after putting down my root password, I got this error:

Title of the window: (as superuser) A fatal error has been detected in update-manager. Do you want to submit a bug report? Selecting No will close the application. Whether I click Yes or No, nothing happens.

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Fedora :: Rpmdb: PANIC: Fatal Region Error Detected; Run Recovery

Nov 12, 2009

I am getting an error from yum update and Kpackagekit:

[root@asus-m4n82 tylerm]# yum update
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Update Process
rpmdb: page 18816: illegal page type or format


How do I "run recovery"? Edit: Ok so it looks like I had som bad ram in my system that caused this - I found a site that told me to do this:

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm rebuilddb
yum clean all

I did this but now when I try something like yum install firefox it pulls in a ton of already installed packages.

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Fedora :: Fatal Error: Mismatch Between The Program And Library Build Versions Detected

Apr 13, 2011

I'm tring to run AMDOverdriveCtrl, since they don't have an RPM file for Fedora i tried to compile from source i followed the instruction in the readme files run the make command


% make
g++ -mwindows -s -pthread -lwx_gtk2u_richtext-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_aui-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_html-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_core-2.8 -lwx_baseu_xml-2.8 -lwx_baseu_net-2.8 -lwx_baseu-2.8 -ldl -o./Release/AMDOverdriveCtrl ./src/CFanSpeedPanel.o ./src/COvdrSettingsPanel.o ./src/CFanControlPanel.o ./src/CColorTempPanel.o ./src/BezierMath.o ./src/Color.o


and tried to run the application, and i get this error message


$ AMDOverdriveCtrl
Fatal Error: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.

The library used 2.8 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.4,compatible with 2.6), and your program used 2.8 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.6).

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Fedora Installation :: Updating - Error "rpmdb: PANIC: Fatal Region Error Detected; Run Recovery"

Nov 13, 2010

for some reason my first updating was interrupted and from then i cannot update. i get the following message:

rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
error: db3 error(-30974) from dbenv->open: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - (-30974)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
Error: rpmdb open failed
[root@laptop etc]# yum repolist

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Debian Multimedia :: XDG Runtime DIR Not Set In The Environment - Segmentation Fault

Oct 31, 2015

Running programs in X (WindowMaker) as another user.

Until recently (Debian Stretch) I was able to run graphical programs in X as a second user, like so:

- log into X as user1
- run "xhost+"
- run "su - user2"
- run any graphical program (gthumb, konquerer, ...) as user2

Now when I try to run a program as user2, I get

Code: Select all user2@localhost:~$ gthumb
 error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
 Segmentation fault

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for user1 points to /run/user/1000 which I believe gets created by pam_systemd when logging into X. However, doing "su - user2" does not create /run/user/1001. Why not? And how do I get on-the-fly user switching working again?

Related to this, /run/user/1001 not being created on user switch has always caused me some grief b/c audio would not work for user2. But I could work around that by piping pulse through a socket. But now graphics are also broken and that I can't seem to work around.

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Ubuntu :: Java Runtime Web App 10.10?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm having touble with a java web application. It's online learning through SEEK's skillport website and it uses JRE runtime environment to display the content. I have java installed for Ubuntu as per's website instructions, and I can launch my web application, however it only displays the left half of the screen. The other half is just not there. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10, all updates applied. I've also tried installing OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.2) but the same sypmtoms occur. Skillport's support centre only supports Suse Linux so they couldn't help me. I'm wondering if Java is the problem or maybe a browser issue? I've tried in Firefox as well as Google Chrome for linux - same result. Currently I'm having to boot into Windows so I can do my study. Everything else works fine in Ubuntu.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Installing The Xen Runtime Environment Package Or The Xen Emulator For KVM?

Feb 28, 2009

I recently gave the boot to Windows and installed Fedora 10. Under Windows, I was using VirtualBox for all of my virtualized computing needs. I had set up a virtual network with two virtual machines - one running Windows Server 2K3 and the other running Windows 2000 Pro. I could run both VMs at the same time and still use the host OS. Now I am trying a similar setup under Fedora, I am using VirtualBox to run Server 2K3 and Windows XP. The problem I encounter is that when I run one VM, one of my CPU cores rockets to 100% usage and the other hovers around 40% - 60% usage. Is there a way to enhance performance so I can run both VMs at the same time? Third, what would be the effects of me installing the Xen runtime environment package or the Xen emulator for KVM?

System specs:

OS: Fedora 10 x86-64
CPU: Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (Toledo)
RAM: 2GB PC3200
GPU: GeForce 7600 GT XXX

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Red Hat :: Difficulty Installing Java Runtime On Scientific 6.0?

May 7, 2011

AMD 64-bit quad core Scientific Linux 6.0 Firefox 3.6 Firefox is complaining that I need a java plugin. Apparently, it has to be installed manually. I managed to download jre-6u25-linux-x64.bin and saved it on my desktop. Then a ran jre-6u25-linux-x64.bin and it created a directory on my desktop called jre-6.0_25. Within the directory there the following subdirectories: bin, javaws, lib, man, and plugin.

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Ubuntu :: Websites Not Recognizing That Java Runtime Is Installed

Oct 23, 2010

The output of dpkg --get-selections | grep java on Karmic Koala is

Yet when I go to a site like and enter a valid URL I get:
Error: Please click here to download Java. If you already have Java, please restart your browser and try again. It appears you do not have Java installed or it is disabled on your system. You can get Java here. If you are still having difficulty with Java, check here for installing Java, or here for detailed instructions on enabling Java in your browser.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Java Runtime Version 6 Update 25?

Apr 29, 2011

I downloaded Java into my home folder instead of downloading it in my usr folder because it wouldn't let me(even when I was root user). It is present in my home folder with its own directory, but I am unsure how to use it. I downloaded Java to try to play Minecraft, but when I open then .jar file with the directory nothing happens. The actual directory contains the following

folders:bin,javaws,lib,man,plugin,copyright,licens e,a read me file, thirdpartylicensereadme, and a welcome.html file. I don't like running Minecraft with OpenJDK because it lags tremendously and it won't close, and I heard the "real Java" runs it much better.Did I download it incorrectly, if so can you tell me how?

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Programming :: Trace The Method Calls In Java During Runtime?

May 12, 2009

how can I trace the method calls in Java during runtime?

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Debian Configuration :: Java Runtime Evironnment Plugin In Iceweasel?

Feb 6, 2011

I am not able to install JRE plug-in the rowser. Everytime plug-in finder service failig and asking to install manually.

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Ubuntu :: OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime - Package Dependencies Cannot Be Resolved

Aug 26, 2010

I'm trying to install Open Rocket : [URL]. I don't think I have java installed. I went to software center and tried to install "OpenJDK Java 6 runtime" and it says package dependencies cannot be resolved. I tried doing sudo apt-get install through terminal and it was dependent on a long list of things:


I tried to sudo apt-get each one and it led me down the list like that to a dead end.

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Programming :: Using Java Runtime - Program Which Simply Calculates The Load Average Of A Process

Feb 10, 2011

I'm new to the linux world and its been quit sometime since i've done any programming. However, I'm writing a program which simply calculates the load average of a process. In doing this I need to use the uptime command for linux in a java program. I've done a little bit of searching on the net and it mentions this is possiable by using java runtime command. Unfortunatly though I have yet to find a working example of this. I've tried just simply reading the /proc/uptime file but I have no clue how to format the 2 numbers in seconds to make it the same as if you just typed in uptime in the linux command prompt.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Encrypted LVM Volume - Modprobe Fatal Error

Mar 17, 2011

I recently got a eSata docking station for hard drives and after deciding to make those volumes encrypted LVM's, I created my first logical volume. After setting it up in yast2 and rebooting I received a prompt for the lvm password, gave it and received:

Mar 17 13:38:21 blkdragon kernel: [ 1105.172687] padlock: VIA PadLock not detected.
Mar 17 13:38:21 blkdragon kernel: [ 1105.313056] alg: No test for stdrng (krng)
Mar 17 13:38:21 blkdragon kernel: [ 1105.323189] alg: No test for stdrng (ansi_cprng)
Mar 17 13:38:22 blkdragon kernel: [ 1105.416892] padlock: VIA PadLock Hash Engine not detected.
Mar 17 13:38:22 blkdragon modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting padlock_sha (/lib/modules/ No such device

Boot resumed and I looked for the reason for this, the padlock-sha.ko module does exist in the appropiate place and the volume was mounted in spite of the error message. Lvmdump seems to indicate that the volume is, in fact, encrypted. My thoughts at the moment are that the volume was encrypted by aes, so the padlock-sha.ko was not necessary to mount the volume. Backtracking the message log the same error happened during the creation of the volume before rebooting. The kernel version gives it away but it's a 11.2 machine.

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OpenSUSE :: FireFox 5.0 - With IcedTea - Plugin Error: "Failed To Run /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/bin/java"

Jul 10, 2011

I use openSUSE 11.4 64 bits, KDE and FireFox 5.0. I regularly update. When trying to reach my bank, I get the following error: Code: icedteanp plugin error: Failed to run /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/bin/java. For more detail rerun "firefox -g" in a terminal window. Is there anything I can do to remediate ? Does IcedTea everything that Java does?

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OpenSUSE :: Fatal Error Database Recovery Fring Installing A Package?

Jun 28, 2010

(with --nodeps --force) Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: rpmdb: PANIC: Invalid argument
rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Ehci_hcd Fatal Error With USB2.0 Hard Drives

May 30, 2011

I'm getting failures of ehci_hcd at random times when trying to copy files between USB2 hard disks on my new installation of OpenSUSE 11.4 on my new i7 machine. Kernel version is 2.6.37-0.5-desktop, x86_64. The error is very repeatable but happens at random times, not associated with any particular disk sector or file etc.It's becoming very annoying as it is causing files on my drives to become corrupted if they are open when the error occurs.

I have two USB2 hard drives plugged in, and I'm trying to copy files from one to the other either via terminal or nautilus. The symptom of the failure is that all USB devices on the root hub of those drives will suddenly disappear in the middle of a file transfer. This includes the KB & mouse , so I lose every USB device on the same root hub at once.

If the keyboard is on a separate root hub I can retain control of the PC. In this case, lsusb shows that the root hub to which the drives were connected has vanished - not just the drive itself. The whole root hub is gone. I have confirmed that it is NOT a problem with the drives themselves, because

(a) I have tried many different drives, of different brands, and they all do it,

(b) all my drives work flawlessly under Windows 7 and

(c) this never happened under my old OpenSUSE 11.2 on my old x86_64 core2 duo PC with the same hard drives.

They are all NTFS formatted and I use NTFS-3g to write to them. I don't have a choice about the NTFS, since they bring data from other Windows PCs. I'd much prefer to be on ext3, but what can you do. The root cause of the problem is that the ehci_hcd module is failing at a low level. It's not the NTFS-3g driver, by the looks of things. I have no idea how to fix this. I don't think it's a problem with my USB2 drives going to sleep mode because it happens in the middle of a file copy operation!

/var/log/messages output follows... /var/log/messages shows these kinds of errors at the leadup to a failure. Nothing suspicious appears until we suddenly see this:

kernel: [ 505.042722] hub 1-1:1.0: cannot reset port 3 (err = -110)
... same message repeated 4 times ...
kernel: [ 509.075401] hub 1-1:1.0: Cannot enable port 3. Maybe the USB cable is bad?
kernel: [ 509.083593] hub 1-1:1.0 cannot disable port 3 (err = -110)


NTFS-3g then unmounts ALL the drives on that root hub and everything falls in a heap as all I/O operations and every device on that hub fails in sequence.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Minor Updates - Fatal Error - System Halted

Mar 1, 2010

Since yesterday my computer behaves really strange. I fear it's a hardware issue. At most I did some minor updates, but no big software or OS change.

When I turn it on it goes immediately to [url]

I guess it reads

Chasis intruded
Fatal Error... System Halted.

So this happens before the boot manager... When I press the reboot button it goes to the boot manager and works seemingly fine - all I noticed that it doesn't remember the time, or better remembered the time form the last usage but doesn't count it forward. While using the time seems to pass in a normal speed.

What could this be? Some chip on the mainboard broken? Some BIOS virus (does something like that exist?) Or maybe just a cable which got lose?

I don't know which other informations could be helpful. I built it myself some years ago and the parts are pretty random (back then I didn't even know about linux compatibility nor used it at all). I have a dual boot with openSUSE 11.2 and windows xp, but the network card is deactived in xp for a year at least already.

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