Fedora :: Getting A New Server Address That Can Use With "yum Update"?

Aug 6, 2009

I have Fedora 9 running on my PC at home with no problems at all. However, during the past week, I am having problem updating the system with "yum update". I am getting an error telling me that the server cannot be reached (or something like that). So, I tried using the browser with the [URL] and indeed, the server cannot be reached. However, my network is working fine because I can browse anything on the internet. When I tried this at work, using the browser with the URL [URL] everything works fine; I can see all the directories and files.

1) Is this a problem of my ISP DNS?

2) Is the server (fedora.secsup.org) blocking me for some reasons?

3) Is there a new server address that I can use with "yum update", and if so, where (file) do I enter the address?

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Fedora Installation :: F13 Update - Install Asking For IP Address

Jun 1, 2010

I am trying to update from F12 to F13. After following the guide from Fedora, I rebooted and it attempted to download the update. The download got to about 55 - 65% when a message about running out of space appears. The install then asks for an IP address to use so that it can download the updates as needed instead of all at once. I have been searching but not been able to find the IP address in question.

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Server :: Blocking Dhcpd Address Lease For Specific MAC Address?

Sep 4, 2009

I hv Cent OS 5.3 installed as server. I hv a network of approx 100 desktops and laptops. For a security purpose i want to block certain laptops from gaining a the network access using dhcp. Can we block the ip address leasing if a specific MAC address request for a ip lease?

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Server :: IP Address In Ubuntu \ Dont Find Inet Address?

Aug 4, 2011

If I give "ifconfig" in my laptop I get eth0,lo,wlan0.In that where do I find my Ip address in Ubuntu in 10.04. In eth0 I dont find inet address.Where can I find it?

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Ubuntu :: Give Server A Actual Address And Not Ip Address?

Mar 15, 2011

i am pretty much brand new to ubuntu i have messed around with it a little and have gotten my apache2 server up and running what i have some questions on is

1. How can i give my server a actual address and not my ip address?

2. Is there any way i can put like forum software on part of it? if so how?

3. What is the best way to write web pages i know some html so thats how i was able to write what i have now just wondering what best way is

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Server :: Binding Of IP Address To Its Mac Address In Squid Proxy?

Jun 3, 2009

I want to know how to bind Ip addresses to its mac addresses in Squid Proxy

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Server :: Dhcpd To Give A Certain Ip Address Based On Mac Address?

Nov 24, 2010

Im trying to setup dhcpd to put certain systems witch have mac address starting with 08:00:* in a certain ip class. How can this be done?So any system with mac address starting with 08:00 to get an ip from this range

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Fedora Networking :: Specifying DNS Server Address

Aug 3, 2009

I have specified Primary DNS address in Network Manager's DNS tab and saved those settings. But when I restart my PC, Primary DNS address will go blank. How can I save this address premanently?

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Fedora :: Get An IP Address From The Dhcp Server?

Apr 13, 2011

I have a network with one of the server machine being under Fedora 14 and the clients machines being under Windows 7 and Fedora 14.

Quite often I get some difficulties for the clients to get an IP address from the dhcp server. If I look at the server logs, it looks like the server sees the requests and sends and answer:

Apr 12 19:33:18 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:21:70:c5:22:4e via eth1
Apr 12 19:33:18 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:21:70:c5:22:4e via eth1
Apr 12 19:33:23 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:21:70:c5:22:4e via eth1
Apr 12 19:33:23 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:21:70:c5:22:4e via eth1
Apr 12 19:33:33 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:21:70:c5:22:4e via eth1


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Fedora Servers :: DNS For Web Server - Gets Replaced With The IP Address

Sep 26, 2009

I have installed Fedora 11 and I have set it up as a web server with Apache. I have a domain name from GoDaddy that I own and I have set it to my web server. I am able to type the address into a browser on a computer outside of my network and it will pull up the web pages on the server. the problem that I am having is that after I type the URL, it gets replaced with the IP address. [URL] I know that I need a nameserver to resolve the IP address but I can not figure out how to do it. I have tried to use Bind but I can never seem to get it to work.

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Server :: 98 - Address Already In Use - Make_sock - Could Not Bind To Address - 443

Oct 26, 2010

I dont know for what reason, I started having this message whenever I try to start httpd.
I commented "Listen 443", restarted httpd started correctly.

I issued "lsof -iTCP:443", I get


I can not understand where this come from and why. It seems that it is IPV6 protocol which is in fact not enabled on the network card.

Also, I can not find or dont know where 443 is configured apart from ssl.conf or httpd.conf

Today, I have added xrdp applications in order to be able to connect using RDP.

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Server :: 98 - Address Already In Use - Make_sock: Could Not Bind To Address

Mar 10, 2010

(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down. Unable to open logs

I am new to apache2 server i have been trying to start the server using the default httpd.conf file provided in the source code but when i give the following command sudo /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start i receive the above error and the server shuts down.

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Server :: Bind IP Address With MAC Address In Squid 3?

Jan 13, 2010

i have followed web site [URL] for MAC to IP bind but it dont work on my system


acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst


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Fedora Servers :: Dig Command With IPv6 Address As Server

Mar 2, 2009

I am trying to get the MX record using dig command supplying IPv6 address of host. but i am getting connection timed out .

while with IPv4 address and host-name its working fine.

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Fedora Security :: Block Some Ip Address That Are Attacking Server?

Aug 26, 2009

I want to block some ip address that are attacking my server and making my ssh port busy. On searching the google, I found

iptables -A INPUT -s ip_address -j DROP

I will add this rule in iptables. My questions are:
1) do I have to do

chkconfig iptables on

so that it load the iptables at boot. I am wondering why do I need this because iptables is already modified and it loads the iptables at boot time if firewall is enabled.

2) When we add the above rule, which file is modified? Another way, where are this rules stored? It is not in /etc/sysconfig/iptables and /etc/sysconfig/iptables_config.

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Fedora Networking :: No IP Address From DHCP Server On Wireless Network?

Feb 12, 2009

I have installed Fedora 10 on my A860 Dell Vostrol Laptop with AR242X Atheros Wireless card. Wireless card worked out of the box and i could detect wireless network and connect to it. But i have a problem that, my wireless connection is not able to get IP address from the DHCP server. Please help me out what can i do to get this working. I am using WEP security and authentication is open system.

I have windows 7 beta installed on the same machine and on that wireless network works fine so i am sure that there is no problem with the wirless network. I am using DIR-300 router from D-LINK. I tried to see packet log on wireshark and there i see that there is no reply to the DHCP discover message. Actually i don't see any RX packets at all. Which is not normal as there is traffic on the network.

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless - Shows Up In The Network Manager - Does Not Get An Ip Address From DHCP Server

May 24, 2010

I'm using a D-Link Xtreme N PCI express wireless adapter (DWA-556). It shows up in the network manager.

However it does not get an ip address from the DHCP server. Below is what I get in the messages log:

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CentOS 5 Server :: Centos And Xen: Lan Error - Vif0.0: Received Packet With Own Address The Source Address

Jun 18, 2010

I installed the Centos 5.5 and after the Xen. After I put a virtual machine named VM01.Initially it worked properly, I tried everything and it worked.When rebooted, I had problems with the network.I have two network cards eth0 and eth1, but eth1 does not have any ip and I use only eth0.The error that appears is:

vif0.0: received packet with own address the source address

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Networking :: Update Tcp Checksum After Modifying IP Address?

Jan 31, 2009

I am writing a program which modifies source IP address of packet before writing this packet to tap interface. I face only one problem with tcp checksum. I have current checksum, to get new checksum, I add new source IP address and add one complement of old source IP address. That is, I update checksum with difference of old and new source IP address. It sounds not bad but does not work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Update DDNS For Fixed-address Hosts?

Apr 3, 2011

I have DDNS configured and working for dynamic addresses, but it's not quite right for static addresses yet. The DHCP server assigns the static address, but it doesn't update the DNS sever with the associated host name. Which means I have to use the IP address when accessing the host instead of the host name. How can I get the DHCP server to update the DNS with the host name associated with the fixed-address?Here is my current dhcpd.conf.

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;


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Ubuntu :: Checking For Updates From The Update Manager - Refers To Old IP Address For Wireless

Mar 22, 2011

I changed my internet source from wireless to wired cable which came with a new IP address. Subsequently anytime I try checking for updates from the update manager it still refers me to my old IP address for wireless and here is the results I get:


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Server :: Server Refuses Mail With 550 5.1.1 : Recipient Address Rejected: User Unknown?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm having a problem whereby I'm able to send mail to a mailbox from several different email addresses and SMTP servers (gmail, RoadRunner broadband), but I'm unable to send mail to the same address from one particular account, the SMTP server for which runs on a mediaTemple (dv) 3.0 box with CentOS 5 Final.I've spent a full workday on the forums, trying to troubleshoot the issue, and I'm running out of ideas.The server on which I'm having the mail processing problem is a mediaTemple (ve) running Ubuntu 10.04 x64 (Linux 2.6.18-028stab070.7 #1 SMP Fri Oct 1 13:53:00 MSD 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux), with ISPConfig 3. Here's how I setup the mail-related aspects of the Ubuntu box:

apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql postfix-doc mysql-client mysql-server openssl getmail4 rkhunter binutils dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d


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CentOS 5 Server :: Qmail Server Is Not Notifying Email Address Does Not Exist

Oct 27, 2010

One of our client having issue with the qmail. The issue is if any one send email to abc@ourdomain.com (abc@ourdomain.com the email address which is not exist) it should send failure notification i.e."email does not exist" to the sender. The qmail server is not notifying that email address does not exist.

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Server :: Configure Address Of Next Level DNS In BIND Server?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to know how to configure the address of the next level DNS server in my BIND server. im in a FEDORA 10 system.

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Server :: Insert IP Address In Configuring DNS Server Using Bind9?

Jul 10, 2010

especially to ubuntu server 8.04 because it doesnt use a GUI. Now my question is on how to insert IP address in configuring DNS server using bind9. Actually i'm using this guideBut i m not sure on how to insert IP addresses on the primary master and secondary master. Should I insert the Ip address that i found when i type ifconfig ? or Should I assign a new IP address.I have set up a webserver, DNS server, File server and mail server on a virtual box. For now, at first, im working with the DNS server or should I work with the web server first?what should I do?

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Fedora :: X Server Freezes On Startup After Yesterday's System Update / Fix It?

May 15, 2010

After yesterday system update the x server won't start up anymore. It locks immediately with blank screen leaving the computer unresponsible until hard reboot. I hat to once again go with the "vesa" driver, as I mentoined earlier in another thread it is a life saver, always works. My video card is integrated Radeon HD3250 - video driver was fglrx from ATI itself. "radeon" driver now reports that modesetting is not supported and will not load with EE-type X server error.

Anyone else experienced this? Are there any changes in the most recent X server that once again break compatibility with the official ATI driver?

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Server :: Fixed Address In Dhcp Server

Jul 8, 2010

I want to set up a dhcp server such that the clients get same ip every time. Giving fixed address to every client would be a long process.

"I don't want to assign a specific ip to the client but what i want is the server provides same ip every time"

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Server :: LDAP Address Book Server

Jul 9, 2010

I have created a LDAP Address Book server for my organization. Now the situation is that everybody in my company is not using email clients but they also want to use centralized address book. So I am searching for any web interface tool which can show addresses from my LDAP Server on web browser. Please help me if anybody knows any web interface free tool for accessing address books.

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Fedora Networking :: 10 - Nfs-utils Update - Waits For A While At Leopard's - Connecting To Server - Dialog Box

Jan 15, 2009

I ran a yum update this morning on my Fedora 10 box (i386), which updated the 'nfs-utils' package from 1.1.4-4.fc10 to 1.1.4-6.fc10. Before the update I was able to connect to the fedora NFS exports just fine from my Macbook Pro running latest version of Leopard on a simple home network. After the update, when I try to connect to the NFS export it waits for a while at leopard's "Connecting to Server" dialog box, and after about a minute I get a message saying "Could not connect to the server because the name or password is not correct" (though my UID's are the same on both systems). My /etc/exports and /etc/sysconfig/nfs files were unchanged by the update. I tried restarting the nfs services as well as shutting down iptables and setting SELinux to permissive, etc. with no success.

I get the following in /var/log/messages ( is the address of my macbook):

I was able to download the RPM for the older version of nfs-utils and then do a 'yum localinstall' to revert to the older version. This fixed my issues completely and my setup works as it did before. However I am curious to know why the latest version of nfs-utils breaks my setup, and whether it is a problem with my setup or if I should just wait for the next version to come out and see if the same thing happens.

Here is my /etc/exports file. If I understand this correctly it should allow connections from anyone with an IP address on my local network.

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Server :: Server Ip Address Configuration

Jan 2, 2010

i recently built a server running openSUSE. when trying to connect via ssh or telnet or ftp etc etc on my LAN, everything is ok. i just recently found out that when i try to connect to my world ip address {the ip address everyone else sees,] it does not work. i recently came to the conclusion that since the server i built is running off a router connected to another computer, my world ip is the same as that one, and there is no server built on that computer. is there a way i can connect to the computer that is running the server on my network from outside my network i.e from somewhere else?

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