Fedora :: Get A Desktop Install Of Plone CMS Up And Running On 11?

Oct 18, 2009

get a desktop install of Plone CMS up and running on Fedora11? Tried YUM "add/remove software" install without success - no launch link appears in applications menu.

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Ubuntu :: Install Plumi 3.0 Or 3.1, Video Sharing For Plone?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm trying to install Plumi 3.0 or 3.1 (the newest versions) on my already working Plone instance (version 3.x) and just can't get it working, basicaly my question is whether it is even possible to install the new plumi as an ADD-ON product on existing plone site or is it obligatory to run it as a standalone Plumi/Plone instance and if, what is the procedure on debian/ubuntu. I've really spent a lot of hours on many linux machines and just can't get to the working Plumi instance.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Currently Running GNOME Want To Install KDE Desktop

Apr 29, 2011

I am running GNOME but want the option to use KDE. which package would I need to install KDE4 desktop.

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Debian Configuration :: Proxying Plone Behind The Apache?

Mar 3, 2011

I haven't used Plone in quite a while and am having problems getting Apache to serve it up now. I'm using the same configuration that I used for proxying Plone sites for a couple of years, but now that same configuration now gives me the following error in Apache's error log: [warn] proxy: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule.Here's the proxy modules I'm loading for troubleshooting purposes for now.

apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_MODULES | grep proxy
Syntax OK
proxy_module (shared)
proxy_ajp_module (shared)


I've Googled this extensively and it seems most people who ran into this problem hadn't loaded the proxy_http module after upgrading to Apache 2.2 from 2.0.

Edit: BTW, I'm using Plone 4.0.3 now. I was running Plone 2.5 before. I don't see why that would be a problem though as VHM's are now built into Zope.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Seemingly Random Crashes On A New Desktop Running 11.3

Sep 9, 2010

I got a new desktop and figured this would be a great oppurtunity to update to 11.3 (from 11.2) while migrating files.. However I have had lots of problems with it, right of the bat. My first installation got messed up right after it was done, so I had to redo everything. Now the system boots up all fine but I am experiencing crashes every once in a while. By crashes I mean nothing works; the system monitor graphs freeze, the clock freezes, system doesnt respond to key strokes. The only remedy is then to "force an unexpected reboot" (ref: IT Crowd). I have a feeling that it has to do with Yast or something related to Yast, as it is the only common denominator between the crashes so far. However the system doesnt crash everytime I start Yast so I cant really say anything conclusively..

I have also realised that when I attach a secondary screen the graphics get kinda screwed as well.. if that makes any sense... Here are my system details: Dell Vostro Desktop with Core i7 64bit processor

8 x 2.8Ghz
6gig ram
graphics card: GeForce GT220

What could be the problem here? btw let me know if anyone wants to see logs from /var/log/messages

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Fedora :: Running Bash And Perl Scripts On Desktop

Nov 8, 2010

I wanted to run bash and perl scripts which requires SU privileges by clicking on desktop
Terminal window opens and closes fast without knowing what happened.

scripts work on terminal window by telling
sudo perl file.pl
sudo bash file.sh

Perl has this header
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#!usr/bin/perl -w

Bash has header

How can I run them with desktop shortcuts with SU privilege so, the terminal will not close after execution? Should not the scripts work without telling perl or bash, since they have the header?

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Ubuntu :: Installed Desktop On Server To Get Boinc Manager Running Now Remove Desktop?

Apr 20, 2010

First problem:

apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

I have installed Ubuntu desktop on Ubuntu Server to get Boinc manager running. Now I want to remove Ubuntu-desktop.

Second Problem: /etc/init.d/xorg start : No such file or directory When the server boots i get a blinking cursor.

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Fedora :: Create Install DVD From A Currently Running F10 Installation?

Jul 16, 2009

I need to install F10 on three computer systems donated recently to a village school - the location has extremely erratic Internet bandwidth, so installation/update through Internet is well nigh impossible.

I have a currently functioning Fedora 10 x86_64 installation at my home.

I wanted to create a bootable DVD of sorts from my home installation, which I can then run on the three machines at the school, and complete the installation. All games, gedit text editor, Firefox (for whatever its worth), eclipse installation, Rhythmbox music player, etc. that is installed on my home system Fedora 10 I want to be able to carry with the DVD.

The HW configurations on the donated machines are extremely basic - AMD 64 bit processors, one has 2GB, two machines have 3 GB RAMs, VGA monitors, one SATA Hard Disk of 80GB each and KBD/Mouse. For the DVD drive I plan to loan out my home one or the installation purposes.

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Fedora :: Can't Install Libuuid-devel / When Running The Transaction Test?

Jan 13, 2010

I have tried to install this package with yum and also directly - download the rpm, then rpm -Uvh ....

Both yum and rpm hang - yum when running the transaction test.

Any ideas about this package.

This is running F12, uname -r =>

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Fedora :: Error Xserver Running During Nvidia Driver Install

Feb 17, 2011

After starting the Nvidia driver installer I get the error message "please exit x before installing". I read the manual page for X. From the console I typed X -terminate. I get the error message "Fatal server error" "Server is already active for display 0". how to exit from X.

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Fedora :: Install KDE Desktop In F14?

Nov 5, 2010

How I can install the KDE desktop in Fedora 14?

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Fedora Hardware :: Computer Running Snail Slow - Wouldn't Install 12

Mar 18, 2010

everything in the computer is running snail slow. So slow, that it wouldn't install Fedora 12.

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General :: Desktop In Fedora How To Install?

Jun 3, 2011

i have downloaded gcc-4.6.0.tar.bz2 to my desktop in fedora how to install them??

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Red Hat :: Kickstarting Over HTTPS - Do The Rhel/fedora/centos Install From Running Apache With SSL Enabled?

Aug 13, 2010

Has anyone successfully kickstarted a rhel/fedora/centos over HTTPS ? In other words, is it possible to do the rhel/fedora/centos install from running apache with SSL enabled?

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Fedora :: Use Okular Instead Of Evince - Install @kde-desktop To Get?

Jul 7, 2010

i want use Okular instead of Evince, but I didn't find it in official repositories. Do I need install @kde-desktop to get it? I want stay with Gnome

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Fedora :: Desktop Won't Fully Load After Install

Jan 29, 2011

When I load a fresh install of Fedora 14 on my system that the desktop doesn't load completely? It goes as far as giving me the desktop with a background, the icons and status bar do not appear. I am able to right click and open a konsle terminal but only when I am in KDE (failsafe)

What is weird is initially I had no problem. But when I switched to a different monitor the desktop would not load correctly. I have reinstalled the OS since then and still have the same issue.

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Fedora :: Install On Desktop With Windows 7 Loader On

Jul 15, 2011

Have fedora 15 installed on my laptop with side off vista no problems, when i tried to install it on my desktop with windows 7 loader and ubuntu 11.04 i tried to install it but get to where to install it to, get message no room to install, how to install it on my desktop

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running Emacs 22.3 Under An X86_64 Running FC10 - Stops Responding ?

Jul 19, 2009

After "yum install emacs" & "yum install emacs-ess", I was able to install emacs on my X86_64 running Fedora 10.

If I run one session of emacs everything works fine.

Once I start a second session and try to resize or move the emacs window, the system stops responding.

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Fedora :: Install Other Desktop Environments Despite Already Having Installed KDE And GNOME?

Apr 30, 2011

I have two desktop environments installed on my Fedora pc. Here it is


Is it still possible to install other desktop environments despite already having installed KDE and GNOME? If I happen to install other desktop environments such as XFCE, LXDE, CDE, EDE, UDE, will I be able to use one particular environment by disabling the rest whenever needed

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Fedora :: Install Kazam Screen Desktop Recorder On F15?

Jun 1, 2011

I need a screen recorder - but today I did. Being a quite recent Fodora convert I had a quick squint about the forums and found nothing but problems with the more well known desktop recorders or commandline ffmeg / mencoder solutions.A name that did crop up a few times is KAZAM - an Ubuntu Launchpad project... hmmm I thinks - shouldn't be too hard to get up on F15 being a python script... this Fedora solution is based on the Debian howto found here: [URL] And here it is:

1) You will need a few tools and dependencies 1st:


sudo yum install bzr intltool python-keybinder gnome-python-rsvg python-xlib python-distutils-extra python-pycurl x264-libs

2) Grab the code branch from launchpad by bzr:


sudo bzr branch lp:kazam

3) change into Kazam folder and install:


cd kazam
sudo python setup.py install
4) Job done!

You'll now have an Applications -> Sound & Video -> Kazam Screencaster shortcut in your menu Once you have started a recording (with audio if you like and have pulse setup) you can pause / stop from the bottom panel applet and can then save the MKV to disk for or open further editing. The "Edit with" option does not seem to be working yet - at least not on my machine but that is no major hardship

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Ubuntu :: Running Remote Desktop Without A Monitor

Aug 14, 2010

How do I do this in 10.4? I need to be able to Remote Desktop into my server over SSH but can't because I don't have a spare monitor on hand... and Ubuntu won't start a desktop if it doesn't detect a monitor.

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Ubuntu :: Running On Server Box For Use As Desktop Computer

Sep 24, 2010

Every once in a while I see a great deal (like this one) on a Dell Server. I was wondering if there was any problems running Ubuntu on one of these machines for use as a desktop computer? I don't know much about servers but the specs look similar to a desktop computer.

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Ubuntu :: Taking Backup Of Running Desktop?

Oct 15, 2010

I do use a virtualization environment using VirtualBox,Qemu. Many a times I have to format my laptop then in such situations installing again the previous programs and making same changes to the configurations is very painful. Is there some way I can make some sort of backup which I just need to install on my existing system and get all previous things immediately installed without going to install and setting of a lot of other applications and settings.

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Ubuntu :: Still Running With Gnome As The Desktop Environment?

Apr 30, 2011

Is the new Ubuntu still running with Gnome as the desktop environment? I seem to remember hearing somewhere that it was something else - does that mean I could uninstall Gnome?

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Ubuntu :: Share Files From A Desktop Running 11.04?

Aug 20, 2011

I am trying to share files from a desktop running Ubuntu 11.04 so that they may be seen from a Laptop running Ubuntu 11.04 which are on the same network.

I have tried installing Samba, which worked fine until i replaced windows on the laptop with Ubuntu. then the Laptop would not recognize any computers on the network. as i tried to search through the forums and solve the problem myself i think i may have also edited my smb.conf file in a way that it will no longer allow me to share the folder ( which used to be shared) on the desktop.

EDIT: if it helps when i right click on the folder, and try to create share i get: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "everyone" to a SID. Invalid parameter.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install Live CD Gnome Desktop Version

Jun 11, 2009

I successfully installed fedora live CD KDE version on virtual PC. but I can't install the live CD Gnome desktop version. details: I just add vga=0x32D on boot, no problem booting after that. I am now log-in as live user, but I can't find the shotcut for installation on desktop "install to hard drive" but using the terminal, there's a file under Desktop, 'liveinst.desktop" I tried running it, graphical installation will appear, but during copying to hard disk, it says bad media.

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Fedora :: Install Updated NVidia Drivers To Use Desktop Effects In KDE?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a nVidia GeForce4 MX 4000 graphics card. How do I install the updated nVidia drivers so I can use the desktop effects in KDE?

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Fedora Installation :: Update A Fresh Install Of The 64-bit Desktop Edition?

Jun 25, 2011

As the thread title suggests, I am getting error messages while trying to update a fresh install of the 64-bit desktop edition. Here are the errors:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py", line 2316, in _update_packages
txmbr = self.yumbase.update(po=pkg)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/__init__.py", line 3761, in update
available_pkg, updated_pkg)


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Ubuntu :: When Running Laptop On Battery Desktop Freezes

Oct 16, 2010

When I'm running the laptop on battery the desktop freezes. It doesn't matter what program I use, it also happens when I just boot the system login and do nothing. I then have no mouse, no keyboard - so no key combination works. The only thing I can do is turn the laptop off using the power button and turn it back on. Usually the desktop freezes with in 5 min after login, but I also had one case were I was able to work for about 2 hours. When I plug in the power supply everything works fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running Desktop From A USB Thumb-drive?

Jan 10, 2011

I want to put Ubuntu on my 16 gb USB thumb-drive so that I can use Ubuntu on any computer willing to boot from a USB drive (at my office, my wife's desktop, etc.) I cannot find how to do this. All my search attempts show me how to put an "install disk" onto the USB thumb-drive using the command: System -> Administration -> Startup Disk Creator

I tried the above. The first time I booted from the thumb-drive it asked me whether I wanted to try using Ubuntu from the thumb-drive or install. Having to make that selection with each boot would be a slight pain, but not a deal-breaker. But then the thumb-drive OS detected my laptop's wireless card, asked to install a driver, and then asked to reboot. Now it does some odd blended boot where it skips my hard drive's Grub Loader (so it *is* still booting off the thumb-drive) but goes to my hard drive's account sign-in. How can I make a USB thumb-drive that boots Ubuntu Desktop just as a normal hard drive, with accounts and the ability to install drivers and new software?

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