Fedora Hardware :: Audiophile 2496 No Analog Support?

Jan 29, 2011

I have just purchased this audio card. It is a common audio card for home studio musicians or wannabees. Pulse Audio uses the ICE1712 [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller for this card. In the "Sound Preferences window the hardware selections are only variations of digital options. The gui (software) to control this card is the "Envy24 Control" which can be found in "Specialist tools for ALSA" package. With this package you have options to control the digital to analog conversions necessary.

I cannot active the analog inputs and outputs of this card. S/PDIF outs function but I can not use them to input to my Dynacord mixer.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: M-Audio Audiophile 2496 No Sound

Nov 18, 2009

I have an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 that uses the ice1712 alsa module. This card has always worked flawlessly in every previous version of opensuse. Now in opensuse 11.2, I'm having problems.

KDE System Notifications sound comes out fine. But I can't get any sound from Flash videos or from Amarok. This is with a clean installation of opensuse 11.2 using the 64bit DVD. No matter what I try, I can't get sound to play through this card, except the System Notifications. When I click on "Test" in the "Multimedia" section of KDE's "Configure Desktop", sound comes out fine. The backend currently in use with Phonon is "Xine". I also tried "Gstreamer", with no success.

If I use my motherboard's onboard sound (ALC889 chipset, using the hda ALSA module), then everything works fine. Sound is present everywhere and everything functions as intended.

I tried disabling the motherboard's onboard sound altogether in the BIOS, but that did not fix the problems with my M-Audio card. I need my M-Audio card for audio capture, among other things.

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Fedora :: Getting The Pulse Audio Server To Find The Hw0 With The Common M-audio 24/96 Audiophile

Nov 18, 2009

I am having trouble getting the pulse audio server to find the hw0 with the common m-audio 24/96 audiophile. This card worked with previous versions of all forms of pulse but seems to bork on the HW0 function for audio out...which is a stereo analogue simple output. Audacity sees the HW functions but pulse does not! Here is a screen shot of the pulse crap. And another screen shot of what the real card at "alsamixer -c 0" sees. There is no dac or adc detected or configured with pulse. This does not make any sense as alsa and alsamixer has all the correct device controls available to any other software that uses the ice1712 driver.

I am using Fedora 12 amd 64 as a live usb on a 16 gig stick and want to be able to record and mix audio on to HD with my reliable high end m-audio pci sound card without having to mess with the pulse crap or having to install a full HD option. BTW in the pulse sound configuration gui dropdown list there is no indication of HW0 and the only devices that are available in pulse are digital outs.....go figure, so essentially I can see all the correct connections and use programs that access alsa directly eg: audacity but have no sound through the crappy and ever borked pulse audio server! Any suggestions as to how to remove all the pulse stuff that comes with most distros that use gnome? I have done this deed before with Ubuntu but do no know how to do the deed with an rpm based system. If I install a non pulse version of xmms and let it use jackd then I should have reliable sound for cd audio etc and should be able to configure VLC, Ardour and Nted well without pulse getting in on the action and screwing up my sound.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Automatically Switch Between "Analog Headphones" And "Analog Output"

Mar 22, 2010

every time I want to listen music from my headphones I have to do like:

1. Main menu >> System >> Preferences >> Sound >>> Output >>>> Connector >>>>> Analog Headphones

and vice versa.

I have no experience in bash scripting and I have no idea how to find automatic solution to my problem.

The problem in pseudo-code:

headset plugged in front jack
then Connector := Analog Headphones
Connector := Analog Output

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any Successful Use Of M-Audio 2496?

Jun 14, 2010

I have been looking for a sound card for stereo classical music. The search has been frustrating. The best-known maker is well known for games and DVDs -- special effects in other words. One card works only on 32-bit distros, not 64-bit. Other cards used to work well with Linux, but stopped several years ago, and all interested parties consider it low priority. Others are priced outside my budget.

From specs and price, the best card for me would be the M-Audio Audiophile 2496, a stereo-only card with reportedly great musical performance. But it is one of those cards that stopped working around 2007, in Ubuntu and several other distros. In the forums it appears to be caused by an incompatibility between ALSA and Pulse Audio, and involves the initialization for the ICE1712 sound chip. So several other M-Audio cards, and cards from other makers, are affected as well. Comments in the Ubuntu forum trail off inconclusively. Some partial solutions have been found that work for some people, but not for all. Some reports say that a return to ALSA or even OSS works. This is discouraging, and I will not spend $100 knowing that a failure is likely.

But the best discussion appears in the Red Hat - Fedora forum for bug 499435. The authors of the ALSA and Pulse systems get into the discussion, and in the resulting ferment, one correspondent develops a workaround consisting of a large change to a conf file, and a couple of little changes elsewhere. The description of the change is followed by several messages reporting success with the card, finally. But please note that this was NOT for Ubuntu. You may find this discussion and the fix via Google by searching "m-audio 2496 red hat". It's right at the top.

The file requiring the big change is

Looking into the same file in Ubuntu, I found that it contains most (not all) of the revision in Fedora. Perhaps the differences between the distros require the modification to be different. The change log for libasound2 (the package containing this file) has no discernable reference to this change, so I am left wondering about its source and validity.

Still, I am not about to spend $100 without some assurance that the money is not thrown away. So now, the question for which this entry was written: Is anyone out there successfully using an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 sound card with the current release of Ubuntu (10.04 or 9.10), using Pulse, ALSA, or OSS? Everybody posts tales of woe. I'm hoping to hear a few tales of success.

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Fedora :: Analog Audio Capture Not Working?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm trying to get skype going in Fedora 12 KDE x86_64 (fully updated). I did some testing with and without the pulseaudio server installed. With the pulseaudio, I didn't manage at all. I know I got it working before _without_ pulseaudio, but after a yum update the pulseaudio got reinstalled and the mic stopped working. Now I traced this problem down to what I think is wrong: I have a HDA Intel sound card, but 'cat /proc/asound/devices', doesn't show me any analog capture input at all:

cat /proc/asound/devices
2: : timer
3: : sequencer


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Fedora Hardware :: Xfi Titanium Sound - Use 5.1 Analog Audio System

Jan 26, 2011

I installed a fresh copy of Fedora 14 a few days ago. The default drivers for this device worked OK but I read on some forums that OSSV4 had improved performance/capabilities. I came across this thread on the forums which I followed. (incloded removing pulse audio) Since then I have visited almost every forum/site I can find to try to resolve my issue. I have reinstalled pulseaudio and editied almost all of the conf files I could find relating to the xfi cards.

I was worried that I may have changed a config file that I shouldn't have. I removed all of the pulse audio apps using: su -c "yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio pulseaudio padevchooser pavumeter paprefs pavucontrol" and also removed the config backups so that on a new install they would be replaced. I will post any information needed to resolve this issue, my goal is preferably not to use pulseaudio and successfully be able to use my 5.1 analog audio system I am sure that the system is able to see the card, but loading the driver / sound utilities is not working.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 (Analog) Sound Is Very Low

Aug 25, 2010

With openSuSE 11.3 the (analog) sound is very low as compared to the previous release (11.2). I have installed all I could think of like ALSA, but still no success. The installation uses the internal sound card of the M4A785-M mobo with the VIA VT1708S chipset.

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Hardware :: Trying To Watch Analog TV Input?

Jun 20, 2010

Using an ATI Tv wonder HD 600 card, and i'm trying to use it to view an analog signal through the coax input. Normally, I'd tune the tv to channel 3 and be done with it. I'm not really sure how to proceed with it.

scan /usr/share/dvb/atsc/us-NTSC-center-frequencies-8VSB doesn't pull in the correct input, and i'm not sure that non-digital inputs are even supported.

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General :: What Is The Windows Analog Of The Watch Command

Sep 21, 2010

I'm looking for a Windows program/script/command line function that works like Linux's watch program. watch periodically calls another program/whatever and shows the result, which is great for refreshing an output file or similar every second: watch cat my-output.txt or, more powerfully: watch grep "fail" my-output.txt I've looked for it in cygwin's library, but it doesn't seem to be present.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which App To Record Analog Music?

Feb 23, 2010

I'd like to try transcribing a few of my old vinyl records to my ogg player for the car. But which application to use? Sound Recorder is there in the default install of course, but it doesn't seem to have any kind of level meter in it. I have used audacity in the past, but maybe that's overkill.

The sticky howtos don't seem to mention anything as basic as this question. Which application would you recommend?

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Ubuntu :: Analog Joystick Not Working In One Direction?

Jun 28, 2010

I have an old Logitech Wingman analog joystick connected to a game port on a Creative sound card. At this point I've got the system to see the joystck and was able to run jscal. I was also able to run jstest. I was able to see positive & negative numbers moving the joystick in four directions. However, when I try 2 different MAME games or Open Arena there is no right direction. Pushing the joystick right only stops it from going left.. Up and down movement seems to be OK.

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Ubuntu :: Analog Audio Output Settings?

Mar 8, 2011

I have just gotten unbuntu install and was force to learn cuase while installing i accidently messed up the part of windows it needs to start i think on another hard drive.

i dont mind anymore. its a easy learn but now i down to the nitty gritty stuff.my audio outputs. i have a biostar board with reltek onboard audio.board model: TF8200 A2+ now i am just looking for a way to manage what one of the 6 ports do what.. like before in windows 7 with the realtek program. i could make every single on back their all fronts. or all line ins. or anything in between.

i dont really no what else to say. what ever other info you need just ask and ill reply fast.ps Ubuntu is awesome. its so slick with compiz and conky is nice to. only other problem i have now is music manager/player/mp3 sync. anyone know a good program off the top of your head?

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Debian Multimedia :: Compro M1F Analog TV Tuner And Lenny?

May 15, 2010

I've bought a Compro M1F PCI Analog TV Tuner. It works fine in windows (xp and 7) but it doesn't work under Debian Lenny. TVTime shows a blue screen with no image or sound. What steps should I follow to see if this card can be configured correctly with my Debian box?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Getting USB-Dvb-Analog-Hybrid-TV-Card Running With 11.1

Mar 21, 2009

I am having trouble getting my USB-Dvb-Analog-Hybrid-TV-Card running with openSuse 11.1. (I already tried a lot of instructions I found on the net but none of them worked.) For example, when I try to install em28xx-new, compiling will work, but when modprobeing:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio - Analog 5.1 Option Has Disappeared

Jul 18, 2010

I could effortlessly set my output in Sound Preferences to be Analog 5.1. Now I just discovered that this option has disappeared, for no apparent reason. I haven't been messing around with any settings, other than installing updates as they've been rolled out. Would be nice to have 5.1 surround back as an option.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Maudio 1010lt No Analog Settings?

Sep 11, 2010

ive been making the switch over to ubuntu from Vista and one of the last things in my way is getting my M-audio 1010lt card working in ubuntu (9.10, 64bit). I set it up so that the maudio card is the primary card and in envy24control the digital mixer shows sound, and i turn up all of the sliders (and unmute) but nothing happens noise wise.

I went into the "sound preferences" gui and was able to disable the internal sound card. It lists: ICE1712 [envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller 1 output/ 1 input the top part is fine, but the 1 in/out is wrong. I should have access to 10in/out. Additionally, in the "settings for the selected device" drop down menu, there is no choice to select analog stereo to analog outs 1/2. How can i get the analog output in this drop down menu or find some other way to get sound working??

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Ubuntu :: Setup Analog Headset So Both Aspects Work At Once?

Mar 5, 2011

my headset has a headphone jack and microphone jack.

if i go to sound preferences > Hardware (Tab) and select Profile: Analog Stereo Input, then I can record sound with Sound Recorder. but in order to be able to hear what I recorded, I then have to go back to sound preferences > Hardware (Tab) and select Profile: Analog Stereo Output.

i see there is a profile option "Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output + Analog Stereo input", but when that one is selected, i can't hear anything through the speakers..., so, still having to switch back and forth as described above. perhaps a profile option with "Analog Stereo Output + Analog Stereo Input" would work, but it is not there...

why do i have to switch back and forth? (actually, it seems this setting-switching-requirement is true of the laptop's built-in speakers and mic as well, not just the headset...)

(Everything in GNOME ALSA Mixer is unmuted and set to maximum volume. Capture is at maximum and the "Rec" box is checked...)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mythtv Analog Hauppauge 1250?

May 4, 2011

I've looked everywhere for this and I can't find an answer. I've got a hauppauge wintv-1250 card; ubuntu and mythtv recognize it OOTB. The dvb digital tuner portion of this card works great. I had quite a time figuring out how to set it up, but it all works pretty good now. nyway, the only problem is that I need to record 2 sources: 1 is RF, the other is from an analog cable box. So, I figured I should be able to record analog video from the s-video input. Is this possible with mythtv, and if so, how? I could watch it in windows with the software that came with the card, so I know it's possible, but I'd rather avoid windows if I can.

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Ubuntu :: Analog Input Cannot Display Video Mode

Jun 4, 2011

My problem is on bootup and shut down I get: analog input cannot display this video mode. I've got a dell monitor nvidia graphics card. Don't really know how to provide much more info than that. From what I've searched on the net is that it probably has to do with the refresh rate.

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Hardware :: Getting Analog Video Working On A Hauppauge HVR-1800?

Nov 5, 2010

I picked up a Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1800 PCIe TV tuner a few days ago. Digital TV worked fine right out of the box (after setting up the firmware), but I have not been able to get analog video to work at all.If I run mplayer, xawtv or tvtime using /dev/video1 (yes, that is the correct devnode, video0 is a different card in my rig), So, has anyone RECENTLY gotten analog capture working on this card?

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Debian Multimedia :: Get Analog Input Through PCHDTV Card HD-5500?

Oct 10, 2010

This week I got a TV card partially working in Squeeze. It is a PCHDTV HD-5500, sold for use with Linux [URL]. It has a Conexant chipset and open drivers. The drivers are already in the current (Sept/Oct. 2010) Squeeze kernel, 2.6.3x.

TV reception is working with Xine and VLC (probably would be fine with mplayer too). My question is, how do I get video from the inputs on the back of the card?

There's a multi-thing that takes inputs from composite or S-video. I have one of those digital-to-analog boxes from the US TV conversion, and its composite output is plugged into the composite input of the card. Looking at the players, however, it is not obvious which device (or other input) to choose, or what settings should be. How can I make a player get the video from the plugged-in analog source?

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OpenSUSE :: Analog Clock Plasmoid Is Broken In Latest Update?

Feb 14, 2010

I received an update yesterday and now my analog clock plasmoid is no longer functional. It's strange too because when I change a setting in the plasmoid, it'll magically come to life. I ran plasma-desktop in terminal to catch an error output, but nothing came up.

Useful info:
Running KDE 4.4.0 release 223
Opensuse 11.2

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Iec958 Digital Outputs To Analog Speakers

Oct 23, 2010

I'm trying to get my Audigy 2 Value to output digital but when I try to use the iec958 interface it outputs to the front speakers analog outputs, ie not the digital io socket.

I can get 5.1 surround by using the plug:surround51 device.

Have gone though other guides trying to fix the problem but no luck. how to get the digital stuff working. I have included some outputs.



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General :: Do Simultaneous Playback On Digital And Analog Output In Ubuntu?

Jul 19, 2010

I've setup an HTPC with xbmc, and I'd like to output the audio from the system to both my digital and analog outputs on my mother board. How do I do it? Can their be a script that duplicates the output of one to the other? Here's what aplay -l said:


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Slackware :: Asoundrc Works For HDMI/analog But Boosting Volume?

Jun 18, 2011

I've currently pieced together a asoundrc that gives me audio via HDMI and analog so I am able to get sound both on my externally connected monitor via HDMI and my notebook's speakers. Problem is, the analog output through the notebook's speakers/headphone jack is much much lower than it can be. In Windows 7 the volume is higher at the same level.


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Setting Up Of Analog Fax/Modem Card - Internal - Options ?

Nov 27, 2010

I just started messing around with openSUSE 11.3 (64-bit version, KDE environment).

My desktop computer has an internal fax/modem card (PCI version, mod. USR5610C). I am very confident that this card works with Linux and U.S. Robotics guarantees that much on their web site.

I connect to the Internet via DSL but I am attempting to set up the internal analog modem card as a back up should the DSL line be temporarily down. I went to YaST -> Modem and I see that my card was detected as "U.S. ROBOTICS 56K FAX INT Modem Not configured". I pressed Edit and the Modem Parameters page says that the device is in "/dev/ttyS4". I am not sure that this is indeed where the modem is located (is there a way to make sure?) but I accepted it and proceeded to entering the name of my Internet service provider, the access phone number, user name, and password. So far, so good -- I think!

Eventually, I come to a window where YaST2 wants to install the following:
* jack Jack-Audio Connection Kit v. 1.9.5-2.8
* smpppd SuSE Meta PPP Daemon v. 1.60.46-1.1.1

So far I have not installed them because of the Jack-Audio Connection Kit software. Do I really need to install it in order to get the modem working? The reason I am being careful is that I just spent weeks and weeks in trying to get my audio card (ASUS Xonar DX 7.1, PCI-E) to work with openSUSE and I sure do not want to mess things up and start all over again!

How to set up an analog modem with openSUSE 11.3?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: SOUND From Analog Capture Out Of Sync In Pinnacle Studio 14

Dec 28, 2010

SOUND from analog Capture is out of sync in Pinnacle Studio 14.


This problem can occur during capture from an analog capture card if CPU utilization exceeds 95 percent. To avoid this problem, configure virtual memory to be "System managed" by following these steps:

1. Choose Start -> Control Panel.
2. Open the System control panel.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. In the Virtual memory box, click Change.
6. Select System managed size, and click Set.
7. Click OK.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Internal Microphone Doesn't Work - HDA Intel STAC92xx Analog

Jun 30, 2011

My laptop's internal microphone doesn't work. I ran alsa-info.sh to collect data about my configuration.


Since the full info dump was a little bit too big to post here, I put the file in its entirety on Pastebin. I also noticed that KMix doesn't display any inputs/outputs...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Sound To Loop From Digital Input On Soundcard To Analog Speakers?

Nov 23, 2010

Alright, just installed maverick, got the sound to work great on the 7.1 with pulseaudio. works great in movies, and everything else just wonderfully. the only thing i am stumped by is how to get the sound to loop from my digital input on my soundcard to my analog speakers also on the same soundcard. i know the sound feed works on the input as the makeshift VU meter/bar on my digital input in the sound preferences moves, but i can't get the sound to actually come through on my speakers.

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