OpenSUSE Hardware :: M-Audio Audiophile 2496 No Sound

Nov 18, 2009

I have an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 that uses the ice1712 alsa module. This card has always worked flawlessly in every previous version of opensuse. Now in opensuse 11.2, I'm having problems.

KDE System Notifications sound comes out fine. But I can't get any sound from Flash videos or from Amarok. This is with a clean installation of opensuse 11.2 using the 64bit DVD. No matter what I try, I can't get sound to play through this card, except the System Notifications. When I click on "Test" in the "Multimedia" section of KDE's "Configure Desktop", sound comes out fine. The backend currently in use with Phonon is "Xine". I also tried "Gstreamer", with no success.

If I use my motherboard's onboard sound (ALC889 chipset, using the hda ALSA module), then everything works fine. Sound is present everywhere and everything functions as intended.

I tried disabling the motherboard's onboard sound altogether in the BIOS, but that did not fix the problems with my M-Audio card. I need my M-Audio card for audio capture, among other things.

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Fedora Hardware :: Audiophile 2496 No Analog Support?

Jan 29, 2011

I have just purchased this audio card. It is a common audio card for home studio musicians or wannabees. Pulse Audio uses the ICE1712 [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller for this card. In the "Sound Preferences window the hardware selections are only variations of digital options. The gui (software) to control this card is the "Envy24 Control" which can be found in "Specialist tools for ALSA" package. With this package you have options to control the digital to analog conversions necessary.

I cannot active the analog inputs and outputs of this card. S/PDIF outs function but I can not use them to input to my Dynacord mixer.

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Fedora :: Getting The Pulse Audio Server To Find The Hw0 With The Common M-audio 24/96 Audiophile

Nov 18, 2009

I am having trouble getting the pulse audio server to find the hw0 with the common m-audio 24/96 audiophile. This card worked with previous versions of all forms of pulse but seems to bork on the HW0 function for audio out...which is a stereo analogue simple output. Audacity sees the HW functions but pulse does not! Here is a screen shot of the pulse crap. And another screen shot of what the real card at "alsamixer -c 0" sees. There is no dac or adc detected or configured with pulse. This does not make any sense as alsa and alsamixer has all the correct device controls available to any other software that uses the ice1712 driver.

I am using Fedora 12 amd 64 as a live usb on a 16 gig stick and want to be able to record and mix audio on to HD with my reliable high end m-audio pci sound card without having to mess with the pulse crap or having to install a full HD option. BTW in the pulse sound configuration gui dropdown list there is no indication of HW0 and the only devices that are available in pulse are digital outs.....go figure, so essentially I can see all the correct connections and use programs that access alsa directly eg: audacity but have no sound through the crappy and ever borked pulse audio server! Any suggestions as to how to remove all the pulse stuff that comes with most distros that use gnome? I have done this deed before with Ubuntu but do no know how to do the deed with an rpm based system. If I install a non pulse version of xmms and let it use jackd then I should have reliable sound for cd audio etc and should be able to configure VLC, Ardour and Nted well without pulse getting in on the action and screwing up my sound.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any Successful Use Of M-Audio 2496?

Jun 14, 2010

I have been looking for a sound card for stereo classical music. The search has been frustrating. The best-known maker is well known for games and DVDs -- special effects in other words. One card works only on 32-bit distros, not 64-bit. Other cards used to work well with Linux, but stopped several years ago, and all interested parties consider it low priority. Others are priced outside my budget.

From specs and price, the best card for me would be the M-Audio Audiophile 2496, a stereo-only card with reportedly great musical performance. But it is one of those cards that stopped working around 2007, in Ubuntu and several other distros. In the forums it appears to be caused by an incompatibility between ALSA and Pulse Audio, and involves the initialization for the ICE1712 sound chip. So several other M-Audio cards, and cards from other makers, are affected as well. Comments in the Ubuntu forum trail off inconclusively. Some partial solutions have been found that work for some people, but not for all. Some reports say that a return to ALSA or even OSS works. This is discouraging, and I will not spend $100 knowing that a failure is likely.

But the best discussion appears in the Red Hat - Fedora forum for bug 499435. The authors of the ALSA and Pulse systems get into the discussion, and in the resulting ferment, one correspondent develops a workaround consisting of a large change to a conf file, and a couple of little changes elsewhere. The description of the change is followed by several messages reporting success with the card, finally. But please note that this was NOT for Ubuntu. You may find this discussion and the fix via Google by searching "m-audio 2496 red hat". It's right at the top.

The file requiring the big change is

Looking into the same file in Ubuntu, I found that it contains most (not all) of the revision in Fedora. Perhaps the differences between the distros require the modification to be different. The change log for libasound2 (the package containing this file) has no discernable reference to this change, so I am left wondering about its source and validity.

Still, I am not about to spend $100 without some assurance that the money is not thrown away. So now, the question for which this entry was written: Is anyone out there successfully using an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 sound card with the current release of Ubuntu (10.04 or 9.10), using Pulse, ALSA, or OSS? Everybody posts tales of woe. I'm hoping to hear a few tales of success.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Audio - No Sound ?

Jun 24, 2011

FIrst time I've ever had trouble with my audio on a linux distro.

I checked Yast>Hardware>Sound and it shows...
0 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller
1 RV635 Audio device [Radeon HD 3600 Series]

It looks like the Radeon HD 3600 is being used as the default instead of the actual audio card. When I right click the speaker icon in the task manager and choose Select Master Channel my only choices are the Radeon HD and the internal audio analog stereo. Also when I try to launch KMix it never opens.

I've followed the steps in this thread 3D Sound Blaster Pro - No Sound!.

Here are the various outputs from the console commands recommended in that thread.

The url from [url]

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: OS 11.2 - No Sound / Audio In Flash

Nov 14, 2009

i just installed 11.2 and i do not get any audio from flash movies (e.g. videos). (startup sound and amarok work ok). interestingly i do manage to get sound out of flash in a particular circumstance:

* i install 11.2 from the livecd using default settings.
* at the end of the process i log in as a normal user
* in a console as super user i run "zypper install flash-player"
* flash-player and nspluginwrapper get installed (nothing else)
* i start firefox and i am able to play flash movies with sound from videos
* i reboot and log in as a normal user
* i start firefox and now flash movies from videos play without sound

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Ubuntu :: Sound: Mic Doesn't Work - Audio Input Level Graphically Shown In Sound Preferences Shows No Fluctuations In Sound

Aug 3, 2010

I was just using the mic and watched it stop working suddenly. I was in the middle of a skype test call when the graphical mixer level died down to zero in the middle of the call. When the test call was played back, the first part sounded fine then the sound got lower until it became inaudible. Since then I can't get any sound from my mic in skype.

Also, the audio input level graphically shown in Sound Preferences shows no fluctuations in sound as it used to before. The input device is enabled. I tried using Sound Recorder to record some sound clips and that worked fine. So the mic is working but Sound Preferences and Skype seem to have the mic level really low. I'm not sure what else to think considering it was working perfectly a few minutes ago. I've tried restarting, but that didn't fix it either.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: HDMI Audio Not In Sound Manager

Apr 12, 2010

I have recently added a Zotac Zone 240 (Nvidia) card in my system replacing a Nvidia 7600 card. What I have noticed is that I cannot play audio over HDMI. The Zotac audio hardware is detected by openSuse 11.2 but the KDE Sound does not show this Nvidia/HDMI sound as a possible audio device. How to add it as the normal add and look for device option does not have this specific Nvidia audio device as an option to add.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: No Sound PC2001 Compliant AC Audio

May 23, 2010

This is for a Gateway 3018gz with a "PC2001 Compliant AC '97 Audio" for its sound card. Problem, as mentioned in title is that there is no sound at all. Running Open Suse 11.2 on it. Anyone know of a driver for it? This is my sister in law's laptop, and this is suppose to be "ready" in a matter of hours if someone can help as soon as possible, I would be greatful. Meanwhile I'll continue my google search.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: No Audio For ICH7 Sound Card On 11.2

Jul 18, 2011

This is a Dell Optiplex 380 desktop with an ICH7 family 82801G sound card. If I install openSUSE 11.3 or HIGHER, the OS will properly auto-configure the card and the sound is fine. However, 11.3 or higher also has an issue playing back full-screen flash video as well as 11.2 (may be a 64-bit related issue?). I suspect that the problem lies somewhere in the fact that this PC was produced considerably after the release of oS 11.2 so it's not detecting the card right.

I have gone so far as to enable a repo newer than the SUSE version to attempt to upgrade the ALSA components. I guess what I can do is throw in a live CD for 11.3 or 4 and go into YaST or 50-sound.conf and try to see what's going on or just copy it to a flash drive. I have a feeling that might get me farther than jerking around with this any longer.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Audio Controller/Sound Card (not) Recognized OS 11.2?

Jul 7, 2010

I have an issue with my Sound on OS 11.2.It is correctly recognized under hardware and the driver seems to start properly as well when I do rcalsasound start.But under Control Center / Sound Preference there is no audio hardware listed (and hene no sound playing)

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound From Headphones (Front Panel Audio)

Mar 16, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.4 KDE version (64-bit) on a desktop PC. My sound card is ASUS Xonar DX 7.1 (PCI-E). I am brand-new to the Linux experience. I get audio out to my speakers which are connected to the jacks of the rear I/O panel of my PC. I do not however get audio out to my headphones which are connected to the jack in the front panel. I know that the headphones work fine because they do so when I boot up in Windows XP. Here is what I discovered so far: KMix does not show that I have a front panel audio channel. But when I run AlsaMixer it does show that I have such channel and, upon manually turning the volume on, I do have sound out to the headphones.

Therefore, I deduct that I have some sort of configuration problem with KMix and would like to fix it as I prefer to use the GUI interface instead of the AlsaMixer one. It's just a matter of preference! I would like to troubleshoot things using the Audio Troubleshooting guide (SDB:Audio troubleshooting - openSUSE) but I notice that openSUSE's version 11.4 is not mentioned in it. Should I follow the instructions for version 11.3 or wait for an updated guide?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can I Remove Pulse Audio To Fix Glitchy Sound

Apr 11, 2011

I hear Pulse Audio is the culprit of all the sound issues. I would like to remove it, and default to straight ALSA or whatever distros like Fedora and Ubuntu use, which has never been problematic for me.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Playing Audio Cd's In Kaffeine But It Does Not Play Properly - No Sound

May 8, 2011

I have just installed 11.4 64bit and duly followed the sticky guide for getting the required multimedia files installed. I find I have a problem with playing audio cd's the only program which will play an audio cd is Kaffeine but it does not play properly - it plays a few bars then silence, plays a few bars then silence and I can find no way of getting it to play without interruption. There are no sound problems with Kaffene when using it to play digital tv or dvd films. I have tried KsCD, Amarok, Mplayer, SMPlayer, and GNOME MPlayer none of which can I get to play a CD. With Amarok there does not appear to be a setting to play a CD as soon as it is put in the drive it would appear that you have to generate a playlist first, I can show the list of tunes on the CD but that's a far as it goes they will not add to a playlist or play.

Have just found the player Clementine which apparently is based on Amarok. Although not providing a direct play facility I was able to load the cd to the playlist then play the tunes. This may be a clue to my problems in that I noticed that it had to mount the player first. Is there a setting for auto mounting?Ideally I would like to put an audio cd in my player and have it play automatically without me having to do anything. Is this facility available in 11.4 and if so which program do I need to install?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Hear Any Sound At All Using M-audio Delta 44 Sound-card

Jan 3, 2010

I am unable to hear any sound at all using my M-audio delta 44 soundcard (which works fine in Windows - Dual boot).how I can get this working?

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Ubuntu :: Test Sound - No Application Sound Through Front Audio Socket - 10.04

Jun 22, 2011

Strange one. Just upgraded my mother-in-law's computer from 8.04 to 10.04 via the update manager. All seems to be working beautifully except ...

* When I run gstreamer-properties and do an output test I get a test sound through the headphones plugged into the front audio socket of the machine using the 'Analogue Headphones' setting in Sound Preferences. (This rules out dead headphones.)

* When I try to play audio through any app I get no sound through the headphones, but if I change the setting to 'Analogue Output' in Sound Preferences I get audio loud and clear through the speakers which are plugged into the audio socket at the rear of the machine. how the gstreamer-properties test is getting audio to the front socket I guess I'd be getting somewhere.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Sound - System Does Not Recognize The Existence Of The Sound Card And Insists On Using Alternative Audio Devices

Aug 22, 2010

New Ubuntu installation with a big problem: no sound.

OS: Ubuntu 10.4.1
Hardware: HP Pavilion Elite e9150t (64 bit)
Sound card: Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio

Preliminary checks of sound level settings and obvious dumb stuff but there is still no sound. The problem seems to be that the system does not recognize the existence of the sound card and insists on using alternative audio devices.


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Hardware :: Unable To Get Sound From M-Audio Sound Card?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm setting up a new PC and hope to use the Planet CCRMA packages for some simple home recording projects. The PC has a 64-bit processor, so I've installed the x86_64 version of Fedora 10. I've done the basic steps of adding the Planet CCRMA repositories and installed their real time kernel, so I'm think I'm ready to try and get started. First, I need to get my sound cards set up right. I have an M-Audio Delta 1010LT card, which I'd like to use for working with music and the Intel HDA card built in to the motherboard, which I'd be happy to use for things like system notifications and other incidental sounds. Here is what the system tells me about the cards:


The only ones that produce any sounds when I test them are the HDA Analog device and the Delta 1010 device, but the weird thing is that output seems to be coming out of the built-in output jack (on the motherboard) in either case. Does the OS route output from the Delta 1010 through the built-in card to its output jack? Also, I've connected only the first two RCA analog outputs from the Delta 1010 to my desktop speaker system - should I use a different pair of outputs for testing? Playing a CD directly from the CD drive works, but playing music files from Amarok does not. I'll leave it at that for now. I posted the information above to the Planet CCRMA mailing list threee days ago, but I haven't gotten any responses.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Why Alsamixer Recognize Default Audio Device As HDA Intel Not USB Audio

Aug 7, 2009

I have behringer UCA202 usb card, after plug to usb, it just works , I have only small problem with alsamixer, which still shows by default my integrated HDA Intel, I could switch it by F6 or by alsamixer -c 1no problem, but I expect that default card is now plugged "USB audio", so why alsamixer recognize default audio device as HDA intel and not a USB Audio ?anyone who has two or more sound cards with the same issue ?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.1 Updates To Pulse Audio In Gnome Improve Audio Functionality ?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm thinking of installing openSUSE-11.1 Gnome on a Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo 7400M laptop because the wireless in Gnome is much more user friendly than KDE3/KDE4 in openSUSE-11.1. The idea is to give this laptop to my 84-year old mother and things need to 'just work' for her (she currently has a desktop running openSUSE-11.1 KDE3 that uses a WIRED interface to the web).

I refuse to update this laptop to openSUSE-11.2 nor 11.3 (nor other recent distributions) because every kernel update after the 2.6.27 kernel has broken the Intel i855GM graphics drivers for that laptop. There are many bug reports and none have fixed the problem for this Fujitsu-Siemens implementation of the i855GM graphics.

Hence I am looking at Gnome.

I booted the laptop to a Gnome openSUSE-11.1 liveCD and wireless is easy and works great. But audio is very very VERY bad. It is incredibly user unfriendly and it does NOT work well. I assume that is because pulse audio in openSUSE-11.1 was very immature.

I note these updated packages in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository:


So my question is, did the updates to pulse audio (in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository) fix the pulse audio situation? Are there ANY helpful views on this?

Currently my wife is using this laptop with KDE-4.4.4 (and openSUSE-11.1) so I can't just install Gnome and play with it without taking the laptop away from her for a while (note the hard drive is too small for a dual boot of KDE/Gnome).

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Choppy - Can't Play Any Audio With Amarok When Desktop Effects Are Enabled

Jun 7, 2011

to start off, i'll post the specs of the machine:

dell inspiron e1505
3.2 gb ram
1.86 ghz intel core duo
ati x1400 gfx
opensuse 11.4 kde 32 bit.

okay, here are the details: can't play any audio with amarok when desktop effects are enabled because the minute a window is moved, it will distort the audio. even when disabling desktop effects, some applications still cause this. can't play videos videos even with desktop effects disabled because of the same reason.

i just switched from ubuntu and when i ran version 11.04, i had to disable kms to do anything. i tried on opensuse 11.4 and the audio was flawless but the gfx went all to hell.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 2 Audio Cards - How To Redirect Audio Streams

Feb 7, 2010

on my PC I have 2 sound drivers, one from the mainboard (AC97) and one PCI card (ES1969). Because the mainboard sound path did not recording, I installed the PCI sound card and with 11.1, I managed it to play and record all audio data. With 11.2 the PCI sound path plays the system sounds (suse start-up or shut-down sounds) but not the streaming audio data (skype, flash player). But these are played by the mainboard audio instead. The audio-tests from yast->hardware->sound work for both paths. How should I configure the system to redirect the audio streams to the desired (PCI) audio path? The PCI audio is set as primary sound card and is not muted.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Sound With New Sound Card - Web Browser Is Unable To Play Any Sound

Mar 24, 2010

After installing an external sound card, Im having some weird issues. The cards chipset is fully supported by suse, (CM8738) so I dont think thats the problem. Besides, I'm getting sound, but not in some applications. The system's sounds work just fine (login, logout themes) amarok plays without any problems, kaffeine, mplayer they all work flawlessly, in fact I can see the difference in quality between the onboard sound and my new card. However, no web browser is able to play any sound at all, firefox, opera or chrome, nothing,zip. Plus, vlc cant reproduce sound either, nor can smplayer.

I've tried switching channels on and off(muting)in kmixer and in alsamixer, on the console, with no results. I disabled the onboard audio on the bios before installing the new card, however my ati video card has integrated sound, which I cant disable.... I used to get this exact same problem randomly with the onboard sound, but I just had to go to kmixer and turn up the "pcm" channel volume, which was set to 0, and I had sound again on my browser. However this card's pcm channel is at max and turning it up or down affects the whole systems volume, not just the browser's. Is it better to just reinstall the sound system, if so how could I do that.

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Ubuntu :: No Sound - Audio On 11.04

May 2, 2011

I have just upgraded Ubuntu to 11.04 and there is no sound, no audio...

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - No Sound For Pulse Audio

Dec 22, 2010

Basically the driver is not working =S no clues to what happened. sound still works in alsamixer but pulseaudio is broke. i kinda need pulse audio to work with wow.

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Ubuntu :: INSTALL (VIA HD AUDIO) Sound On 10.10?

Feb 21, 2011

Im gonna install on few days Ubuntu 10.10 because I have Windows XP. I ask a question HOW TO INSTALL SOUND? My sound driver is VIA HD AUDIO. or better just HOW TO MAKE SOUND WORK ON THIS VERSION?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ALC 887 Audio - No Sound ?

Aug 11, 2011

I have an ASUS M5A78L-M LX motherboard with ALC887 inbuilt sound. The sound is barely audible unless the speaker volume is all the way up, and then it is very crackly. The BIOS is set up to use AC97 sound instead of HD Audio, which doesn't work either.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling ALSA drivers but it didn't really change anything.

Aplay -l comes up with this:

But still very little sound.

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Debian :: Cannot Get Audio - Sound From Speakers

Jun 9, 2010

I've dedicated most of today attempting to get some sound out of my Debian Lenny installation and I'm getting nowhere. I've tried a varity of potential solutions and still no peep from the machine. I'm using ALSA (and ran the 'alsaconf' utility with no errors and then used 'alsamixer' confirming that the volumne is set and not muted) for sound playback but nothing works?!? Here's some of the output that may resonate to some people...





I've tried everything that I could find online and installed a variety of alsa related stuff, but at this stage my lack of experience (coming from a Windows background) is really beginning show. The only unexplored thing is that the device is not listed in the xorg.conf file, but there doesn't seem to be many mentions of this online and a possible red herring. The only other thing is that when running the 'alsaconf' utility it does show two cards installed on the system, these are: via82xx and legacy. I've always selected 'via82xx' as the other options prompts 'Probing legacy ISA cards might make your system unstable.' I'm plugging the speakers into the 'green' audio out socket.

Finally, when running videos on mplayer it does report that it is using alsa as the audio output option and it doesn't highlight are errors...Oh yeah - the speakers have been tested and do work.

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Fedora :: Sound Dropouts In 10 With M-Audio Delta 66

Feb 25, 2009

I've joined this forum because I couldn't find any answer anywhere else by searching the internet. I've installed a F10 64-bit default installation (with updates until 25 Feb. 2009), using nvidia latest proprietary driver, pulseaudio, kde4, proprietary flash 10 beta 64-bit plugin with firefox. When I play music on Myspace the sound dropouts randomly each 3 to 30 seconds when using my M-Audio Delta 66 soundcard.

I'm using the same configuration in F8 without this problem. After login (in F10) and some other times I also have a Kernel failure message: ALSA sound/core/pcm_lib.c:154: BUG: stream = 1, pos = 0xaaa, buffer size = 0xaaa, period size = 0xaaa I don't know if it has got anything to do with the dropouts. There are no messages in /var/log/messages when the dropouts occurs.


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Fedora :: F12 - Edit Some Audio In Audacity - Cannot Get Any Sound

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to use FC12 to edit multimedia projects for my work.

Right now I just want to edit some audio in Audacity.

I switched back to Linux after a few years, because it usually is "better" than Windows.

I cannot get any sound. I installed ALSA removed and reinstalled PulseAudio and everything else I could find in a forum, to no avail.

Linux tells me my sound card is: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)

I used to be able to play MP3s but that went away in the process of all this.

Is there one solution I am missing, or do I have to change everything around depending on what I am doing?

I would like to use Linux for this but deadlines might make me go back to the dark side....

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