Ubuntu :: Tofrodos Doesn't Seem To Install Properly?
Apr 13, 2010
I can't seem to install tofrodos on my Lucid box. Both dos2unix and unix2dos is missing - I don't have the todos and fromdos folders in /usr/bin/ either.
I've tried the following but it doesn't work:
sudo apt-get --purge autoremove tofrodos
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Many times it happens that when i shut down ubuntu 10.04 at that time it keeps on showing that screen which displays "Ubuntu" written & below it 5 dots. I waited for 15 minutes than also it keeps on showing that.I have to use hardware restart button in such case.What should i do?
I have Ubuntu 9.10 64-Bit. sometimes when i boot the computer, right after the grub loads, a black screen is displayed. It just says my computer's name and "tty1".It lets me enter my username and password. The system takes my password but the black screen remains.For some reason the word "ubuntu" with the loading bar does not appear like it is supposed to in this case. The system does not boot into my destop like it should.
This usually happens 1/4 times when i boot so i didnt pay much attention and would just restart the computer. However just 5 minutes ago i had to boot my computer 12 times to get it to boot into the desktop.
Sometimes when I log on, I find that the theme (specifically the window borders and icons) didn't load properly, and that I instead get a set of grayish window borders (Raleigh, I believe) and the gray GNOME icons. Sometimes the window borders corrects itself, but the icons stay the same. Reloading compiz doesn't help, and the only solution I found was to logoff/logon.
I am trying to install some packages in a ubuntu 8.10 server, however, apt-get doesn't work (I get several 'not found' errors). Is there any way to do that? I know this version is probably not supported anymore but I can't just format a customer server because it's OS is outdated...I just can't put my sources.list on it because I am on ubuntu 10.10 and it would download updates for the wrong OS probably causing a huge damage on the old one.
I tried to put Avast on my 11.04 machine, it didn't work, what's worse is that now only one kernel will work properly. any time i try any kernel other than 2.6.38-9-generic(it came with the install CD)the boot process stops at different points but it's during the time that it is starting and stopping processes. oh yeah, i've tried install different linux systems and they all work with what comes with the install cd but when i try to change the kernel same problem.
I am running ubuntu 9.10 on a dell mini 10v. I am experienced in running themes and xsplashes, but for some reason i can not successfully install pointers. I drag and drop the pointer themes to the appearance window found from System>Prefrences>Appearances. When i click customize i see that the pointers i instatlled are there, however when i choose them it doesn't work properly, if i go over text or resize a window i see the new pointers but the main pointer always stays the default white.
I've had many problems with Linux so far. Here's just one: I love Warcraft 3. So I bought Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne today. I installed them correctly with WINE and tried to open. It starts to open like it does at internet cafes, so I think its fine. But then the screen resolution keeps changing and it doesn't get anywhere.
Next problem:I ask my friend who has warcraft 3 on Linux. He says you don't have the right drivers. I go to System > Administrator > Hardware Drivers and as he said the applet said: "No proprietary drivers installed". My friend says to check the Video graphics card. But I don't see where i can find what model it is. My computer is Compaq presario CQ60 with the default video/graphics cards. I know nothing about drivers, If I can't find a solution ill probably reformat my computer to Windows 7.
The web cam on my Dell Inspiron mini 10 doesn't work properly. Cheese only takes very dark pictures but no video and the main screen stays dark all the time. Skype transmits a very dark image, too. How can that be tweaked.
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 174f:1403 Syntek Integrated Webcam
It seems that I have been running Firefox unbeknownst to me with a broken configuration. It seems that if I enable the Quote: Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above in Edit->Preferences->Content->Fonts&Colors->Advanced, pages will no longer be render properly -- they are mostly blank.When running on the command line, I notice that I get errors from Pango (whatever that is) and think there may be a connection.
I tried doing sudo aptitude reinstall libpango-perl libpango1.0-0 libpango1.0-common libpangomm-1.4-1 but it didn't fix the problems. (I haven't yet tried uninstalling pango since it looks like it removes some crucial components.)I also tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig and it didn't help.I'm guessing that the fonts cannot be scaled.This otherwise wouldn't be an issue, but it seems that some Firefox addons forcibly ignore the configured fonts and those pop-up windows are mostly blank/empty and therefore useless.
I have an Apple iBook (ancient I know) and whenever I boot from the Live CD (Kubuntu 10.10) it boots up in 800x600 (as far as I can tell that's what it is). This would be a problem however it simplely leaves a huge black column on the right side and has a partially duplicated desktop below it. When I go to display settings it won't let me change to a higher resolution (1024x768 is what the iBook natively runs at). This is an iBook G3.
Im on an inspiron 5100 laptop and i wanted to try out the new GNOME shell and every time i launch it it takes a long time then does not display correctly at all. forcing me to restart.
So far, as a former Chrome user on Windows, I am enjoying Chromium. However, there is one glaring problem that is bugging me, and is disrupting my usage of the browser.
Chromium will not show Japanese fonts properly. It's not that everything shows up as boxes. The problem is that certain characters will show in Japanese, and certain will show in Korean, thereby making the Japanese text unreadable. Copying and pasting into gedit allows me to read the Japanese text, and Firefox never had this problem, however, within Chromium, this is unreadable.
Here is a picture to show you what I mean:
Has anyone else had this problem, and fixed it? I have installed the language packs and have tried setting things to different unicode fonts and changing the encoding to unicode and even Japanese, and continue to get these errors.
I'm using Firefox 3.6.10 for Ubuntu 10.10 with the smooth-scaling ppa (only addons I'm using are Firebug and the Ubuntu modifications pack).Several sites with navigation menus the menu is spread over two lines when it obviously shouldn't be (eg. The Telegraph online, BBC News...) this happens no matter what the zoom level is set to. Chromium renders all these pages normally.
On Linux Mint FBReader (both the latest version and the one in the 10.04 repositories)displays Chinese characters as boxes(see screenshot) for some reason, but on Windows it works fine. Is there any way to fix it?
I just wanted to check, I'm using nouveau on Fedora 12 with the latest updates and each time I wake the machine from suspend, the fan on my XFX 8800GT goes to full speed and stays there. I've read some nouveau stuff and they say that nouveau doesn't control the fan speed, so I think the card is running in a safety mode after wake up where it runs the fan at full speed to be safe. The only suggestion I saw for fan speed and nouveau was to use nvclock to manually adjust the fan but that sounds dangerous to me. I think I'll just go to the closed rpmfusion driver then if this is the case.
I just tried to install qtparted ver0.4.5 on my computer to help partitioning my HDs.After doing the "configure/make"-sequence (using unsermake, as required), I received following error during compilation: "qp_libparted.cpp:1751: error: �ped_free� was not declared in scope",My parted version is 1.9.0-3.7.1 from openSuSE 11.2.My question:
1. Do you know, which other library might contain this "ped_free"-declaration? 2. Any other perted GUI, that might work better (gparted is only available on a live DVD after boot)
I'm runnig f 13 on my laptop, and it runs like a charm. But once in a while, the internet doesn't seem to work properly. It mostly works, but right now i am unable to reach certain pages such at google (which is annoying), whereas other pages like yahoo and this one works perfectly well.
I had many trouble with my system the past two months. I thought i finally had it running flawless as i encountered another major issue: My Screen doesn't refresh properly (using GNOME). I have blank windows or windows showing old content which only gets updated when i minimize the window or move the mouse over them. And even then only small parts get really refreshed. Every Applicatio
In RHEL6 root's account I have crontab job: 30 6 18 4 1 /sbin/init 6 It worked fine on the 18th of April and properly restarted my system, BUT it also restarted my OS at 6:30 on next Monday - 25th of April.
I need to monitorize which Wi-Fi APs are in coverage, so periodically I perform a scan whith "sudo iwlist ath0 scan". The problem appears when disconnecting an AP (from the electrical network). In this case, iwconfig shows the disconnected AP during 30-40 seconds after the disconnection.
I'm trying to figure out how to order the kernel to actually refresh the list of in coverage APs, and avoid to show nets that were in coverage but aren't now.
I'm trying to install debian on my HP laptop but get the following problem... After the live CD boot screen shows up i go to XFCE > install it loads vmlinuz and init.gz and after that the screen goes blank i tried graphical install, advanced install, advanced graphical install but those too didn't work also i tried all of these from LXDE menu but the same problem My laptop is HP pavillion dv6 its got an ATI radeon graphics card (hope there's no problem with the display) 4GB ram intel core i7 However the cd works fine with my old desktop computer which has no graphics card 256MB ram intel P4 CPU Do i need to set some boot parameters?
In Document Viewer, I can click on the fields and type in them, but after spending about 2 hours writing descriptions of courses, I saved it and... it closed the document I was working on, and loading the document I saved resulted in empty fields that could no longer be edited at all - clicking on them did nothing - it looked like a blank form, except it was also broken.
Is there any way I can actually fill in this form...
I know the problem has been partly solved in this old thread [URL] .....
Now we have Jessie as stable, yet LXDE doesn't shutdown properly:
On the same computers, Wheezy LXDE shut down very fast
I installed Jessie from the netinstall image.
On a 2007 computer, it's like the old days with a Pentium II running some version of Puppy Linux or Slitaz. The system shuts down after a while but the computer remains on.
On a 2013 laptop, I added the line init=/bin/systemd in the Grub default file as advised on the old thread above. The laptop shuts down after a while, the system first, then the hard disk goes to sleep, then all the leds are off.
If I run the magic command, the computer shutdowns in a breeze, perhaps even quicker than good old Wheezy:
Code: Select all# systemctl poweroff
Now, is this still a systemd bug? Doesn't look like it since the systemctl command works. Is it an LXDE bug? Looks like it in a way - if the LXDE shutdown button enabled the systemctl poweroff command, I suppose the button would work?
Is there a way to make the LXDE shutdown button run the systemctl poweroff command?
I'm glad Wheezy is still with us because I wouldn't install Jessie for newbies — they'd think shutdown (through clicking on a button) is even worse than in Windows.
When I run it, the window shows up but Qt doesn't draw in the background. I end up with phantoms from windows behind it: URL...The window will draw the background correctly when I resize it -- MOST of the time. And sometimes there will be a noticeable delay between resizing and drawing in the window.Am I missing some libraries? Is this a bug? Maybe there's something else I can look up to find a solution?
I'm running sid, my window manager is fluxbox, and my video card is a GeForce FX Go5200 64M.I should note that this works perfectly well on another computer I have that's running sid as well.
with 11.2 and now with 11.3 (using KDE4) i got two issues with emacs:
1) The emacs window doesn't properly snap to other windows. There is mostly a small gap inbetween. 2) When switching between buffers with C-x b the emacs window shrinks vertically from below!