I know the problem has been partly solved in this old thread [URL] .....
Now we have Jessie as stable, yet LXDE doesn't shutdown properly:
On the same computers, Wheezy LXDE shut down very fast
I installed Jessie from the netinstall image.
On a 2007 computer, it's like the old days with a Pentium II running some version of Puppy Linux or Slitaz. The system shuts down after a while but the computer remains on.
On a 2013 laptop, I added the line init=/bin/systemd in the Grub default file as advised on the old thread above. The laptop shuts down after a while, the system first, then the hard disk goes to sleep, then all the leds are off.
If I run the magic command, the computer shutdowns in a breeze, perhaps even quicker than good old Wheezy:
Code: Select all# systemctl poweroff
Now, is this still a systemd bug? Doesn't look like it since the systemctl command works. Is it an LXDE bug? Looks like it in a way - if the LXDE shutdown button enabled the systemctl poweroff command, I suppose the button would work?
Is there a way to make the LXDE shutdown button run the systemctl poweroff command?
I'm glad Wheezy is still with us because I wouldn't install Jessie for newbies — they'd think shutdown (through clicking on a button) is even worse than in Windows.
I've been using debian for well over a year, previously with the gnome desktop. I never really liked how much memory and CPU it used, but many things like the hotkeys worked out of the box, and it was relatively easy to configure. After upgrading to Jessie I decided I'd give LXDE a go given it was lightweight and seemed more complete than e17.
However, after over a day struggling to get everything to work just right, I am still unable to use use my hotkeys (volume control, brightness control, etc.). The volume can be controlled through the GUI, but the brightness seems to have no control whatsoever. In any event, I installed the drivers and firmware for the hardware and used the instructions in the link to try and configure the key bindings, but nothing has worked: [URL] ....
:Questions#Change_hotkeys I'm not sure what to do now.
After I upgraded debian wheezy to debian jassie I cannot find how to switch off the computer from GNOME and XFCE. On GNOME I even cannot see a logout button. Where is it hidden?
I'm running lenny on a dell c600. Presently I'm using kde (which is great), but due to system requirements (c600 is ancient... more than 5 years old ; ) it's a bit slow. So I started checking out lxde and xfce. There both great, except for one problem: The left click on a program icon in the (pardon the microsoft analogy) start menu launches it unstead of giving me options like 'link to desktop'
I'm trying out a Jessie install and have noticed VNC doesn't work as well as it used to. I often install a desktop environment on a headless machine, disable *dm, and use vnc4server to create a desktop session if I want to use a GUI. When I try to do the same on Jessie, I run into problems.
Using Gnome, all I get is the generic "Oops something went wrong" error. Looking at .xsession-errors, there are some errors that hint at the problem.
Code: Select allXsession: X session started for ryan at Mon Dec 29 06:07:30 CST 2014 X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 109 (X_ChangeHosts) Value in failed request: 0x5 Serial number of failed request: 6 Current serial number in output stream: 8
[Code] ....
Some possibly related bugs: [URL] ...
The same thing seems to happen with Cinnamon. Since I doubt a fix for the above issue will make it into Jessie, I tried XFCE. However, that doesn't work correctly either. When running XFCE via VNC something is misreporting the version of xrandr as 1.1 instead of 1.4. Since xfsettingsd appears to want version 1.2+, many things are broken.
This post on the Ubuntu forums suggests the issue might be fixed in xfsettingsd version 4.11: [URL] .....
Is there a better way of getting a remote desktop in Jessie that I'm overlooking?
I find xcompmgr more than adequate for making a desktop look pretty modern, and I don't like the more extravagentCompiz gimmicks - but there is one thing that irritates when using xcompmgr which someone here might have worked round.
Rounded window borders don't draw and redraw properly when using the Terminal (gnome-terminal and the LXDE and Xfce ones) or system monitor and moving them from their default place. You get this little white botch at the corners. I'm not massively technical and I'm ambivalent about how much more I want to learn as I have plenty of creative outlets already, but I would like to solve this. Somehow xcompmgr is treating these programs as a different class? It's capable of drawing the window borders properly as it is just these two programs that get botched. Possibly this doesn't get noticed as maybe people usually use xcompmgr with openbox and LXDE and their square window borders. I did do a search but there was nothing matching what I saw.
I've tried installing both ibus-anthy and ibus-mozc in Jessie but I still cannot input Japanese.
By contrast, In Wheezy, when using anthy for example, I can see ibus preferences icon where I can configure ibus and anthy. This doesn't show up in Jessie.
I recently install a Debian 8.0 Jessie on a Laptop Dell latitude E6540 with gnome 3.14+3. But the problem is that it doesn't recongnize my multimedia buttons, I tried some methods but I didn't get results.
$showkey --keycodes volume up -- 115 volume down -- 114 volume mute -- 113
[Code] ....
When I reassinged the keys on Settings>Keyboard>Shortcuts to F7, F8 and F9 it works, but when use the keys volume up, down and mute It doesn't show anything.
The same happens with Fn + Brightness keys, in this case it worked the first time but then stop to work I don't know why..
I had some issues with nvidia drivers, and removed all of the packages using
Code: Select allrm /etc/X11/xorg.conf and Code: Select allapt-get purge nvidia*
Upon reboot, I was back with nouveau drivers and proceeded to reinstall nvidia drivers according to [URL] .....
Code: Select allapt-get install nvidia-driver apt-get install nvidia-xconfig I can then change my refresh rate using Code: Select allnvidia-settings but when I hit "Save to X configuration file", I get the following output in terminal: Code: Select allroot@debian:/home/anon# nvidia-settings Package xorg-server was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `xorg-server.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'xorg-server' found
As a result, my nvidia preferences aren't saved across reboot.
Here are all of my sources: Code: Select alldeb [arch=amd64,i386] http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ precise steam deb-src [arch=amd64,i386] http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ precise steam
deb http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian/ jessie non-free contrib main deb-src http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian/ jessie non-free contrib main
[Code] ....
System Specs: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 64-bit Gnome Version 3.14.1 Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz × 8 Graphics: GeForce GTX 780/PCIe/SSE2
My wifi does not work in the actual debian testing jessie lxde amd64 with wicd version (fresh install). What I've done:
0. Fresh testing jessie install (offline and ignored the question for adding iwlwifi)
1. Adding following sources: deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free deb-src http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free deb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free
2. apt-get update
3. apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi
4. modprobe -r iwlwifi ; modprobe iwlwifi
So searching the web just brings up the wheezy way solution (backport new kernel and iwlwifi).
But in this case, actual jessie testing kernel is already installed by default and so the actual 43 firmware-iwlwifi
Some information: Code: Select all# dpkg -l |grep -i iwlwifi ii firmware-iwlwifi 0.43 all Binary firmware for Intel Wireless cards
When I run it, the window shows up but Qt doesn't draw in the background. I end up with phantoms from windows behind it: URL...The window will draw the background correctly when I resize it -- MOST of the time. And sometimes there will be a noticeable delay between resizing and drawing in the window.Am I missing some libraries? Is this a bug? Maybe there's something else I can look up to find a solution?
I'm running sid, my window manager is fluxbox, and my video card is a GeForce FX Go5200 64M.I should note that this works perfectly well on another computer I have that's running sid as well.
I have been a Debian user for some time already, and lately I experienced a weird behaviour regarding shutdowns/restarts. The thing is my computer shuts down very very slowly, but not because of HDD activity, nor because of CPU activity (as far as I know, I may be wrong). It stops at some point, and after that, it hangs between 5 seconds and... even 5 minutes. The time in which comes back to normal and continues the shutdown process varies and has absolutely no pattern.
This is where it hangs (the last line appeared because I disconnected the mouse):
I set the file as executable. sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/myshutdown.sh
I inserted a symlink in the rc0.d directory with the process order K04. sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/myshutdown.sh /etc/rc0.d/K04myshutdown.sh
I also inserted a symlink in the rc6.d directory with the process order K04. sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/myshutdown.sh /etc/rc6.d/K04myshutdown.sh
Apparently rc0.d is for shutdown and rc6.d if for reboot
After reboot it appears that rtorrent does not run (I cannot connect to rtorrent via rutorrent) but really what is going on. I am trying to do this because rtorrent does a hash check on all files if it is not shutdown properly. I just want it to shutdown automatically and safely, before the system shuts down.
I installed lxde, but my wireless internet doesn't work. I can switch back to gnome and it works perfectly. I tried wicd and manually connecting with the command line. Both fail while trying to get an ip.
Debian configurating, so I try to use wifi adapter, but it doesn't work. I have installed Debian Jessie from netinst CD. To reach perfect speed no options were selected. After I installed xfce4 and xfce4-goodies.I follow some different instructions and no dice. Wicd show me no avalable wifi connections. used Ubuntu 14, Ubuntu 12, etc. and I didn't have any problems with wi-fi connections. Some outputs of comands...
The web cam on my Dell Inspiron mini 10 doesn't work properly. Cheese only takes very dark pictures but no video and the main screen stays dark all the time. Skype transmits a very dark image, too. How can that be tweaked.
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 174f:1403 Syntek Integrated Webcam
I am trying to get the QL1060N to print and cut under Jessie.
I used the Ql1060N on wheezy (cups 1.5.3) with the standard Brother driver and the ptouch/foomatic driver of the QL550. They both worked out of the box.
On Jessie (cups 1.7.5): I first tried the standard Brother driver from here: [URL] ....It didn't work at all. When I print, Cups tells me that the job has been completed, even though nothing has been done. Sometimes I also got the error "job canceled, filter failed", but I can't reproduce this error...
The foomatic/ptouch driver for the QL550 prints like it did before, but doesn't cut the lables automatically like it used to in wheezy. (I'm using the same printing file/picture as in wheezy and also the same configuration.)
I installed debian 7 lxde from lxde cd. It freezes on logging in (i.e keyboard doesn't work,desktop freezes and only mouse pointer works.But,I can't select or view anything.Only mouse pointer can be moved.).
But,If I do not login with the display manager and login (my username and not root) via another terminal like tty3 or tty4 using alt+ctrl+F3 or F4,everything works fine.
I am testing LXDE on my test-laptop and it looks quite nice and fast. I am thinking of switching DE from Gnome.
My question: are there features in Gnome that are missing in LXDE? I can not think of any, so far. The only thing I miss so far is a possibility to edit the menu, as the menu is huge
I have issue with cpufreq frontend in LXDE, I cant change governor. I am in powerdev group. Maybe I dont have permission to change governor with this plugin. I am using Debian Squeeze. Please what can I do, I can change the gowernor: cpufreq-set -g ... , but I want to do that like normal user in cpufreq frontend in LXDE.
I recently finished a mini-itx machine and everything was working great with a fresh Jessie install. I put in a PCIe wifi card and now the computer won't boot. The power LED is on, the PSU fan is spinning, but I get no display output at all and I don't know how far into the boot process the thing even got. I removed the card and the machine boots fine again.
I only have one PCIe slot so it is my only option, I don't have another PCIe card to try, nor do I have another machine to test the wifi card in. The card is brand new, for what it's worth.
I am using Wheezy LXDE amd64 and I want to remove Iceweasel and install the real Firefox. Now according to this page - URL... Firefox is only there for Ubuntu and Opensuse officially by Mozilla. But since Ubuntu is based on Debian will the firefox for Ubuntu work for Debian ?Also since I am completely new to Linux I need to know how to do the following -:
How to check the dependencies given on URL.... and if necessary update them. For example what are the commands for checking if I have GTK+2.18 or higher and if necessary update that.after extracting Firefox do I need to create any symbolic links ? If so what are they ?Can I install plugins like Adobe Flash Player and update Firefox easily ?
I saw that on every computer in which I installed LXDE on Debian 8 (the problem was not existing on Debian 7.8.0)
So I decided to use mate-desktop-environment but a brand new problem (always ) made his apparition when I try to use tightvncserver on a Mate desktop (no task bar, and memory growing GB after GB up to the memory explosion after 1 or 2 minutes with 16GB RAM -I will post another subject for that once I will know more things about it - since it is, after all, an huge problem causing the computer to crash if "reboot" our "vncserver -kill :1" is not quickly done)
But here talking about LXDE taskbar: others LXDE users, do you have this problem with the icons ?
I managed to install Jessie on my new Lenovo Ideapad 100 and have been trying to put the finishing touches on it. I downloaded FDPowermonitor and the icon showed up right away. Then after a few minutes it went away and hasn't shown back up.
I think I need to modify /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart to include @fdpowermon but I cannot figure out how to have the permission and use a editor I understand.
I just log into LXDE with root... but there has got to be a better way yes? But that didn't work anyway...
By (first step) doing: pcmanfm --set-wallpaper /point-to-new-wallpaper, it change the configuration to the new wallpaper, then, my question is: What is the most correct way to "refresh the desktop screen" (by command line) so that the new wallpaper is then displayed.
And by (second step) doing: lxsession-logout, and choosing 'Logout', the new wallpaper is displayed after the new login. No problem here. Is there a (most correct) way to completely change the picture and activate it by command line (without user intervention)?
I'm trying to install debian on my HP laptop but get the following problem... After the live CD boot screen shows up i go to XFCE > install it loads vmlinuz and init.gz and after that the screen goes blank i tried graphical install, advanced install, advanced graphical install but those too didn't work also i tried all of these from LXDE menu but the same problem My laptop is HP pavillion dv6 its got an ATI radeon graphics card (hope there's no problem with the display) 4GB ram intel core i7 However the cd works fine with my old desktop computer which has no graphics card 256MB ram intel P4 CPU Do i need to set some boot parameters?
I use the debootstrap to make a base Debian System of the ARM architecture for BananaPro [URL]... , and install the LXDE desktop. But the keyboard and mouse didn't response after the LXDE boot.
If I use the Debian system without the LXDE desktop, and it is normal. Meanwhile, I only installed the framebuffer driver, and can't find the right GPU driver to install.
Is caused by the lack of the GPU driver ? and what should i do ?
I get some error logs from /var/log/Xorg.0.log file,as follows:
Code: Select all[ 17.206] (II) Module shadow: vendor="X.Org Foundation" [ 17.206] compiled for 1.12.4, module version = 1.1.0 [ 17.206] ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4 [ 17.206] (==) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp [ 17.207] (EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOBLANK: Invalid argument [ 17.211] (==) FBDEV(0): Backing store disabled [ 17.212] (==) FBDEV(0): DPMS enabled