Ubuntu :: Surfing The Web And Watchin Vids....the Screen Appears Jumpy?

Feb 17, 2011

1: when im surfing the web and watchin vids....the screen appears jumpy? i think its a graphic card problem but i dont know were to find it.......or how to sort this!2: using skype i find that my mic dont work but my cam dose...when i use the sound recorder in the applications the mic works!!!3: i had a wireless symbol at the top on the panel but now its gone!!! any ideas where i can find it to put it back up there!!4:i instailed itunes using WINE but now i cant remove it due to the fact that everytime i chose uninstail it reinstalls!!? i want to remove it coz it is jumpy too!!!i aint too sure if my notebook has got to be modified to be able to use ubuntu 10.10 to the best it has to offer

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Ubuntu :: When Turn On The Computer, The GRUB Menu Appears, Press Enter, Then A Little Flashing Underscore Appears On The Screen?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently removed Winblows Vista from my laptop and replaced it with Kubuntu 10.10 (I left the recovery partition on there, just in case). When I turn on the computer, the GRUB menu appears, I press enter, then a little flashing underscore appears on the screen in the top left hand corner. After a few seconds, the Kubuntu logo appears and I can log in.But yesterday I replace Kubuntu with Ubuntu 10.10. The Boot process is the same, but the little flashing underscore in the top left hand corner flashes for about 10 seconds longer then Kubuntu 10.10 did, and then a few paragraphs of text appears for a few seconds, then I am logged in automatically.Is this "unusual" boot process anything to worry about, or am I just being a noob.

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General :: Screen Of Ubuntu Appears Bigger Than Screen Dimension?

Jan 19, 2011

when insert ubuntu 10.04 cd to laptop [xp] this run ok [run from cd], but when in desktop vista the screen of ubuntu appears bigger than screen dimension so menu does not seem, what is the solution?

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Ubuntu :: Anyway To Stop Terminal Appears On Screen

Apr 4, 2010

Every time I log in, a terminal appears on my screen. Previously, I attempted to embed a terminal as part of the desktop but I have deleted all the scripts and packages used, yet the terminal still appears. It is not an embedded terminal, but it does not have the panel at the top. It appears as a window on the lower panel of my screen. Is there anyway to stop this from appearing, so I can then attempt to start over with embedding a terminal in the desktop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Selection Screen Appears With All The F1-F6 Options Below?

Jan 4, 2010

I downloaded the Ubuntu ISO file and burned it to a CD-ROM. Booting from the CD on my laptop I select the language and selection screen appears with all the F1-F6 options below. I've tried all the selections and options through the F keys but that's as far as the install will go. My laptop is a Dell and it's only 3 years old with plenty of memory and HD space.

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Ubuntu :: Login Screen Appears On Wrong Monitor?

Jan 16, 2010

I've been working my butt off all day now trying to get the nvidia drivers installed and then (the hard part) get dual screen to work properly with them installed. Finally I've gotten to the point where both of my screens are working perfect but now the login screen is on the second monitor instead of the first monitor for some reason I do not know.

Here's my xorg.conf:

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@crested) Sun Feb 1 20:25:37 UTC 2009
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"


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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot 10.10 A Grub Screen Appears?

Aug 3, 2010

i installed ubuntu 10.10 inside windows and when i boot ubuntu a grub screen appears what should i do?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 System Recovery - Hung At The First Screen Where The Logo Appears

Feb 25, 2010

Having trouble booting Ubuntu 9.10, it gets hung at the first screen where the Ubuntu logo apears. Right now I'm running my Ubuntu 8.10 Live CD.

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Ubuntu :: Logon Screen Appears Twice After Returning Computer From Idle?

Jun 1, 2010

I've recently done a fresh install of 10.04 on an Acer Aspire 5720 and it went pretty well. However I've a problem with the logon appearing twice. If I leave my computer idle for too long the screen locks. when I return I'm asked for my password which unlocks the computer but within a few seconds the screen locks again and I need to enter my password for a second time. This time the computer unlocks and stay unlocks.. but it's annoying I have to unlock it twice !

How can I extend the length of time before it unlocks or disable it all together.. until the problem gets fixed?

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Ubuntu :: Choosing Xp In The List All That Appears Is A Black Screen With An White

Jun 9, 2010

I have Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu and XP in 2 HDs. I upgraded Studio to 10.04 and XP doesn't start anymore. I upgraded Ubuntu with and error in the GRUB and then just Studio was booting...With $ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt $ sudo grub-install --root-irectory=/mnt /dev/sda I recover Ubuntu boot... but not XP...at last I removed completely the GRUB2 in the Ubuntu and Studio synaptcs...Now I have all the same but with GRUB 1.97 Ubuntu starts ok, Studio starts after an error message something like: dev/ no such device. and after choosing xp in the list all that appears is a black screen with an white I will post down the sudo fdisk -l and sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Slow Boot (5 To 10 Minutes) Before Start Up Screen Appears

Oct 18, 2010

I have a Dell Vostro 200. Have been running Ubuntu on it for 18 months - no probs. Recently it became very slow to boot. 5-10 minutes before Ubuntu startup screen appears. Have installed Ubuntu 10.10 (on a reformatted hard drive) today. No change. It's fairly certain to be a hardware problem but I don't know where to start.

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Ubuntu :: Blinking Cursor For 12 Secs Before Login Screen Appears

Oct 20, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 alongside my Windows 7 os in a dual boot config. I used an installation disk and allowed the ubuntu installer to do all the resizing of partitions, installing of grub, etc. The install is working great and I haven't needed to boot my windows os since which is great. The only complaint I have is that it takes it takes a bit longer to boot than windows did for some reason. The culprit is a blinking cursor that comes up and remains for about 12-15 seconds before the grub menu appears. I already altered the boot option for the grub menu so that ubuntu is default and the option to select another os only appears for 3 seconds but I don't think this is related since the delay occurs before those options appear. I'm not really sure what is causing the delay. Is it looking for the loader? If so, is there a way to edit the configuration so doesn't have to search? As I mentioned, the install is running great otherwise.

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Ubuntu :: Weird Screen - Line Has A Yellow-ish Tint And Always Appears On The Same Spot

Jan 18, 2010

I suddenly seem to be having a small issue with my laptops LCD. Recently, when I cold boot the laptop I will get a line of single pixel width running from the top to the bottom of the screen. This only seems to appear when the x server or the windows gui starts. Now if I turn off the screen after the line appears (e.g. closing the laptop lid while switched on) the line will sometimes disappear and all will be as normal. However, on the next boot I may see the line again. The line has a yellow-ish tint and always appears on the same spot. It appears on both windows XP and Ubuntu, so I assume it's a hardware issue? The line appears even when I have a blank screensaver on.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Vlc Can't Play Vids Anymore

May 30, 2011

1. I use exclusively smplayer and vlc for video playing

2. Suddenly vlc can't play vids anymore. But if u pull `top` or whatever process viewer it shows that its running behind the scene. but acted like didn't even start.

3. Okay, vlc misbehaving, smplayer is well unpredictable. It runs and plays with audio with the video screen being transparent, completely! I mean the video place just shows through to the desktop or whatever window is behind it.

4. I am using Gnome, nvidia card, been using these apps not until recent they get buggy and having issues. And oh yeah, codecs are in, I install them all and double checked.

5. I am suspecting compiz? Or Metacity compositing feature?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Radeon HD4870 On Lucid Bar Appears Whilst Dual Screen?

May 7, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit and I'm having a problem with the graphics card.

I have dual screens, and I'm using the default card. My Left screen is perfectly normal but my right screen has a black bar, roughly 2cm wide, along the left hand side of it. And that hole screen is shifted to the left 2cm (so if I maximise a window in it you can't see about 2 cm of the right edge).

I'm not sure why this is happening. Worked on Karmic. Haven't installed anything, just the defaults. My graphics card is a Radeon HD 4870.

Also, I couldn't get Compiz to work with this card on Karmic, is it possible to get it to work here on Lucid? I heard they were improving the drivers. If so, how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Selecting Install, Blank Screen With Blinking Cursor Appears?

Mar 11, 2011

1) Burned Ubuntu 10.10 to a disk, When tried to install (Select Install Ubuntu) screen goes blank with dim backlight and a blinking cursor on top. Same thing happens with Try Ubuntu without installing.. 2) Tried on Lenovo T410 and Dell 1330. issue exactly remains the same.3) Tried it on a VM Worksation 6.0, "This kernel requires an x86-64 cpu but only detected an i686 error is popping up". So thought its a Ubuntu x32 an compatibility, hence downloading the 64 bit now. Will burn and check it later.

Brand: Lenovo T410
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M520 @2.40Ghz
BIOS: A1674IMS Ver 1.0L


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General :: Network Starts Then Drops When CLI Login Screen Appears?

May 17, 2010

I've restarted a server a couple times, and during the boot process pings respond when it brings up eth0, but then when i get to the command line login screen, the pings die. once i log in and do a ./network start the pings respond again, so i'm guessing its dying or not set to start automatically maybe? What should I check?

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General :: LiveUSB - Boot Screen Appears But Do Not Start And Continue

Aug 5, 2010

I created a live usb and I am trying to boot linux, but after it starts a large written ubuntu screen when starting appears i.e its boot screen but it do not start and continues as if it is still loading.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Vids In Fast Forward?

Aug 23, 2010

videos/hulu/etc. are suddenly screwed up. i get no sound and the videos all play in fast forward. i'm assuming i missed the solution to this in one of the many ginormous threads on here...can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Online Vids Jerky?

Apr 26, 2011

why some online video players are coming up with just a grey or black screen and the ones that do come i am waiting till they are downloaded(i mean in the scrub bar at bottom of player is full) are playing jerky.. i am using mozilla 3.6.16 with shockwave flash 10.1 and the gnash swf player add-on.I know its not the pc because when i first installed ubuntu about three months ago all sites played fine. i feel it changed after one of the updates.

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General :: Can't Get Music Or Vids Onto 4th Gen Ipod Touch In Ubuntu

Jan 26, 2011

Bought an Ipod Touch 4th Gen today, and I can't get Ubuntu 10.04 to talk to it in a meaningful way. So far I've tried dling Mediamonkey and running it on Wine - no good. I successfully installed the latest itunes and can run it with Wine, but the ipod doesn't show up on the devices menu on the left. I can see an Ipod touch icon on my desktop and in nautilus, and I can drag files into the ipod via nautilus, but they don't show up on the ipod's music menu. There's an option to open the ipod w/ Rhythmbox, but when I do, it isn't there (in rhythmbox). I'd rather not resort to jailbreaking. I guess I wouldn't mind using virtualbox, but I don't have a copy of XP handy. Mediachest looks like garbage to me, and I don't know how to work it.

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Ubuntu :: Browser - Plain White Blank Screen Appears Only With The Titile Bar Named Firefox ?

Jan 13, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10.10 alongside Win7 recently, absolutely new to this OS.

Experiencing problems with firefox browser. A plain White blank screen appears only with the titile bar named Firefox. Actually when the web-browser icon is clicked, just a cursor BAR appears stuck inside the extreme left end of the screen (cursor bar something like the one we find in word processors or this blinking line while I type this). I manually have to expand the bar in order to get the firefox browser, which is the plain white screen.

Initially had problems with the missing wireless firmware, reading through this forum I activated the Broadcom driver. But before that, I wired in my laptop to the router and then FIREFOX worked fine, after an update which installed bout 214 updates the firefox got conked.

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Debian Multimedia :: No Lock Screen Appears After Waking Computer From Suspension

Jun 3, 2015

I am running Debian 8 with the Xfce Desktop Environment.

I was unhappy with the lock screen on Xfce so I removed xscreensaver and wrote a short custom locking script, which basically involves using i3lock along with some additional commands to make things pretty. I was able to change the default locking behaviour by modifying /usr/bin/xflock4 to run my_lock.sh.

Unfortunately, no lock screen appears whenever I suspend ie after waking the computer from suspension I don't need to type a password in. I would like to force Xfce to lock the screen with my_lock.sh before actually suspending, but I don't know how to do this.

I know that Xfce runs Code: Select allxfce4-session-logout -s when suspending, but xfce4-session-logout is a binary file which I cannot edit.

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Fedora :: Launch Compiz Fusion Icon The Screen Just Goes White And Nothing Appears

Oct 24, 2009

I wanted to have some cool effects in my desktop and have just installed compiz fusion in fedora 11 (kde) but when i launch compiz fusion icon the screen just goes white and nothing appears.

My laptop is dell xps m1330.

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Fedora :: After New Kernel - When Start Up And The Login Screen Appears It No Longer Says My Username

May 22, 2010

Well, to start off my graphics card didn't work but I got that fixed.

When I start up and the login screen appears it no longer says my username and Other.. under it. It only displays Other.. I have to click that type in my username and then my password. When I log on the Auto Bug Reporting tool pops up and says 3 things crashed

I can't change my system time, shutdown or reboot under system or my username in the top right hand corner. I have to su and manually type reboot or shutdown to shutdown. It is like the computer is completely restricting me from using it.

When I try to get into my firewall an error comes up

I cannot mount anything:

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Debian Installation :: Whezzy - When System Begins To Boot - Appears A White Screen

Aug 27, 2011

I downloaded a debian whezzy media after installation when the system begins to boot the system appears a white screen, and not from any error.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Freezes After Surfing Around?

Apr 30, 2011

I recently upgraded to 11.04 and when I browse to pages that use the flashplugin the whole system froze. So I installed the flashplugin that somehow got deinstalled and while installing the system froze again. I fixed the dpkg and then I could connect to websites using flash but nonetheless the system freezes after some seconds using any browser. I have a Netgear WLAN card that uses Windows drivers as there are none for linux. It worked alright in 10.04 for a whole long time. On my netbook with 11.04 everything works like a charm...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 1104 On HP Desktop - Error Code = 1001 - Doesnt Start - Just Appears A Black Screen

Jun 2, 2011

I install UBUNTU 1104 on HP Desktop PC, but now it doesnt start. Just appears a Black screen with this msg: Error Code = 1001.

I want reinstall but PC is not reading CD, But the CD drive is working.

I install UBUNTU 11 in other 6 PCs, and work fine.

PC inf.: HP Compaq dc5800 Small Form Factor

I never install Windows on this PC. The original OS was UBUNTU 9.04 and updates.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Normal User Cannot Login - Screen Blinks - A Black Page Appears

Jun 27, 2010

I can't log into my normal user account anymore, though I can log in with root without any problem. When I enter my normal user name and password, the screen blinks, a black page appears and after a couple of seconds I get the login screen again. I deleted /tmp files but no changes. I tried to login using command mode. So I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 and log into root in command mode, then ran init3, then switched user to my normal user and ran startx. It worked and I logged into my normal account, but I can not do this process every time. So, what is the problem? How can I solve this problem? I used to work with my normal user flawlessly. I installed a bunch of software and also copied some folders to my home directory, but I don't know whether these activities caused the problem or not. I'm using KDE4 under openSUSE 11.2.

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SUSE / Novell :: Installing OpenSUSE 11.1 On Playstation 3 - On Startup A Blue/grey Screen Appears

Jan 17, 2009

I just tried installing OpenSUSE 11.1 onto my Playstation 3. I installed the otheros.bld fine (which I downloaded via a link provided on the OpenSUSE website). I then inserted my 32-bit Gnome CD for installation and restarted my system. Then on startup, a blue/grey screen appears. Here are the links to the screenshot (sorry for poor quality):

[Full Screen]

[Top Half]

[Bottom Half]

As you can see, the only option is for me to select the gameboot, which obviously takes me back to the Playstation XMB. There are keys at the bottom of the screen, but this is only to change the resolution. So I have no option to install the OS.

Does anybody know why this screen appears and have any ideas on how I can get around this problem to install SUSE onto my Playstation?

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