Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Online Vids Jerky?

Apr 26, 2011

why some online video players are coming up with just a grey or black screen and the ones that do come i am waiting till they are downloaded(i mean in the scrub bar at bottom of player is full) are playing jerky.. i am using mozilla 3.6.16 with shockwave flash 10.1 and the gnash swf player add-on.I know its not the pc because when i first installed ubuntu about three months ago all sites played fine. i feel it changed after one of the updates.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Streaming Online Radio Server?

Dec 9, 2009

tried to do a search for this but it's a bit of a tricky thing to search for. Basically what I'm after is a solution for my work so I can stream a online radio station down to 1 server, and then have the clients stream the audio from that. Anyone know if that's possible?

Online Radio >> Server >> Clients

Any linux or winblows solution would be fine, I'm just trying to look for a solution that would cut down on the internet bandwidth usage, but still allow uses to listen to online radio.

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Debian Multimedia :: Streaming .avi Online | Multimedia Server

Apr 13, 2010

I want to stream .avi *divx/xvid* (because of the nice compression and quality) online and have all streams accessible through a web based library type thing. Something like Jinzora ( http://en.jinzora.com/ ) is what I am looking for, but it's buggy. I would even be satisfied with a web based library of streams that you click and open with an external program. I have searched a lot for this and the only thing I found that can do this how I want (if it worked right) was jinzora. I don't want to convert to mpeg4 or flv because of size and quality issues.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Online Video Streaming Freezes On Full Screen

Nov 25, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.10 on Dell Inspiron 1525 dual boot with vista. My concern is streaming online videos through websites such as BBC iplayer, sky news, ....., NDTV news channel, etc. Videos are streaming perfectly fine as long as they are not running on full screen but if I try to run them on full screen video freezes (after a few minutes, say 5). Interestingly, sound does not stop. I can still hear the latest news updates but the video does not correspond. Same videos are running fine whether full screen or not in vista.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Streaming Flash Videos Online - Sound Does Not Work

Apr 25, 2010

running kubuntu 9.10 karmic koala, and my sound settings -at first glance- seem to be in order... a strange thing is occurring, is my machine haunted? my sound works when:

a. the machine boots up
b. files are played in dragon player
c. the machine shuts down

my sound does not work when:

1. i try to play streaming flash videos online (e.g. videos videos show the image but no sound will play)
2. the same goes for vlc media player: images yes, sound no.
3. i use skype *edit: additional problem*

i made no changes, that i know of, to my machine before this started happening. one day everything was working fine and i turned off my machine to go to sleep. the next day, i turn on my machine, and surprise, the sound doesn't work in some instances.

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Ubuntu :: Software For Streaming Radio Online?

Jan 1, 2010

Is t here any app in Ubuntu that is equivalent to Mac's Radioshift?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Vlc Can't Play Vids Anymore

May 30, 2011

1. I use exclusively smplayer and vlc for video playing

2. Suddenly vlc can't play vids anymore. But if u pull `top` or whatever process viewer it shows that its running behind the scene. but acted like didn't even start.

3. Okay, vlc misbehaving, smplayer is well unpredictable. It runs and plays with audio with the video screen being transparent, completely! I mean the video place just shows through to the desktop or whatever window is behind it.

4. I am using Gnome, nvidia card, been using these apps not until recent they get buggy and having issues. And oh yeah, codecs are in, I install them all and double checked.

5. I am suspecting compiz? Or Metacity compositing feature?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Vids In Fast Forward?

Aug 23, 2010

videos/hulu/etc. are suddenly screwed up. i get no sound and the videos all play in fast forward. i'm assuming i missed the solution to this in one of the many ginormous threads on here...can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVD ISO Plays, But Burned DVD Is Jerky?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an odd problem with a copied DVD. I started with a commercial DVD and created an ISO file. The ISO file plays perfectly with VLC. I take the ISO file and burn it to a DVD+RDL without error. The burned DVD will not properly play on my computer or DVD player. It loads, but the menu is jerky and full of video block artifacts. The menu does not function properly. I tried this more than once with different software, including going directly to the DVD. I am using a drive that worked before, with the same stack of DVD+Rs that I used before.

Here is where it gets interesting: I can take the non-working burned DVD and copy it to a new ISO file. The new ISO file works fine with VLC. Obviously the data is getting properly copied from the source DVD, and it must be good on the burned DVD, but it won't play properly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Jerky When Screen Saver Comes On?

Jan 17, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10. I have an Nvidia GeForce2 MX/MX 400 video card. When I changed my screensaver to something other than blank screen, it screws up my graphics. The Screensaver looks fine in the preview window, but if I click the Preview button (full screen), my screen becomes jerky and slow. My screen savers worked fine in 8.04. I recently upgraded and I began having this problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Poor Performance For X264 - Video Is All Jerky In VLC ?

Jan 25, 2010

So for the last, oh, three or four hours now, I've been trying to get videos to play properly in Ubuntu. I have the default player, I have vlc, I (apparently) installed mplayer, but it won't play anything at all.

I was having horrible screen tearing with standard definition .avi's in vlc, fixed that by setting vsync in catalyst control center to always on or whatever it is.

Now, I have tried to run a 720p x264 video. It PLAYS, but not well. Audio is fine, however video is all jerky in VLC, and in Totem it's just a mess of screen tearing (although the video does no jerk on that player).

I have just spent HOURS trying to get VIDEOS TO PLAY. This makes no sense. Playing a video should be the simplest thing in the world for any OS to do, but with Ubuntu it is like pulling teeth. I have NEVER been so frustrated while using a computer. What is going on here?

BTW, I installed every single thing needed to use mplayer but it still does not work. The player comes up but will not play any type of file.

My system specs:
2.2Ghz dual core (intel)
3gb ram
1GB radeon hd 4650 vid card
asus ipibl-lb mobo

I was really enjoying Ubuntu until I got around to trying to watch some videos. Now I am maybe minutes away from going back to vista. At least on there I can watch full 1080p videos if I want with no problems.

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Debian Multimedia :: Jerky Scrolling Since Installing Squeeze?

May 21, 2010

Just done a Debian Squeeze install after being sick-to-death of Ubuntu crashing. I have tried several different browsers, and all of the have an annoying scrolling action when I scroll down the page.As it's not browser specific, can I assume it's something like X-windows? This is annoying enough to get me to use another distro.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video With My Laptop Display - HP Compaq Nx9010 - Millions Of Jerky Horizontal Lines

Jan 17, 2011

I have a HP Compaq nx9010 laptop with 1 gig of memory and 128mb being dedicated to video memory. The graphics chip is ATI Radeon IGP 345M.

I can only set my resolution to 1024 X768. If I try to change it to any other size or try to play any games, the video has millions of jerky horizontal lines going through it. If I hookup an external monitor the video works just fine. Being new to linux and even newer to installing on it laptops, can anyone tell me what if any thing can be done to correct this. I am running Ubuntu 10.4 LTS.

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General :: Can't Get Music Or Vids Onto 4th Gen Ipod Touch In Ubuntu

Jan 26, 2011

Bought an Ipod Touch 4th Gen today, and I can't get Ubuntu 10.04 to talk to it in a meaningful way. So far I've tried dling Mediamonkey and running it on Wine - no good. I successfully installed the latest itunes and can run it with Wine, but the ipod doesn't show up on the devices menu on the left. I can see an Ipod touch icon on my desktop and in nautilus, and I can drag files into the ipod via nautilus, but they don't show up on the ipod's music menu. There's an option to open the ipod w/ Rhythmbox, but when I do, it isn't there (in rhythmbox). I'd rather not resort to jailbreaking. I guess I wouldn't mind using virtualbox, but I don't have a copy of XP handy. Mediachest looks like garbage to me, and I don't know how to work it.

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Ubuntu :: Surfing The Web And Watchin Vids....the Screen Appears Jumpy?

Feb 17, 2011

1: when im surfing the web and watchin vids....the screen appears jumpy? i think its a graphic card problem but i dont know were to find it.......or how to sort this!2: using skype i find that my mic dont work but my cam dose...when i use the sound recorder in the applications the mic works!!!3: i had a wireless symbol at the top on the panel but now its gone!!! any ideas where i can find it to put it back up there!!4:i instailed itunes using WINE but now i cant remove it due to the fact that everytime i chose uninstail it reinstalls!!? i want to remove it coz it is jumpy too!!!i aint too sure if my notebook has got to be modified to be able to use ubuntu 10.10 to the best it has to offer

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Networking :: Darwin Streaming Server Video Streaming Local Only?

May 26, 2009

I successfully installed darwin streaming server .. I stream Audio through internet well but videos I can stream locally in my network only .. when I am connected to internet outside my network .. it doesn't stream I think their must be ports opened for that .. or any 1 have any ideas .. the audio is streamed on port 8000 .. video is streamed on port 7070 but locally only .. I opened those 2 ports in my router only the audio is working .. also I opened ports 554,7170 disabled the firewall of the router .. is it a problem of ports or something else .

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Run The Streaming In The Background ?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm looking for better tweak my current streaming setup to my analog TV. I'm running everything from the S-Video out on my graphics card to the s-video input on my TV so in essence my computer is occupied if i'm watching something streaming from it.I have an digital converter box hooked up to my tv via coax and a upscaling dvd player to it via component video.Is there a way I could run the streaming in the background or get it so it sends a full true signal and converts it much like the digital video?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: What Is Streaming Link [URL]

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to record a show from the following website [URL]. Is there some way to figure out what the streaming url is? I have a script that I am using for another station, but I need the url from this station. Here is the url in my current script: [URL] What is it for the station I've listed above?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Media To TV ?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm dual-booting Win7 and Ubuntu Maverick on both a laptop and a desktop, of course using Ubuntu for as much as I can. Now, I've also got a new Sony Bravia TV that is connected to my home network. I've found it so incredibly easy to stream media from my computers to the TV under Win7 and it really bites me because I want it to be like that in Ubuntu too. But it isn't. sources for streaming media from Ubuntu to a network-connected TV?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming M3u Through Server With No GUI?

Jun 20, 2011

About a year ago I installed Ubuntu Server 9.10 Karmic on a machine at my work to act as a file/print server and ftp host. I managed this with a lot of googling and reading of forums and it's still all working exactly as it did on day 1!

Now I would like to use the server to stream a local radio station through speakers into the workshop. I have again googled but have not managed to come up with a solution for a server sytem with no GUI...

The radio station streams in a m3u format.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open Synaptic Package Manager And Can't Play Mp4 Vids With Video Player

Jun 10, 2011

When I try to open SPM I enter my password and I get this message: Unable to get exclusive lock. This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first.

I don't understand because I will have no other program running and I make sure of it.

Then when I try playing mp4 with video player I get this message: The required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable plugins to play media files. Do you want to search for a plugin that supports the selected file?

The search will also include software which is not officially supported.

So I happily click search, it finds the required software and asks if i want to install, I click to install, put in my password, but nothing ever gets installed. It's just idle. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Streaming Audio From SWF?

Feb 2, 2010

I would like to record the audio from a streaming audio swf file. The site is:[URL]I found how to record audio from flash files (ie. .....) but not streaming from swf. Would anyone know how to do this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Video (NFS) To Netbook?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a ubuntu desktop running 9.04 and a Acer Netbook running UNR 9.04.Using NFS I have shared my videos from the desktop and have it automounted at start up on the netbook. I can navigate to the files but once I click play, the netbook locks up.Is this a limitation on my hardware or is there a better way to "stream" these vids?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Video (MP4) To PS3 And/or Xbox 360

Mar 3, 2010

I would like to stream my HD Movie collection over a wireless network to my PS3 and/or Xbox 360.

All my movie files are MP4s and I wondering if it is possible to do this. If possible, I'd like to use the VLC player to do this but its not too important. I really really really do not want to sacrifice any video or sound quality while streaming.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound On Streaming Videos?

Mar 19, 2010

If I try playing ..... or other streaming video I have no sound. It used to work and then my dumbA$$ tinkered with it and now I have restored Flash, which was working flawlessly, don't know where my head was at but it was dark and smelly.

EDIT: I have Ubuntu 9.10 and my sound card is an nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2). I tried to follow along with the instructions in the sticky regarding the


Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions Guide

but when it gave me the instruction to select my sound card manufacturer from the drop down menu, I never found it.

FWIW, my speaker are on and they play music, system sounds etc, just no sound for streaming video. Pandora works fine etc. Also, this is isolated to Firefox, as it works fine in Opera.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IP Camera Video Streaming

Apr 6, 2010

My local priest has asked me if I can use my computer skills to stream church services live for people who can't make it to church.I said, sure thing! I thought it would be simple, but the deeper I look into it, the more lost I have become!Here's the tech requirements:

- A camera with good optical zoom and focused on the altar (the camera will be stationed at an unobtrusive point at the back of the church on the choir balcony)
- Everything must be wireless (power is available on choir balcony to power the camera).
- Sound should be synchronised perfectly with the video (have access to the church PA system - located behind altar)
- the internet connection should be able to upload the stream to a virtual server (i.e. with root access) that's accessible to the web with ease. What upload speed would I need? Would 256k be enough? HD video is not required - ..... quality would be great. We can upgrade to HD at a later point in time!
- What bandwidth requirement would my server need if say 1000 users were connected? Seeing as they would most likely be locals, would just one stream be sent to the local exchange and that exchange would send out the stream to the 1,000 users, or would each user have to have a dedicated connection to the server?
- Say I bought a camcorder with HDMI output, what kind of processing power would I need to convert this to compressed video? (I've got an old Pentium 4 and an AMD64 2.0GHz lying idle in my bedroom and it would be great to make use of 'em instead of chucking 'em on the skip)
- I'd like all this to be done so that HTML5 browsers can access the video, resorting to flash if necessary
- I'd also like to be able to power down all the hardware with ease: i.e. set a timer. I'm sure ubuntu can do this with ease? What about configuring the camera to zoom in every time it is powered on? Can linux control the zoom on a camcorder?
- Am I totally nuts?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Build A Streaming Box Or Cables ?

May 19, 2010

So I'm sitting on some components from my old pc build and am looking to stream over my tv once again. My decision rests on do I build the box, run Boxee and/or Windows Media Platform to keep the box with my TV or do I buy the 35ft RCA video cable and dvi composite out adapter for my video card and go that route? All my music and media is stored on a external backup drive so the box I build would not have access to the media unless I could create a wireless network but I do not know how to do this with Ubuntu. Anyone willing to hold my hand and help me walk through this to get a decision made?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming To Media Player - VLC

Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to stream a live dvb feed to windows media player on a number of desktops. I have VLC and all the codecs etc installed.

I am starting my stream with the following command:


After vlc loads, I get the following error:


It seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder: MPEG Audio layer 1/2/3.

If you don't know how to fix this, ask for support from your distribution.

This is not an error inside VLC media player. Do not contact the VideoLAN project about this issue. After some searching around, I found a guide on setting up ffmpeg at [url] which I have followed. I am still getting the error.

Do I need to add any other codecs to make this work?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Video Over The Internet?

Jun 16, 2010

I've got a NAS mounted on a linux machine, and here at another location, I have my Ubuntu laptop. I'm able to remotely, securely mount the directory my NAS is mounted on in the linux machine onto my laptop via sshfs, giving me remote access to my NAS via my laptop.The problem I'm having is.. even though I have a high downstream at the laptop end, and a hefty 1mb upstream at my home, I still can't quite stream the movies I have stored on it. I can stream them, but there is a lot of stuttering.I've tried messing around w/ various options w/ mplayer, but I can only improve it slightly at best. Am I missing something? Is it a size issue that it comes down to? The files are roughly 700mb for a 1 1/2 - 2 hr avi file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Realtime Streaming Of Mic Input Over LAN?

Jul 21, 2010

I have investigated loads and loads of options and haven't really yet come across what I need.

I wish to stream the microphone input from a PC using Lucid to another PC also using Lucid on the same network. I don't care about the quality, however, latency is really important. I hope to use it to monitor the cries of my baby daughter, so the lower the latency the better.

I have tired various options:

- FFserver and FFmpeg - latency of over 30 seconds

- VLC - couldn't get it to work with my mic and maxes out the CPU

- ssh server 'cat /dev/dsp > /dev/dsp' - latency of around 5 seconds by audio keeps breaking up with huge delays

- icecast2 and darkice - latency of around 7 seconds but no audio breakups

I've been reading on maybe using PulseAudio to stream the input, but I am not sure if it will work or not...

how to get near real-time streaming audio? As I said, it is the realtime, not the quality that is important...

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