Ubuntu :: Retrieving Openpgp Key In Natty?

Jun 18, 2011

im trying to register my openpgp key in launchpad


Importing an OpenPGP key

To import your OpenPGP key into Launchpad, you first need the key's fingerprint.

Note: You must ensure your key is in the Ubuntu keyserver before you try to add it to Launchpad.

Retrieving the key in Ubuntu

The easiest way to generate a new OpenPGP key in Ubuntu is to use the Passwords and Encryption Keys tool. If you are using Ubuntu 10.04 or an earlier version, it is located at Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys. In Ubuntu 10.10 and later versions, it is located at System > Preferences > Passwords and Encryption Keys.

Step 1 Open Passwords and Encryption Keys.

Step 2 Select the My Personal Keys tab, select your key and open the property window by pressing Space Bar or double clicking with your pointer. Select the Details tab of the property window.

Step 3 Select the Fingerprint text (the ten blocks of numbers and letter). Copy the text by pressing the Ctrl+c keys together.

Retrieving the key using the GPG command

Open a terminal and enter:

gpg --fingerprint

GPG will display a message similar to:

pub 1024D/12345678 2007-01-26
Key fingerprint = 0464 39CD 2486 190A 2C5A 0739 0E68 04DC 16E7 CB72
Geoffrey Hayes (My OpenPGP key) <geoffrey@bungle.com>
sub 2048g/ABCDEF12 2007-01-26

Highlight and copy only the numeric fingerprint: 0464 39CD 2486 190A 2C5A 0739 0E68 04DC 16E7 CB72 in the example above.

so i followed these instructions, and there was nothing in my "personal keys", same for the command. so my question is how do i get the fingerprint to be able to register my key in launchpad?

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Ubuntu :: Add A OpenPGP Key For Launchpad?

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to add a OpenPGP key for launchpad. It said to use this command.

gpg --fingerprint
When I use that command nothing shows.

Next I clicked on the the How to get the fingerprint. It said to go into Passwords and Encryption Keys. Then the My Personal Keys tab. I have nothing there. What should I do to get something there?

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Ubuntu Security :: OpenPGP Acii Version Of Pub / Sub Key?

Mar 2, 2010

I've made OpenPGP keys using gpg 1.4.9.I have a public key and a sub key.And a passphrase.I can distribute the pub key. What is sub key? Can I distribute sub key?I think the phasephrase is the private key. Right ? (in the RSA Algorithm)?Where to use the Secure Shell Key? And why to distribute it?

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Ubuntu :: Gpg: No Valid OpenPGP Data Found

May 24, 2010

I'm having a problem installing Tor. I've installed it successfully a few times before thanks the excellent guide at: [URL] The error I'm having is when I request the gpg key:


ocean@ubuntu:~$ gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89
gpg: requesting key 886DDD89 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net

Then after quite a delay all I get now (instead of "OK") is:


gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: Total number processed: 0

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get OpenPGP Key From The Command Line?

Oct 19, 2010

I was just having some trouble getting an OpenPHP Key on Ubuntu Server. The link from Launchpad said, "go to applications..." but I'm not using a desktop environment, so I had to go to [URL] to learn how. Basically it boiled down to this:


gpg --cert-digest-algo=SHA256 --default-preference-list="h10 h8 h9 h11 s9 s8 s7 s3 z2 z3 z1 z0" --gen-key


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Security :: OpenPGP - MDC Packet - SHA1

Mar 29, 2010

OpenPGP Standard RFC 4880, not really a Linux Question, but as may be using GnuPG on Linux I thought I would ask here

The Modification Detection Code Packet is defined to use SHA-1, even though it does state in section 13.11. that this can be altered, and gives example methods. However this would cause interoperability, (q1)so I assume there is no standard method of doing this??

- How much of a threat do you believe this to be? Even though the SHA-1 hash is encrypted within the symmetrically encrypted integrity protected data packet.

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Ubuntu :: Which Jabber/XMPP Client Supports Both Signing And Encrypting Messages With Openpgp

Jun 16, 2010

I've been trying to find out which jabber/XMPP clients out there automatically sign messages with openpgp you send but documentation on that has been spotty. Could you tell me a. if you know any clients that can easily sign and encrypt all outgoing messages and b. should I worry if a client is only able to sign presence and not messages?

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General :: Encrypt Using OpenPGP Certain Outgoing Emails On My Linux Server?

Aug 20, 2010

I am looking to be able to encrypt using OpenPGP certain outgoing emails on my linux server. Currently I have GPG setup with a public key, however encryption outgoing emails prooved to be harded.After a bit of research I have found GNU Anubis which acts as a middlemad between the MUA and the MTA, by encrypting emails before they reach my MTA (Sendmail)However I am having a bit of problem with the configuration of bind and remote-mta, as specified by anubis.I have the sendmail service running on port 25 and I want to leave it there, but I have configured my php.ini SMTP port to 24. So it runs through port 24 first and anubis then forwards the emails via remote-mta to port 25Here are my anubis configs:

bind localhost:24
local-mta /path/to/my/sendmail
remote-mta localhost:25

With all those set, I can't seem to get the basic modication of emails to work. (trying to change a certain subject to something else, just to see that anubis is working). However emails are still working with port 24 as the SMTP port.

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Files From BusyBox?

May 8, 2011

I've been having a problem with this "BusyBox", and unlike windows, my files are not able to be "stolen" to another operating system. I need to get my files back from /home back.

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Windows 7 Product Key?

Jul 16, 2011

I've got a laptop here where the Windows product key has been torn from the bottom. Windows will not boot up on this laptop (it blue screens). When I remove the hard drive from the laptop and install it into my working Windows computer, the partition shows up as "raw". However, the partition mounts under Ubuntu just fine, so I'm wondering if there are any Linux tools that will allow me to retrieve the Windows 7 product key, from within Linux...

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Files From Root.disk?

Jun 24, 2010

So I had a problem with my ubuntu 10.04 on wubi. so i saved the root.disk and uninstalled it then reinstalled unbuntu 10.04 as another partition. I did the mount thing with the root.disk and now and trying to move files over. I need permission for that and its asking me for a sudo password and i didnt set one. i tried using sudo bash and its also not working.

igor@igor-laptop:~$ sudo bash
root@igor-laptop:~# mv '/mnt/usr/share/themes' '/usr/share'
mv: inter-device move failed: `/mnt/usr/share/themes' to `/usr/share/themes'; unable to remove target: Is a directory

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Gmail Password From Evolution?

Sep 2, 2010

I have several Gmail accounts. On one of my Ubuntu-running computers (Hardy) Evolution remembers the passwords. Which is a good thing, as I can't remember one of the passwords.

When I'm out and about with my netbook, I like to check my email. But I don't use Evolution on the netbook; I access the Gmail accounts via the web. And because I can't remember the password for one account, I can't check it.

Obviously, on my Hardy desktop, Evolution/Ubuntu remembers the password - so it must be stored on the computer, right? How do I get Ubuntu to tell me the password?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Stalls While Retrieving Files?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm installing 10.10 on a Dell laptop it appears the installation has stalled while retrieving file 26 or 64. It's been on this file for about an hour now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Retrieving Files After A Format ?

Jan 12, 2011

A co-worker was asking me if there was a way to recuperate his child's baptism photos from his HD after it had been reformatted following a crash. I heard that this was possible and even downloaded a few trial programs, but have yet to try them.

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Fedora :: Retrieving File From RPM?

Dec 18, 2010

I accidentally did:

$ strace -o /usr/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -d user

Of course this truncated the dovecot-lda file I was trying to trace down to a size of zero.

Is there a standard way to get this back from the RPM ?

That package has some configuration files I don't want copied over with the original RPM versions.

I am hoping for some nice option to rpm that will retrieve lost files like that and get the permissions and ownerships set right as opposed to brute force rpm2cpio and then manually copy the file into place and then try to figure out correct ownership and perms.

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Programming :: Retrieving Value From Variable

Feb 5, 2010

how shall I print each variable separately using a generalized form. I tried writing the following within a for loop...Code:echo $(echo a$(echo $i)$(echo $j))which did yield no result. So what shall I write??

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Ubuntu :: Install Does Not Get Past Retrieving Apt-mirror-setup

Dec 12, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu studio 10.10 it starts to go through the setup steps but after it scans the cd I get the message "Retrieving apt-mirror-setup" and it stays ay 0%.

I have tried both with internet and without and I get the same problem. It is a brand new disc with no os ever installed on it. Is the a way to force the installer to skip the mirror check?

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General :: Retrieving Data From Old Windows XP Hdd?

May 6, 2011

I use Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal and my wife who is not an Ubuntu convert still uses Microsoft Windows. Recently her ageing PC stopped functioning and she bought a more powerful PC with Windows 7 as the OS. Unfortunately, most of her specialised work software refuses to run on Windows 7, but she still wants / requires access to retrieve information from the old drive which was running (past tense) Windows XP Professional up until recently. Because of her fear of breaking the warranty on her new shiny PC, she won't let me remove the casing and fit the old drive. So, the question is, if I fit her old drive into my Ubuntu machine would it harm either my PC or her hdd? Also, these new SATA drives have no jumper settings (slave/master etc). How do I set it up and how do I get the information from this hdd?

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General :: Retrieving Partitions At Bootup

May 5, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed but when booting up the partitions are not visible on the boot loader. I have tried grub-install and update-grub off a live CD but to no avail, fdisk show the partitions still exist.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Retrieving Files From A Secondary Reiser Disk

Oct 19, 2010

I've been running various releases of Suse Linux on my home PC for about 6 years (currently running Suse 11.2). The old hard disk in that machine is starting to experience read errors, so I bought a new disk to put into the PC which otherwise works fine.

So I figure now is a good time to give Ubuntu a try. I plan to install the KDE version of ubuntu on the new drive, but once that's finished I will want to mount the old disk and copy as much as I can off of it onto the new disk (JPEGs, old documents, stuff under my home directory.

The old disk uses Reiser. I have read various threads concerning problems with mounting Reiser FS disks under ubuntu, but many of them are old so it's not clear to me what the current status of support for Reiser in ubuntu is.

I am planning to do the following:

1) Remove the old disk from the PC, put the new disk in its place.

2) Install kubuntu on the new disk.

3) Put the old disk back into the machine along with the new one with the old one being the slave/secondary disk so that when I power up the machine, it will be running ubuntu off of the new disk.

At this point I will want to mount the old disk so I can then start copying files off of it.

What do I need to do to mount the old disk, keeping in mind it uses the Reiser file system?

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Debian Installation :: Stops At 'Retrieving File 811 0f 811'?

Feb 11, 2010

I had Lenny installed on my Acer Aspire laptop however I've had to try to reinstall it.The installation stops at 'Retrieving file 811 of 811' from the ftp server and thats it.I've tried a few times with the same result and I have done many installs without any issue except for this time.

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OpenSUSE :: Retrieving Backed Up Album Art For Amarok?

Sep 20, 2010

I recently deleted my .kde4 folder and lost all the album art and lyrics I had saved in Amarok. I have a back up but openSUSE doesn't recognized the file type and won't copy the files to the new albumcovers folder in .amarok. The file name is a mixture of numbers and letters with no file extension.

I downloaded a few album covers in Amarok and openSUSE recognizes these as jpeg files, even though there's no jpg file extension in the file name. If I right click on of the files from my backup and choose to open it with Amarok, then the album art appears, and it's also added to the albumcovers folder in .amarok, and recognized as a jpeg file!

Anyone know why openSUSE doesn't recognize the files from my backup? Or how I can import all of the album art and lyrics from my back up all at the same time?

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General :: Retrieving A Public RSA Key Through The Command Line?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm doing a project demonstrating weaknesses in facebook's security setup, and I've reached a bit of a roadblock.I need to retrieve the public RSA key of the website (facebook) that it uses for https traffic. I know I can do this through firefox and everything, but I need to do it through the command line. If that's possible, that would be great, and would lead me to question number two. Once I have the public key, how would I use it to decrypt raw network traffic, like from wireshark, that came from facebooks servers that was encrypted using the public key?

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General :: Retrieving Previous Command For All Users?

Mar 17, 2011

Allow me to submit that i did a mistake of not saving the work which i done in the past few months. i have used history command to see the previous commands. But trouble is that since i had worked a lot on gnome-terminal, only last 1000 commands are shown. Is it possible to see list of all the previous commands for all users. Also, sorry if this sounds absurd, but is it possible to save the details of a session onto a single file ? I not sure but when i had worked on vector Linux, i had used some command to save sessions at the terminal. Is there any analogous command in Ubuntu 10.04 also ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server 9.10 Hangs At Retrieving Libc6-udeb / Sort It Out?

Jun 16, 2010

When installing Ubuntu Server 9.10 (onto a gatewar 6400), it hangs at the screen Retrieving libc6-udeb. How do I fix this?

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Fedora Hardware :: Retrieving Data From A Damaged Drive?

Jul 4, 2011

My laptop was damaged a couple of months ago. Just a short drop from the couch, but it was hard enough to make the HD inaccessible. I took it to a local, respected shop but they couldn't save any of the data and simply installed a new HD after consulting me.

I have the old drive and would still like to retrieve the data, if the price is right. What should I ask about when looking for another repair shop?

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General :: Retrieving Data From Corrupt File System?

Oct 26, 2009

basically the situation I'm in is someone mistakenly expanded an NAS without unmounting the drive on the server. This corrupted the superblock and its apparent that all the backups are no good. The drive in question was expanded from about 800gigs to 1.8TBs, its done via an NAS.

At this point I'm most concerned about getting the files off the drive, I can deal with resetting the file system but I really need those files. This happened within a week of me joining this group so I'm kind of doing damage control here, backups were not taken of this particular drive.

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General :: Retrieving Files From Damaged LVM Disk On CentOS 5.5?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm running CentOS 5.5.

A couple of weeks ago, my 500 GB disk crashed after suffering an accelerating error rate for a couple of days.

Now that I have a new disk in place, I want to mount my old disk, which is (was) an LVM disk, as a second disk and recover files from it if possible.

The question is, how do I go about this?

If I mount the old disk:

# mount /dev/sdb1 /sdb1

the top-level directory shows only two subdirectories:

lost+found, which is empty; restored, which is an image of files recovered from old disk's predecessor.

'df' shows (or appears to show) that the disk is 11% full. Sorry, I don't recall how full the disk was before it crashed.

How do I get the system to recognize the LVM structure on the old disk & mount it?

Or is the directory structure too corrupted? Do I need to send the disk out to a recovery service?

P.S. Have aleady done some poking around with lvmdiskscan, which shows the old disk whether it's mounted or not, and vgchange -ay, which doesn't appear to do anything.

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Programming :: Retrieving And Organizing Data From Command Output?

Mar 31, 2011

I was messing around with Bash scripting just now and was wondering if there was a way to organize the output of a command into an array. Like the Bash equivalent of the PHP explode() function.

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General :: Nagios Upgrade - Invalid Password While Retrieving Info

Jan 8, 2011

After upgrading nagios from version 2.x to version 3.x ,it's saying invalid password while retrieving information from the client machines.

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